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Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball]

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Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Yesterday at 1:11 pm

Vex had heard that Hargeon had an indoor swimming pool that was heated and had hot tubs off to the the side for those that just wanted to relax from the cold that was outside, she and Carla were going to go and have fun there for the day to help to get away from the cold that was outside, plus being indoors as well for a bit her companion was in her human form and in a cute tank top and swim shorts. Vex was in a one piece that was in a red and purple mixed design. Vex and Carla pick pool chairs next to each other and they placed their towels and took off their non-slip foot wear and then placed them under their chairs, then Vex gets closer to the water as she looked around as she tied her hair back and up then she sat on the side of the pool dipping her feet.

Carla just gets in to get it over fast if the water was cold which it wasn't it was a heated pool so the water was warm and Vex popped herself into the water and she looked at Carla would looked like she was getting back to use to swimming, Vex was having any trouble as she was use to swimming as she did it sometimes in her down time to help her keep in shape as she was not much of a gym working out type. Vex had seen some men were watching her and Carla, she figured they were not enemies probably just attention starved men that were planning to approach her and Carla. She was still going to keep an eye out as often men aren't so easy to shed with a simple no and she was in her element in the water and she will not be scared to use that against an idiot that will not take no for an answer from her.

#2Yuuki Hashimoto 

Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Today at 12:35 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki and Yumi had just left a clothing store in Hargeon, where he had just let Yumi pick out a bathing suit that would fit her since she was the size of a child she had to pick from the kids section, most of which were one piece bathing suits which made since as they were designed for children. Yumi sat in her usual spot on Yuuki's left shoulder as they meandered down the street towards the indoor pool area, with Yumi buzzing excitedly on his shoulder as this would be the first time since her head injury that she would be able to go swimming although Yuuki would likely have to supervise until she got the hang of things.

As they approached the indoor swimming pool area Yuuki wondered if Yumi was fully paying attention when one of the female employee's at the clothing store showed her how to put the swimming suit on while Yuuki had waited outside the dressing room. Yuuki hoped she had paid attention as it was not like Yuuki could go into the women's changing area  with out avoiding some scandalous situation "Yumi, are you sure you paid attention to the lady who showed you how to put that on?" Yuuki asked questioningly as he grasped the door handle of the place they were about to go swimming "Jeez, I am not that big of an airhead." she said sarcastically in response to Yuuki's questioning as she hopped off his shoulder clutching her bathing suit in her diminutive hands as she glided towards the women's locker room and disappeared behind the curtain as Yuuki went to go to the men locker room to get changed himself.

Yuuki quickly got changed storing his stuff in the magical locker that only reacted to his thumb print for making his way out to the pool area to wait on Yumi to finish getting changed he gazed around the pool area, it did not appear too crowded there were a group of suspicious looking dudes on one end eyeing what appeared to be either a female elf of some variety and a humanoid of some sort which he assumed to be the female elf's friend. Yumi exited the female locker room a few minutes later appearing to have successfully put the suit on right with nothing being exposed so Yuuki supposed that was a win of some sort and a scandal avoided.

Yuuki climbed into the middle part of the pool between the two groups, figuring those guys on the other end were less likely to start something if he were between them and their goal. Yuuki helped Yumi into the pool and had her grab a finger on each of his hands with her tiny hands as he instructed her to kick as he slowly walked backwards, the water in this part of the pool barely mid thigh, as he was the largest male in the pool currently standing quite a bit over six foot tall and some mixture of lanky and slim fit.

Post Word Count: 507

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