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It is Splash or Be Splashed [PPCS - Cannonball]

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It is Splash or Be Splashed [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 1:21 pm

Ryuuji after the time he had been having while here in the south went to a place in the town that had a giant indoor swimming pool that was climate controlled so the water would be warm and not freezing cold like it was outside. If he wanted to get hotter he could go and use the hot tub that is there to keep warmer if he wanted to. He wondered if he was going to come across the other woman here or not as he had seen her in what had looked more like a swim top before she he now thinking about it might have been a life guards gear. He doubted it as he came in with his towel and in swim shorts that fit him well and the strange markings that lead along his body was more in view than they normally were as he wasn't worried about it but he was here to just enjoy himself and nothing more but he knows how it use to get around the swimming waters where he grew up.

He knows that one small thing can set off a group of people doing dumb things and splashing random people that weren't any the wiser till they are soaked by some kid swinging their arm in the water and making a wave of a splash at people. He picked a chair and he placed his towel down on the chair to show it was taken and he stretched a little and he could see some people looking at him as he did this and he figured that maybe they had an issue with his being a demi-human in a pool area cause they think he is dirty or something or maybe the strange markings that were on his body maybe be attracting their gazes. He had no idea that he is being checked out and the woman that were smirking and giggling made him think they were probably just laughing at him or making jokes about him but he ignored it and went over to the water and let himself sink into the water.


It is Splash or Be Splashed [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 3:37 pm


WORDS: 460 | Baywatch

“Hey! Calm it down! No running by the pool!” The sharp sound of a whistle seeming to pierce the air as Samantha Salucci stepped into an arena which was much more her kind of brand in one way at least, the growl and jabbing finger that she used to warn a rather rambunctious figure about their antics seemed to suit her in one way or another, even if she was struggling a little bit with the ensemble she had coopted for the event.

At least I’m not freezing my ass off in here, even if the uniform is getting me a few… Looks? In one way feeling lucky that she had managed to switch a shift or two here and there to use her talent for aquatic activity somewhere a little more inclined toward her intolerance to the cold but once more seeming to be reliant upon bargaining when it came to her outfit, the scarlet swimmer wasn’t quite sure if she had been handed a costume which felt a size or so too small for her on purpose, but the result meant that she had been especially wary of the looks she was being given as she went about her business.
Hopefully I won’t… For that reason feeling thankful that she was headed toward a little break from the unflinching gazes of acne faced teenagers and even more discomfortingly parents, she took a brisk stroll toward the back room with an arm seeming permanently hooked over her chest, which seemed to be bearing or perhaps baring the brunt of the mismatch in sizing.

“O-Oh, uh, heyyy!” All the while seeming to be tempting fate as she wished upon the hope of not seeing someone she knew and therefore likely dooming herself to an unexpected reunion with the figure who she had been enjoying a roller coaster bonding process, though on the one hand she was happy to see Ryuuji at the same time Miss Salucci felt a little embarrassed to be seen like him in something that seemed so tight and revealing to her, and that nervousness saw her seeming to tug a little at the jacket she wore with her costume in an effort to cover up her bust a bit without making it too obvious that she felt somewhat self-conscious.
“Looks like I’m the one working today, huh? You enjoying the water…?” The magenta miss meanwhile trying to draw attention away from that sensation of being ill at ease by indulging a little light hearted conversation, she shuffled over next to where he himself seemed to be lingering in the water and crouched down to talk to him, hoping that the sight and small talk a friend could offer might just take her mind off what was bothering her a bit…

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


It is Splash or Be Splashed [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 6:59 pm

He was enjoying the warm water of the pool and he was relaxing a bit in the water it had been awhile since he had actually swam and he liked the feeling from it as the warm water seemed to help get the chill out of his body as well which in itself felt like a weight that had lifted off of his shoulders and he then hear someone speak and he looked toward where the voice had come from and he looked at the woman it seemed that she was indeed working here as a life guard as well. He guessed at this point that he shouldn't be surprised by her just showing up as it seemed they were playing some fated game of tag with one another all over the events and now here.

Once she had crouched down and started talking to him he looked up at her and he smiled and spoke back to her. "Yeah the water feels good on the cold body, plus it feels nice to be able to swim again. You work here a lot or just during the time the event is going on?" He saw people walking behind her as they passed her and he hoped she didn't get bumped or he was going to have to either catch her or move out of her way so she can fall in but he thinks if she does fall he should probably try to catch her cause moving might give her the wrong impression that he wouldn't try to help her or something else and he doesn't want to hurt her pride or make her sad again.

He sees out of the corner of his eye a guy that was getting closer to them and he was clearly looking at Sam, Ryuuji figured out what the man was aiming to do and Ryuuji moved his arm as a splash from the cannon ball was going for Sam and a shield appeared and blocked the water from hitting Sam. Ryuuji acted like he had not done anything as the shield went away after stopping the splash from hitting her. The man soon surfaced and went to see if he had gotten the woman wet but was mad when he saw the splash had failed and he swam off to his friends who told him about what had happened and she had been protected by some kind of shield, but they hadn't seen Ryuuji be the one that casted it. They were now all going to keep trying to splash her and who ever gets her wet wins their little game.
(440) (794)


It is Splash or Be Splashed [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Yesterday at 4:39 am


WORDS: 470 | Baywatch

“You do a lot of swimming or…?” The brow of the burgundy haired beauty lifting as Ryuuji commented on how he felt good to swim again, for a second Miss Salucci found her cheeks growing a little rosier as she had some unconscious realisation that his thus far impressive form was pretty well exposed at the moment, and as such she couldn’t help but find her gaze drifting to inspect his form curiously because of that. For research purposes of course, I’m sure.
“I’m pretty confident in my ability in the water! Won a few swim meets in my day and stuff~? Seemed a natural fit to grab some lifeguard gigs as easy rent money?” Oddly seeming to brighten however when the last asked about her work here, that crabby and confrontational character which she typically flaunted seemed almost absent as the crimson cutie was happy to brag a bit about her ability in the pool, and rubbed the back of her head as she mentioned it being a simple form of income for her in spite of the more challenging aspects regarding ‘uniform’.

“Hm?” In fact seeming to enjoy the chance to catch up a little and express herself so much that the magenta martial artist largely missing the attempt to hit her with a watery projectile, in spite of that the sound of splattering nearby seeming to stir some form of recognition within the redhead, and so she turned her head and frowned as she looked around suspiciously and ultimately came to spot those faces who seemed to wish to get the best of her in this watery competition.

“Oh these guys again… You might wanna back off Ryu, these buggers have been trying to soak me all day…!” For a moment seeming annoyed because of them because this was far from the first time today that they had aimed to splash her with those cannonballs but as well irked by how they had chosen to interrupt her conversation with someone she was growing to enjoy, that latter fact was evidenced as Sam raises an arm across her guildmate in an odd little show of protectiveness like she was telling them he was off limits so to speak.
“It’s break time now, so don’t think I’m gonna be letting you off so easily…!” After that pushing herself to stand back up and turn around in one fluid motion, our lady lead seemed to assume a loose and open handed fighting pose like she was ready to challenge them herself now that she was a little more relaxed and off the clock, and in fact seemed just a little bit excited by the prospect of showing off a bit for her guild mate as well. After all, seemed a great chance to show just was a Fairy Tail gal could do, right~?

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


It is Splash or Be Splashed [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Yesterday at 5:29 pm

He smirked at her. "That confident in your swimming skills? Sound like we need to face off sometime and see who is better." His voice was joking as he wasn't really expecting her to want to do that, as she doesn't really seem that type that would want to be seen showing off, of he had thought that because of how shy and protective about her body that she was. He was not sure how this day was going to go and what was about to happen.

She just said they had been trying to get her wet all day does that mean she is usually a target like that and was she encouraging them to keep trying to get her wet? He wasn't really sure about this woman as one minute she seemed super shy about things but now she is pretty openly challenging a group of boys and men to attempt to get her wet but he guessed as she had seemed to not want to involve him that he needed to just stay back and watch her at work, he just hoped that she didn't get hurt or slip on the pool side that was now wet and was probably an actual slipping hazard but he guessed he might be able to get a shield under her to protect her if something were to happen and she was about to get hurt from the horse play.

Ryuuji wasn't sure if she would get made at him for that or not but he wanted to make sure that she didn't get scraped up or hit her head on the pool side. He knows that it will probably not happen but he swims away so she can have her space to do what she needed and had to do and so he could watch and just let her show off or what ever her aim was for "Protecting him." He was not sure how him getting wet after already being in the water was a big deal but this wasn't his battle it was this beautiful woman's and a beast has no say in interfering in it besides to maybe warn her that it might get her fired from her lifeguarding job or get her kicked out of the pool but he figured again it was not his place to step in.

The man started getting into their mega splash formation as they were going to work to try and fire a big cannon ball wave at her with their combined efforts. Ryuuji sees that as a very childish thing they are trying to do but he was just here to watch now and he was just glad the water was warm and hopefully the action good.
(460) (1,254)


It is Splash or Be Splashed [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Today at 4:22 am


WORDS: 500 | Baywatch

“Oh~? Yeah, it sounds fun~! Maybe when I get off after this shift, if you’re still around~?” The scarlet stunner seeming to smile as her guildmate suggested some manner of pool based competition between the two of them, while it was true that Samantha could be on the crabbier end of the spectrum she always was one who appreciated the value of a good workout and that which came with a decent challenge, and so she nodded and affirmed the idea that she would definitely be down for a little one on one when the fair haired fella had some time.
“I’d love to see how our training compares~!” Perhaps on some level as eager to show off just what she could do in an arena which felt more her own given how recent times had gone, after seeing what the man could do with his magic and stuff she was more than keen on demonstrating that she could keep up with her own form of prowess, and show off that what she was packing beneath her crimson clothing was for more than just creeps and pervs to gawk at.

“How many times do I have to tell you, you boys don’t stand a chance!” For the moment the magenta minx seeming to be consumed by a desire to prove victorious in another form of contest however, though there was plenty of that usual sense of confrontation as she watched the ranks of her ‘enemies’ ready themselves for their attack, there also seemed to almost be a sense of excitement and thrill clear both in the tone which Miss Salucci carried and as well her actions as she seemed to reach up and whip the visor she was wearing off to allow herself a feeling of greater freedom of movement.
“Hup!” Tossing the peaked item toward the ground almost like a frisbee and making it land closer to where Ryuuji seemed to be in the pool, when the first ‘blast’ of liquid erupted from the water the crimson competitor remained relatively cool under pressure and merely watched the lurching liquid rise up to see where it would land, before twisting and hopping to the side to witness the onslaught splash all about the floor in front of her, whilst keeping the girl herself perfectly dry.

“That the best you got?!” As such it seeming that her confidence would only grow as she shot a sharp stare toward the group for a moment before the sense of exhilaration almost seemed to make her smirk, sure they were all just goofing around but one as sensitive and serious as Sam taking this matter more to heart than she perhaps should do, as her assurance seemed to grow close to overblown status she thrust a mitt forward and jabbed her thumb downward like some emperor of the collesium, deeming their efforts futile and demanding that the group do better if they ever wanted to have a hope of getting the better of her…

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.

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