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Battle of beast and man (S-Rank NQ)

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Battle of beast and man (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 11:00 am


Kaito was requested to come out and deal with some werewolves and vampires again and Kaito was starting to wonder what the problem with this area was. Kaito had been having to come out here more and more and that made him wonder if there was a reason for it, if there was some grand upraising of vampires somewhere and it was getting the ones here all winded up and ready for some grand war between the werewolves and humans, if that was what was going on he was going to have to deal with it and make the most of his time went partaking in the fighting and the death that would be taking part and he wondered if that was really all he could do or if this was just the end of the road for vampires. Kaito as he went deeper into the forest could smell werewolves and sense the danger of the vampires that were out here.


Battle of beast and man (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 11:01 am


Kaito moved his hand and his gear appeared on his person and then he jumped forward into the trees as the werewolves moved and came for him and he met their claws with his sword and the blade attached to his glove which had really been coming in handy against things like this that would come for him but he was not going to back down against them as they seemed excited for this fight and that made Kaito wonder if maybe the vampires had put a hit on him and the werewolves were coming to collect and he kept his eyes moving as he followed the movements and the attack patterns that the creatures would have when they came toward him and he could tell these three in the front were not just some run of the mill werewolves as they seemed to step with purpose and with real killing intent Kaito was not sure if he was going to be able to keep up.


Battle of beast and man (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 11:02 am


Kaito made a choice and he powered up a glow admitting from his body and a dark red aura that flowed around him that made him look even more intimidating than he already was and his eyes seemed to peer through them but two of the three seemed unphased but one seemed to have been shaken to his core as he saw Kaito transcending into the realm of the gods and channeling the raw power and force that, that would give him and he swung his word three times and the first slash sent a projectile forward and into two werewolves and he moved as the second released a monstrous roar as a portal opened up from above and a blast of arcane dragon energy rained down, as the third had come into the space. All three were not in place and the third spell went off and a beam that went through anything pierced through the forest.


Battle of beast and man (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 11:03 am


The werewolves had dropped to the ground as their armor and their spirits were broken, the vampires started to come in from the forest in an attempt to feed on the now defeated werewolves and Kaito pointed his blade and more beams fired loose from there hitting the vampires as they rushed forward toward him and he didn't waste a second as he ran in and fought with them as he needed to make sure that they didn't keep making trouble and the vampires dodged and started attacking at Kaito with spells that Kaito would match with spells of his own to make sure that they couldn't touch him as he had no ideas what the monsters were planning with the spells that they were throwing at him. He knew that they couldn't do much to him but he was going to keep fighting and not backing down from the fight as he needed to make sure that they were stopped.


Battle of beast and man (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 11:04 am


His blade started to meet their flesh and they screamed out in pain as Kaito didn't let up on them and that was something the vampires hadn't taken account for as he was not going to stop and worry about the mess that he left behind as he wanted their heads if he could get his hands on them and that was something that was a pretty unsure nature as the vampires were seeming to get smart and try to keep him at range but none of them were escaping him as his body was over flowing with power and that was something that was boosting his speed and making his attacks more carefree and uncaring on where and how he was hitting them slashing them up brutally unlike his more usual method of remove the head and steak the heart. Kaito had seemed to have take the power of the gods that flow in his veins and he wasn't going to hold it back.


Battle of beast and man (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 11:04 am


The vampires called out a giant beast that was a mix of a vampire and a werewolf and Kaito looked at it and it would be a shame to kill it but he wanted to get this over with and he was not going to hold back as he went and the met the beast with attack for attack the creature was strong but it seemed to lack the full intellect of a vampire but had the raw power of both of those races mixed to an abnormal amount and he wondered if this was a beast or a creature that was born of the love between of a vampire and a werewolf but he wasn't going to stop to ask and he was just going to kill it and never ask the question of if it was a lab rat or a naturally born monster into this world to curse it by it existing.


Battle of beast and man (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 11:05 am


Kaito had to find an opening but this thing was moving and trying to keep it's vitals safe from him so he thinks that he might have misjudged it as it seemed to want to self preserve it self and wasn't aimlessly protecting it self but like it could think and move in a way that would one could say that it has free thinking and that maybe it was blind to the face it was being used like this or maybe it just didn't care about all of that but Kaito wasn't going to stop and try to talk this out with it as this think needed to die and Kaito moved like he was going one way and it followed with it's movement and left itself open as Kaito moved quick getting under the beast and slashing it up from underneath and spells flying into the beasts body and causing it to fall over unmoving.


Battle of beast and man (S-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 11:06 am


Kaito set his eyes on the last vampire who begged for his life and saying it will never happen again and Kaito didn't trust it his red aura growing stronger and as Kaito got close the vampire jumped at him and then tried to bit his neck but the fangs didn't pierce the skin on Kaito who punched the monster in the face shattering the fangs that it had in it's mouth and Kaito grabbed the monster and then bashed the creature on the ground as he was not going to take what this creature did lightly and it was time for the end of this little show down. Kaito swung his blade and it was over the last vampire was dead and Kaito let his form down and he stretched as that form was a bit stressful on his body so he didn't use it often then he collected proof of his win here and then headed off to go and get the reward and head for home.
(169) (1,291/1,250) (exit) (50% Wc) (20%ring,10%guild, 30% Relic.)

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