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Slip-trip-fall-Frøydis-[PPCS - Skating Rink]

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#1Yuuki Hashimoto 

Slip-trip-fall-Frøydis-[PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Sat Sep 21, 2024 4:38 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yumi sat on Yuuki's shoulders watching people zip around the rink, she was practically buzzing with excitement which was not unusual for the pixie, since everything was a new experience after her head injury which caused her to lose her memories. Yuuki laughed at her excitement "Calm down Yumi, I would not want you to fall and get hurt." he said full of mirth and warmth even though it was down right frigid outside. "Do ya think... they'd let me do that?" Yumi asked acting some what shy and reserved which was uncommon for her "Well if they had skates in your size maybe, but we can always ask." He said with warmth as he smiled at her

Yuuki Approached the rental counter and asked the lady behind the desk if they had skates in the pixies size, she nodded and went off to get them. Yumi had jumped off his shoulder when the lady had confirmed they did indeed have her size and was now buzzing around above his head  "You keep going that fast and you're gonna get dizzy again." he said with a grin which you could see the blush on her cheeks as she slowly settled back down on to his left shoulder clearly embarrassed. Yuuki Reached over poked her cheek " You know I was only teasing you." He said warmly as the lady returned with the skates and handed them to him. Yumi's embarrassment was gone the moment she seen the skates and the excited buzz she had earlier had returned as Yuuki made his way over to a bench to help her put the tiny skates on.

Yumi glided down off Yuuki's shoulder to come to rest on the bench for before sitting down and kicking her legs excitedly 'She's just like a kid somedays.' Yuuki thought as he unlaced her boots and set them neatly under the bench before slipping a ice skate on her left foot lacing it up and then doing the same to the right "You know, you're probably gonna fall a lot, Right?" he asked curiously as he glanced at her eyes to see her honor colored orbs were more vibrant than usual "Probably.....But it looks so fun!" she said with enthusiasm as she tried to stand up before Yuuki stopped her knowing full and well if she had she would have fell flat on her face.

Yuuki picked the pixie up by her tiny little waist and placed her on the other side wall into the skating rink which had rails that were adult and child height for beginners to hold onto "Yumi, if i were you id hold on to the rail until you get the hang of it, other wise you're just gonna be miserable later." he said warmly she gave him a quick nod before taking off while holding on to the rail. She was kind of awkward at first as she lost her balance a few times but holding on to the rail kept her from completely falling, eventually she made a few laps around the ring before  she got brave enough to let go of the rail and from that point forward there was no stopping her as she began to zoom around the rink.

Yuuki Watched fondly from the rail wishing that was something he could do but at his impressive height, he did not think it would be wise for him to be out there, mainly because if he fell he could really end up hurting some people and Yuuki was against senseless violence; He was never one to start a fight but he would be the one to finish it or at the very least they would remember him. Yuuki rubbed his hands together before blowing on them trying to warm them up, he really should have bought some gloves at one of the stores before coming out here.

post word count:649


Slip-trip-fall-Frøydis-[PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 11:32 pm

'What da hel is dis?', she thought as she looked at the paper from a guild called 'Blue Pegasus' and some other guild. She itched the back of her head ignoring the gazes of the people she didn't know as short stuff went through the streets. Her lilac-white hair flowed behind her as her eyes gazed around for some sort of sign she was going the right way. 'Motha... may those pray I do not fall and break their knees caps.'. She spoke in her thoughts as she walked forward sweetly, twirling and skipping off forward to where the railings were. She saw finally the sign of the event. She went forward and hoped up to try to see past people. "Darn ya people, I can't see!", she spoke in her accent and then went the line moved up she finally got to the person. "Hai dere, I.." she spoke trying to think how to say it 'right'. "I'd like ya skates!" she smiled cheerfully and then they gave them to her.

'Mmm, easy.' she thought suspiciously as she sat down and started to take her shoes off, putting on the skates instead. Her eyes wandered to see different people, including a tall boy and some small creature. She shook her head to mind her business for once and then gets up, 'This is easy' sort of attitude. Froydis's legs start to wobble and starts to try to walk with the skates on. Her body went forward, her lower stomach hitting the rails of the wall that blocks someone from the skating rank and the regular side. 'Oof~', she blushed and giggles at herself as she then tries to figure it out.

#3Yuuki Hashimoto 

Slip-trip-fall-Frøydis-[PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 11:02 am

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki leaned against the railing watching Yumi build more confidence with each lap she made, while also noticing the ear to ear smile she had as she was clearly enjoying herself. She got excited about a lot of stuff but rarely had Yuuki ever seen her this happy and excited about something new. Yuuki watched as Yumi tried to do a spin, but only managed to trip over her own skates and fall down, 'Oh no.' Yuuki thought as he was about to run out on the ice to help her but she was back up on her skates in the blink of the eye all smiles and giggles. Yuuki had noticed someone new out of the corner of his eye get skates and come out on to the ice, but the girl had paid him no mind so he in turn ignored her as his attention turned back to Yumi.

post word count:151

thread word count:770

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