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Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.)

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Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:58 pm

It was time for Miriko to some what come out of hiding, She wanted to test something, Test her skills of skating. She did learn from some one else before she merely just had to be brave enough to continue trying at it. Something normally Miriko was scared of. But Miriko over all was scared by various things, But there was signs to anyone in the area during these times Miriko was around.

For cold events brought snow, since it was also cold it meant one thing about Miriko was easily highlighted. How horrible she was with weather. Even if she was wrapped up in a blanket and she prepared the best she could. Miriko was not cold resistant, While arriving to the area she had chosen to go skating in. The loud echoing sneeze broke the calm quiet around her, Alistair was helpful was trying his best to not laugh.

But when she arrived at the spot she had chosen to go skating she would find a place to sit down and collect her things. While also sneezing again. She was off to a wonderful start but she seemed to be wanting to try skating yet again, Internally she was still nervous about it.



Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:09 am

Vex had walked into the skating rink and it looked like it was still very empty and she wondered if she was even suppose to be able to get into the rink Carla was following close behind the woman while in her human form as she wanted to skate as well and thought the better appearance to have was in her human on as it would probably be less distracting for anyone else that joined them on the ice not to just randomly see a talking cat as for some reason that was still considered weird for them to do. Vex heard the sneeze and she guessed someone else was here and so she headed in that way and that was when she saw Mimi. Akiza walked over to Miriko. "Would you mind if I use a spell on you to help you with the cold?" Akiza smiled at her and sat on the bench to get her skates on and she hoped that she didn't scare her as she hadn't seen her in a little bit of time and she had to wonder.

Carla sat on the other bench and started to get her skates on as well. She could skate but she hadn't done it for a bit of time so she needed to probably get the hang of it again.


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Mon Sep 16, 2024 5:01 am

It seems some one had finally found her or well in this case it seemed Miriko was with some one who might actually enjoy her attempts at learning something new, Other then her aunts. But Akiza in which Miriko realized and felt guilty she had not been around her in a while and she had been busy making a large amount of art pieces she was preparing to sell.

But she would sneeze yet again, but this should be some what expected because Miriko was horrible with the weather but she was still trying to tie her skates. Letting out another sneeze in the process she was not ignoring Akiza she was just trying to finishing something.

Most people might have looked at this situation being uncomfortable even if most people might have forgotten magic she was suppose to help other people."It might be helpful for when i am skating, Depending on what it is."Miriko was not assuming what kind of spell it was, But she was okay with it.


Last edited by Mimi on Wed Sep 18, 2024 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:06 am

She finished getting her own skates on and then she gets closer to the painter. "It is a spell to help you be more resistant to the cold but I think I will also add in some endurance buffing as well so if you fall you aren't gonna get hurt. But if you do get hurt let me know and I will heal you." She moved her hand and then gently touched Miriko's forehead with her finger and the spells casted on the woman making her more cold resistant and her body was buffed as well that would help keep her from getting too harmed if she were to fall out there on the ice then the wood elf woman stood up and she put her hand out to Miriko to see if she needed a hand up though she was pretty sure that Miriko didn't need her to give her a hand up.

Carla got her skates on and walked out onto the ice to start getting back into the hang of it as she was not looking to make a fool of herself here in front of the mistress and her girlfriend? Carla was not sure if that was really the way it was or not as the painter seemed to not be scared of the mistress or uncomfortable but maybe the painter didn't understand what that means.
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Miriko Memory Test(PPCS - Skating Rink/closed.) Empty Yesterday at 3:50 pm

Miriko saw this as a good idea, considering how she was, it was actually endearing to Miriko. It was making more sense over time for why Akiza had chosen to date Miriko and it being a wise choice for her to agree to it. But inner thoughts aside."Oh?...Okay that is a good idea."Miriko mentioned because it was a good idea.

So over all it might be lead into something else more nice, Miriko knowing and managing to be even braver on skates."Well you be helping me balance?"Miriko asked because she did not mind if there was much help. In some manner she was already nervous about trying again, since Alistair was not getting on the ice himself, But alas this was something to also have Miriko blossom into being even more creative then she already was.

For the moment she didn't sneeze, But she was walking towards the ice and some what struggling to balance still even getting up she was having a hard time. But she even would say."I...am...ready." She said this while she was trying to walk onto the ice and struggling walking forward, almost like she was still worried about falling when she had help. But this was most likely normal for her.



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