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No sleep! Bus, club, another club, another club [FCM-Night Cap] [Salem]

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#1Alaric Holloway 

No sleep! Bus, club, another club, another club [FCM-Night Cap] [Salem] Empty Wed Jul 24, 2024 10:42 am

Alaric Holloway
“I’ll have a bourbon neat. Make that a double!” Alaric leaned over the bar of the club in Oak yelling his order for the young woman standing behind the counter. The music they had playing was rather loud and quite hard for him to hear. Alaric turned back from the bar to look at the crowd that had gathered in the spacious club. “Yesh, why are we here again?” Alaric muttered to himself. A bit annoyed by the raging thumbing of the bass. He felt a tug on his shoulder and turned back around. The bartender was back with a glass full of straight bourbon. No ice, no juice, just bourbon.

Alaric was not normally a drinker. He’d indulge every now and then but hardly to a place like this. He wasn’t good in crowds and the sheer energy of this crowd really put him on edge. He needed a bit of alcohol to help him calm the nerves a bit. He handed the woman a few jewels and took the drink from her. One gulp. Two gulps. Three gulps and it was gone. Alaric opened his mouth and a small bit of fire and smoke released. Was it the heat of the bourbon or the demon inside of him that was causing the searing sensation in the back of his throat. His tongue smacked about trying to lose the sharp flavor.

“It is because you drink piss that it tastes as so. If you want to truly enjoy alcohol you have to be willing to spend extra for the good stuff.” Pyreaus voice chimed in his head. That voice he had no problem hearing. “I don’t think the point is to enjoy the drink but the company.” Alaric retorted in a snarky tone. He was not on the best terms with the demon who shared his body but the two had become closer. Moreso out of necessity than anything. It was not like the demon was going to leave of his own free will.

Alaric pushed off from leaning on the bar and wove through the crowd to find a place to post up near the entrance to the club. For once, he had beat Salem there. The bass of the music was much less dramatic and overwhelming over here. He was actually able to focus on his own thoughts and the room itself. Though the lights were low, Alaric saw everything clearly. He could smell it all perfectly too. Sweaty, humid, and foul. People were sick. Some of the things his nose caught whiffs of made him shake his head. “Disgusting aren’t they?.” Alaric smirked, not sure how he felt agreeing with a demon. “Guess we have that idea in common.”

wc 471

No sleep! Bus, club, another club, another club [FCM-Night Cap] [Salem] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App
#2Salem E. 

No sleep! Bus, club, another club, another club [FCM-Night Cap] [Salem] Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 9:18 am

Salem E.

Salem tossed the gown to the side. He did not want to wear it. He was supposed to be at a club with Alaric but he was having an emergency. An emergency of fashion choices. He thought his standard gear would be overkill and pointless. He wanted to be lowkey but still catch everyone’s eyes as he walked in. Looking at the time he did not want to waste more of it being late. If not, who knew how the big bad wolf would eat this Cinderella. Not that he would complain if Alaric wanted to get some bites in.

Flying over was one of the few times Salem used his wings. The exclamations that he got from the crowd put a smile on his face. He wore blue jeans to accentuate his legs, with a great pair of boots. His top was a backless one that showered the front of his body when he moved. His entire outfit was covered with a light sheen of glitter that gave his body a ripple effect. Salem was moving gracefully and looked like flowing water over stone. The fairy wings did help him stand out a lot more. It was fun to get so many covetous gazes.

The Fae did not even pretend to see the line. He walked past all the line waiters as if they were a mall kiosk salesperson. Salem made his way up to the bouncer with a deeply rooted confidence. He did not even bother to retract his wings till he got closer. That way it would be easier for him to move about without people touching them. Salem smiled at the bouncer and walked his way into the club. The man working the door did not say a word. He simply let Salem in as if it was natural.

Walking in the club Salem looked around to find his loverman. A grimace showed up on his face as he looked around. He first searched by looking for the familiar face and body, then he searched by aura sight. He could not detect the cute face of his wolf man. Aura wise the closest he could see was a man that had a similar bright red one. The main difference was that it had dark golden flecks in it. It would be what Alaric would have had if his aura was seasoned, but it was hard for a person to change their aura to an extent, and the fact that it did not look like him made him believe it was not him. He looked right at him then looked on. If he had used his world sight things could have been different.

“I’ll have a cocktail of your choosing. Just make it strong.” Salem was a bit upset thinking he was stood up but wanted to have a good time. A man came over and put his hand on the small of Salem’s back. The Fae pretended like he did not notice the man touching him as he waited for his drink.

WC: 506

#3Alaric Holloway 

No sleep! Bus, club, another club, another club [FCM-Night Cap] [Salem] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:16 am

Alaric Holloway
“Where is he?” Alaric muttered to himself. His hands had found the small black straw in his glass. He must have bent it half a dozen times in over a dozen places. The straw hand practically collapsed when finally free from his man's paws. Perhaps he missed Salem coming in? Alaric glanced back toward the crowd that had gathered to dance at the rear of the club. He left the straw behind but quickly snatched his drink made his way away from his place and made his way to the rear.

Once again, Alaric slipped through the crowd, avoiding liquids being spilled on him and hands groping. “Move.” He grunted with each step. As he slid past a trio of clearly drunken women, Alaric’s body was forcefully shoved into another small group of people that had gathered. As he tripped into the bunch, he quickly lost his footing due to the sticky, yet slippery, floor. Alaric couldn’t take it. The overload of noises, the crowded room, the clearly wasted patrons giving no shit of others. He felt the heat rising in him. Pyreaus’ presence already made his blood boil without all this outside stimulation.

A rush of heat and maybe a few embers roared to life around the fallen man. “God fucking damnit!” He screamed as his magic pelted the area and people around him. The sudden burst of magic sent the crowd into a panic. The group that he had crashed into scrambled away while the individual who had caused the sudden burst of rage looked as if he already knew that his fate was sealed. The man had oily black hair slicked back, tight-fitting black pants and a black shirt rolled up. The stampede of people had already soiled his fresh white shoes and drinks rushing to escape the ticking time bomb in the room.

Alaric’s hands were both firmly placed on the ground. The sticky liquid nearby was starting to bubble from the intense heat he was giving off. The mana within him became visual for all those present to see. Its red and black aura reached all the way to the ceiling, licking it with its ethereal flames. He lifted himself off the ground and with a flash of his arms, captured the culprit behind his tumble. The man had tried to scurry away but was too slow. The paws of the Alaric had grasped him too quickly and too tightly to escape.

Pulling the man closer, Alaric could smell the alcohol on the man’s breath. His face was twisted and becoming flushed red with his anger. “Are you on fucking drugs or can you just not see?” The world around Alaric had faded away. His anger had him focused on one thing only and that was the man before him. Even Salem’s lack of arrival had been washed away in his mind. The only thing he could give any attention to was the idiot before him. From where his hands had been gripped, the smell of burning cloth was starting to waft. While he might have kept the physical flames at bay, the magical heat Alaric was giving off in this moment was just as potent as any flame. The crowd in the club had become frantic trying to push their way out toward the front. Those toward the bar and the front lounge area likely were unaware of the chaos brewing in the rear. The dark lighting and the loud music masked the events, for now.

WC 598
TWC 1069

No sleep! Bus, club, another club, another club [FCM-Night Cap] [Salem] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App
#4Salem E. 

No sleep! Bus, club, another club, another club [FCM-Night Cap] [Salem] Empty Sun Oct 06, 2024 10:02 am

Salem E.

The Fae was starting to feel a major sense of annoyance. It was not the fact that he was getting attention that was annoying him. It was the fact that the man did not ask. Salem would have said yes to a little bit of light touching, but it was up to him to decide that. Besides he would have only tolerated the touching to be light enough to make the wolfman jealous. This was not it. Salem received his drink and flicked his finger at the guy. It was a simple yet strong knockback spell. It was targeted at the head so like a bullet the man flew back and into the crowd. Salem thought the incident was over. Till he heard a small scream.

Salem downed his drink and turned around. He had thought he would need to do minor damage control. Humans were weird when they perceived someone as a monster. Even if Salem only gave him a major concussion they would take it the wrong way. The fae was a bit confused when he turned around. He thought that people were freaking out in terror because of him. Based on how they were moving it looked like the club had another disturbance. This one did not seem good at all either. Salem could see flames rising into the air. It made him smile since it reminded him of Alaric. His little fire starter. He wanted to see what the problem was.

Making his way to the front, Salem coated his body in his magic. Making a strong defensive spell to coat himself. It was noticeably weaker without his staff but it was better than nothing.
Imagine the shock on his face when he noticed that it was his man yanking up a different party goer. It was kinda hot in a bestial type way. It was triggering his need to play a game, the only thing that repressed it was the fact that a lot of people were feeling uncomfortable and wanted to leave. It lowered the entire fun in the atmosphere and greatly annoyed him.

Snapping his fingers Salem created a heavy fog in the club. It was covering up Alaric and all the guests. Making it almost impossible for them to even see each other. Salem walked out and made sure he was closer to his beast man. He could feel his shield fizzle a little from the heat. The man in his mate's hand did not look too well. Salem would have healed him after the ordeal but he did not care to. If he made Alaric mad then he had it coming.

Taking in the situation Salem thought that Alaric did not look too well either. He used a healing spell on Alaric. Shooting it at his mates head. Hopefully, the healing portion would provide a calming effect that would allow him to calm down. Leaving only one dead person in the room. “Calm yourself. Take my hand and let's run.” Salem spoke as he reached. Attempting to make Alaric let go and grab him instead. He would look into his man's eyes if given the chance then run like crazy. Trying to take them out of the club to another location that he was aware of.

WC: 506
TWC: 1,051

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