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Snowfall and Memories-Yu Ming-PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride

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#1Yuuki Hashimoto 

Snowfall and Memories-Yu Ming-PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride Empty Sat Sep 21, 2024 10:22 am

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki looked down at his hand which grasped a square piece of paper, a person was handing out a little further back on the street corner; it read 'One free gondola ride  for one person.'. Yuuki was confused as he was not sure what a gondola even was, considering Yuuki did very little traveling outside Joya and Seven, This was a unknown to him. Yuuki sighed before politely stopping someone passing by what a gondola was and where he could find one, the person explained that gondolas were a small boat used to navigate the many canals  that traced the city like a labyrinth, after they were done explaining what they were and that he could use the ticket at any gondola station Yuuki thanked the woman for her time and started his way over towards a station.

Yumi crawled out of the pocket in his haori she had been sleeping, and flew up to his left shoulder to sit on it "Whatcha doin?" She asked him curiously with a cute little yawn, Yuuki smirked "I guess were about to go take a boat ride." He said as he reached up and lightly poked her nose as he walked "Oooooooo, Really!? Sounds like fun!" The little pixie exclaimed excitedly, causing Yuuki to laugh a little. It still astounded him at how easily she got excited about things, then again losing your memories makes a lot of things new and exciting again.

Yuuki continued walking at a slow leisurely pace, it was rare for him to be in a rush anywhere now days, as out side fighting in the arena he really had no responsibilities or really anyone or anything that required much of his attention outside Yumi and guild duties; in which he had very little of those even. Yuuki had no friends besides Yumi, as Yuuki had been avoiding getting close with anyone, ever since he was forced to slay his best friend on the battle field for being on opposing sides of the civil war. This had left a wound on Yuukis heart that he was not sure would ever heal. While lost in his thoughts Yuuki felt something cold an wet land on the tip of his nose and much to his surprise it had begun to snow.

Yuuki was in awe of the small white flakes gracefully glided in the air as they fell to the ground reminding him of cherry blossoms in the spring when the trees began to shed them. "So pretty." Yuuki said softly although Yumi heard him and was currently buzzing with excitement over snow as she tried to catch the little flakes in her small hands, Yuuki chuckled at this as it was a very adorable sight. "Sometimes you're adorable Yumi." he said softly to the little pixie "Whatcha mean sometimes? Im adorable all the time!" She said with a huff as she turned away acting like she was pouting which made Yuuki giggle.

Yuuki was only about 20-30 feet from the gondola station, when a brisk breeze cut through him like a hot knife through butter causing him to shiver and make him wish he had worn warmer clothing. Yuuki only wore his summer haori, which was teal in color with his families crest emblazoned in gold across the back with faint silver coy dotting other parts as filler and it was made of silk which was not the best at keeping one warm. He also had on a hakama of similar color and pattern as the haori but it was made out of Bamboo linen so there for it was light and breathable, and the same went with the kimono top.

Yuuki sighed as he walked the final few feet to the gondola station, he knew this was gonna be cold but he surmised he would survive the ordeal. Yuuki approached the ticket counter and tried to use his ticket and was told he needed a second person to use it and that he could wait on the near by bench inside a little hut which was heated. Yuuki nodded and thanked the employee before making his way over and into the hut, "I guess we wait." he said with a sly smile as Yumi crawled down into his lap.

Post word count: 711
Total thread count: 711

#2Fei Yu 

Snowfall and Memories-Yu Ming-PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 3:32 pm

Fei Yu
How long had it been since she last set food in the coastal port town of Hargeon? It's peaceful streets filled with the countless canals that made the gondola rides a famous attraction all year round, but with the current season and its weather the gondola gained a far greater attention than usual. How did she know all this? Because the spirits had once told her so, or rather a particular spirit.

Even now the young fairy had absolutely no idea what had brought her back to Hargeon. It wasn't like she didn't like visiting the guild hall, after all she was quite fond of its people but even now she felt just a tiny bit bad about not being in the middle of doing work for the clock tower.

"There is no need to feel bad, everyone deserves a break every now and then: And that includes you, my lady." The chivalrous Nyancelot stated as he marched at her side. Even now Yu could scarcely believe she had finally been able to enjoy these days once more, these peaceful days alongside her friend. After all, there were likely not many who would believe the story behind her companion if she told them that he was in fact the heroic spirit of a deceased Exceed that she had whisked to freedom from the Throne of Heroes.

To think it was actually real, a realm connected to Earthland where the souls of Champions dwelled. She knew that by bringing him back to Earthland she had essentially committed a taboo, but in hindsight she was fine with that. If that was the cost she had to pay to be able to be reunited with her beloved friend then it was a price she gladly pay over and over again.

"I know Nyancelot, but we have so much work to do. There are the reports of the Caelish breach we still need to go through, the documenting of the Throne of Heroes and learning more about its origins. The powers and limitations of my artifact and-"

Bump- suddenly feeling her small body forced to a halt as Nyancelot stood right in front of her the lass gazed at her companion who decided to boop her on the nose with one of his paws. "Nyansense, that can wait, besides the fresh outdoors is healthy for a young maiden like yourself."

Hearing these words made Yu giggle inevitably at the teasing remark provided by her friend. "You do realize that I won't ever stop looking any different from how I do now?" To which Nyancelot retaliated with a sly smirk. "Looking like a maiden in the flourishing youth of her life for eternity? I know many women who would kill to remain looking like a lo-" Feeling the intensity of the cold stare he suddenly received from the fairy the Exceed quickly corrected himself. "lovely maiden~ I totally was not about to say the forbidden word." Good save there Nyancelot! The Exceed thought to himself as they arrived at the gondola station.

One of the staff members had spotted her among the crowd and eagerly approached the lass.

"Aha! I knew I recognized that energetic voice from anywhere, glad to see you're able to join the festivities Yu~ Are you and Nyancelot going to enjoy a ride on the Gondola?"

Yu's gaze shifted toward Nyancelot who had already started to unfold a fishing rod from his backpack?! "I believe so sir, since my companion insisted on making me go outside I guess it would be a nice attraction to experience during my break. Is there any gondola free right now?"

The question made the man grin at her as he raised a thump toward the nearby canals. "One of them is being prepared for takeoff, you're lucky, we got another customer waiting for it as well in the hut over there so why don't you go over and tell them we got a ride for you two."

Yu nodded her head sheepishly as she followed Nyancelot toward the hut, yet once there it seemed the duo had a vastly different approach to the situation. Nyancelot marched into the hut with his fishing rod hanging over the shoulder and the same boisterous excitement of a sailor about to depart on a voyage.

"Hoist your sails lad! The winds favor us and we're about to be given an opportunity to enjoy the gondola ride soon! Even more delightful should be the knowledge that you will be in the company of the fair lady Fei Yu, and if we're lucky we even will be able to catch ourselves free dinner if the denizen of the deep cooperate."

Peeking from the edge of the hut's entrance the lass timidly spoke: "U-umm, they said the Gondola is ready if you like to ride it?"

The small pointed ears of the lass twitched lightly in excitement, yet her meekness stirred now she was in a more casual social situation. Yet Nyancelot was quick to stir the conversation along. "Come along now young hero! Adventure awaits! Ya got a name? I am Nyancelot, sworn Knight of the Fairy you have the delight of meeting today."

The Exceed eagerly stated yet upon spotting the pixie on the young man's lap turned his gaze toward Yu. "My lady, it seems one of your younger kin is here as well."

Yu's ears twitched once more in excitement as she was goaded into stepping a bit further into the tent. "You mean one of Caelum's fairies is here as well?"

One step, two steps... like a timid stray cat she approached the stranger, as if the slightest unexpected movement or raised voice could spur her to flee in a moment's notice.

"Dunno if it is one of them Yu, she seems similar to you in your fairy form? Perhaps a pixie? I don't sense the same amount of mana from her as a fairy would..."

#3Yuuki Hashimoto 

Snowfall and Memories-Yu Ming-PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride Empty Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:10 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki sat in the hut with Yumi in his lap as she quietly hummed to herself acting like a absent minded child, times like these were nice as there were times where her child like energy was far too much for Yuuki to handle both emotionally and mentally. Yuuki went to reach down and mess with Yumi's ears when he over heard footsteps approaching the structure; Yuuki looked up just enough to a Exceed enter the hut, The exceed then wen on to call him lad which got his left eyebrow twitching. 'Do I look like a child to you!?!?!' Yuuki thought as the cat went on speaking, however Yuuki was only half way paying attention as he trying to piece together how to get the diminutive feline back, Yuuki did how ever hear a name; however it was not one that Yuuki recognized.

Yuuki tried to avoid glaring daggers at the Exceed as, the head of what appeared to be a young girl peeked around the corner distracting him momentarily from that issue, was this that Fei Yu person the cat had mentioned Yuuki Wondered as the nervous looking girl informed them the gondola ride was ready, Yuuki was just about to respond with the furball started talking again and introduced himself and asked for Yuuki's name "It's uh.... Yuuki." he said with as much tact as he could muster while also saying a thousand different curse words in his head.

Yuuki was about to stand up when Nyan noticed Yumi, and told who he assumed was Fei Yu that one of her kin was in the structure as well, the two began discussing what kind of kin Yumi was the young girl finally came into the tent more now in full view of Yuuki, just then a mischievous grin graced Yuuki's usual stoic visage "Look Yumi, A kitty and a Loli." He said mischievously as he silently thought to himself 'Pay backs a bitch.' Yuuki let the scene play out a tad longer before his face resumed it's natural stoic state.

Yuuki not fond of awkward silences decided to introduce the pixie "This is Yumi, my pixie companion." he said warmly as Yumi silently waved her face still a tad red from being called a loli, which Yuuki only called her when he was teasing her. "Time for the boat ride." He told Yumi "Okay!" the little pixie exclaimed excitedly as she flew up to perch on his left shoulder which was her usual spot, so that Yuuki could stand with out dumping her tiny self off his lap.

Yuuki stood up and stretched and right as the stretch hit it's apex Yuuki let out a groan of relief, for he had been sitting on that uncomfortable bench for too long. Yuuki was a rather imposing figure when he was standing as he towered over most people, and the situation was no different here, The exceed barely made it to the bottom of his calf muscle, and the girl was just a tad taller than his hips. Though tall Yuuki was not usually aggressive or mean, mischievous sure and flirty at times if he thought a women was pretty.

Yuuki wondered if he should apologize for his out of pocket comment, as the girl had actually done nothing wrong, however Neko had, even if the cat did not know he had made a mistake in calling Yuuki a lad; while admittedly Yuuki was young, especially by elven standards he was still considered a adult in Fiore and all the other countries.

Yuuki finally relented and knelt in front of the small Fei Yu "I am sorry for calling you a loli." he said softly and warmly "Only meant it as ice breaker." he said with a smile before standing and heading for the door way as they had a gondola to catch, once outside Yuuki quick found the tiny boat waiting for them which he boarded and got himself situated as best he could due to his size and waited for the other two to join them.

Post word count:679
Thread word count:1,390

#4Fei Yu 

Snowfall and Memories-Yu Ming-PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride Empty Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:47 pm

Fei Yu
The young lad's introduction earned a smile from the Exceed, who was oblivious to the potential negativity that his comment could have caused. "Yuuki huh? A fine name. Joyan of origin I presume?" The Exceed spoke, yet the words that followed from Yuuki were quite unexpected, words that made him laugh heartily in response. "Hah! Do not judge a knight by his stature young man, I seen and participated in enough battles that I might as well be your Senpai as an Adventurer."

Yet it was only a moment too late that he realized the other part. The lass was not unfamiliar with the word, especially considering the Sinese and Joyan languages shared some similarities and she did travel to Joya before, yet it was the one term she heard that made her innocent expression crack a little. Her lips started to quiver, a forceful smile on her lips as her ears made a firm twitch in response to her annoyed feelings.

"L-Loli you say?" crackle... crackle... as she took a few slow steps into the hut Nyancelot's laughter ended absurdly as he watched how the fairy's irises seemed to slowly gain that dreadful red hue in them. "Ah! You must have missheard my lady! He certainly did not utter the forbidden word! He could already feel the tension in the air, the cold chill of death looming over his shoulder as the very mana in the air seemed to be drained away by the presence of the True Ancestor. "He meant petite! Like your petite figure was so lovely he was speechless that he got tongue-tied! Yes! That's it! Joyan people are usually known for their politeness so they rarely are very direct with their compliments."

Feeling the mana slowly fill the air again and the girl's irises turn back to normal it seemed Nyancelot had at least succeeded in calming down his lady. "Gaia be praised... For a moment I thought she was going to blast us both with a Rhongomyniad blast, and then we'd still take it lightly in terms of potential punishment." Nyancelot uttered under his breath, wiping away the sweat from his brow and turned toward Yuuki and Yumi, whispering softly "Please for both our healthy futures, refrain from uttering the word."

Yet when Yuuki had decided to kneel down in front of her and apologize by uttering THE VERY SAME WORD again the fairy puffed up her cheeks in response. "I know I'm small, it's not like I decided how to look when I became a fairy." Yu answered him as he explained the reason behind the comment, causing the fairy to blink in bewilderment. "If that was one of your ice breakers... you might want to practice some more if you hope to hook and reel in a lady."

Partial sly retaliation, partial advice the fairy turned to follow after Yuuki as they went outside again. The gondola was already prepared, with Yuuki seemingly having decided to take a seat already, the young lass decided to follow his example by climbing onto the boat, Nyancelot following in their trail. And yet it seemed Yu had an idea of her own when it came to payback, for when Yuuki decided to take his seat the fairy took a step onto the boat and hummed softly: "Then again, if you are about to threat me like a child, I get to act like one..." As she took the other leg forward onto the boat she shifted her angle, and even before Yumi had the chance to claim her seat Yu ended up climbing onto his lap by taking a seat on it herself!

It was clear that just from how lithe the fairy was, and the delicate look of her features that Yu's features were almost reminiscent of a elven child, although lighter than the average one. Tilting her head lightly backwards and gazing upwards she looked up at Yuuki and smiled at him. "Isn't that right? Onii-chan~"

Yep, payback is a bitch! Meanwhile once Nyancelot had climbed onboard the Exceed chuckled softly at the little tease of his master, and once the boat started moving he unfolded his fishing rod and cast it into the water. "Ah~ perfect day for fishing..." He hummed happily while the Gondola started to move slowly.

In the meanwhile Yu had turned to gaze forward again, seemingly more than fine making herself comfortable in her new seat as she inquired. "I haven't seen you before, and I doubt you're a mage of the local guild. I recognize most of Ali-sensei's guild members by face so... What brings you to Hargeon?"

Yu's question seemed fairly innocent, a ice breaker of her own so to speak. "Even more curious is the fact you're accompanied by the Fae. They rarely journey beyond Caelish borders and it is even rarer for one to bond with non-Fae long enough to become a traveling companion."

Nyancelot nodded his head lightly in agreement to these words. "Even these who joined the Clock Tower rarely interact with the other races, as protectors of nature it is hard for the Fae to bond with them. Then again, your ears suggest your elven of origin, or possibly half-elf?" Nyancelot chimed in to the conversation as he started to feel his fishing rod stir lightly.

"Then again, it's not like I know that much about my kin either... Most of my knowledge comes from what I been told by the other Fae since I have no recollection of my past prior to ascending as a fairy. Well beyond my name. Yu~ Fei Yu, it translates roughly to: Yu of the Fae." And with these words spoken she turned her attention toward Yumi, pondering if she herself would pitch in about why she was hanging around Yuuki. Either way, for now it seemed that Yu had started to feel comfortable.

#5Yuuki Hashimoto 

Snowfall and Memories-Yu Ming-PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride Empty Mon Sep 23, 2024 8:38 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki sat in the boat waiting on the others still in disbelief the young fairy had thought and icebreaker was a pick up line, when it really wasn't even close to something he would use as a pick up line, not that he had any experience with dating or even love for that matter. Yuuki looked up as the others started to get in the boat and Yuuki went to say "I'll have you kno-" only be cut off when the cute fairy girl hopped on to the boat humming something Yuuki couldn't quite make out and plopped her little behind right on Yuuki's lap.

Yuuki was stunned Yu had just did something so bold and so brazen he was not sure how to react but her next comment nearly floored him as she called him "onii-chan' Yuuki's face immediately flushed red and his ears began to twitch nervously, was she toying with him? was this payback for calling her a loli? Yuuki was not sure but damn had she won the pay back contest "Uhhhhhh...." was Yuuki's only response to the adorable girl now seated what appeared to be comfortably in his lap. Yumi's reaction to the entire interaction was a loud gasp and "Yuuki make her move that's my spot." she said half pouting.

Yuuki was unable to respond To Yumi as he had apparently lost his voice and balls somewhere back at the dock, after a few moments the girl in his lap spoke, Stating she had never seen him before and that he likely wasn't a member of the local guild, inquiring even further what brought him to Hargeon. Yuuki sat quiet for a few moments as he regained his composure "I..uh....err..heard about the festival here in Hargeon and thought I would check it out." he said stammering a little and still more than a little embarrassed his face felt warm as did his ears which still twitched nervously to having a girl in his lap, Yuuki had never had a girl in his lap, well Yumi, but he didn't see her as more than a little sister; however this girl was a complete stranger who just so freely claimed it is her seat. "W-what... b-brings you to Hargeon?" he countered trying not to focus on the fact she was still in his lap.

After Yuuki asked his question the girl inquired about his relationship with Yumi stating it was quite rare for her kin to bond with anyone who was not fae and it was rare to find them outside Caelish borders, the furball also chimed in stating that even the clock tower fae rarely interacted with other fae and that his ears were of elven origin "Yes I am a half elf." Yuuki said softly though still very much embarrassed "As for Yumi." he said softly his voice trailing off as he thought about where he found Yumi and just how near death she was when he found her, was a miracle really she even pulled through with medical aid.

Yuuki listened quietly as the girl in his lap as she explained that she herself knew very little of her own kin, and that she has little knowledge as she had no recollection of her past since she ascended, She even broke down the meaning of her name for Yuuki, which to him sounded a lot like breaking down Joyan names for their intricate meanings.

Yumi though still some what pouty felt eyes on her and shifted her gaze on Yu "To answer your question.... as to why I am with Yuuki... I owe him more than I could ever repay in a lifetime." she said softly and with warmth as tiny tears began to well up in her eyes "About two years ago he found me near dead on the Caelish borders and nursed me back .... back to health." she said as she began to sob "If it w-weren't for y-y-uuki.. I w-would not be here t-today.... and f-for that I o-owe him my l-life." she said sobbing as she abruptly looked away burying her face in Yuuki's hair "Its a painful story for her because she only remembers being near death she remembers nothing before that, not sure if its trauma keeping her memories locked away, or the result of brain damage." he said softly as he gently stroked Yumi's head with two fingers

Post word count:732
thread word count:2,122

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