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An Evening's Stroll.(Open/Social.)

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An Evening's Stroll.(Open/Social.) Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 4:35 am

While Elise did not plan entirely on doing anything too dangerous, She did actually scout out local areas to ensure the public of the north did not have any lingering threats in the area while she was gone. Yes silly most likely harmless pointless work that any guild could take care of easily in its most smallest state of not really being a problem.

But this was Elise she had an on going list of many things she did, This was one of them today an easier light task. Elise always could be down in down in the rough doing a bunch of other stuff as well. but as she learned over time in life.

Some minor things left unchecked become a bigger problem in the future. So there was walks starting her trek in the wood lighting up a cigarette before she would take her starting steps in. Preparing for this to either bring up some things interesting, Or be completely boring.


An Evening's Stroll.(Open/Social.) Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 2:29 pm

If the huntress was as perceptive as her reputation claimed then in due time she would find that more than just beasts cloaked in shadows lurked along the trail she tread. She was far from alone this night as fate would have it. Whether to her liking though was up for debate yet.

Off in the distance the faint sounds of labored grunting and metal clanging rose above the usual ambiance of the forest that surrounded from every corner. It wouldn't be hard to figure out the source with enough searching as the light of a crackling fire could be spotted between a set trees nearby. A cast iron cookpot was set to boil above the flames while a well used tent signaled signs of life. Who exactly though was the mystery.

Such a mystery would be easily answered as not too far from the campsite was the burly figure of a man. His appearance upon closer inspection a little unusual as his flesh seemed almost metallic in design. As if his body was made almost of the same metal as the cookpot he had with him. Strange as it was the man moved on with his training. Punching away at an unlucky tree that clearly had a few chunks missing from it at this point.


An Evening's Stroll.(Open/Social.) Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 8:47 am

It was some what entertaining to Elise, She always lingered and roam in the night to expect. Campers and travellers where common for Elise to see in the night, most of the time just common people travelling back home from various outings and work. But suppose Elise also was numb to a lot more then compared to the younger nun who was just running from her problems only to coming to terms with them later.

But suppose in some manner Elise would let him be, But merely watch just encase. Leaning against a tree and lighting up a cigarette. She was not the type to nose in entirely on a person's life, But she did check on travellers if they were friendly to make sure.

Then she would just wait until the moment was quiet enough."I well suppose everyone needs to keep the flow going."Elise never was one for hellos or greetings. But she let him know she was there. In her own way casually smoking away."do you need any supplies while you camp?"Elise figured offering was better, then just assuming the yet to be named to her Goji was a threat or going to do anything to her.

Elise was a grumpy woman who was not shy at admitting her problems, after all it was a good way to filter when needed."Or are you like a few I have seen in my scouting walks and just going to swing wildly at anyone who finds you?"Elise posed the question because she was not interested in fighting, It was not worth the time and she did actually had better things to do. IF anything Elise actually wanted to make sure this man was okay and did not need anything, after all under all of this bitter unhappy ex nun was actually some one who cared about people.


An Evening's Stroll.(Open/Social.) Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:40 am

Just as he was about to rush back in for one last swing at his unmoving target. Goji was broken of his adrenaline bound focus. The voice of an unknown approaching from behind making him stop in his tracks as he slow turned to meet them. He hadn't been expecting any company that night and most patrol units usually paid him no mind. So color his surprise when it was revealed to be a woman hanging out all by her lonesome. Definitely an unusual sight, hopefully she wasn't here to cause any trouble.

"Depends on who's asking." He exclaimed in a blunt tone, examining the woman closely for any immediate signs of danger. Pulling a hanging towel down from one of the branches of the splintered tree he had been using as a training dummy. Goji wiped away some sweat and dirt as he approached, taking a seat by the fire there after. The whole time his eyes never left her. "Kind of suspect don't you think? A random stranger offering supplies in the middle of the night." Not that he had any reason to doubt her intentions yet but as someone in his line of professional Goji wasn't one to trust so easily either.


An Evening's Stroll.(Open/Social.) Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 6:53 am

Elise liked this, just meant he was a bit wiser then the rest. Some one being that way was a good thing. But she would just have to play her cards right aside from her normal sass, Since it proved some one was some what cautious."It can be suspicious, I do not disagree with your worry in the slightest, I in fact applaud you for it."Elise was going to give him credit for this.

But she would get to who she was to see if it really mattered to him, But maybe it would settled something for him."Who's asking is Elise, I am one of the members of Paradise Dawn out in Sieghart Mountains."As she casually smoked away waiting to what be said. She still some what expected him to refuse it was just how she thought of most people.

"Happen stance when I find travellers while I am out seeing if anything goes bump in the night, I check to see if I could assist...I know hit or miss."Mostly misses and Elise could admit that if asked, Over all at least he seemed well and healthy so if he said no she would consider walking away, But she was some what interested to see how the conversation went.


An Evening's Stroll.(Open/Social.) Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:49 am

"Paradise Dawn eh?" As the concentrated carbon deep rooted in every inch of tissue receded steadily back into the body. The natural sandy brown color of his usual skin tone returned to the surface as if the alloy that had lined his figure was all but erased. Goji would do a once over of himself to make sure everything was as it should be soon after.

"Ive heard that name around before." Leaning in towards the warmth of the fire as he carefully lifted the heavy lid of the cookpot to set it aside. A rolling cloud of steam billowing from the top to reveal the bubbling concoction within. An assortment of vegetables mingled together with cubed cuts of meat and potato all soaked in a bath of rich creamy broth. "You guys are like ants. Around everywhere I go these days."

Grabbing a ladle from the usual rucksack that held most of his belongings when he traveled. The stew would get a thorough mix all the way through to make sure the ingredients were well incorporated. All the while his mind spared a passing thought to someone who had become a new regular in his circle of people lately. "Especially this one pesky guy that I can't escape for the life of me. You guys really know how to pick them don't ya?"


An Evening's Stroll.(Open/Social.) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:17 pm

Being called ants could almost be insulting. But Elise really did not seem bothered by it in fact she somewhat seemed to not be effected by it. There was always things that the guild did that she did know and other things she did not, She did not ask. Only got up at night when she normally did, check her notes to make sure she remembered what she was doing that."I would assume most people have, We are the guild that overlook a fair amount of the North."Elise almost wanted to add some kind of sass and snark in but she could wait until later for that.

But now Elise was given a chance to show off her minstrel sassiness."Considering most members are male, Do you realize how little that narrows it down?"Elise chuckled about it because it was just how she was."Between: Emil,Yurrei and a few others you have left it fairly plain for me to give you a a solid answer."Elise almost in some manner might had been able give him."If you really want me to name some one, Gonna have to give me details."Elise seemed to not mind playing ball.


An Evening's Stroll.(Open/Social.) Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 11:46 am

"Ah that might be why then." With a shake of the head a slight smirk curled the corner of Goji's mouth. So this was their main territory. Suddenly made a lot more sense how it was so simple for a certain someone to keep tabs on his whereabouts as often as they had lately. "This is the first time Ive stayed in the North for longer than a day or two. I usually take my work across seas but there's been a lot more requests popping up this side of Fiore lately. So I go where the jewels are."

Continuing to nurse the stew simmering over the firepit while the two of them exchanged notes. Two wooden bowls were prepared off to the side. Each with their own spoons and cups to go along with. Though he hadn't been intending on sharing the spoils at first, he wasn't above showing hospitality either. She could consider it as a peace offering if anything. "Your welcome to a few bites if you'd like. I've got some mead with me too if you want something to wash it down."

With a steady hand the first bowl was filled just shy of the brim. The alluring scent of herbs and spices drifting through the crisp night air as he passed it over to Elise. Meanwhile the names she rattled off one by one didn't seem to ring any bells. It was doubtful the man Goji was thinking of went by any other name. No, definitely not, they were too prideful in themselves to go to that extent. Regardless with a shrug of the shoulders he waited for her to accept the food otherwise he'd help himself to it. "Got a point there though none of those names are familiar to me. The one I'm thinking of went by Altool or something along that lines. Elvish looking fairy man with fancy clothes and a face too smug for his own good. He's been following me around like a lost puppy dog lately. Hiring me for contracts left and right. He's an odd one for sure."


An Evening's Stroll.(Open/Social.) Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:00 am

While Elise seemed a bit rough at first, it seemed she was actually here to help him in some ways she can, She was a blunt bat but she hinted and helped in other way when you gave her a chance too."It is not that we are trying to give people problems mind you, We are merely just making sure everyone in the north is some what protected."Considering Elise might be the only one out at night, Adding in how human error was always apparent they could get a fair amount but not everything.

"Just unlike the other members of the guild, I will only be out at night."Elise made sure that was clear just in the off chance for whatever twist in reality Goji ever just sought this woman out again for whatever reason."There are a fair amount of people who work off of where the money is good, I use to just hunt demons, monster and whatever caused people problems in the night, less chance of innocent people to get in my way."Elise could also talk about the horrors of beings that only attacked in the night but it was not important at the time.

But she seemed to not take him up on the feed."I did eat before i departed out for the night."But Elise did make sure just in case, she took take up him up on one small sip of mead."One small taste of Mead might do me fine." Elise seemed to consider this decent enough to consider this a form of break, just some how randomly pulling out a cigartte and liting it up with a snap of her fingers. Then much like she did it before simply pulled out another one and offered it to him.

Then she would make sure."If need be, if you are hurting for jewel for supplies, I will leave you some I do have a small amount on me to spare."Elise was offering some form of generosity towards him. Since she was over all making sure he was going to be okay in the event they departed eventually.

Listening while she smoked her cigarette. The image of the person of mention was one she had not heard of before. But given how Elise was she could easily piece together it must be some one new. "Well if they are a member of my guild, They must be new. I do not know off hand the person you speak of. I suppose it just means I will have to meet them soon."Elise seemed to be some what find the conversation interesting."But I suppose, I will be sure. I know expect to meet a new member soon. I should try to be nice."


An Evening's Stroll.(Open/Social.) Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 3:46 pm

"Noble of you." A respectable occupation for certain, providing protection and care to the people of the North when and where needed. Though in the context of his latest nuisance of a traveling companion it seemed an all too unlikely venture. The very idea that such a self indulgent brat would help people purely out of the kindness of their own heart was both hard to picture as much as it was difficult to believe. But then again, whose to say for certain whether his skepticism held weight or not. For all Goji knew they could be leading a life vastly different to what he was witness to so far. Would definitely explain a few things now that he gave it some thought.

"If your the only thing I have to fear in the night I'll consider myself a lucky man." Placing the bowl of stew he had offered down for now. Goji reached between the fabric doors of his tent, a small cask being retrieved from the depths. The honey kissed liquid inside dancing up against the walls of the barrel that housed it with the gentle sound of stirring waves. Popping the cork off the top with little effort on his part, both cups were drowned to the bottom with a sea of amber colored deliciousness. Elise's drink being the first poured and served before his own out of consideration. "A monster hunter eh? Must have quite a few stories to tell. You don't get into that kind of work and not gain some flashbacks along the way. I know I sure as hell did."

Though he appreciated the return of favor being spared, when offered a smoke he politely waved it down. As a man who valued his ability to stay in peak fighting form it went against his morals. Even so he didn't mind if she helped herself as there were far worst sensations that had greeted his nose over the years. Some more stomach churning than others.

When it came to her follow-up offer of jewels however there was some mixed feelings that came with it. On the one hand he silently admired her dedication to seeing people well tended to even at the cost of her own expense, on the other he much preferred to earn a  keep off the merit of his own work rather than charity. It was just how he operated by principle. However, this once he would accept if only to avoid giving off the wrong impression. "I don't usually take coin for free. Tends to come with a cost down the line I've learned. Call me crazy though, you don't strike me as the trickster type. That said, it's appreciated. Should you ever need anything I'll owe you one for this."

With a raise of his glass in Elise's direction Goji sealed his promise with a toast before digging in to the rest of the well prepared feast set out before them. A loaf of bread was torn into several bite sized pieces to accompany the stew alongside a bundle of grapes that would suffice as a simple dessert afterwards. Despite being deep into his meal along the way he was able to keep the back and forth going in between mouthfuls. "Kind of amazed he hasn't made a bad rep for himself in your ranks yet. The guy always seems way too eager to show off around others. Least that's the vibe I've gotten from our meetings anyway. Though must be nice having a band of folks at you beck and call. The last time I pledged myself to any banner there we very few I could expect the same from. Almost felt like I was fighting for nothing at one point."


An Evening's Stroll.(Open/Social.) Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 3:22 pm

Elise was not going to argue if it was noble or not, She was merely just doing what she was told, When she personally felt she was better off doing. But over all she knew there was a balance between her work and guild duties."At times for me anyway, I feel my evenings are some what better spend dealing with other things, But alas a balance between personal and guild life is sometimes things beyond my control."Elise would mentioned about it.

There was some humour to be had about it."Would be a different story, if you pulled a weapon on me and chose to fight me."She said with a bit of a chuckle about it, If anything she seemed thankful he was not. only because Elise could if pushed admit she was feeling kind of lazy and not interested in just pulling out random sword on some one.

It was not a major worry anymore anyway."Monster, Demons, Angels. A few others. Between my life of being a nun and a hunter there are always interesting tales...it all matters if their is some being in particular you might wanna know if I had hunted or not."Elise left it as a general statement. But she actually finally sat down and seemed to settled in for now with what was offered to her.

He seemed to take her offer, So Elise would just throw some spare money at him."One could call me many things:A bitch, Grumpy, Rude, A Minstrel Wench, A few other choice words."She listed them almost like she had heard before she most likely heard a lot."But trickster?....well 4 times. But said daemons were easy to trick."some of them she actually kept count, which was over all a means to insult foes in the future.

as for the new member of mention Elise did not quite have much to say about him yet. But as always."Each person finds their use in the guild eventually. He is new and surely will fit in some how...as for how, I do not know and consider myself grateful for the moment, He has a chance to meet me at a time I am not working."Elise mentioned while laughing about it. But Elise was over all a different kind of woman, For now she would consider the fact she had not met them yet a good thing.

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