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Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.)

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Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:58 pm

It was time for Miriko to some what come out of hiding, She wanted to test something, Test her skills of skating. She did learn from some one else before she merely just had to be brave enough to continue trying at it. Something normally Miriko was scared of. But Miriko over all was scared by various things, But there was signs to anyone in the area during these times Miriko was around.

For cold events brought snow, since it was also cold it meant one thing about Miriko was easily highlighted. How horrible she was with weather. Even if she was wrapped up in a blanket and she prepared the best she could. Miriko was not cold resistant, While arriving to the area she had chosen to go skating in. The loud echoing sneeze broke the calm quiet around her, Alistair was helpful was trying his best to not laugh.

But when she arrived at the spot she had chosen to go skating she would find a place to sit down and collect her things. While also sneezing again. She was off to a wonderful start but she seemed to be wanting to try skating yet again, Internally she was still nervous about it.



Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:09 am

Vex had walked into the skating rink and it looked like it was still very empty and she wondered if she was even suppose to be able to get into the rink Carla was following close behind the woman while in her human form as she wanted to skate as well and thought the better appearance to have was in her human on as it would probably be less distracting for anyone else that joined them on the ice not to just randomly see a talking cat as for some reason that was still considered weird for them to do. Vex heard the sneeze and she guessed someone else was here and so she headed in that way and that was when she saw Mimi. Akiza walked over to Miriko. "Would you mind if I use a spell on you to help you with the cold?" Akiza smiled at her and sat on the bench to get her skates on and she hoped that she didn't scare her as she hadn't seen her in a little bit of time and she had to wonder.

Carla sat on the other bench and started to get her skates on as well. She could skate but she hadn't done it for a bit of time so she needed to probably get the hang of it again.


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Mon Sep 16, 2024 5:01 am

It seems some one had finally found her or well in this case it seemed Miriko was with some one who might actually enjoy her attempts at learning something new, Other then her aunts. But Akiza in which Miriko realized and felt guilty she had not been around her in a while and she had been busy making a large amount of art pieces she was preparing to sell.

But she would sneeze yet again, but this should be some what expected because Miriko was horrible with the weather but she was still trying to tie her skates. Letting out another sneeze in the process she was not ignoring Akiza she was just trying to finishing something.

Most people might have looked at this situation being uncomfortable even if most people might have forgotten magic she was suppose to help other people."It might be helpful for when i am skating, Depending on what it is."Miriko was not assuming what kind of spell it was, But she was okay with it.


Last edited by Mimi on Wed Sep 18, 2024 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:06 am

She finished getting her own skates on and then she gets closer to the painter. "It is a spell to help you be more resistant to the cold but I think I will also add in some endurance buffing as well so if you fall you aren't gonna get hurt. But if you do get hurt let me know and I will heal you." She moved her hand and then gently touched Miriko's forehead with her finger and the spells casted on the woman making her more cold resistant and her body was buffed as well that would help keep her from getting too harmed if she were to fall out there on the ice then the wood elf woman stood up and she put her hand out to Miriko to see if she needed a hand up though she was pretty sure that Miriko didn't need her to give her a hand up.

Carla got her skates on and walked out onto the ice to start getting back into the hang of it as she was not looking to make a fool of herself here in front of the mistress and her girlfriend? Carla was not sure if that was really the way it was or not as the painter seemed to not be scared of the mistress or uncomfortable but maybe the painter didn't understand what that means.
(232) (457)


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 3:50 pm

Miriko saw this as a good idea, considering how she was, it was actually endearing to Miriko. It was making more sense over time for why Akiza had chosen to date Miriko and it being a wise choice for her to agree to it. But inner thoughts aside."Oh?...Okay that is a good idea."Miriko mentioned because it was a good idea.

So over all it might be lead into something else more nice, Miriko knowing and managing to be even braver on skates."Well you be helping me balance?"Miriko asked because she did not mind if there was much help. In some manner she was already nervous about trying again, since Alistair was not getting on the ice himself, But alas this was something to also have Miriko blossom into being even more creative then she already was.

For the moment she didn't sneeze, But she was walking towards the ice and some what struggling to balance still even getting up she was having a hard time. But she even would say."I...am...ready." She said this while she was trying to walk onto the ice and struggling walking forward, almost like she was still worried about falling when she had help. But this was most likely normal for her.




Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 3:18 pm

Vex was glad the woman had agreed to it being a smart idea to help the woman, so she can skate in peace without needing to worry about the cold and falling and when the woman asked if Akiza would help the woman. She nodded and she would help the woman get to the ice and she would smile at her and gently held onto her so Akiza would help her and keep an eye on her. "Don't worry I will help you no matter what Miriko~" Her voice is kind and soft as she wanted the other woman to relax a bit and just start getting the hand of skating as if she is tense it is only going to make it harder on herself to skate around and have fun. "If you have any probably just let me know and I will help you to keep going and if you fall I will be right here and I will help you. And if you do get hurt I can kiss it and make it better for you~"

She knows that she shouldn't tease Miriko too much but it had been a bit since they had seen each other and she wanted to show that she still likes her and that she isn't scared to say that she does. Carla is watching and skating as a few other people join in on skating.
(238) (695)


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 4:34 am

So far in this situation, Miriko did not seem to notice too much teasing at this time. Miriko's horrible or wonderful focus seemed to actually be trying to balance and do it over all with out much help at this time. But Alas Miriko was still paying attention for the most part starting to gain for balance by placing one of her hands on Akiza's shoulder while she was actually standing on her skates with out shaking for once.

while this was only her second time really trying it was signs of progress and Miriko seemed however to really be focusing, Even being brave enough to just let go and push forward completely by herself. It was a prideful moment in Miriko's mind she would to make a painting about it and all. Call the A new Bird's flight and sent to Lumikki, That was how happy she was.

Then after about three feet of Miriko moving forwards with skating. She starting falling forward pretty quickly, having already slipped up her footing with skating trying to do it herself. It was silly but Miriko seemed to actually be too stubborn to quit or slowly down her efforts.


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Mon Sep 23, 2024 1:23 pm

Vex smiled as she saw the other woman seem to grow in confidence and when she saw the painter push forward, Akiza woulkd skate behind her to make sure the woman doesn't fall over and get hurt and when she saw the woman start to fall forward Akiza sped up and got in front of the other woman and helped her stay up right no matter how stubborn the other woman was going to be she was now here to help and have fun with the woman even if she had come today just for herself she got lucky and found her girlfriend here and Akiza blushed just thinking about it that this woman was her girlfriend but she didn't let that get to her head as she skated along with Miriko who had seemed to more glow on the ice but Akiza knows better then to say it and make her feel embarrassed about it.

Carla skated around with the other people that had come to join on the ice and Akiza made sure none of them bumped into Miriko as they went past them but mostly Akiza only really saw Miriko in this moment and time and that she wanted to keep her safe and on her skates having fun and feeling the freedom of the wind blowing past them as they skate.
(225) (920)


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 6:45 pm

It seemed the situation was for the most part set up perfectly Miriko was trying and doing well, Even if Alistair had seemingly continue to try and ponder how magically they mixed snow and sand together. Suppose while he did not really need to think about it, it was just really interesting to him, So eventually he would return to watching Miriko and Akiza.

Then Miriko always working on getting better and more brave would merely continued her focused effort much as she did even with her balance problems she might have stumbled at first. Then well Miriko's luck would fail her.

As she felt like she got past her first bump in her balance, Well this second time however when she seemingly felt uneasy, Miriko fell over this time forward and seeming was just about to land on her face, If Akiza did not try or catch Miriko would hit the ground either landing on her face or chest.


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 8:58 pm

Akiza was staying just a bit ahead of the other woman and when she saw the other woman was going to fall She moved to catch her but Akiza was not super strong and at the same time her skating backwards he skate caught a nick in the ice that made her fall backwards as well with Miriko coming down on top of he Akiza got her hands under her head to protect the back of her head when she hit the ice and once they stopped she looked up in Miriko's eyes and Akiza was blushing deeply as she spoke with the painter on top of her. "Are you okay Miriko? You didn't get hurt right?" She pulled a hand from under her head and she reached up and gently stroked the Mimi's cheek with her palm. She hoped that Miriko was okay, she was sure that Miriko didn't hit her head as it had been against Akiza's body as they fell to the ice, so her hitting the ice first would probably have broken the painters fall a bit.
(183) (1,103)


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:19 am

It seem this situation ended a bit more funnier compared to how most people would handle it, Miriko's sense of maturity into the situation of life would start to blossom slowly in this situation. While Akiza seemed to blush slightly.

Miriko almost seemed to panic viably for a few minutes, most likely because she just nearly fell and in some manner, She seemed to process what all happen. But it seemed she was okay. Even if she just did not say anything about it yet.

But it seemed she would collect herself and her bruised momentum."Yes I am okay, Just thought I had this down."In some manner this was Miriko just working ahead of things she thought she had going, forgetting how important the practice.

But Miriko seemingly was also getting better a few things since trying to get comfortable being out of her shell more. But Mimi did feel odd she was on stop of some one for one. But suppose Miriko did have to adjust to many things over the years.


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 8:51 am

Akiza laughed softly as the woman spoke about her thinking that she had had this down better. "Practice and patience will make you be able to prefect it." Akiza started helping Mimi to her feet, she would stay close to the painters side if she was to start going again as she has seen a bit of panic in the other woman's eye but Akiza was fine and they were already together so it wasn't something weird or that she should worry about as there was a lot of time that they could use and maybe be able to get Miriko in a better form as she was doing fine it just had seemed that she had gotten a bit ahead of herself and that is what ended up catching her in the end and made it a bit more rocky.

"These kinds of things are about falling down then getting back up. You have the strength to do a lot of things it is just about not giving up as everyone started at the bottom and worked up. Think of it in a way that it is akin to art, it starts with a single stroke, then from their the picture begins part by part, the details and extra strokes end up making a master piece but it takes the time and all those strokes to make it appear it doesn't just happen instantly." Akiza didn't know if that was going to make sense to the painter woman that was her girlfriend but she hoped in some form it would sink in for her even if it wasn't all at once, she cared a lot about this woman and she can see how she can easily get over whelmed if you keep hammering it into her and she needs a gentle guiding hand that isn't forceful and doesn't just pull her along like a lost child.
(321) (1,424)


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 4:48 pm

Akiza was right, since well she needed to relax and practice more, But this was a flaw of Miriko's she knew it was a flaw, Akiza clearly saw this even if Miriko was in some manner. Was thinking she was pretty good at keeping that tucked away for the most part, But alas she needed to get back up eventually even if laying with Akiza was kind of nice and almost made her forget why she was there to start with.

But Miriko was on her feet and slowly started again. Almost like she was too determine to give up."Maybe....but the nuns i dealt with never took kindly to failure."Miriko mentioned. While she was trying to balance again. Then again Miriko did not recall if she had talked about that part of her life. She was such a perfectionist about these things because she needed to be or else the nun would deal with it in their own ways.


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 5:31 am

Akiza had enjoyed having that closeness with the other woman but she also knew up upset the woman might have ended up being once she realized that she was still in public so Akiza needed to make sure that she was going to be okay and that they kept that some where private till Miriko was able to allow herself to be more like that in public with lesser things. She heard the woman speak of nuns and Akiza tilted her head and looked at her as this was sure this is the first time she had heard anything about nuns or maybe it was something she had blocked out as to not talk about it. "Nuns? Were you nearly a woman of the cloth and I know nuns and believers that are tasked with raising children can often be more stern and unkind, but failures are what help you to grow and do something better."

Akiza held Miriko's hand and smiled at her as this was to be for fun and to relax and she doesn't want Mimi to get herself all worked up about those silly nuns that tried to make her something she wasn't and probably would never be.
(204) (1,628)


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Yesterday at 5:26 pm

Suppose it was now time for a bit of a history lesson, Why Miriko might seem so uncomfortable around a lot of people, Why in Miriko's life she always made her art the centre. Not her looks or beauty. What she could create, it was a fixation for a reason. Even now she thought about the nun she met while travelling back home one time, Her name was Elise. Alistair called her Elly the stick in the mud."You don't control your life, When your just taken to them..."Miriko reflecting upon her time there, even if it was a few shorts years and well, what else she did really make it seem like a distant memory, when it was not all that long a go, Time magic did wonders when you asked your mother nicely.

But internal Miriko thoughts aside she figured she would make it brief."I never wanted to be one...They scared me quiet often, I got in trouble a lot for drawing, More then listening to what they wanted to teach me."Miriko was apparently unintentionally a trouble maker, But most likely given how Miriko was now, She was not that much problem she just drew too much.

While most people would expect Miriko to merely explain more and possible use to the chance to talk it all entirely out, Miriko seemed less interested i ruining date she had doing on. Even Alistair would call it a bit wrong. But here she was just going back on her skates and trying again still.


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Today at 6:38 am

She got a bit closer to Miriko as she listened to her tell the story of how the nuns were more against her drawing and expressing herself. Akiza wondered if it would bug the woman if she knew that she was part of a religion or not but she would have to ask the woman about it and see if she was okay with it or if she was going to tell her that it wasn't but she wanted to make sure, so she was going to ask her about it and see how she reacts as Akiza can't remember if she had told Miriko about that. "Yeah sounds like they were hoping to make you a zealot or a new nun but your passion wasn't there for that. I have a question... Would me being a part of a religion make your mind change about me and us?" She was worried even though she knows that the other woman probably won't care as long as she didn't push her beliefs on her or their children if they end up having any.

Vex kept skating right with her while holding her hand and she hoped that it wouldn't cause issues between them but she would also understand if it did as it seems that nuns had caused issues and hurt her and her trust in them but she needed to not show it if she did say it would cause an issue between them. Akiza needed to be careful as she also knows that Miriko might just take it on the chin and just say no but actually have an issue with it later and that was something that she didn't want to happen.
(286) (1,914)

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