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What Can be Build Through Ice and Snow [PPCS - Snow Angels]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

What Can be Build Through Ice and Snow [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Fri 4 Oct 2024 - 3:29

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard him, the man wished to fight for Fiore. It was a grand thing to do, but would it amount to anything? He wasn’t sure, but he wouldn’t discuss this any further. He was the one person who he was hoping would join him. He didn’t reach out to Kaito, for he did not want him. He wanted Toga, but maybe his being with the Rune Knights had ruined it. That made him giggle a bit, and he had to hold it as he was leading the way. Hai was walking next to his father, and he could tell he was bothered a bit by everything that had transpired. Still, he would never force Toga to join him, and maybe one day he would see it his way.

The next place they were heading to was a place at the beach. It seemed like a lot of people had gathered there. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he had rumors that there was going to be a contest being held here.

“I heard Yuurei has become a champion of champions in Seven, and that they are giving him an island connected to their country. It seems like the Warden of the North will become the True Warden of the True North.” He said this to Toga.

Seven was above Fiore, and it was right above the Northern Region of Seven. After that, there was nothing but water, which meant Seven was the true North.

“So, you know Lumi and Yuurei. How do you perceive Yuurei, Toga? A lot of people fear him, me included. What is your take? What happens if he becomes evil or corrupted? Do you guys have a plan for that?” He asked curious to hear what was going to be said.

Yuurei was a problem to those who sought to do evil. He was the reason why those who were evil and bad schemed to get things done rather than doing things out in the open. That man was part of an independent guild that did what they wanted, and he was a man who truly could do that.

When they got to the crowded area, a person would speak up to tell everybody about the event.

“Ladies and Gentlemen come join this contest that is about to be held! We want you guys to build the most creative thing you could think of with the use of sand and now ice. We don’t always have ice out on the streets, so this is a first for you all! Let’s enjoy this and see who comes out on top!” The man announced as he looked at everybody.

Drakkon heard this and he wouldn’t mind doing this and seeing who could win through this all.

“Do you want to join and try out your skills in sculpting?” He asked Toga.



What Can be Build Through Ice and Snow [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Fri 4 Oct 2024 - 16:09

The walk along the beachfront was cloaked in a reflective quiet, the kind that settled in after deep conversations, leaving Tōga and Drakkon to their thoughts as the distance closed between the start and endpoint of their journey. Each step seemed to echo the gravity of Drakkon's revelations and the tempting offer that now hung in the air between them. The weight of leadership within the Yakuza and his newly formed guild painted Drakkon as a man who not only sought power but wielded it with a distinct purpose.

For Tōga, the idea of aligning with Drakkon was laden with potential benefits—a partnership that promised both adventure and the formidable strength of a unified front. Yet, his loyalty to the Rune Knights held firm. The organization was in a transitional phase, and with Kon's notable absence and Saturn's recent ascension to General, Tōga felt an undeniable responsibility to ensure stability and continuity. His role as a cornerstone of order was not something he could easily set aside, especially with Fiore's landscape so fraught with upheaval.

Their conversation shifted, touching upon Yuurei-san, a figure whose prowess and moral alignment were subjects of significant speculation and concern. "Yeah, I've heard the rumors about Yuurei-san too," Tōga commented, his tone light but his mind racing with the implications of such power unchecked. "In truth, if Yuurei-san ever did pose a threat, there's no real playbook for that. We'd have to stand and confront him, hope our combined strengths could balance the scales. Anything more feels like preparing for a storm that may never come." The speculative nature of their discussion underscored a harsh reality: Yuurei's potential for destruction was unmatched, and the options were stark—resist or succumb. "It's a daunting thought, no one really being able to face him alone. But then, isn't that the challenge of true power? To face it together, not as isolated forces but as a united front?" It was a simple, but realistic thought, right?

As they reached the other side of the beach, their somber dialogue faded into the background, overtaken by the lively scene unfolding before them. A sand sculpting contest was in full swing, artists of all ages and backgrounds crafting intricate designs from the humble medium of sand. The shift in atmosphere was palpable, and Tōga's smile broadened, appreciating the lighter moment as a welcome reprieve from their heavier discussions.

"Look at that, would you?" Tōga gestured towards a particularly impressive sculpture, a forming castle that seemed to rise from the sand with orchid ambition. "Now, that's creativity. Makes you appreciate the simpler joys, doesn't it?" The festive environment was a stark contrast to their earlier topics, reminding Tōga that life was a tapestry of light and dark moments, each as essential as the other in the grand design of their experiences.

Yeah, Drakkon-san, let’s join this contest!

wc: 523

#3Go D. Drakkon 

What Can be Build Through Ice and Snow [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Fri 4 Oct 2024 - 16:24

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was quiet waiting to hear what Toga had to say. When he heard his words, he smiled. He was right, it was why he wanted him to join him.

“I guess you’re right there is no playbook to fight that man. The best thing you can do is to make sure he’s happy and you don’t disappoint him. I think that would be the best playbook against a man like that. As long as he’s happy then this world or any country has nothing to worry about.” He explained to Toga.

“And you’re right, challenging things together is the idea. It’s why I’ll keep bothering you until you join me. Still, being able to take out Yuurei on your own would be fun. I think there is only one that has defeated him before, but I don’t think that will happen again.” He said with a smile on his face.

Brone was the only person that had beaten Yuurei, but from his time in Paradise Dawn, he was sure it was because Yuurei was mastering the use of his weapons. Still, he looked over to the thing that Toga had pointed out. His eyes widened when he saw the creation in front of him. That was cool and it seems like they had quite a competition.

“It does even though my simplicity is just partying during the night.” He laughed a bit, but it was true.

His inability to die, and his ability of gluttony, made him crave so much that he couldn’t help it. It was then Toga answered him and they were going to join the competition. He walked over to the signup sheet, and he would put his name along with Toga’s on it. After a few minutes of waiting they had closed it up and made sure everybody got to a station.

Drakkon apparently was lucky as he was still next to Toga. He was thinking about what to create for this competition.

“Toga I never asked. Are you okay with me having your spells? I know I have plenty of your Inferno Dragon Slayer spells, but if I wanted more, would you be okay with me being the one to copy them?” Drakkon didn’t care, for he would do it either way, but he figured asking was the right thing to do.

He didn’t want another Alexandre incident, where he had that man hate him for far too long to his taste.



What Can be Build Through Ice and Snow [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Fri 4 Oct 2024 - 21:08

Tōga’s philosophy had never been to simply bend to the will of others to keep the peace, especially not in the face of a potential threat like Yuurei. His smile, while friendly, carried an underlying resilience, reflecting his internal resolve. “Yeah, but I’ve never been one to just roll over to make someone else happy,” he admitted openly. The prospect of Yuurei, a titan among mages, turning his power against the world was a chilling thought. Yet, the idea of succumbing without a fight was anathema to Tōga.

I’d rather stand and fight, even if it means defeat, than live on my knees. No one wants a life dictated by fear, right?” he posited to Drakkon, the intensity of the conversation contrasting sharply with the serene backdrop of the sand sculpting contest unfolding before them. His gaze drifted back to the artists, appreciating their craft as his mind wrestled with the hypotheticals of formidable foes.

Has Yuurei-san ever been defeated? It’s hard to imagine, but I suppose even the mightiest need to be humbled to reach greater heights.” Tōga mused, recalling the tales of Yuurei’s battles that echoed through the ranks of powerful beings he had met. Brone, the stout-hearted dwarf, came to mind as someone who might have the mettle to challenge such a force.

Would you care if I did?” His attention snapped back to Drakkon at the mention of his magical abilities. “Huh, that’s interesting. It doesn’t bother me much—go ahead and learn what you can from my magic. Just when we first fought, I had only a few tricks up my sleeve. It seems you’ve managed to glean more from me since then.” Tōga’s tone was half jest, half genuine curiosity, eager to understand the extent of Drakkon’s unusual capabilities. “As long as you’re not using my powers for anything malicious or reckless, do what you must,” Tōga added, a note of casual magnanimity in his voice. His philosophy on power was straightforward: it was a tool, and like any tool, its impact depended on the hands that wielded it. If Drakkon could use what he learned responsibly, then Tōga saw no harm in sharing a piece of his fiery substance.

wc: 405 [928]

#5Go D. Drakkon 

What Can be Build Through Ice and Snow [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Fri 4 Oct 2024 - 21:29

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard him, and he understood the feeling. He was the same way as Toga, he would never just roll over to please someone. Still, if Yuurei did become corrupted wouldn’t they be on the same side then? That would be interesting to him and he nodded agreeing with Toga.

“I mean I live through fear and patience. I was in Paradise Dawn because I feared leaving the guild because of Yuurei. Once he ordered me to support Guardia Compagnia, it allowed me to be somewhat free from the shackles of him. And then once I heard he was going through something else I was able to escape the chain altogether.” He said to Toga.

Drakkon was chaos reincarnated, and it was why Yuurei did his best to hold him down for as long as he could.

“So I understand where you’re coming from. I think Brone has beaten Yuurei before, then there are the few times he has almost died, but those times he was much weaker than he is today.” He explained to Toga hearing these stories from other members within the guild.

Drakkon rubbed the back of his head when he heard the question he asked. He didn’t, this was his way of becoming stronger, but he would have enjoyed it more if the person was fine with it.

“Honestly, no, but to hear you say you don’t mind, means a lot.” He said to him as he figured being honest would be the best.

“Begin!.” The announcer shouted as people started making their sculpture.

Drakkon didn’t like that their conversation had been cut, but now he was going to have to think about what to make. What the hell was he going to make anyway? There was no way he knew he could win this right? The Devourer had thought about what was the craziest thing he had seen, but only Dragons kept coming to his mind. Then he remembered that Elf lady he saw before he was sent to fight Darkfang. He would sculpt her, she was different and unique and if he could do his best maybe people could see beauty in it.

The Son of Chaos had started, but he noticed something, it was hard to keep this together. It fell apart quickly and he needed to make sure that the ice and the sand could mix well with each other to give life. He looked over at the competition around him. They were hitting their ice and adding sand to it as they were chipping away at it. He thought about it, but maybe they’re was a way he could use his Dragon abilities to chip away and stuff without breaking it into nothingness. He looked over to see if Toga was having better luck than him.
Drakkon heard him, and he understood the feeling. He was the same way as Toga, he would never just roll over to please someone. Still, if Yuurei did become corrupted wouldn’t they be on the same side then? That would be interesting to him and he nodded agreeing with Toga.

“I mean I live through fear and patience. I was in Paradise Dawn because I feared leaving the guild because of Yuurei. Once he ordered me to support Guardia Compagnia, it allowed me to be somewhat free from the shackles of him. And then once I heard he was going through something else I was able to escape the chain altogether.” He said to Toga.

Drakkon was chaos reincarnated, and it was why Yuurei did his best to hold him down for as long as he could.

“So I understand where you’re coming from. I think Brone has beaten Yuurei before, then there are the few times he has almost died, but those times he was much weaker than he is today.” He explained to Toga hearing these stories from other members within the guild.

Drakkon rubbed the back of his head when he heard the question he asked. He didn’t, this was his way of becoming stronger, but he would have enjoyed it more if the person was fine with it.

“Honestly, no, but to hear you say you don’t mind, means a lot.” He said to him as he figured being honest would be the best.

“Begin!.” The announcer shouted as people started making their sculpture.

Drakkon didn’t like that their conversation had been cut, but now he was going to have to think about what to make. What the hell was he going to make anyway? There was no way he knew he could win this right? The Devourer had thought about what was the craziest thing he had seen, but only Dragons kept coming to his mind. Then he remembered that Elf lady he saw before he was sent to fight Darkfang. He would sculpt her, she was different and unique and if he could do his best maybe people could see beauty in it.

The Son of Chaos had started, but he noticed something, it was hard to keep this together. It fell apart quickly and he needed to make sure that the ice and the sand could mix well with each other to give life. He looked over at the competition around him. They were hitting their ice and adding sand to it as they were chipping away at it. He thought about it, but maybe they’re was a way he could use his Dragon abilities to chip away and stuff without breaking it into nothingness. He looked over to see if Toga was having better luck than him.



What Can be Build Through Ice and Snow [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Tue 8 Oct 2024 - 16:03

Honesty had always been a value Tōga held in high esteem, even when he didn't align with the rationale behind the truth being shared. His inquiry to Drakkon about the continuous use of borrowed magic wasn’t meant as an accusation but rather a genuine question about the ethics and preferences concerning their unique abilities. Drakkon's straightforward response, devoid of deflection or arrogance, drew a genuine smile and light chuckle from Tōga, a refreshing break from the tension that often accompanied discussions of power and ownership among mages.

"Then there’s no issue at all from my side about you wielding what was once my power," Tōga responded with a warmth that punctuated the sandy beach setting, feeling a sense of camaraderie in their mutual understanding.

As the conversation meandered to the subject of Yuurei, Tōga’s features tightened slightly, not with concern but with the resolve of a challenge considered. "I need to square off against Yuurei-san again. Even if the odds of a different outcome are slim, I’ve grown significantly since our last bout. Who knows? It might turn out to be more enlightening this time around," he mused aloud. Tōga viewed every combat encounter as an educational experience, a chance to delve deeper into his own capabilities and those of his opponents.

The notion of fighting Yuurei again wasn’t about victory or defeat for Tōga; it was about the pursuit of growth. Understanding that even an inevitable loss could teach invaluable lessons, especially against an opponent of Yuurei’s caliber whose mere presence on the battlefield could elucidate new strategies and reveal unseen weaknesses in his own style.

Their dialogue, rich with the anticipation of future clashes and shared warrior insights, was abruptly paused by the starting signal of the sand sculpture contest nearby. "Ooooi!" Tōga exclaimed, his attention captured by the new activity. He dropped to the sand, enthusiasm bubbling as he began to mold the damp grains. The ocean’s edge lapped nearby, providing a rhythmic soundtrack to his spontaneous creativity. What to create? A dragon perhaps, soaring and mighty, or a detailed replica of Joya—a homage to his homeland? Or maybe, in a whimsical twist, a sand-rendered bowl of ramen, each grain contributing to an ephemeral tribute to his favorite dish. Whatever shape his sandy endeavor took, it was clear Tōga was fully immersed in the joy of the moment, blending artistry with the earthy medium at his fingertips.

wc: 433 [1,361]

#7Go D. Drakkon 

What Can be Build Through Ice and Snow [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Tue 8 Oct 2024 - 16:22

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard him saying that he was fine with using his spells. That was good to hear, and the next thing he said made him smile. A fight with Yuurei would be interesting, different, but interesting. Honestly, he felt like he could put up a good fight against Yuurei, but he felt he needed better equipment to fight that man fully.

“I’m sure he will be more than happy to take on that request. I also have to fight him and see where I’m at in this world. He’s a good person to see where you are as a warrior.” He said to Toga as he knew Yuurei as a man who always wanted to fight and test those he fought against.

Drakkon was still processing on how to create what he was making without ruining it. This was tough, but he did have a good memory. Thinking about that mysterious woman wasn’t a hard thing to do. He was working on it slowly as he didn’t want to ruin the piece. He could see others had more experience than he did, which made sense. Still, he liked a good challenge and he figured that they wouldn’t judge them as a group, but in pairs.

If he had to face against the others he was surely going to lose. His work was hard as he noticed he messed up on a piece of the sculpture. It was then that he would use the sand that was available to fix it. This was a competition where they used both, so that was a good thing. He was combining the chipping of the ice with the molding of the sand in his work. it was interesting at first, he didn’t think he knew what he was doing at first, but soon after it started to change.

The son of chaos had gotten used to what he was doing and he kept working on it. He looked over to see what Toga was going to make right now. It seemed like he was thinking about it. That was something even Drakkon had to do before he decided to create the being that he saw.

“I am creating a being I saw when I met up with my previous Guild Leader. She was a beautiful, mysterious creature. I had never seen someone like her before, so I figured I would show her to the world. I don’t know what will happen if I do that, but it would be interesting to see. What are you planning on making Toga?” He asked him curious to hear what he had to say.

While he waited for an answer, he continued working on the sculpture. It was tough to get the details within the ice, but he was doing his best right now to get things done here.



What Can be Build Through Ice and Snow [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Wed 9 Oct 2024 - 17:28

The prospect of facing Yuurei in battle was as daunting as it was illuminating. Tōga, ever the optimist and warrior at heart, viewed each encounter with the fabled mage as a pivotal moment of self-assessment. Yuurei, reputed to be one of the mightiest beings alive, served as the ultimate benchmark for anyone daring enough to measure their prowess against his. For Tōga, these clashes weren’t about victory—they were about discovery and growth. Each skirmish with Yuurei peeled back another layer of his own capabilities, highlighting strengths and exposing weaknesses in a way no other opponent could. The goal was not to defeat Yuurei but to evolve from the challenge he presented.

Transitioning from the intensity of their discussion on potential battles, Tōga shifted his focus to the task at hand. He sat on the warm sand of the beach, surrounded by limitless grains and the recurring touch of the tides, which offered both inspiration and the necessary resources to mold his creative imagination. A smattering of props lay scattered around, hints of other contestants' plans, but Tōga was determined to rely on raw creativity and the natural materials at his disposal.

As he began to shape the damp sand, Drakkon mentioned he was crafting a sculpture of a woman—a muse of significant beauty and importance. "That’s an interesting choice! Was she someone special to you?" Tōga asked, his curiosity piqued not just by the choice of subject but by the unexpected glimpse into Drakkon's more tender side. The dragon slayer had never pegged his fellow mage for the tender type, and this revelation added a layer of complexity to his understanding of Drakkon.

Meanwhile, Tōga’s own hands danced through the sand, his mind racing with potential ideas. He hadn’t settled on a final design yet, but the thrill of creation spurred him on. He experimented with various forms, each attempt morphing into the next, a fluid expression of his thoughts and whims.

"I’m not sure what this will become, but it’s going to be something great!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm undimmed by the uncertainty of his project. Tōga embraced the challenge as he always did, with a hearty laugh and an eagerness to see where his imagination would take him next. Each scoop of sand, each careful molding, brought him closer to an artistic revelation, crafted not just from the earth but from the spirited dragon slayer at play.

wc: 426 [1,787]

#9Go D. Drakkon 

What Can be Build Through Ice and Snow [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Wed 9 Oct 2024 - 17:39

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon continued his work when he heard Toga’s question. He smiled as she had no tides to him, hell he didn’t even know them like that. He saw them one time and knew that they weren’t from their world.

“Nope, she is nothing to me, but she was how I got to Darkfang though. The person special to me, well I don’t have one.” He lied to Toga on this part.

The person special to him was Lumikki, but he could never say it out loud because then it would be true. It was a feeling he denied himself to have for the sake of his own goal. So even though he lied to Toga, he was telling him the truth as well. He never outright said those words of affirmation to Lumikki, so therefore it was not factual or true in his eyes.

“I’m sure you will do just fine. Do you have anybody special Toga?” He asked as he finished his sculpture of the woman he saw that day.

He waited for the judges to come to see the mixture of sand and ice that he had created in front of him before they declared the winner.  



What Can be Build Through Ice and Snow [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Wed 9 Oct 2024 - 17:39

The member 'Go D. Drakkon' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 4


What Can be Build Through Ice and Snow [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Wed 9 Oct 2024 - 22:40

As Tōga's hands danced through the grains, molding and shaping with artistic abandon, he tuned into Drakkon's revelation—or lack thereof—about personal attachments. "That's tough! Even a mage as formidable as the Devourer Dragon could use someone by his side, don't you think?" Tōga laughed, half in jest, half in genuine curiosity. The air was light, but his intuition hinted at layers beneath Drakkon's dismissal, a narrative untold that piqued Tōga's interest further.

The topic shifted naturally, steering toward the more personal, a terrain Tōga navigated with ease and openness. "As for me, there’s someone special, yeah. We haven't put a label on it, but she’s pretty incredible," Tōga shared, his voice carrying a warmth that mirrored the affection he felt. As he spoke of Ursula, his movements in the sand grew more deliberate, each stroke a reflection of the joy she brought into his life. They hadn’t needed to define what they were with conventional titles; their time together spoke volumes, each moment resonating with shared significance.

"She’s this amazing mix of fierce and crazy. Manages to keep me on my toes!" he continued, his chuckle mixing with the ocean's breeze. The simplicity of their connection—undefined yet deeply rooted—was a source of strength for him. It wasn't about labels or expectations but about the natural, evolving companionship they nurtured. As he crafted a figure from the sand, perhaps unconsciously influenced by thoughts of Ursula, Tōga found a parallel in his sculpture—a form emerging unpredictably yet unmistakably beautiful. Like his relationship, the sculpture didn’t need to conform to a predefined idea; it was free to become whatever it might, guided by the hands of its creator and the whims of the moment.

wc: 310 [2,097]


What Can be Build Through Ice and Snow [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Wed 9 Oct 2024 - 22:40

The member 'Toga' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 39

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