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Beating Up the Rioters [FCM – Flames of Night]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Beating Up the Rioters [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 2:38 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been doing his best to get stronger. There was a war coming within the country where Dragon Order was placed, so he figured he would be ready. He also decided to go on this adventure with a woman who wasn’t strong. He was hoping to make her into a warrior or at least able to fend for herself when the time went by. While seeking to do something, he heard rumors of things going off the rails in the North. It was weird to hear that, seeing as that side of Fiore was home to some of the scariest and strongest mages.

It seemed like something weird was going on, and he decided to go see what was going on. The trip to the North was easy, a one-dimensional slash away from Pergrande and North Fiore. He would arrive at the location and while he had done that, he noticed the chaos that was going on around the place. It seemed like there were people going around making a mess around this place. Hai was next to Drakkon shaking his head to see the mess that was going on.

“Father it seemed like these people are going crazy.” He said to Drakkon.

Drakkon looked around and he shook his head. This was not what he was expecting, but this was going to be fun. If he were to help, he would do it his way. It would be rough to do it his way, but that was fine. He didn’t care to be nice to anybody here. He looked behind him as he figured Maple was trying to gather herself with what was happening.

“They are going to need some mean discipline. That is what I’m here for. Hey Maple, if you see me do something I do, and you don’t like it, look the other way please.” He said to her as he started walking off in a direction.

He could smell a lot of people in a specific area. They were moving around a lot as if they didn’t know what they were doing.



Beating Up the Rioters [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 12:17 pm

It was interesting to ponder and figure out why Maple was brought along with all of this, But suppose Maple was an interesting witness. There was always things to learn from it. Much like while most people would think Maple was entirely sweet and innocent looking.

She actually was use to people being harmed or hurt. After all she did hunt at times for wild animal meat when she needed too. She always said it happens that you need to kill or harm something, The cycle of life and death, Witnessing animals eat one another. When some one actually put it all in the realities of the world. Nature is equal parts scary and pretty.

But that was not entirely the point it seemed, now there was time for things to do. People to witness and adventure to be had. Drakkon and Maple going to see the events in the north and how it was going was an interesting thing.

At least Maple seemed some what tamed as she was not trying to make everything all about possible throwing herself in danger, But suppose danger was harder to avoid when it came to riots and how people where in them.

While she observed, Drakkon did mention to look away. Maple did sound a bit curious with her answer."Oh? I thank you about being so considerate for me."Maple did sound delighted even following up with it."I should be okay with whatever I see, I suppose it matters what you actually need to do."Maple was ready to witness whatever he did, She knew she would be completely find. She had no reason to fear what went on. It was normal for how things happen with people and the areas they lived in. It was just bound to happen.



Beating Up the Rioters [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 12:51 am

Carmina was surprised to see that there was such a wide spread issue that was going on and that was something she was going to have to go and do something to help and maybe convince them that they were not going to have to be like this to find their peace as attacking and destroying places and looting was not the answer to this she needed to get through to them and they just pushed her away and she couldn't do anything as she didn't have any spells and she just used her magic to mimic their attacks and blend it and swap the element of them with other elements and spells that she had seen so she could keep attempting to match them and cause there spells to not hit buildings but she was feeling a pain in her chest at them doing this. The hate and pure stupid violent actions had pushed her to the edge and that was something she didn't want to deal with.

Rey flew down to defend her from the people that had started to turn their attention from the buildings and knights to the woman trying to hit her with items and spells instead of the area around. Rey didn't hold back and blasted the crowd that were attacking her knocking them back and around causing them to flee and there to be a bit of damage from his blast on them to defend her and she looked terrified having flash backs of her village and the people around her seeing them being attacked and her striking back in fear against them and doing what she could to live while trying not to show her power and what she could do as people seemed to think her a monster and there wasn't really much that she could do besides her aiming to actually hurt them and cause that kind of issue.

#4Go D. Drakkon 

Beating Up the Rioters [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 1:11 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard her words, and he laughed a bit. He figured that she didn’t like cruelty or anything like that. It was why he made that suggestion to her because this was the first time they would be doing anything together. He heard her and he nodded as if he was fine with what she said.

“Alright, if you say so. I just wanted to make sure that is all.” He said to her as he was moving to their destination.

When he got there, he saw that there were a lot of people causing mayhem and destruction around the area. Honestly, he enjoyed the scene that was in front of him. It seemed like chaos had hit the North, but at the same time, this was the place where Lumikki had lived. He couldn’t allow shit like this to happen, and honestly, he was surprised that this had even happened.

“Oi, what the fuck are you guys even doing? You got a lot of nerves making such a mess in this place. Do you know the guild master around these parts is Lumikki and the Warden is Yuurei right?” He said to them.

They looked at him when they heard his words and laughed as if they didn’t care and didn’t know who he was.

“What’s your point? They aren’t here right now, so it doesn’t matter. Apparently, things are going bad around these parts, so it's our time to do whatever we want.” One of the people there had said.

Drakkon had a smirk on his face when he heard those words, and it was then he had made his move. He had rushed toward the man, and he slammed him into the ground. His body was imprinted on the ground as he screamed from the pain.

“Let me say this again. You guys better stop what the hell you are doing. You’re causing problems for your Guild Master to fix, so I will say this, leave before you guys end up like this guy right here.” He said to them with a huge smile on his face.

He was excited about this, and he was hoping they would refuse to listen to him, so he could stop them his own way.



Beating Up the Rioters [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 5:51 am

Maple would at least make sure she thanked him, Even if he really did not need to do anything of this. She would still say."Thank you still Drakkon."She would still watch from the side. For the most part as it seemed she really did not need to bother a few people all that much.

But there was now more people lingering here, Not the the rioters that where being spoken too by Drakkon, After all she did not know Lumikki or Yuurei, Assumingly if they are in power this long they where fairly strong or in their position for good reason, Then seemingly the results of resistance had shown it's self. But Maple seemed not even bothered by it, Unassumingly so far it was just that the worst of it. It was just meaning she had seen worst or she expected worst to happen eventually.

But there was some one else here now too working with Drakkon and her? Or at least she thought. She was just flying on a wonderful beast that she could admire from a far, As Maple continued her observations towards many things happening around her. It seemed these rioters where going to have a rough time now.



Beating Up the Rioters [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 12:49 pm

Rey lifted her and put her on his back and she was clearly shaken from trouble of it all but there was nothing more that she could do right now and the creature was flying around the city when it saw Drakkon and lowered as it seemed that he was also here to cause issues or so he thought before seeing what Drakkon was doing and the woman that was with him seemed scared as well and the creature didn't have time to really think about it as the Knights had started to fire on him and Carmina scared started throwing their spells back at them till one hit the creature and Carmina fell from the back of the creature who was sent flying away from the knock back of an explosive type of spell. Carmina's dress had caught a bit on fire from the blast and she was falling a bit dazed from the explosion that had hit her.

Rey tried to recover from being knocked away but no matter how fast he were to fly he probably wouldn't make it to her in time and that was meaning that she was on her own to save herself or for someone else to intervene and stop her from hitting the ground like a bag of rotten potatoes on a hot summer day. Carmina figured that she was going to die here a failure and someone that was not meant to be in the world as she was just seem as an object of power to those that know her and want to have her for their own she was not going to be able to save her self as her mind was hazy so she couldn't fully focus her mind and make a spell to save her to form so she could survive this. All she could hear was the yelling and fighting of the rioters and the knights and the whipping of the wind that was going past her ears as she was falling to the earth, she closed her eyes foreseeing the end was about to happen to her and wondering why time had seemed to have slowed as she fell, was this really how it ends is probably going to be her last thought.
(378) (697)

#7Go D. Drakkon 

Beating Up the Rioters [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 1:44 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had looked at the rioters here and they were scared of his appearance here. They had started to remember him. He was a part of Paradise Dawn in the past, and he had disappeared since. The fact that he was here meant things were going to go to shit. The people here had stopped what they were doing and had rushed out of there. The Devourer had gotten off the man that was on the ground and he had kicked him to the side.

“Pathetic excuse of a man.” He said as he was unconscious on the floor.

One of the people here noticed that he was free and needed help, and ran to him. He picked him up and started running away with him. The Son of Chaos had picked up the scent of someone he had known before. This was Carmina, the girl he had fought in the Arena. She had a lot of potential and knowing she copied abilities like he did made things interesting. What was she doing here? Well, he looked in the direction of where she was.

It was in the sky, she was in the sky with that flying snake creature of hers. It seemed like she had gotten into trouble around these parts as he saw someone had shot at her and caused the pair to be separated. He noticed that she was falling and the creature couldn’t catch up to her fall.

“Be right back need to catch someone from falling to their death.” He said to Maple.

Drakkon had used his ultra instinct, and his dragon force, to increase his physical abilities. It was then he had rushed in the direction she was falling in. His speed was quick, he leaped into the air and he used Kaito’s ability to fly and catch Carmina. He looked at the girl as he had a smile on his face.

“It seems like you found some trouble here. Who shot you?” He asked as he soared through the sky and landed back where Maple was.

“Maple this is Carmina.” He said wondering if they would introduce themselves better to each other, or if they already knew each other.



Beating Up the Rioters [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 10:05 am

It must be nice to some to see this, pretty half elf woman walking around upon all this chaos and ruin. seemingly just being able to watch all of this chaos. Even the death and maiming seemed to not really bother Maple as she continued on. Drakkon surely was wonders for a job. In some manner Maple understood what it was to respect a person for their power. Maple was now glad Drakkon was on her side for the moment, not that she felt like she had anything to fear with Ryuko being by her side and soon to be her wife.

But suppose Maple could go back to looking around at all of the things going on and how people would going to handle and deal with each other. But then Maple was greeted with some one knew, Surely it was either some one equally as powerful or harmless depending. But she was left with Carmina she really did not say much at this time.

But upon hearing the name Carmina. Maple was just going to be herself. When the chance came Maple's normal nature took over and she just hugged Carmina like it was okay with it. But this was Maple's normal way of being."Hello Carmina." She already know her name and Carmina knew hers. This seemed good enough intro for Maple.

Then he would look over at both of them. seeing as their both okay now, she would just merely ask."So...how's dealing with the Rioters going?"Maple new she was not really doing much, she was just there. seeing how it all worked. But Maple was out to learn and seemingly just meet people. Maple was most likely a form of safety over time. Or a harmless signal, Of who else was lingering nearby.



Beating Up the Rioters [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 10:36 am

Carmina felt her self be caught and she wondered how that had happened but she wasn't sure if it was not just a trick of her dying mind or not till the man spoke and ask her a question. "I believe it was knight but I am not sure fully." She opened her eyes as the man flew her and put her down and the Quetzalcoatl landed behind them and he looks very pissed off. Carmina as she was sat down by Drakkon was hugged by another woman and she to be polite hugged her back. "Hello maple, was it? It is clearly not going very well on any side..." Ince the other woman had let her go she walked over and tended to Rey who was looking like he was going to attack toward the knights that was near by but she stopped him. "Don't let that happen they are just looking for a reason to keep attack nothing we do will be the right answer to them."

An angry look spread across her face she was not happy in the least bit that she was almost killed but she was not yet at the level of being a killer yet and she would need to get her head all together and then start on her path to make them pay for that if she can but she needed to get stronger to make that work out for her but that was nothing compare to her anger that they had hurt her companion and friend. She closed her eyes and used the same flying spell that Yuurei had been using and she took off from the ground and she flew toward a large group of people and inhaled deeply then she let it out in a gust of wind she had copied her companions wind spell to deal with them and she was not going to back down and knocked the rioters around a bit to get her point across to them.
(339) (1,036)

#10Go D. Drakkon 

Beating Up the Rioters [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 10:59 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked over to Maple as she had asked him a question. He had done what he could do, but it seemed like there was a bit more they could do. At the same time, it seemed like the Rune Knights were also involved here, which he didn’t like. They were most likely the ones who shot at Carmina, which wasn’t a good thing.

Still, it was best that they would move away from the Knights, they didn’t want to be accused of something that they didn’t do. It seemed like that companion of hers was upset with everything that had happened. He didn’t want Maple to get harmed or anything.

“We should move out of this area.” He said as he would march away from this place.

When they got to the new area it seemed there were some more rioters, he looked over to Carmina as she was acting on her own and smacked them with a spell that made a bunch of them fall. He laughed a bit when he saw them fall to the ground as he looked at them all.

“You’re lucky she is the one that hit you guys. I think you should all go home. If you don’t want to be harmed by me.” He said with a smirk on his face.

They had gotten up from the ground as they looked annoyed more than anything. It was then one of them was going to speak up to go against Drakkon’s warning. The Devourer wouldn’t allow them to speak. His hand palmed the man’s face before he was slammed to the ground. A crack in the ground would be made, and the man’s feet would be up in the air.

He pulled the man out and threw him to the group of people.

“Like I said leave this place or else, you will not just have to deal with me.” He said to them as they were fumbling around the place to try and leave.



Beating Up the Rioters [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Yesterday at 10:29 am

It seemed the moment of casualness was nice for everything in the situation, but Maple already seemed to have adjusted and got comfortable with the reality of it being entirely a battle field so to say, Because well it seemed there was no chance of there people settling down.

Suppose she should not be so distracting to everyone here since they where doing the legwork and making sure she was not actually hurt. In some manner it seemed to leave Maple think, was she really doing anyone a decent amount of service of just being around and witnessing these things. Was it going to cause an over all large amount of an mental crisis for Maple just to see this, even if in nature witnessing animal hunt and eat each other was a bit normal and was nothing new. It seemed different in the context of people.

For people in some manner while Maple had been proven time and time again other wise where smart enough to try and get along, but suppose when it came to the fight of other nations, Maple did learn it was people fought over everything much like animals, It was merely the contexts of how everyone lived. War, conquest, fighting it was all out of ones need to live or one desire to have more. It seemed merely just how it was all placed in mind as she explore and saw.

Back to the situation at hand, When Carmina let her go, Maple did not try to make it last longer then really needed, she was a the hugging type but not a trouble maker she could be. She was merely an casual observe who if she knew who was on her side merely seemed to support them. It made Maple ponder if she needed to learn and do more.

But suppose, It seemed as she observe, Drakkon was merely doing something he felt needed and brought help, he was trying to settle the group of rioters and make them either leave or just work for him. It was slightly inspiring to see at this time.



Beating Up the Rioters [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Today at 11:19 am

Carmina was still ticked off about her nearly being killed by some rioter or knights attack at her. She tried the nice way and it didn’t work so the not so nice way was the way she was going and she wasn’t going to hold back as she needed to make sure that she beat the hell out of them and use violence hitch she was never really in the mindset of it solving things but maybe that was the wall that Elise was talking about when she met her. Maybe it was her mindset to hold back that was blocking her growth as she kept stopping herself from making tough choices and pushing to be better than these fools that attacked buildings and hurt people maybe she needed to have this mean streak in her life.

She inhaled again and then fired out a blast of lightning from her mouth at the rioters that were farther away, she was not holding back as it hit them and the buildings around them. Carmina was starting to feel alive like she could do anything and not have anything taken from her, maybe she had gone mad or maybe that blast that nearly killed her had woken her up to the truth that she was just holding herself back and it didn’t have to be that way. She could be the monster she was scared of, she could be the one that lays waste to people that cross her and she could be the one that knocks on the door of the monsters that consume her mind and just leave their bodies broken and shredded.

Carmina didn’t wait for Drakkon or the other woman she went to do more acts of violence and it didn’t matter who got in her way she was going to show them that she wouldn’t hold back any more from embracing her own power and taking what she wanted in this moment, Rey is watching this and wondering if she might have lost her mind or if that hit to her had hurt her brain or something but he wouldn’t stop her as she was doing what she wanted and that meant he needed to respect that and help her if he could rather it was something right or wrong the world and the people in it have different views of the right and the wrong so he chooses to live in the grey.
(407) (1443)

#13Go D. Drakkon 

Beating Up the Rioters [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Today at 11:50 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon could see them fumbling, and trying to make their way out of the area, but while that happened, he looked over to Carmina. It seemed like she didn’t care, and she had attacked them. They had done their part, so there was no point in going that far, but Drakkon wouldn’t stop it. If this is what she wanted to do, then he would allow it. This was chaos and he was here for it, he saw that day, in the arena, a piece of this girl was ready to be corrupted, a piece of her was ready to crack, all she needed was the right push.

He stood tall as he looked at the lightning blast coming from her, and it was nice to see her use all these elements in her arsenal. Drakkon didn’t even have a lightning spell, well not true, all his spells had the element of the thunder dragon slayer within them. Still, some of these people would be hit by the spell and would hit the floor in agony. Those who weren’t hit would try and grab them and make their way out of there.

They did things their own way, but at least they got them out of here like he wanted.

“Alright, we took care of this group of rioters, where should we go next?” He asked the group.

Still, when he asked that, his nose twitched, his ears twitched and he shook his head. He didn’t expect them to come to this area, but it seemed like they did. He turned around doing a one-eighty and noticed that the Rune Knights had appeared. He had a smirk on his face as this was the worst-case scenario.

“Halt, what are you three doing?!” He asked in a demanding voice.

Drakkon had a smirk on his face as he looked at them all. They had nine of them here and it seemed like they were all strong. It was best for them to leave, Drakkon’s powers could defend these two, but they were mainly used for destruction.

“We were here to help and get rid of the rioters. We just made a few of them go back home, is that a problem?” He asked hoping they would be reasonable.

They looked around to see if there was anybody around, but that wasn’t the case.

“We need you three to come with us! Please don’t make this hard alright just follow us!” He ordered them, but Drakkon wasn’t going to listen to them.  


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