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I spy [Quest]

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I spy [Quest] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 1:55 pm

Rhea stepped off the boat onto Luluhawa Island, the salty breeze brushing her face as palm trees swayed under the bright sun. The air was filled with a mixture of tropical aromas, from fresh coconuts to the sea. Even though she’d seen plenty of islands before, this one stood out—its sprawling volcanoes looming in the distance, and the culture of the islanders seemed far more vibrant than any other place she’d been. She knew it was about to get even more interesting. This wasn’t a simple vacation; she was here on business.

“Luluhawa Island, huh? Not too shabby,” Lector commented, stretching his small wings as he hovered beside her, surveying the surroundings. His fur fluffed a little in the island’s humidity, and his tiny face wrinkled with a mix of disdain and curiosity. “I heard the food’s great here though. Maybe we can catch a bite later?”

Rhea smirked, her black dragonic claw weapon strapped to her side. She wasn’t here for a tropical getaway or to try the local cuisine. “Later, Lector. We’ve got a job to do first.”

As they approached the island’s village, Rhea could see why people compared this place to a paradise. The huts were lined with ornate carvings, surrounded by flowering plants, and the locals seemed friendly enough—except their gazes carried an unmistakable wariness. Clearly, word had spread of Herman Schwarz’s mercenary buildup, and tension was in the air.

Kohana, the chief’s daughter, had been the one to hire Rhea for this job. Kohana was the island’s adventurous spirit—practically the island’s tomboyish heart—and Rhea admired that. From what she’d heard, Kohana wasn’t afraid to get her hands dirty, training with the men in combat, hunting, and basically doing everything a traditional chief’s daughter wasn’t expected to do. Rhea had a soft spot for women who defied expectations. It felt like looking in a mirror.


I spy [Quest] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:01 pm

Kohana spotted them first, waving them over with a confident, almost mischievous grin. She was dressed in tribal gear but looked more like a warrior than royalty—strong, sun-kissed arms, wild black hair pulled into a messy ponytail, and an aura of fierce energy about her.

“You must be Rhea.” Kohana said, clasping Rhea’s hand firmly. “Glad you made it.”

“And you must be Kohana,” Rhea replied, sizing her up with a smirk. “You don’t seem like someone who’s afraid of a fight.”

“Not at all,” Kohana chuckled, crossing her arms, eyes gleaming with fire. “That’s why I need someone like you. Schwarz’s men have been skulking around the forest, and word is he’s amassing an army. We need someone to confirm it before we start gearing up for battle.”

“Right. You mentioned an encampment near the Aina Forest?”

Kohana nodded. “Exactly. I’d go myself, but my father’s getting antsy about me leading too many dangerous missions lately. He’s worried about his ‘heir,’” she added with a roll of her eyes. “But that’s why you’re here.”

Rhea let out a low chuckle. “I get it. Well, if you want, I can check it out for you.”

“Good. Just be careful. They’re not playing around.”

With that, Rhea nodded, adjusting her gear. Lector hopped onto her shoulder, and they set off towards the Aina Forest, the lush greenery surrounding them as they ventured deeper into the island’s heart.

The Aina Forest was a dense, almost mystical place. Vines hung low, birds called out to each other, and the sunlight filtered through the canopy in thin beams. Everything about it was alive and pulsing with energy, and Rhea felt that primal rush in her veins. This place had a spirit, a strength that reminded her of the forests back home in Stella.


I spy [Quest] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:07 pm

“I can smell something,” she said, narrowing her eyes as they approached a more shaded part of the forest. Her heightened senses as a Dragon Slayer kicked in. “It’s not just the trees. There’s metal—lots of it. We’re close.”

Suddenly, the leaves rustled nearby. In a flash, Rhea spun, her hand on her dagger, prepared to strike—but instead of an enemy, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was a young man, his shirtless torso glistening with sweat, wearing tribal markings and a determined grin.

“Keanu,” the boy announced proudly, clearly pleased with himself for sneaking up on them. “I knew you’d come this way.”

Rhea arched an eyebrow, taking in the sight of him. He couldn’t have been more than 17 or 18, but his muscles were lean and defined from years of training. The raw energy in his stance reminded her of a younger version of herself—bold, reckless, and full of pride.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Rhea asked, folding her arms. “You know this job is dangerous, right?”

“Of course I do! That’s why I’m coming along,” Keanu said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “I can help. Besides, I overheard Kohana talking about the mission. If there’s trouble, I want to be there.”

Lector snorted. “Kid, you’re in over your head. Rhea’s got this.”

Keanu puffed out his chest, completely unfazed. “I’ve trained with the best warriors on this island. I’m not a kid.”

Rhea glanced at him, a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth. There was something endearing about his youthful bravado. “Alright then, hotshot. You can tag along, but stay out of my way. I’m not babysitting you.”

Keanu grinned widely. “Deal!”


I spy [Quest] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:32 pm

As the trio made their way through the dense jungle, Rhea couldn’t help but take in the island’s beauty. The thick foliage overhead created a natural canopy, allowing specks of sunlight to filter through and cast dancing patterns of light on the ground. The scent of fresh rain mixed with the earthy aroma of the soil, a stark contrast to the dangerous mission at hand. It was moments like this that Rhea enjoyed, those small pockets of serenity in the chaos of her life.

“So, what’s your story, Keanu?” Rhea asked as they carefully navigated a narrow trail through the forest. She didn’t usually make small talk during missions, but there was something about the kid’s unrelenting energy that piqued her curiosity.

Keanu glanced back at her, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. “My story? I’m the best warrior in training this island’s ever seen, that’s my story.”

Lector groaned from above, lazily circling as he flew. “Ugh, humble much?”

“Hey, just telling it like it is,” Keanu replied, undeterred. He hopped over a fallen log with the ease of someone who’d spent years trekking through the jungle. “My sister, she’s the smooth, tactical one. Me? I like to get my hands dirty. Not all of us can be subtle.”

Rhea couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking her head. “You’re not bad. But being a great warrior isn’t just about muscle, you know.”

“Oh, I know,” Keanu said, his tone suddenly more serious. “My sister's always on my case about that. Tells me I’m too impulsive, that I don’t think things through. She’s right, I guess… sometimes.”

Rhea raised an eyebrow. “Sometimes?”

Keanu shot her a playful look. “Okay, fine. Maybe most of the time. But that’s why you’re here, right? To keep me in check?”

Lector snorted. “That sounds like a full-time job.”

“Trust me,” Rhea added with a smirk, “I have handled bigger handfuls than you.”


I spy [Quest] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:46 pm

They pushed further into the jungle, the sound of their footsteps muffled by the thick underbrush. Rhea’s heightened senses were on alert as always, her eyes darting around for any signs of the mercenary camp. As the forest grew denser, her thoughts briefly drifted back to Kohana. There was something about the chief’s daughter that struck a chord with Rhea. Kohana was fierce, independent, and carried the weight of her people’s future on her shoulders. She reminded Rhea of herself—both of them warriors, both driven by a deep sense of responsibility to protect their homeland.

It wasn’t long before they reached a clearing. From behind the cover of a thick bush, Rhea crouched, scanning the scene. The mercenary camp was larger than expected—tents stretched out in all directions, weapons stacked high, and at least a hundred men milling about. Herman Schwarz was not holding back.

“Ay dios,” Rhea muttered, impressed and concerned at the same time. “That’s a lot of firepower.”

Keanu’s face darkened as he peeked through the foliage. “We need to tell Kohana. They’re planning something big.”

Before they could retreat, a group of mercenaries appeared from the trees behind them, weapons drawn and ready. Rhea tensed. They’d been spotted.

“We have company,” she said under her breath, her hand already gripping her black claw weapon.

Keanu’s fists clenched. “Let’s take ‘em down.”

Rhea nodded. “Looks like we will have to.”

The mercenaries charged, and Rhea didn’t hesitate. Her black dragonic claw weapon gleamed as she slashed through the first opponent’s sword, sending it flying into the air. She dodged, ducked, and countered with ease, moving with the fluidity of a trained Dragon Slayer. Lector darted around, using his small size to his advantage, distracting enemies while Rhea struck with lethal precision.


I spy [Quest] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:50 pm

Keanu, to his credit, fought like a wild animal. His bare fists pummeled mercenaries into the ground, each punch landing with bone-cracking force. He was young, but the kid was no slouch. His punches were raw, but they had power, and he moved like he had something to prove—his eyes burning with a mix of adrenaline and determination. Each strike was filled with the intensity of someone determined to make his mark, his wild swings brimming with untamed potential. Despite his inexperience, the ferocity in his blows was enough to stagger even the most seasoned mercenaries.

The fight escalated, and the mercenaries began to outnumber them, their sheer numbers pressing down like a storm. Rhea let out a roar, her magic flaring as light energy exploded from her body, casting an ethereal glow over the battlefield. She spun in a deadly dance, her Dragon Slayer magic fueling her movements, every slash and strike cutting through the men as they fell one by one. Her magic crackled in the air, giving her the upper hand as her enemies faltered under the radiant assault.

Just as it seemed the mercenaries were starting to retreat, one of them managed to sneak behind Keanu, raising his sword to strike. Rhea’s senses screamed at her, instinct taking over. Without a second thought, she darted forward, slashing the man across the chest before he could land the blow, her movements precise and lethal.

“Watch your back, Keanu,” Rhea growled, panting slightly as the last of the mercenaries retreated into the trees, the tension in the air finally beginning to dissipate.

Keanu wiped the sweat from his brow, his chest heaving, looking both dazed and grateful. “Thanks,” he said, his voice breathless but filled with awe at Rhea’s speed.

“No problem,” Rhea said, casting a quick glance around the clearing. “Now let’s get out of here before they regroup. We’re not sticking around to see if they bring reinforcements.” She motioned for him to follow, her eyes still scanning the surroundings, her instincts on high alert.


I spy [Quest] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:54 pm

Together, they sprinted back through the forest, dodging trees and vines as they made their way toward the village. They had the information they needed, but it had been a close call. The mercenaries weren’t amateurs—they were organized and ready for battle.

As they burst out of the forest and into the clearing where the village stood, Kohana was already waiting for them. Her face lit up with concern as she saw the state they were in.

“What happened?” she asked, rushing over.

Rhea shook her head, catching her breath. “We found the camp. There are more of them than we thought. Schwarz is building an army, and they’re preparing for something big. You need to get your people ready.”

Kohana’s expression hardened, but there was a glint of determination in her eyes. “We will. Thank you, Rhea. You’ve done more than enough.”

“Just doing my job,” Rhea said with a smirk.

As the sun began to set over Luluhawa Island, casting a warm glow over the village, Rhea felt a sense of accomplishment. They had confirmed the threat, and now the islanders could prepare for the battle ahead. It wasn’t the tropical vacation most people dreamed of, but for Rhea, it had been one hell of an adventure.

And maybe, just maybe, she’d stick around a little longer.

“Alright, Lector,” she said with a grin. “Let’s see what kind of food this place has.”


- end -

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