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Blades of Glory [PPCS - Skating Rink]

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Blades of Glory [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Today at 8:18 am


WORDS: 400 | The Real Rawr Redhead  

Feels like ages since I last went skating~? Headed to Hargeon with something of a glum spirit and yet now through some combination of events here almost feeling like she was lamenting the fact that her shifts at the pool and such were coming to an end, the rarity which was a summertime skating rink was something that the regretful redhead could not ignore, and so Samantha Salucci had laced up a pair of skates and readied herself for a little bit of expression atop the ice rather than using it on this occasion.
Not since those times with mom and… Looking forward to the chance as well as she wobbled her way from the bench she had used to slip into her sharp bottomed footwear and onto that smooth and glossy surface, all the same there came a double helping of bitterness which might arrive with the sweetness of enjoying the event not only because of how her looming departure would weigh upon her, but also because of the memory of the last time she had done something like this. Happier times when it came to her family life, that was for sure.

Suppose I better see if I still got it…? Not that she particularly wanted to let the sour taste of what had happened when it came to her parents ruin this experience when she was already enjoying the best mood she had felt for a while, the scarlet haired skater let loose a huffing breath and focused herself instead upon the activity at hand, and with that and a desire to prove to herself that she could do something special even with a bit of rust upon her skills she moved from a slow glide into more of a pushing rush.

Well, well, not bad Samantha~! Driving her heels into the slick surface beneath herself a few times to build up some decent speed and break away from the pack of others who seemed to be drifting across the ice until she found a nice clear and open stretch between groups, those baby blues moved to one side and then the other to check she was safe and then in a moment she thrust herself into the air and twisted, performing a little turn before landing back upon her feet in a mostly stable fashion before then smiling with satisfaction at the result. Clearly she hadn’t lost too many steps, eh~?

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


Blades of Glory [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Today at 10:17 am

Ryuuji had never been skating in his life but he wanted to give it a chance since it was being offered and he knew if he didn't do in now when would he be able to do it again? He had no ideas where there are even places to ice skate besides here so he made his way there and went to the counter and he got a pair of skates then he went to the bench and sat down and he started tying his skates and he made sure they were nice and tight so he wouldn't come out of them and then he tried to stand up and he failed nearly falling on his face but he caught himself. He kept onto his feet and then he used the railing to get to the ice and he was a bit worried about this now and he was having regrets about coming to do this but he had already committed and got the skates and was about to get on the ice.

He had to do it he told himself as he steps out onto the ice with his skates and he instantly fell on his ass and he grabbed onto the wall and pulled himself back onto his feet and then he used the side to slowly go around the outside and he wondered if he was looking like an idiot, not only was he not able to skate right but he had come alone and he looked around seeing the couples and the families that were enjoying the skating and the fun and he wondered if he should have invited someone to have come with him not like he had a large group of friends anyways to come with him. He also wouldn't have wanted to have been making a mess of himself in front of other people that knew him anyways so he was just going to suck it up.

He focused on his skates and he thought about giving himself a body shield but he figured that it was a bad idea as that would probably stick out and draw more attention to himself as he kept going slow by the side of the skating area like a fresh born fawn that was not yet about to fully make use of it's legs and was wobbling and their legs giving out and he wondered how other people were doing this so easily and not just falling all over the place.

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