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Ms. Janitor [Underground Associate | NQ]

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Ms. Janitor [Underground Associate | NQ] Empty Today at 11:43 am


Hosenka was as colorful and vibrant as always, its lantern-lit streets a chaotic blend of beauty and deceit. The smell of spiced food lingered in the air, masking the filth that ran through the alleys and backstreets. On the surface, the city was a tourist's dream. The gleaming casinos, lavish hot springs, and bustling markets were something out of a film but for those who knew where to look, it was a playground for crime. Deep in the heart of the Crimson Quarter, the gangstas were out.

Zariya’s influence stretched like a rubberband over Hosenka’s underworld, dominating it in a way that few had ever dared. But lately there had been whispers. Five names had surfaced, petty crime lords who were growing bolder, thinking they could operate under her radar and smuggling magical weapons without her knowing. Five fools trying to rise in a world that wasn’t theirs to claim. Worse still, they were making deals without consulting her, undermining her influence and risking everything she had built in Hosenka. That wasn’t something she could let stand.

The Vampiress moved through the darkened alleys with ease, her black bodysuit clinging to her form, designed for both combat and stealth. The faint shimmer of crimson from the city’s lights reflected off her figure as she slipped through the shadows, unseen and unnoticed. She didn’t need to rush. These men didn’t even know they were marked. They were comfortable, operating in the gutters of Hosenka’s criminal world, thinking they were safe because they hadn’t yet felt her wrath.

The first target was someone she barely remembered--an insignificant worm named Tariq who ran a small operation out of an abandoned inn at the edge of the Crimson Quarter. He fancied himself a weapons dealer, trafficking enchanted blades and spell-touched armaments. He was small-time, but his ambition was dangerous. He had aligned himself with a couple of rogue mages and started distributing weapons to any thug with the right amount of coin. He hadn’t come to her for approval. That was his first and last mistake.

Ms. Janitor [Underground Associate | NQ] 86545

Ms. Janitor [Underground Associate | NQ] Empty Today at 11:58 am


Zariya reached the old inn with ease, bypassing the sentries like they weren’t even there. She didn’t bother with the front door. it was too predictable. Instead, she scaled the building, her vampire strength making it effortless. She perched on the roof for a moment, looking down into the main room through a broken skylight. There he was. Tariq. Sitting at a table with a couple of his men, laughing over drinks. How easily they laughed, unaware their end had come.

She dropped down silently, landing behind one of the guards. Before he could react, her hand was around his throat, her strength crushing his windpipe. His eyes widened in shock, but he was dead before he could make a sound. The Midnight Mistress let the body slump to the floor and daggered her hand, her obsidian-black, and deadly sharp finger nails glistening faintly. She glided forward, the darkness embracing her like an old friend.

Tariq finally noticed something was wrong when his second guard hit the floor, blood spilling from a gash in his throat. He stood, fumbling for the sword at his side, but Zariya was on him before he could even blink. Her hand plunged into his chest, right between his ribs, and she twisted it just enough to make it hurt. His eyes went wide with terror, his mouth opening in a silent scream. Zariya leaned in close, her lips brushing his ear as she whispered.

“This is what happens when you forget who runs this city.”

She twisted her hand again before pulling it free, letting him collapse in a heap. From her pocket, she pulled a small note, delicately folded, with words written in elegant script. She tucked it into Tariq’s lifeless hand:

"From Akudama, with love <3."

One down. Four to go.

Last edited by Zariya on Thu Oct 17, 2024 1:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

Ms. Janitor [Underground Associate | NQ] 86545

Ms. Janitor [Underground Associate | NQ] Empty Today at 12:38 pm


Her next target was a man named Corvin, a larger figure in the underworld than Tariq but still a fool. He ran a gambling ring, but his real business was smuggling illegal magical artifacts. He thought he was clever, moving goods through the city disguised as innocent shipments of wine and spices. Zariya had let him play his game for a while, watching from the shadows, but now he had crossed the line. He’d started moving dangerous enchanted weapons, the kind that could cause chaos in the wrong hands, and he was doing it without her permission.

The warehouse was located near the docks, surrounded by water on one side and towering stacks of crates on the other. The place was heavily guarded, but that didn’t concern her. She moved like a wraith, slipping between shadows, leaving no trace as she infiltrated the building. Corvin sat in his office, a fat man with greasy hair and a smug expression, counting his profits as if he owned the world. Zariya smiled to herself. He wouldn’t be smiling for long.

It was quick. Brutal. She dispatched his guards with a flurry of strikes, silent and efficient, blood spraying across the floor in neat arcs. By the time she reached Corvin, he had barely registered what was happening. She grabbed him by the throat, slamming him against the wall with enough force to crack the plaster. His eyes bulged in panic, and he gasped for air, his hands clawing at hers.

“Please… please…” he croaked, his voice barely a whisper.

Zariya smirked, her grip tightening. “Please? You’re begging now? How pathetic.”

She released him, letting him fall to the floor, gasping and wheezing. He scrambled to his feet, reaching for a sword on his desk, but Zariya was faster. Her hand was a blur as she slashed with her nails across his throat, blood spurting in a hot, crimson arc. Corvin’s eyes widened in shock, his hands going to his neck as if he could somehow stop the flow. He collapsed to the floor, gurgling, drowning in his own blood.

Zariya crouched beside him, watching the life drain from his eyes. “You should have stayed in your lane.”

She left another note on his body, folded neatly on his desk.

"From Akudama, with love <3."

Ms. Janitor [Underground Associate | NQ] 86545

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