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Pirates! Pt. 2

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 2  Empty Today at 10:04 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been watching the pirates put the things they wanted onto their ship. He was in his transformation still as he waited to get paid already. He didn’t have to get back to his home with the ship. He could easily slice through the air and get back to Pergrande. The pirates were handling their stuff as they were walking around the dead bodies. They couldn’t believe that one man was able to handle this on their own. They all wondered if their captain would fall through with his plan even though they could see what he was capable of.

“What do you want to do for the rest of the day Drakkon? He said they were looking around the place.

It was soon that they had finished putting everything on the ship. When they were done, they alerted the captain that they were ready to go. Drakkon looked at the captain and he nodded.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 2  Empty Today at 10:12 am

Go D. Drakkon
“The reward is on the ship, if you want you can stay on that ship or come on board, so we can be on our way, and at the same time you get your reward.” He said to Drakkon.

The Devourer was fine with that. As soon as he got his reward, he would leave the ship.

“Yeah I don’t mind doing that. Let’s get my reward, so I can go home.” He said to the captain.

The Dragon Slayer had landed on the deck of the ship and the captain had gotten his reward. It was a big treasure box, and he nodded.

“This is the best I can give you. This is because I didn’t lose any more of my crew, so I figured I’d give you some more.” He said to Drakkon.

Drakkon had opened the box and while he did that the captain had pulled his gun out and pulled the trigger.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 2  Empty Today at 10:23 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon sensed the danger that was coming from behind, and he dodged it with ease. The box was open as well, and even though he dodged it, his danger sense was still kicking in. He wasn’t sure what was happening, but he had activated his spell. A fire would cover Drakkon as an explosion from the box would occur. The captain knew about a chance of him missing with his gunshot, so he had a second trap implanted in this scheme.

It was then the entire crew had looked over to what was happening. They were sure if their captain had gotten the mage they hired. There was a lot of smoke occurring throughout the area and they couldn’t see his body. Still, there was the point of waiting for the smoke to disperse. It was then they noticed something moving in the smoke. They thought they were seeing things, but soon enough the entire crew had seen the same thing.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 2  Empty Today at 10:32 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had walked out of the smoke with a fire armor around him. He had moved out of the place, and he looked at the pirates that were on the ship. They were confused, nervous, and scared that everything that just happened didn’t work against Drakkon.

The captain had laughed when he saw Drakkon was alive and well. this wasn’t going to go well, but the deed was done. He was going to go full throttle now as he got ready to fight.

“Alright guys, let’s take him out together. He’s not going to be an easy person to fight.” He said to his crew.

They heard him and they got ready to fight. They would charge at him as a group knowing that he had taken out a ship filled with armed men without their help. They figured that he must be tired. Drakkon saw this and shook his head as he knew that this was going to be his reward today.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 2  Empty Today at 10:37 am

Go D. Drakkon

He rushed forward to them, and they all started to shoot at him. It was either gunshots or spells at him. He started to dodge the attacks without a problem. His eye and his instincts allow him to help him with these movements. He had approached one of the crew members and he cut him down without a problem. It was then he took flight into the air as he looked at the group of men on the ship. He looked at them and shook their heads because they didn’t understand what they were doing.

He could tell they didn’t know who he was, but that was shameful because he felt like they should have. The Dragon Slayer had used another spell of his and an orb would be condensed before expanding the orb into a huge ball of fire. It was then he launched it onto the ship, and it would explode. The people there would be caught and would be heard screaming in pain and agony.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 2  Empty Today at 10:42 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would see now that the ship was on fire, and it seemed like there were still a few of them still breathing. He would land on the ship as they looked at him. They were regretting their choice of messing with him. Still, it was not their choice to make, in the end, this was their captain’s choice, who was still standing. It seemed like he used a shield and a spell to fend off most of the damage that the spell did.

He walked over to the people and he could see that they were trembling in fear.

“Did you th8ink this through? You saw the aftermath of what I did on the other ship, so what made you think it would go your way if you tried to attack me? Now their lives are in your hands. The death of the crew and the death of your own life.” He said to the Captain.


#7Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 2  Empty Today at 10:46 am

Go D. Drakkon
He laughed when he heard that, and he started launching a barrage of spells at Drakkon. The son of chaos had made his move as well. He had disappeared and reappeared behind one of his men. When he noticed that Drakkon was behind him, it was too late. He had swung down his Enma on this man’s torso cutting him down in half. He would scream and shout from the blow as he fell. It was then he moved over to the others and he would start cutting them down one by one. The captain was trying to defend his crew, but it wouldn’t help as he couldn’t do anything. The devourer was taking out his crew first so that he could watch his crew disappear before he took him out.

“This is all your fault, you should have just paid me and left me alone. I am the boss of the Yakuza clan, and you crossed the line today.” He said to him as he had cut down the final man.


#8Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 2  Empty Today at 10:50 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked at the captain of the ship as he was walking toward him. He was in full blown fear right now as he could see what this man could do. It was then he would get on his knees, and he was trying to apologize to Drakkon. He had even offered him all the loot that they had gained today and any of the other loot he had down in the cargo. The Devourer could see the fear of this man and he had a smile on his face. This was amazing and he looked like he was ready to shit on himself.

“You think I won't take it even if you are dead. Your treasure is mine and you can blame it on your ignorance.” He said as he would cut the man down as he shouted in agony.

When it was all said and done, Drakkon gathered the stuff on the ship and pushed it into his portal. It would lead to his house in Joya. He would enter the place afterward as he was done with his job.

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