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Zerutod’s Descent into Darkness

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Zerutod’s Descent into Darkness Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 6:31 pm

Name: The Path of the Future

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Zerutod Saito

Story: Zerutod, seeks to protect his friend from the manipulative Order of the Ashen Serpent, a dark organization known for its ruthless tactics. However, he is gradually corrupted by the influence of Raigaloth whose sadistic philosophy encourages him to prioritize results over morality. As Zerutod grapples with increasingly difficult choices, Ultimately, he must confront the consequences of sacrificing his morals and relationships in pursuit of power, efficiency, and control. Coming to terms with the path to power often comes at the cost of one's integrity and humanity.

Rewards: Legendary Custom Ticket,
3X S Rank and 4X A Rank Rewards (Before appropriate bonuses)
85,000 Experience
2,500,000 Jewels
89 Stats


he moral complexities of ambition and friendship as Zerutod grapples with the seductive influence of Raigaloth, leading to betrayal and transformation.

Last edited by Zerutod on Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:36 pm; edited 4 times in total


Zerutod’s Descent into Darkness Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 7:23 pm

Name: The Looming Threat
Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants:  Zerutod

Summary: Zerutod learns through whispered rumors in the marketplace that a dangerous group a shadowy organization known as the Order of the Ashen Serpent—has been targeting individuals with knowledge of powerful magic. The Order seeks to control magical artifacts and secrets that could grant them immense power and influence over the region. Determined to ensure his friend's safety, Zerutod’s immediate goal is to gather information about this group's activities.

He starts by infiltrating local taverns, engaging with less savory characters, and offering small favors in exchange for information. As he gathers intel, he learns that the Order is ruthless, known for their violent methods and willingness to eliminate anyone who stands in their way. This knowledge fuels his resolve; he knows he must act quickly. While he gathers allies, he begins to explore Raigaloth's power to aid his magic, but he still maintains a firm grip on his morals and values, believing they will guide him to victory.

[*]Gather information about the Order of the Ashen Serpent and their activities.
[*]Identify key members of the Order and their interests in powerful magic.
[*]Reaffirm his commitment to protecting his friend, setting the stage for his moral dilemma.

Name: The First Choice
Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants:  Zerutod

Summary: With the information he has collected, Zerutod discovers that a local informant has been feeding vital information to the Order about his friend. Faced with the decision to let the informant live or eliminate them, Zerutod finds himself at a crossroads. He understands that this informant poses a direct threat to his friend's safety and rationalizes that killing them would eliminate the risk.

In a tense confrontation, Zerutod confronts the informant in a dark alley. Despite the informant’s pleas for mercy, Zerutod’s sense of duty overrides his empathy. He decides to kill the informant, believing it is the only way to secure his friend's safety. This act marks the beginning of his moral decline, as he prioritizes immediate results over his values. After the act, he feels a mix of relief and unease; he has protected his friend but at the cost of an innocent life.

[*]Hunting down and confronting the informant feeding information to the Order.
[*]Deciding to eliminate the informant based on the perceived threat to his friend.
[*]Begin to grapple with the moral implications of his choice, even as he feels justified in his actions.

Name: The Weight of Sacrifice

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants:  Zerutod

Summary: As Zerutod delves deeper into his mission, he learns that the Order is planning an attack on his friend during an upcoming public gathering. His new goal becomes to secure a safe escape route for his friend during the event. Determined to protect his friend at all costs, Zerutod begins laying traps and strategizing with other allies.

However, as he works to ensure his friend's safety, he increasingly contemplates violent methods and manipulation. In private meetings, he starts discussing potential traps that could harm innocent bystanders if necessary. His allies, concerned about his shifting mindset, urge him to reconsider. They remind him that protecting the innocent is as vital as protecting his friend.

Zerutod, however, brushes their concerns aside, driven by the belief that the end justifies the means. He becomes more isolated, relying solely on Raigaloth's power to fuel his magic and suppress his doubts. He feels a growing sense of urgency and paranoia, believing that time is running out for his friend.

Non Player Characters's:  Calista, Catpain of the local guard

[*]Plan a defensive strategy to protect his friend during the upcoming public gathering.
[*]Navigate the tension within his group regarding the use of violent tactics to ensure success.
[*]Struggle with the temptation to resort to manipulation or violence for quick results.

Name: A Crumbling Support System
Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants:  Zerutod

Summary: As Zerutod delves deeper into his mission, he learns that the Order is planning an attack on his friend during an upcoming public gathering. His new goal becomes to secure a safe escape route for his friend during the event. Determined to protect his friend at all costs, Zerutod begins laying traps and strategizing with other allies.

However, as he works to ensure his friend's safety, he increasingly contemplates violent methods and manipulation. In private meetings, he starts discussing potential traps that could harm innocent bystanders if necessary. His allies, concerned about his shifting mindset, urge him to reconsider. They remind him that protecting the innocent is as vital as protecting his friend.

Zerutod, however, brushes their concerns aside, driven by the belief that the end justifies the means. He becomes more isolated, relying solely on Raigaloth's power to fuel his magic and suppress his doubts. He feels a growing sense of urgency and paranoia, believing that time is running out for his friend.
Non Player Characters's:  Catpain of the local guard

[*]: Face growing dissent from allies, particularly Calista, about his methods and mindset.
[*]Attempt to convince his allies of the necessity of his increasingly ruthless tactics.
[*]Experience a growing sense of isolation as he pushes away those who care about him.

Name: The Betrayal
Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants:  Zerutod

Summary: After Zerutod's fallout with his allies, he feels an overwhelming need to act. The Order’s ruthlessness and their penchant for violence have become all too clear, and he knows they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

Zerutod has been working closely with Calista, who has been instrumental in helping him gather intelligence and plan defenses. However, she is deeply concerned about Zerutod's increasingly ruthless tactics and the moral implications of their actions. During a strategy meeting, Calista emphasizes the importance of protecting lives rather than resorting to violence.

As the date of the event approaches, Zerutod becomes increasingly obsessed with his plan to take down the Order’s leader, believing that eliminating the leader is essential to prevent his friend’s assassination. In a moment of desperation, he begins to see Calista not as a partner but as a liability.

Zerutod concocts a plan to lure Calista into a trap under the pretense of needing her help with urgent intel related to the Order's activities. When she arrives, he reveals his true intentions, asserting that the only way to save his friend is to eliminate the Order’s leader. He accuses her of being too weak to act decisively and declares that he knows of a power that can fix everything—a power that will ensure they can never be vulnerable again.

Calista, shocked and hurt, pleads with him to reconsider. She reminds him of their shared values and the importance of working together. Despite her pleas, Zerutod succumbs to the darkness within him, which leads to him fighting  Calista and leaving her bound and powerless. He proceeds with his plan to confront the Order’s leader, convinced that he can secure his friend's safety and ensure she never has to feel vulnerable again.

Non Player Characters's:  Calista, Catpain of the local guard


[*]: Formulate a plan to take down the Order's leader, believing it is essential to save his friend.
[*]Lure Calista into a trap under the guise of needing her help with urgent intel.
[*]Execute the betrayal by incapacitating Calista, marking the point of no return in his moral descent.

Name: The Heartbreaking Failure
Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants:  Zerutod

Summary: As Zerutod’s descent into darkness deepens, The Order of the Ashen Serpent plans to eliminate Liora while distracting him with a staged confrontation. He faces their powerful leader, Sylas, in an abandoned cathedral, where their clash symbolizes the conflict between ambition and loyalty.

The battle is fierce, with Sylas taunting Zerutod about his wavering morals and urging him to embrace the darkness. Amid the chaos, Zerutod realizes that Sylas's true objective is to keep him occupied while The Order executes their plan against Liora.

Just as Zerutod gains the upper hand, he receives a devastating vision from Raigaloth, revealing Liora's imminent danger. In a moment of internal conflict, he must choose between finishing the fight with Sylas or rushing to save his friend. Ultimately, driven by a surge of determination, Zerutod abandons the battle, prioritizing Liora’s safety over his ambition, marking a critical turning point in his journey.

Non Player Characters's:  Sylas


[*]To confront the leader of The Order of the Ashen Serpent and protect Liora from imminent danger.

Name: The Final Transformation
Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants:  Zerutod

Summary: In the end, Zerutod is consumed by his guilt and despair. His friend is lost to him, and he has sacrificed everything he once valued—his principles, his relationships, and the very person he sought to protect. Fully corrupted, Zerutod becomes an instrument of darkness, embodying the very ruthlessness he had initially opposed.

As he stands alone, he hears Raigaloth’s whispers more clearly than ever, promising him power and strength beyond his wildest dreams. In a moment of despair, Zerutod succumbs to the darkness completely, proclaiming, “The future is mine to shape, and I will not allow anyone to dictate my path.” This statement reinforces his transformation and the complete erosion of his previous values. He now exists solely to serve Raigaloth’s vision for the future, sacrificing everything he once believed in for power and efficiency.

Non Player Characters's:  Raigaloth


[*]Fully embrace the darkness within him and Raigaloth’s influence, relinquishing his previous values.
[*]Proclaim his new philosophy that the future is his to shape, solidifying his transformation.
[*]Accept his new identity as an instrument of Raigaloth, sacrificing everything he once believed in for power and control

Last edited by Zerutod on Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:36 pm; edited 2 times in total


Zerutod’s Descent into Darkness Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 7:47 pm

no longer needed

Last edited by Zerutod on Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


Zerutod’s Descent into Darkness Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 7:52 pm

no longer needed

Last edited by Zerutod on Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


Zerutod’s Descent into Darkness Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 7:53 pm

no longer needed

Last edited by Zerutod on Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


Zerutod’s Descent into Darkness Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 7:56 pm

no longer needed

Last edited by Zerutod on Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

#7Alaric Holloway 

Zerutod’s Descent into Darkness Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 7:52 am

Alaric Holloway

@Zerutod Storyline has been denied. This is due to the lack of substantial information. While we see that this storyline's impact only focuses on Zerutod alone it still lacks overall details.

For each of these missions, please actually give us the scenarios over which he will have to deal with these internal conflicts.

Right now, your objectives are " Complete a mission by taking Raigaloth’s shortcut: a faster but more reckless and dangerous path.' But we do not know what that mission is or what led him to take these shortcuts.

Please, redo these quests and resubmit once ready.

Zerutod’s Descent into Darkness 1ttePXg
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