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A Dicey Delivery [Quest - Solo]

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A Dicey Delivery [Quest - Solo] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:03 am


WORDS: 190 | Delivery Deliciousness  

The hell is with this guy?! He’s been following me ever since I left Magnolia… A ravishing redhead forced to glance over her shoulder as she ran along the trail which lead from town a little bit breathlessly, Samantha Salucci’s baby blue eyes steered about to fix upon a figure with a stern expression and steely gaze who seemed to have been hot on her tail even as she had moved up her pace close to a sprinting speed, and frankly was starting to get on her nerves both for the heed he paid her and the relentless way he seemed to keep up as well.
What is he? Some kinda perv? Looks the type for sure! The girl gripping a package under her arm and eyeballing him with no real degree of kindness as she did so, the scarlet siren settled that sapphire stare upon the old creep  and felt her temper bubbling beneath the surface as her free fist started to ball as she assumes his intention here is less than wholesome, though was more than ready to deal with guys like this. For that she was damn sure.

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Dicey Delivery [Quest - Solo] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:09 am


WORDS: 160 | Delivery Deliciousness  

“Hey, asshole! What’s the matter, you want a piece of this, huh?” For that reason the fiery femme seeming to decide it was better to stand her ground than to continue what seemed to be a futile effort to evade him, the scarlet stunner skidded to a halt and spun herself around, before jabbing the finger of her free hand toward the creep and calling him out for his pursuit and the reason she presumed lay behind it.
“If that’s the case, I’m more than happy to oblige ya, old man?!” Always one who struggled to rein in her rather prominent temper and at this stage not about to let the issue lay even in the face of an old coot like this, Miss Salucci barked out a warning toward him and jabbed her thumb downward as she told the fool that he should expect trouble if he continued to follow her, and then narrowed her gaze as she all too soon noticed her words falling upon deaf ears.

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Dicey Delivery [Quest - Solo] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:09 am


Don’ really wanna hit an old man, but he ain’t exactly offering me much of a choice, is he?! For the most part wishing to avoid striking an elderly figure but in this case such extreme measure seeming to call for an equal response, Sam seemed to grumble like a guard dog as she watched him continue to approach her and even draw his hands up like some kind of boxer, and sufficed to say she felt that she was being provoked by such behaviour all the more. It was like he was inviting her to take her shot.

“Don’t say… I didn’t warn yaaa!” For that reason taking a few steps forward and then employing the expertise which she had in the battle arts to time and drive her heel hard at him in order to connect and knock the wind from his sails, as usual the magenta martial artist proved no slouch when it came to the physical arts as even a somewhat reluctant kick looked pitch perfect, though from the look of things her foe wasn’t fooling around either.

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Dicey Delivery [Quest - Solo] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:10 am


WORDS: 160 | Delivery Deliciousness  

Huh? He blocked? Those baby blues left blinking as she flung a heel toward her elderly enemy and yet found it making clashing contact onto with his forearm, the crash which followed and momentum which this careening creep seemed to carry through Miss Salucci backwards with imbalance, and yet even that was not the end of the strangeness which this encounter appeared to epitomise.
Going for my… The medicine?! Our would-be pugilist at least practiced enough that she could recover quickly from that effort of denial but this stern and stony faced figure upon her in a flash all the same, for a moment she though that the geezer was lunging for her chest or something as a claw of his shot forward and felt her cheeks warm just a little more because of that, but all too quickly recognised his true aim when the path seemed to swerve to grab for the bundle that she carried instead…

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Dicey Delivery [Quest - Solo] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:10 am


“That ain’t for you, you thieving piece of…!” That moment of panic which the fiery femme felt when she thought he was lunging for some manner of liberty only turning to fury when he watched the old fool snatch at the parcel she carried, the importance of the package only seemed to make Sam more irate that someone was trying to nab it from her, and so for the sake of both her temper and the woman who was waiting upon what was inside she lashed outward and upward with her foot again.

Tch. This just don’t quit, huh? Shooting her heel toward the sky in something of an impressive show of personal flexibility, the crimson combatant felt her kick connect with something as she did so and as such was not surprised to see her would-be foe seeming to stumble backward for a moment with blood oozing from his nose, and yet his response was ever undeterred.
What the hell is wrong with him?! Shaking off the injury and lunging at her again like a man possessed, once more did the fighty fox square her stance up and ready herself for further action, though thankfully for the sake of her conscience she did not need to wail on the elderly much longer…

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Dicey Delivery [Quest - Solo] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:11 am


"Staniel J. Wendover!
What do you think you're doing to this girl, hm?"

A shrill voice seeming to pierce both the air and moment and either of these two would be fighter’s ability to focus on the battle, from behind Miss Salucci seemed to emerge a figure with wrinkles and the aid of a walking stick to carry her, and yet despite either she seemed no less able or vibrant as she called out the apparent name of her attacker and did so with all the aggression and authority of a woman well practiced in running a family.
“H-Huh?” Bellowing with such ferocity in fact that even the rage of the redhead seemed to be quelled in favour of sheer confusion, all that the dashing delivery girl could do was flap her lashes and look between the pair as it seemed that the woman was gearing up for a lecture, and frankly felt no inclination to be caught in the crossfire here…

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Dicey Delivery [Quest - Solo] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:13 am


"Tch, you trying to steal my medicine again? You really are the worst…
If I’d know this was the kinda man you’d turn out to be, I never would have married you!
Get out of here you grumpy old sod, and stop bothering these people…!"

Our battling belle left to take a backseat to the verbal beatdown which followed as the old woman hobbled between herself and the old man who had run her down with a raised finger and contempt as clear as a summers day in her gaze, it was rare to see Sam seem quite so stifled by someone but then one with such nana-like authority clearly had influence enough to compel her in this area, leaving the lass to simply spare a moment to catch her breath as her elderly enemy seemed to be beaten intro retreat by a tongue lashing which was fierce enough to brace when those eyes were turned toward her. Damn, this woman was scary, when she wanted to be…

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Dicey Delivery [Quest - Solo] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:14 am


WORDS: 200 | TOTAL: 1410 | Delivery Deliciousness

"This way dearie, my place isn’t far. Don’t worry about him, he’s just a sore loser.
Come on, let’s get you a slice of Nana’s apple pie. Sorry you had to put up with that…"

Luckily it seeming that she would not receive much of a lecture and instead what was only a moment ago a ferocious lioness instead seeming to adopt the manner of a gentle housecat as she turned toward her, a soft and warm smile seemed to wait for her as the woman seemed to hobble back past her and beckon as she did so, apparently seeing no reason to quarrel with a soul who had been kind enough to bring the medicine she needed.
“O-Oh, um. Sure, I guess?” In fact proving to be a wonderful host that seemed able to quickly disarm even one so stubborn as Miss Salucci and have her following on heel like any good little girl would, all that the scarlet stunner could do was follow after the promise of a treat for the trial she had been through, and after one last look at the sulking soul who seemed to skulk away she shuffled away, happy that her job here was done…

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.

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