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A bonfire and fun? (With Samantha) [PPCS - Grimm Tale]

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A bonfire and fun? (With Samantha) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:14 pm

Ryuuji having heard of a beach party with a bonfire and promises of food and entertainment went toward the beach and he looked around at the people that seemed to be having fun and just enjoying the cool of the night with the heat of the big fire in the center of it. He had no idea what he should be doing as he hadn't gone to parties like this by himself and he had the people skills of a bull in a China shop, so he was probably not going to be rubbing elbows with the high life here but he knows that he needs to keep himself out of trouble. Else the guild master will send him to do a lot of guild work and he will probably not be able to look at cleaning supplies again for awhile.

He didn't seem to know anyone that was here or even if he did he didn't know them by name or look so he made his way to the campfire where some people had already started to tell ghost stories, Ryuuji knows that ghosts aren't real but he knows that some spirits are and he knows from his time in Joya not to cross them. His look is a bit stern with the flickering of the fire going across his face and his silver companion already going and grabbing food and watch ever other small things that he could take.


A bonfire and fun? (With Samantha) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 5:58 pm


WORDS: 410 | Baywatch

Freakin… If I’d known it was gonna be this cold, I wouldn’t have signed up for a lifeguarding gig? Jeeez, freezing my ass off in this kinda get up! Good job I didn’t have to throw myself into the water like this… Arms wrapped about herself and her typical scowl seeming to have been dialled up to eleven as she traipsed across the sand in less than a good mood, the needs of a young woman needing to pay rent money without the money that daddy would push at her saw Samantha Salucci stepping into the fray of something she hadn’t quite expected, and now seemed rather sizeably regret having spent more time than she might have liked with that fair skin being tickled by unseasonable and perhaps unnatural chilliness.
This is the last time I take one of her dumbass tips. Bet she just told me about it to mess with me… All the while seeming to seethe in lament both at her situation and the person who had pointed her toward it as well, the raging redhead grumbled to herself internally and perhaps in places externally as well as she marched along in shorts and sandals and only something scant across her upper body with only her annoyance as warmth for the moment, and sufficed to say felt no small degree of relief when she spied something flickering with flame and seeming to invite her frigid form closer.

“Hot damn, now that’s what a gal needs~!” Seeming to stand little upon ceremony for that reason and instead rushing across the oddly icy dunes in search of something to warm herself right back up, tunnel vision seemed to afflict amaranth amazon as she sprinted forward and thrust herself right in front of the bonfire she had found, and rather speedily and animatedly voiced her satisfaction for doing so soon after.
“O-Oh, uh… Mind in a join ya?” Unfortunately seeming to have shown such haste in her approach of this blissfully barmy blaze that she hadn’t even paid the slightest attention as to whether she might have company for her adventure in heating, those brilliant blue eyes seemed to tilt an tip to the side as she relaxed to find someone seeming to share the warmth along with her, and after a moment of fluster the fox opted to put her horse behind her cart at last and ask if she would be welcome here. Though really, what was she going to do if she was told ‘no’, eh?

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


A bonfire and fun? (With Samantha) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:02 pm

The man had heard the woman coming and unsure of her intent moved to the side so he would not be in her way but be close enough to grab ahold of her if she in her rush fell toward the fire, as he was looking to see a woman burn even if it might have been her own fault in the matter. She seemed to have stopped short of going into the fire so that was a good first step at least to this. The men around the fire had stopped their story and were looking the woman up and down like they were interested in the woman that had just flew in here like it was the last bastion of light in the dark cloaked cold world. Ryuuji was not checking her out and he took a seat on one of the stump like seats that were around the fire and he spoke. "This ain't any one specials bonfire so I don't see any harm in you joking and sitting by the fire, that is if you are fine with their leering eyes on you." His voice was toned in confidence but sounds like it withheld a bit of sorrow in it.

The men after hearing his leering comment seemed to turn away from the woman then Ryuuji looked at the woman with his scarlet red colored eyes. "I am Ryuuji, I am part of Fairy Tail. May I have your name?" His short pale blue hair seemed to gently sway in the sea breezes that blew in to the area of the bonfire, and the other guests that were here for the event of the night. Though most people were better dressed for the weather that she and he seemed to be as his chest was exposed under his opened jacket, the cold didn't seem to bother him and his body didn't seem bothered by it as well. He guessed she ran up here like that as she had gotten cold in what she was wearing.

The man's companion a Mindrache named Silbdrache came flying over with food and a gold colored watch he must of stolen off of one of the other people that were taking part in the event. Ryuuji Sighed as the companion had done it again with it's fickle moods and it's enjoyment of shiny things, if Ryuuji didn't know better he would swear the creature was a crow or a raven in stead of a small dragon like creature.
(421) (662)


A bonfire and fun? (With Samantha) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 4:31 am


WORDS: 350 | Baywatch

“Tch, already had a bunch of pervs gawking at me half the day thanks to a certain someone…” Once more the cheeks of the rowdy redhead seeming to flare as the stranger mentioned the fact that she might get leered at here, Samantha tried to play the issue off as she continued to grumble and grouse about the mischief committed upon her by her problematic roommate, and frankly thought that she should be used to people eyeing her both in terms of the day itself and her wider experience. After all, this wasn’t her first rodeo, so to speak, was it?

““O-Oh, you’re a fairy too?” That being said the crystal clear gaze which Miss Salucci carried seeming to brighten with surprise when the young man mentioned an allegiance which they apparently had in common with one another, for a moment the fighty fox showed a more innocent side as she found herself at first surprised by the revelation, and then a little bit guilty for her lack of recognition.
“I’m uh Sam? New around there really… Judith kinda roped me into it and all that. Don’t know many other people there…” The lass left to introduce herself soon after and doing so by turning her arm to show off the crimson brand of an impish creature upon it, the fiery fox looked to her apparent guildmate with a note of curiosity about him before lifting her hand to the back of her head and ruffling the locks there as she explained her absence of familiarity, which to no small degree seemed to lay with her tendency toward being something of a lone wolf.

“Whoa! What is that thing?!” All too quickly surprised however when some odd little winged beast seemed to flutter there way out of nowhere and reacting on instinct, the blushing battler raised her mitts and shifted herself into a combat pose by the interruption, seeing a moment of confused panic as she looked between the flying fiend and the fellow she had met and feeling only more bemusement when it seemed that Ryuuji shared none of her caution in this discovery…

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


A bonfire and fun? (With Samantha) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 8:21 am

Ryuuji heard her speak about already having been gawked at for a part of the day already, he wondered what she was doing that would have warranted her being at the free reign to be gawked at, but alas that was none of his business and really he didn't need to be deep diving into other peoples pasts. He heard her question if he was a fairy as well as showing off her guild mark to him and then he turned his back to her and removing his jacket showing his guild mark as well it was of the color of gingerbread that was in the dead center of his back, strange markings run up his body as well. "Yeah I am a member of Fairy Tail as well." He then put his jacket back on and returned to facing her.

He heard her comment about the guild master and then he spoke with a bit of a sigh. "Yeah the guild master seems to do that a lot. She tells me I should be making friends, building bonds and other such tasks though I don't feel I need them as I am fine on my own." He had looked away from her after he said that and he then jumped a bit when she made that racket and he looked at her and he realized that she was talking about his companion. He then spoke to her again "That is my companion Silbdrache he is a Mindrache, he is also a bit of a thief and doesn't listen, he is strong willed so don't mind him." Ryuuji reached up and the small dragon like creature landed on him and it was looking at the woman that was sitting across from him.

Ryuuji wondered what the creature was thinking when he was staring at the woman he wasn't as well gawking at the woman as well right or did it sense something about the woman he was not sure but he knew that the creature was a bit unpredictable and fickle and really just does what it wants when it wanted to do it so he knows that trying to guess was truly just a fools errand and the dragon was sticky from the s'more remains it had on it's body. Ryuuji knew he was going to have fun trying to get this creature to stop being sticky later but that was not the point of this event. He looked at the woman and spoke again "Are you hungry and if so what would you like I will go and get it for you from the stand unless you want to join me?" He pointed to the people selling foods and drinks.
(460) (1,122)


A bonfire and fun? (With Samantha) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:58 am


WORDS: 360 | Baywatch

“Right? If you need to team up for shit then fine, but if you’re doing fine on your own, what’s the fuss?” The redhead noting an increase in respect for this new figure in her life when he chimed up with a viewpoint which she herself seemed to subscribe, Sam shook from both the head and perhaps a little bit at the hips before nodding at his sentiment about coping on his own, feeling that she was much the same when it came to her own social circle or perhaps lack therein.
“Mindrache…? So he’s like a pet, huh? Does he bite…?” The lass left to tilt her head however when her guildmate explained the nature of the animal which had approached them and the apparent allegiance they shared, the battle ready pose she had assumed seemed to relax somewhat as she lay a hand onto her hips and eyed the silver creature with a mild curiosity, asking about just how tame it seemed to be as she lifted her free hand closer to it to test the critter though did so with no small note of caution.

“A-Ain’t like I can’t my own, if I want?” All too quickly it seeming that her cheeks would flare when next the faired haired fellow offered to fetch her something from the stalls nearby, though Miss Salucci noted the sense of generosity and charitable spirit in such a suggestion she seemed to refuse it on reflex, feeling that she didn’t want to too eagerly or easily become reliant on anyone. Men especially.
“Suppose if you’re willing to share though, I don’t mind? If you insist, I guess…” Left in that eternal sense of contrast and contradiction however as some part of her did at least appreciate the deed and tell her not to be too keen to offend a guildmate, after a beat the beet haired belle seemed to relax the sense of refusal she had shown by adopting more of an approach that it would be rude of her to knock back the offer of sharing his food, because in truth she was rather hungry if even she would be loathed to admit it…

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


A bonfire and fun? (With Samantha) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:06 am

He heard her agree with him and he smiled and spoke with more boldness in his voice and with a bit more volume than he probably meant to use. "Damn right! When you can take a hit and not stagger and throw one right back you don't need to be in a team." Steam like puffs came from his warm breath onto the cold air. He was glad someone finally agreed with him unlike Kaito who would preach the power of working in a team so you can cover more bases and be better prepared he didn't need that kind of a thing as a living tank that would be able to ruin a lot of peoples days by just having to face him in any form of combat as he has an answer to nearly every thing that they could try to do to him.

He heard her call his companion a pet. "I don't think calling him a pet is quite right but now that you say that he is kinda like a mix between a cat and a crow. I don't think he will bite you." The creature looked at her hand as it got closer to her and it reached out and touched her with one of it's sticky clawed hands and blinks at her as she seemed not really scared of him nor like obsessed with him at all so for now it just let her touch him a bit till he got tired of her doing so.

Ryuuji saw how the woman reacted to him asking her about the food and he had no idea to why she acted like that but he shrugged at her telling him no as he was not going to force her to do it. He guessed it was a normal reaction and he wasn't going to even allow it to bug him as there was no point in letting it bother him as it was once again no skin off his nose and as he stood he heard her seem to change her tone a bit and said that she would share in his food but not tell him what she would like and he was just gonna grab things to eat and come back and if she likes any of it she could have it or part take in some of it.

Ryuuji sat the silver dragon creature on his seat as he was not going to walk around with it on his shoulder in case the person he stole the watch from came looking for it. Ryuuji made what looked like a mirrored tray and he started putting dishes on it and he make small containers for some condiments she could use if she wanted any. He then cooked them up a few hot dogs and burgers as well as some other type of cook out foods like salads, a couple servings of spicy wings and a few treats like s'mores and cookies and he grabbed a couple ice cold drinks from it being cold out. The tray went with him and he sat down as the silver dragon like creature had gotten closer to the fire and the tray lowered so she could see what was on it and take what she wanted. "It is pretty muchly just normal party and cook out foods so nothing great for the diet but that means I can train a bit harder for a reason later." He laughed softly about it as he knows that he really had trouble keeping weight as he had a strong body and a quick system.
(609) (1,731)


A bonfire and fun? (With Samantha) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 12:50 pm


WORDS: 440 | Baywatch

“You think so…?” The teen tilting her head to one side as her guildmate mentioned his opinion of his non pet’s resemblance to birds and felines, while there was perhaps a note in the fact that at least the former possessed wings like this creature Miss Salucci couldn’t say that she observed it all that strongly to look at, though at least seemed satisfied when he pawed at her hand and proved he wasn’t all that vicious in doing so. The stickiness he left in his wake however, was less agreeable.

“Whoa, well I suppose it’d be a shame to let the food go to waste, huh?” For that reason the often fiery fox seeming to dab her hands upon the hip of her shorts to try and smear some of whatever it was off her hand as she waited on the food, ultimately Samantha sighed and shrugged when her apparent host mentioned what he was dishing up not being the most healthy option, and decided that in this case beggars could not really be choosers.
“Mm, wow that’s… That’s pretty good!” At the very least grateful for his efforts to rustle them up some grub and even more so when she lifted one of the hot dogs to her lips and tastes that familiar mix of tasty and trashiness such items tended to carry, give her own culinary inability even such simple items when cooked well seemed like magic to her, and though her tone carried a perhaps impolite note of surprise she was ultimately happy with what had been made for her.

“So you hit the gym a lot?” By that same measure not failing to observe how he had spoken of working off the less desirable portions of the meal and making her curious through that, whether it be the simple scrutiny of a fellow gym rat or something else that blue gaze did tend to linger on the more shapely portions of the frame she saw before her to inspect his efforts thus far in that regard, and perhaps for a little longer than might be considered polite, which might just have seen a little pinkness seem to sprout in her cheeks as she realised just how much she was leering.
“Y-Yeah, I can see it… I like to keep myself in shape myself these days?” Ultimately her honed eye or something else certainly seeming to find some note of appreciation for the effort however, the feisty femme couldn’t help but flex a little herself as she noted her own discipline and dedication, and found herself a little surprised by her sudden desire to be seen as a peer by Ryuuji…

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


A bonfire and fun? (With Samantha) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 5:01 pm

He heard her talk about a gym and he waits to swallow his mouthful of food and he looked at her. "I don't go to the gym I train in nature with rocks, trees and boulders. Climbing mountain sides with weights and rocks on my body to make it harder, best days for the training are very hot dry days and super rainy and muddy days as those days really test your stamina and constitution." He looked back at the fire as he returned to eating and an eye had appeared on the side of his face so he could watch her and see if she eats or needs anything so he had seen her checking him out a bit and he wondered if maybe there was something wrong with his body.

The eye on the side of his head disappeared and he turned to her. "You are strong right?" His question was aimed to her as she seemed to have confidence in herself and seemed that she was in shape and had pride in her body and her training as well so he wondered if she considered herself strong and could give a good strong solid punch at him. "I want you to punch me and see what you think of what you feel once your punch hits my body, you can punch me anywhere that you would like and make sure that you make it count." He wondered if she would really take a punch at him and he just picked up his burger and started eating it as he knew he didn't need to stop eating as her punch wouldn't stop him from being able to eat. He just hoped that she wouldn't break her hand on impact with his skin as he hadn't thought about that but he would fully leave it up to her on if she does it or not.
(322) (2,053)


A bonfire and fun? (With Samantha) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:24 am


WORDS: 500 | TOTAL: 2040 | Baywatch

“When I was a kid, pops used to get me to work with cows? Milk em and then carry the jug things about, deliver milk by foot? And out that way where I was from, next door weren’t exactly next door, you know?” The mention she was given of more rudimentary and rustic training seeming to spur something within the mind of the magenta martial artist, Sam tipped her head back a little way as she revealed not only the rather spartan methods with which she had been instilled with strength by her patriarch but also the more rural origin from which she hailed, and for a moment those baby blues seemed a little brighter than usual as she remembered herself being younger and more innocent, and far more enthusiastic as well.
“Guess I haven’t trained like that in a long time…” All too quickly a sense of lament seeming to seize the scarlet stunner however when the sweetness of such memory seemed stained by the bitterness of later regrets and recriminations, a glum breath seemed to escape her lips as she realised that she hadn’t embraced habits even half as close as that in years which seemed too many, and she was left to wonder if she could now give them another go without her heart feeling quite so heavy as it once had.

“You…? Wait, are ya sure?” All too quickly finding herself distracted however when her newly discovered guildmate seemed to lay down the gauntlet for her, Miss Salucci was found blinking with bemusement as Ryuuji suggested that she take a swing for him, and looked him up and down for a second as she tried to decide whether or not he was serious about the suggestion or not.
“Seems a hell of a way to say thanks for the food, but if ya insist…” The redhead rarely one to back down from a challenge however and despite the confusion left to assume that he wanted to test himself against the best she had or something of the sort, our peppy pugilist rested her knuckles on her palms in turn and seemed to make a cracking sound as she got herself ready for the off, though at least seemed polite enough to give him a moment to back out of the idea before she let loose with a taste of thunder at the very least.

“Hraaaaa!” Stepping forward on one side and by no means making all that much effort to hold back however when she now sent her opposite mitt shooting right for his cheek with both a burst of force and a shout to go along with it, truth be told as one of the new girls in guild Sam might just have been looking for a reason to impress herself upon those in the place, and while she had little intention of causing lasting harm or humiliation all the same our heroine sought to do her best with a punch which she threw much of her weight into. After all, he HAD asked for it, and wanted to make sure she delivered something decent, eh~?

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


A bonfire and fun? (With Samantha) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 10:59 am

Ryuuji nodded agreeing to her giving it her best shot to hit him and to him it looked at if she was really going to do it so he continued to hope that she wouldn't hurt her hand though if she does get hurt he is sure that she will learn from it and grow but he also knows that the guild master will lecture him on having people to punch or attack him only to find out that it is a useless endeavor. Once the woman's fist had made contact with him his skin turned to carbon taking the blow like it was nothing and he wasn't even moved in the slightest from her punch it was just a clean hit that left no mark on his skin and it hadn't even seemed to have phased him in the least bit as his body's power had taken the blow and for a small bit of mana it absorbed her attack like nothing and he was fully unharmed. "Do you see why I don't need friends or a team, I am my own team." He then finished what he was eating.

He then looked at her and he spoke once more. "It was nice meeting you hope we will run into each other again sometime, in the future as you are interesting not everyday someone will just be asked to punch someone and then they actually do it." He stood and he whistled and the silver creature came flying and Ryuuji walked off with it following him as fast as it could.
(266) (2000+) (Exit)

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