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A Bro Boat Ride? (With Salem) [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride]

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A Bro Boat Ride? (With Salem) [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:42 pm

Emil heard about some boat ride that would take you around the city and he was going to go and enjoy it, as Luna had told him to do so as she and Fang were going to stay inside today with Indiana and stay warm as her stubborn brother had caught a bit of a cold and she wanted to make sure that he got better and she wanted to have her father keep being the rep of Paradise dawn that he was being and Emil knowing he was not going to win with her let her win and he headed there. He looked at the boats and they looked like they were nicely sized so he wouldn't have to worry about being cramped in his seat on the ship and he got over to the line to get into it to wait his turn for a ride and that is when he saw a sign saying he had to be riding with someone and he now wished he hadn't let Luna talk him into going alone and had brought her but he knows that she would have just spent the whole ride worrying about her brother and she probably wouldn't have enjoyed it.

He guessed he was going to need an answer quickly and he looked around for if he knew anyone that might not be against being stuck on a boat with him for how ever long this boat tour of the city was that they could take before it would circle back to this deck so the next group of people could go on the ride as well and enjoy the sites. Emil hadn't come to Hargeon a lot before as he didn't really see the point of being in the south unless he was sent here on a guild mission to handle something but for now he was kinda stuck up a creek without a paddle and his boat was quickly taking on water and sinking so to say.

#2Salem E. 

A Bro Boat Ride? (With Salem) [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 5:40 pm

Salem E.

“Are you sure you are gonna be okay alone?” Salem asked one last time with a hint of concern in his voice. He was not one to harp on how others had their fun. Salem was just not expecting his Exceed partner to miss out on snacks, in lieu of one of the biggest picture books he had ever seen. It was obviously something made with magic to entertain kids. However, it had his buddy under a spell and not in a negative way. Frosch had given an exclamation of assent. It was all Salem needed to head out the door. It was a lovely time to be had and he did not want to waste it indoors this time. There was a calling for him to head outwards and enjoy. The call that really made up the depth of his nature.

Salem made his way over to the docking area of Hargeon. He never had a reason to be this far south so he got lost a few times. A lot of the places looked the same and Fiorian architecture did not look like it was made with a plan. It made it harder for him to find certain things when needed. Like the docks to have a nice boat ride. The Fairy of fun and games was always called to the water. He heard they were giving cute little boat rides and he wanted to go on one.

The familiar profile of a man grabbed his attention at the docks. Salem may have lost his ability to see aura but he was semi sure as to who he was saying. “Hey Emil! Came here for a ride as well?” Salem was going to ask how come he was not on a boat when he read a sign. It stated that the ride only went in two’s. He did not have anyone since Frosch was around and figured it would not hurt to ask him. They were both in the same guild and he had teamed up with the guy before. He was not a creeper so it should be fine. “Oh, want to ride the boat with me?” He said with a bright white smile on his face.


A Bro Boat Ride? (With Salem) [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:10 am

Emil guessed that it wouldn't hurt anything if he rode the boat with the man but he wondered if the man's exceed had also caught a cold or if maybe it was not interested in going out in a boat to probably get wet and cold. Emil spoke to the man. "That should be fine for us to do, where is your hip attachment? They catch a cold?" He was not sure if he should have asked that but he had already asked so there was no talking it back and then he stepped off of the dock into the boat and took a seat on the bench in the boat and the driver looked at him like he was a bit intimidated by Emil in some way though Emil had no idea why as this is a boat tour type thing of the town so a lot of different kinds of people will be showing up to these kinds of things but he wondered if it was from his small amount of time he had been down here or from years ago.

The air blowing in from the water was decently cold and Emil was glad he hadn't brought the children with him as the cold seemed to sink right through the jacket he had on and he knows for sure someone would have gotten sick from this ride if they weren't already sick and that was saying something that he knew that and he wondered if he was getting better at the being a parent thing but he let that thought pass out of his mind as the ferryman that was driving looked at him and then he looked to Salem like he was making sure if the boat could even handle having two people in the boat but in the end the man didn't really care about it and once Salem got in the boat he would start it off and start to drive it in the water ways.

"Do you think this type of event is a good thing for team building?" He was looking out at the buildings that were slowly coming into view and he wondered if he was doing the right thing with being out here and not back in the room with his child and the exceed that told him that the event is being hosted as a dual event so as a member he needed to be out here and representing his guild by taking part in it. Emil had his doubts but he was not sure if that was the right way to face this day and he needed to make sure that he didn't let the day get ruined for his friend and guild mate so he needed to pull his head out of his ass.
(471) (804)

#4Salem E. 

A Bro Boat Ride? (With Salem) [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Today at 7:28 am

Salem E.

The inquiry as to if his companion was sick was touching. “Frosch? Nope. He is well. He was just not in the mood to come out. Is one of yours sick? I can heal them when we get back. My magic works well on healing pretty much everything.” Salem offered in passing. To him healing an ally's family was not a big deal. He was not surprised at the fact that Emil was not much of a gentleman. One would normally help the other into the boat. It was sad that he was not escorted. Salem simply stepped on water droplets as if descending stairs with beauty and grace. He alighted the boat without hassle. Stepping into the craft without causing as much as a ripple in the water.

The atmosphere was feeling nice to Salem. He felt great being on the water. The splash of the water against the boat and the rocking motion was calm. The feel of the water elements around him made him happy. He felt the most powerful in environments like this. The Fairy godfather was inclined to water and nature based mana but he felt the best in aquatic environments. Still he was so happy he was oblivious to the romantic implications of such a ride. He did not even notice he was subconsciously using his powers to slow down the boat, extending the amount of time it would take for them to get back.

Salem felt a ton of surprise when Emil spoke to him. He has a positive opinion on him but took him as the silent brooding type. “It can be. I honestly forgot you were here so I was missing the point for a moment.” Looking at the man next to him. Salem believed he could pick up on some melancholy or other negative emotions. It was harder to tell without his ability to see auras. “It can help build teams though. It is better to not be alone at times I guess. Having people to watch your back means your chances of living are higher. It may be better to leave sometimes and be able to come back than to be gone permanently.” It was the advice he gave. Far as Salem was concerned, fate was not a river he was fond of.

Taking in the ambiance that the boat provided. It made the two of them seem closer than they were. “In retrospect it realistically seems more like a date thing. If you were into me. I’d be throwing some moves at you. Still I can make the ride go faster so we can get back.” The Fae said the words in passing. He was a flirting type when it came to handsome men. He also was not an oblivious brook he could tell when someone was into him or not. When it came to Emil he got cool coworkers, possible friends and nothing more. Sometimes he felt like Emil had a gaze that wanted to skin him alive, in a non romantic way.


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