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Sno Ballin' [PPCS - Cannonball-OPEN]

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#1Thunder Clappy 

Sno Ballin' [PPCS - Cannonball-OPEN] Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:06 am

Thunder Clappy
Casually strolling down the Hargeon dock with a slight wobble, still getting used to the solid land, Thunder Clappy was pleasantly distracted by the wondrous cold weather. A day earlier, the ship was full of chatter, in fact the whole way here this snow day was the hot topic of all conversations. Thinking about the other hot topic, she unzipped her water no go here pocket that was sewn into the leather of her left bicep, and pulled out a small leather journal and retractable fountain pen.

Sloppily scribbling, she adds to the bottom of her notes

Snap Crackle  Pop
Flash Haven Dump
Hose Trunk
Sleeping Calamity Conflict
Demon Queen Frosty

Slipping her journal and pen back into its respective pocket, the pesky trash zipper was snagged.  While Thunder Clappy continued in  her stride, fully entranced by this all to familiar torment she started fumbling and jiggling, pulling and tugging, yanking.. when she is hit with a shockingly cold splash of water directly to her...


#2Avery Sifongo 

Sno Ballin' [PPCS - Cannonball-OPEN] Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 6:30 pm

Avery Sifongo
He had lost Thunder Clappy since they both departed the boat that had brought them to seven. He wasn’t to concerned as they were both in the same guild now so they would for sure meet up there. The problem for Avery was that he was a sponge in a man’s world.

”Ey, let go of me fartface I got my paper right here”

Avery would shove the ticket stub into the angry dock guard as he questioned him, it was something he was used too. He looked suspicious to everyone all the time, but he typically had a fix, this losers was all too obvious. He could see his bad knee from a mile away, luckily he wouldn’t need to waste his healing talent on scum. He was ok with the stub and left Avery alone; upset he’d buy mineral water. He had heard about all its great properties from the lady selling it, but it just tasted like water that made you burp and tickled your throat.

That’s when he saw Thunder Clappy his leader and dear friend across the way. He’d run towards her and trip or was he tripped? Avery would go tumbling into the canal that they were near causing a big splash of cold water on Thunder Clappy’s back. He’d start to panic shouting, but the water was going in his mouth causing him to sound like a garbled man drowning. Realizing that talking while in water was hard, Avery would swim to shore, the water was cold but not nearly as cold as he was when he lifted himself out. He could feel his sponge like skin on his torso start to clam up.

”Sorry bout that boss, its fucking cold in there but you see my splash…guess not since cause I hit your back.”

#3Knuckles Shi 

Sno Ballin' [PPCS - Cannonball-OPEN] Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 3:40 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles Shi walked along the docks of Hargeon, his light boots thudding softly against the wood as he looked around. His keen eyes picked up a commotion near the canal person had just taken a spill backward into the water, and another figure near them fumbled with a zipper.

He approached warily, squinting, as the soaked figure struggled to drag himself out of the water, shouting something unintelligible through the splashing. The second figure seemed completely oblivious to the chaos behind him, fiddling with his jacket.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Knuckles called out, his deep voice cutting through the noise of the dock.

As he got closer, he made out the two: Avery, still dripping wet and spluttering; Thunder Clappy, flustered by whatever was binding her jacket.

"Wait a minute, you two are Sleeping Calamity, aren't you?" Knuckles raised an eyebrow, piecing it together. Certainly, his guildmates were having one of those moments.

Stopping a few feet away, he crossed his arms over his chest and regarded dripping Avery and Thunder Clappy, who at last was free of her odious battle with the zipper.

"Need a hand, or just testing out the local canals for a swim?" His voice was light, though a thread of curiosity underlined his tone. "What're you two doing out here, anyway? This isn't exactly the spot I'd expect to find either of you."

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

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