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Guild Review

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Guild Review - Page 38 Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 4:24 am

Astrid wrote:
Astrid wrote:Submitting revision for Phantom Lord Perks under the 5/14/24 Guild Update.


Level 1:
  • Unseen Menace By tapping their guild mark, the user makes it disappear which hides their identity and prevents them from being invaded in topics they created. Users with a bounty instead have the effects of their reputation reduced by two levels.

Level 2:
  • Restricted Access: The user receives a 10% Reduction to Word Count Requirements for Quests.

Level 3:
  • Folie à Deux: When completing a request or social interaction with another member of Phantom Lord, both members are eligible to receive an additional +50% Jewels or +50% Experience applied to their total rewards for the topic. This bonus cannot be used to push total modifiers past the respective cap that can be given as a bonus reward.

Level 4:
  • Under the Table Negotiations: The user receives a 20% Discount to all purchases outside of the Misc. Section and the Mysterious Merchant.

Level 5:
  • The Phantom's Royal Ransom: At the start of every calendar month, the user receives an allotted amount equal to 2,500,000 Jewels that can be used towards any Shop Purchases outside of the Misc section and Mysterious Merchant. When used, the allotted amount must be used to cover the entirety of a purchase where applicable. If any purchase exceeds the available amount, the difference must be paid through the user's own Jewels. These Jewels may only be applied to the user's own purchases, cannot be sent to other character through the Bank, are reset at the start of the subsequent month, and if the user leaves Phantom Lord with any amount missing, that amount will be converted into a Blackwood Loan for the difference.

As the Phantom Lord Rank 5 perk was not approved, resubmitting a new perk proposal. This still falls under the 5/14/24 Guild Update.

Level 5:
  • The Phantom's Royal Boon: When doing quests, the user may utilize a collective total of 100 points that can be applied towards additional Experience Gained (10 Point | 10%), Jewels Received (10 Point | 10%), or initially declared in the first post of the quest towards Word Count Reduction (20 Points | 10%). Totals of modifiers cannot exceed maximum allowed.

Unfortunately astrid the Level five perk wouldn't work, so you'll have to consider something else. Sorry :[


Guild Review - Page 38 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:26 pm


I will be spending 2,500,000J to gain more slots in my guild.

Guild Review - Page 38 Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Guild Review - Page 38 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 10:33 pm


Lumikki has spend 2,500,000j to gain more slots for her guild.


Guild Review - Page 38 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:41 pm

I wish to join Paradise Dawn.... again


Guild Review - Page 38 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 2:31 pm


@Alexandre has rejoined Paradise Dawn... Again xD

Guild Review - Page 38 GPIjkMz

Guild Review - Page 38 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:23 pm

Zenith's Character Sheet

Zenith has enough RP posts to be guild level two within Fairy Tail:

  1. Nakama: Members may bring along lower-ranked Fairy Tail members on requests of their own rank as long as the lower-ranked Fairy Tail members is within two ranks of the request.
  2. Amicable Adventures: The user receives a 10% word count reduction on quests.

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Guild Review - Page 38 Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 10:36 am


@Zenith has reached level 2 in "Fairy Tail!"

Guild Review - Page 38 GPIjkMz

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