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Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual]

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Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 4:10 pm

Yijun had a bit of a spliting headache from his night before from the drinking and he thinks that he spent the night with an elf or something but he wasn't sure about the last part but he figures that finding that out later will probably more agreeable to his head as he was heading toward the place that he had heard about in whispered rumors that a ritual was going to be taking place, he didn't like the sound of it so he walked with a bit of haste as he didn't want to be late to stopping it. He hoped that Iza was as well on his way as he could hear sounds of chanting and some odd low hum that seemed to echo inside his skull, it almost seemed to tune in and out of being a voice that gnawed at the thoughts in his head and he didn't like that. He needed to find Iza and fast and hope that he can help to stop this as he can see others heading for the way he was.

#2Iza Bicdic 

Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 5:12 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza had enjoyed his night out. It was different, and he figured that even bad people could throw a good party. Still, the information that they had gotten that night was perfect. It seemed like they were going to be stopping something that could cause huge harm in Oak. He would have allowed it to occur, but he was trying to get in good with his Shogun. Sylph was still upset with him as he was doing what he had done with the woman. She thought she was the only woman to have seen his face, but that wasn’t the case.

He patted her head, and she looked away from him. He knew that she loved him, and he understood she was annoyed with him. He traveled to the destination where the ritual was going to take place. He learned about it by eavesdropping and now they were going to see what it was about.

It wouldn’t take long, but he would see Yijun in the distance, and he waved his hand to try and get his attention.



Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 5:54 pm

He saw Iza and he went toward him. "Do you also hear that or is it just my demon blood acting up?" He could still hear the sound and it was like it was pulsing as if it was calling to him like it was trying to draw him in and he was fighting the sound and the chanting and the pulsing humming like sound but it almost feels like it is hurting him or his spirit in some way and that was something that was not working out for him. He could kind of tell by the look on Iza's companion that she wasn't hearing the sound he was hearing which probably also meant that the wood elf was also not hearing it and that was a bit more scary to him and he called his spear out so that he could have it in his hand in case something comes flying right at them or attacks them if they don't make it in time to get the things stopped and some blood monster comes out for them.
(181) (362)

#4Iza Bicdic 

Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 6:44 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza looked over to Yijun as he heard him. He looked over in the direction of where the noise was coming from. He heard it, but he didn’t know what it meant or what it was going to summon.

“Ya not goin nuts. I hear it too, but what do ya think they trying ta bring ta this realm?” He asked Yijun.

The man had demon blood in him, so maybe something here sounded familiar. Of course, what Iza didn’t know was that what Yijun was hearing and what he heard were two different things. The Wood Elf was hearing the people doing their hymns in the distance.

Sylph didn’t care, she was just here for the ride as she didn’t want to leave Iza’s side, but was upset with him.

“Are ya talkin bout the people chantin for the ritual?” He asked him to reassure they were on the same page.



Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 10:35 am

He was glad to hear that Iza could hear it as well. "I don't know what it is they are trying to summon but it is making my demon blood boil and it is making me want to transform as if it is calling to me. Like it wants me it is nearly maddening." Yijun wearing his soul reaper gear was trying his hardest to keep his ground and not stumble and he started moving toward the way of the chanting and Yijun then heard the man as him about the just the chanting. "I hear more than just the chanting a hear a low sickening humming sound that is bouncing around in my skull." He moved as it was almost like a voice that was sinking it's claws into his brain but Yijun wasn't going to let himself slip. His spear was seeming to shake in his hand a bit like it was telling him that it would help him to get stronger and do what it could to get him stronger to face it.
(180) (542)

#6Iza Bicdic 

Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:51 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard these words and it made his eyes widen. If he allowed this to happen, would he be killing a bunch of people at the ritual circle? Well, that would be interesting to see, and one he would pay to see as well.

“So, if ya listen ta this voice, or sound, would ya be killin these people, or is it tellin ya ta do something else?” He asked him curious to hear what he would say.

As much as it pleased him to see something like that happen, he knew this guy was trying his best to stray from that path. He would make sure to help him not cross the line unless he wanted to.

“If it’s doin that and ya don’t wanna do nothin bad ta the ones chanting then I guess we betta stop it before its too late.” He said to Yijun.

He was a bit sad that it wouldn’t go that far, but he was doing his best to be good for the Faction.



Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 12:10 pm

He looked at the ground and then spoke. "It is more like it wants me to serve it once it is released or summoned. We need to probably at least knock them down." His body had done a half transformation and Yijun started moving as he was feeling his demon side boiling up and he knew he didn't have time and he knew if something was summoned out it was probably going to be a massive problem to handle if they had to be the ones to deal with it. Yijun's spear seemed to vibrate a bit in his hand and he guessed it was telling him if that were to happen that he could count on it and it's spells to help handle it. Yijun wasn't fully sure if he could handle that kind of pressure right now but if he was going to be a leader in his division he needed to be able to stand up to these kinds of things and not run away.
(170) (712)

#8Iza Bicdic 

Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 12:15 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard his words and that would not be good. He was fine with him killing the people chanting, but then he was going to have to fight Yijun. He didn’t want that honestly, so he was going to have to avoid that.

“I see. Ya it would be bad if that happens, fa my sake. I don’t wanna fight ya, and if that thing gets summon, then that is what is gonna happen.” He said to Yijun as it seemed like the man was on the move.

He looked over to Sylph and it seemed like she wasn’t going to help him or anything like that. He smirked as he figured that would be the case. He moved on his own as he would follow behind Yijun.

“Ya gonna stay mad at me forever?” He asked Sylph, but he wouldn’t get a response.

They had to rush this because they needed to prevent the worst from happening right now.



Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 6:00 am

Yijun had to hope that they would not be too late for this summoning but he also knew that the whispers were getting louder so maybe the minions of this being were being summoned first and he was going to make it first before what ever upper being was being summoned gets to set foot on the plain but he knows that might just be some wishful thinking but as he gets to the ritual area and he can see some of the people around there had been possessed like they were avatars of the evil that they were trying to bring from another plain onto this one but Yijun only knows very little about it besides some rumors that lived in books of old that his division had back at HQ his soul reaper uniform was waving in the wind as he ran and he readied his spear as the possessed looked toward him and looked ready to fight.
(160) (872)

#10Iza Bicdic 

Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 7:02 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza was right behind him as he watched where Yijun was moving. It seemed like he knew exactly where to go. It was as if someone was calling out to him and pulling him to the location. That wasn’t good, but he would help out. When they got there, Iza noticed that there were a lot of people there. When they got there, it looked like they had noticed Yijun and were acknowledging his existence. It was then they noticed Iza and knew he was not one of them and one of them launched a small knife toward him.

The elf dodged the knife and then he noticed more of them were coming toward him. It seemed like he didn’t get an invitation to the party as he noticed one of them had gotten close to him. It was then that they had tried to stab him with a dagger, but he brought his own and defended against the attack.



Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:22 pm

Yijun spun his spear in his hands and with trying to only hit the people with the shaft of his spear. They started changing as they took on more demonic looking forms dripping blood and their eyes changing to glowing red and Yijun wanted to get this over with but there were still too many of them and he and Iza were here without back up. They were alone two vs a hoard of these possessed people that were shedding their mortal forms and Yijun was wondering if they were not ever mortals or if they might be too late and the monster is already starting to cross over. Yijun spun his spear again to knock away knives that came flying at him and he wondered if those were real knives or illusions as something didn't feel right about them as they hit his spear but he had seen them and heard them hit his spear was this all a game?
(161) (1,033)

#12Iza Bicdic 

Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 6:44 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza was going to cut these people. He had pulled out his two daggers as he looked at them, but then he noticed that Yijun had been hitting them with the shaft of his spear. He sighed as he figured that they couldn’t kill them. He wished he could, but he would hold back. The wood elf would close the gap of a few of these people and he would summon his Stand. Fool Crimson had shown himself and he looked at his master. It seemed like there were a lot of people that were after him. Iza smacked a few of them with the pummel of the dagger.

His summon had done the same thing, but he would do better. He had summoned one of their champions as he had brought out two daggers. Still, he was commanded to use nonlethal force to take these people out. There were four of them now as they were doing their best to take on a hoard on their own.



Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 7:23 am

Yijun as he keeps fighting keeps hearing a voice and a form that is shrouded in what looked like a foggy shadow and hard to tell what it is in side it speaking about it choosing him. He didn't understand but his Spear seemed to power up bit and he increased his speed and the spear felt lighter in his hands and that his blows seemed to also hit a but harder and he was not sure what it was but it was powerful. His form kept changing as he was nearly fully transformed and his spear spear started being cloaked in a dark aura and Yijun laughed as the power was going to his head and the people closer to Yijun started running away from him as they seemed to be snapping out of the control as the others chanting were lowered and maybe the grasp of the fiend they were summoning was starting to slip on those that were now not under his control.

This didn't slow Yijun who had gone fully after the mortals that were running as if he had lost his mind and his spear was whirling in his palm as attacks came at him from others that were following in the ritual.
(208) (1,241)

#14Iza Bicdic 

Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 7:31 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza was moving around as he didn’t want to get surrounded. His Stand was always next to him and the champion they had summoned was also ready to fight. The Stand and the Champion attacked the people that were moving toward them. Iza did the same thing, but his power was not there. It was not like the Champion that he had. He looked over to Sylph because she would be a big help through this. He looked over to Yijun and it seemed like the young man had lost control. That wasn’t good because that meant he needed to do something about the chant or about his friend.

While he looked over to his friend, one of the possessed had made its way toward Iza. They had punched him in the face having him stumble to the side before his Stand and champion knocked them out. He spat out blood as he didn’t see it coming. Sylph had flinched when she saw this and was about to help Iza, but she was not happy with him right now.



Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 10:07 am

The other voice that was speaking to him seemed like it was speaking to his soul but the voice was muffled in his full form and attacking people and scaring them back as he was starting to not hold back as they attacked him and he attacked back. His spear was seeming to fight back against him and soften his blows as if it was trying to get him to wake up and get control. Yijun then released tendrils of darkness that went flying at the worshippers now turned to cowards and fleeing as the daemon man chased after them and a dark voice leaving his mouth as he kept fighting against them but the other voice stopped and only the one trying to talk to his soul remained and Yijun fell to the ground and landed on his feet as his transformation returned to only half him starting to regain his wit and still fighting the ones that came after him.
(162) (1,403)

#16Iza Bicdic 

Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 1:04 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza didn’t have time for Sylph right now, if she wasn’t going to help then so be it. He looked at the group of possessed people, and he would have Fool Crimson summon another Champion. This one had knives in between his hands, but they had gotten him to put it away. When he did, the four of them had moved to the people in front of them. They had started to take them out making sure not to kill those they hit. Still, it seemed like Yijun was going through it right now. He looked at him and shook his head, if he couldn’t fight what was happening, he would deal with him.

The jester wouldn’t allow himself to get hit again. Still, even if he said that he could see that there were a lot of people approaching them. He would create his clown car, which covered him and his summons for the time being before they could attack again.



Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 1:29 pm

He looked at Iza and then said something the might seem weird. "I heard a new voice it spoke to me like an old friend... I felt this weird power that went toward my spear, have you felt that toward your weapon?" Yijun wondered if that sound crazy as the voice seemed to have pulled him back from the demon void that had been pulling him in like it was a person grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the dark toward the light. Yijun was not sure what that means or really meant as he had never felt something like that before in his life it was like it was calming but at the same time powerful. Yijun was still half transformed and he kept going toward the people as they fought him and he kept defending himself and not backing down as there was something going on and the possessed people were not having a good time but Yijun had to keep fighting to make sure they don't finish the summoning.
(176) (1,579)

#18Iza Bicdic 

Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Yesterday at 7:05 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza looked at Yijun as if he had asked an interesting question. He had one dagger that had a piece of Hera's soul. It was an interesting blade and one that he never truly showed its true form. Still, his friend had asked him so he figured he would tell him about it.

“Well, I think so. I know this dagger right hea is different than anything I ever touched before. I believe it has some of the powa of the god Hera. So there’s that, a matter of fact I will show you.” He pulled his dagger into the air as he looked at the possessed trying to break through his shield.

“God Soul: Hera.” He said and his weapon transformed into a spear, and Iza had a helmet and an armor piece appear on his body.

He pushed forward and slapped some of the possessed with the blunt part of his spear.



Trouble and Jus sanguinis (With Iza)[FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Yesterday at 6:04 pm

Yijun knowing that he needed to keep working on it and get to the point he can control that thing that he could hear but for now he needed to keep his focus on the people that were still trying to return to chanting too get back to the ritual but Yijun was making sure to stay on top of them and he needed to make sure that he kept them off their feet and he kept going at them as they drew strange weapons that seemed to ooze a darkness from them that seemed to be of the same kind of darkness that the monster that were trying to summon was seeping from the ritual area as it was drawing closer and closer to the surface to be summoned and Yijun was having a bad feeling that they would not be able to actually be able to stop them in time and Yijun was not sure if they could reseal a monster that gets loose but Yijun had to hope they would not need to seal it just stop it from actually surfacing and causing problems.
(187) (1,766)

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