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Sparkling Waters, Spooky Stories and Smores, Oh My! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] w/ Rhea

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#1Luna Nightshade 

Sparkling Waters, Spooky Stories and Smores, Oh My! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] w/ Rhea Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 1:16 pm


Dreamers always win~

Luna was enjoying a lovely breakfast out on the terrace of her home when the butler brought her a letter from her guild. There was to be a joint guild event with Paradise Dawn in the North at Azure Beach later today. Something about a party with a bonfire and cookout. Luna jumped up from her seat squealing in excitement as the butler and other staff standing by simply looked on. They had been serving their mistress's niece for a few years now and so her behavior was nothing surprising anymore.

The fae quickly finished her meal and stood back up. "Sebastian, be a dear and inform my Aunt I'll be home late tonight~ I've gotten an invitation to an event hosted by my guild tonight~!" she said excitedly. The butler simply nodded and cleared her table before heading back inside to prepare for Luna's departure. Meanwhile, Luna went back to her room to get ready herself. She took a nice short shower and then relaxed in a bubble bath with her hair up to not get bubbles in it.

Once she was finished, she got out and went to pick out her attire. Naturally, she picked out her best swimsuit and a cute light blue sundress in a toned down version of her guild's color. After gathering her stuff and getting ready, Luna headed downstairs where the butler informed her the chauffeur had the car ready and was waiting. "Excellent work as always Sebastian~!" It should be noted that the butler's actual name was Stephan but, Luna had read one too many comics where the butler was named Sebastian, she believed every butler should have that name.

As she headed out the door, she noticed how sunny it was and while it was hot, it wasn't too hot as there was a pleasant breeze wafting about. Luna got into the car and headed for the Azure Beach. There fun in the sun and yummy food was just waiting for her! Upon arrival, she got out of the car and walked down onto the beach with her personal maid, Marianne who'd accompanied her incognito to help her young mistress set up. Marianne set up her beach parasol and beach chair with cushions in the perfect spot. Next to it, she laid out a fluffy pink beach towel with Luna's initials stitched into it and another less fancy chair for herself.

Meanwhile, Luna had shed her sundress, showing off her favorite bikini, Immediately, the heads of every boy and man in the nearby vicinity turned to gaze upon the pink-haired, buxom beauty queen before them. Their wrapt attention on her made Luna very pleased. She was glad she chose this swimsuit. Not too immodest with revealing just enough to make you want to see more. Luna strutted carefree down the beach with a light skip to her step, her bust bouncing here and there as she did.

It didn't take long to find where the guild had set up for the event. Barbeque grilling stations, a bonfire pit with nice chairs around it, archways with streamers hanging from above. Not many people from Blue Pegasus had seemed to arrive yet but those that were present couldn't help but stop to look at her. A newbie she was, Luna was already quite well-known as one of the cutest "younger" girls in the guild. "Hello everyone~! Luna's here~!" the water mage said cheerfully and sweetly. Luna could already tell this was going to be lots of fun!

Words: 586


Sparkling Waters, Spooky Stories and Smores, Oh My! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] w/ Rhea Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:51 pm


"Alright, everyone! The food is ready!" Rhea’s voice boomed over the music, cutting through the sound of crashing waves and the hum of beach chatter. With a wide grin, she flipped the last skewer of grilled meat, her golden eyes gleaming from the fire’s reflection. The smell of charred, smoky goodness filled the air, mingling with the saltiness of the ocean breeze. Rhea’s earlier efforts, setting up the grill and getting everything just right, had been worth it. Now, she could finally relax, drink in hand, and watch everyone else dig in.

She swiped a hand across her forehead, smearing a bit of ash across her tanned skin. "This is how you do a beach party," she muttered to herself, proud of the work she’d put in. The sun was beginning to dip lower in the sky, casting a golden hue over the sand, and the music blasting from the speakers made everything feel more alive. The carefree laughter and dancing around her fueled her own high energy, making it hard for her to stand still as she cooked.

Lector, her little companion, sat nearby under the shade of a large beach umbrella. His tail flicked lazily, and he was clearly more interested in the drink by his side than the food. "You should try one of these," Rhea called out to him, holding up a perfectly grilled skewer of meat. "Best cooking you will ever have!"

Lector snorted, crossing his arms. "Hmph. We’ll see about that," he replied, his voice dripping with his usual arrogance. "I’m not going to lower my standards just because we’re at some beach party."

Rhea rolled her eyes, used to Lector’s sass by now. "Suit yourself, but you are missing out," she said, popping a small piece of grilled chicken into her mouth. "Mmm. Yeah, I nailed it."

She loved the atmosphere here. It was such a change from the seriousness of her duties as a Rune Knight. No rules to follow, no missions to complete. Just fun, sun, and the joy of hanging out with people. The warm weather reminded her of home, and gods know she loved a reason to be naked. The beach party had been in full swing since the afternoon, and everyone seemed to be in high spirits. The bonfire pit was prepped, streamers hung from wooden archways, and the entire area felt like a little paradise.

Rhea let out a small laugh as she watched a few of the younger Blue Pegasus members try to show off some clumsy dance moves by the water. They weren’t great dancers, but they were having fun, which was all that mattered today. Grabbing a drink from the table nearby, she took a swig and sighed in satisfaction. The fruity beverage was cold and sweet, the perfect refreshment after hours standing over a hot grill.

“Hey, everyone!” she called out again, her Stellan accent carrying easily over the music. “Come grab some food before it’s all gone! Trust me, you don’t wanna miss this!” Her smile widened as she saw people starting to make their way over, plates in hand.

Just then, her eyes fell on someone new, a pink-haired girl wearing a cute bikini, clearly not from the Rune Knights. She was strutting down the beach with confidence, heads turning in her direction as she went. Rhea didn’t know her, but it didn’t really matter. This was a party, and everyone was here to have a good time.

"Hey! You too!" Rhea shouted over to the girl, waving her tongs in the air. "Get in line and grab some food while it’s hot!"

Last edited by Rhea on Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

#3Luna Nightshade 

Sparkling Waters, Spooky Stories and Smores, Oh My! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] w/ Rhea Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:42 am


Dreamers always win~

As Luna greeted her fellow guild mates, while enjoying the attention, she smelled something divine. At the grills, someone the fae didn't recognize was grilling savory meat skewers, their scent wafted through the air, carried by the nice ocean breeze. Luna couldn't help but water at the mouth a little. Then that same woman called out to everyone to come and get some. Shortly after, she seemed to take notice of Luna and invited her to partake as well. Luna felt her stomach grumble as she hadn't eaten since around 7 in the morning and now it was mid-afternoon, perfect time for lunch.

Luna skipped on over to the grills, looking forward to what the woman had made. "Oh em gee, thanks for the food~!" Luna exclaimed excitedly as she took 3 or 4 skewers. As Luna bit into one, they exploded with juicy, savory flavor in her mouth. Luna's eyes lit up like stars. They were hot off the grill but not too hot. Perfectly cooked medium well with just the slightest bit of pink in the center but small enough that she could eat one piece in one bite.

The lady was a little taller than her, with dark skin and yellow eyes but she was gorgeous. Normally, Luna would see someone like her as a threat on account of her looks but since this person had offered her super yummy food, she wouldn't make her an enemy...yet. "Thanks, lady for the super yummy skewers, they're sooooo juicy and savory and just melt in your mouth~!" Luna was sincere in her compliments because she really did love the food this person made. Maybe since she was such a good cook, Luna could befriend her and get the lady to make her all sorts of yummy food from now on.

As Luna finished off two of the four skewers she finally introduced herself to the chef. "My name's Luna, Luna Nightshade~ I'm a member of Blue Pegasus. Are you new too? What's your name?" The fae couldn't help but be excited to meet another female she didn't immediately dislike. After all, the only other girls Luna got along with were some of her guildmates she'd been on jobs with but even those women she had her own "special" nicknames for.

While waiting for a response, she noticed the exceed standing nearby drinking juice or something. Luna's eyes lit up as she exclaimed excitedly. "Awww it's a kitty! C'mere~!"
Luna said as she went to grab the exceed and pull him into a hug, hugging him close to her chest. Luna didn't know he could talk or that he was an exceed because she hadn't seen any before. All she knew was that it was so cute and cool to see a cat walking like a person and drinking like one, she couldn't help but hug it.

Words: 480
Tag:  @Rhea


Sparkling Waters, Spooky Stories and Smores, Oh My! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] w/ Rhea Empty Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:57 pm


Rhea smiled warmly at Luna’s excitement, wiping her hands on a towel as the girl eagerly devoured the skewers. “Glad you liked them, mi hermana! I put a lot of work into making sure they were just right,” she said, her tone friendly and relaxed. It was nice to see someone appreciate her cooking so much. She took a sip of her drink, watching as Luna seemed to light up with every bite.

Hearing Luna mention Blue Pegasus, Rhea chuckled softly. “Oh yeah? Blue Pegasus, huh? Well, That doesn’t surprise me. You have the charm and style down.” She gave a wink, clearly in a good mood. “I actually know someone from your guild, her name is Sofia Serena. She’s incredible, isn’t she? Beautiful, smart, and one hell of a mage, I hear.” Rhea spoke with genuine admiration, clearly holding Sofia in high regard. “It’s cool you’re in the same guild. I’m fond of Blue Pegasus.”

Taking a moment, she extended a hand to Luna. “Mi nombre es Rhea Alvarez. Rune Knight, Sergeant, recently promoted. Pleasure to meet you, Luna of Blue Pegasus.” Her tone was warm, and there was a bit of her usual hotshot confidence, but it was clear she wasn’t putting on airs.

Meanwhile, Lector, who had been casually sipping his juice and minding his own business, suddenly found himself yanked into Luna’s tight embrace. His red body tensed as his eyes widened in surprise, the juice carton slipping from his grip. “H-Hey! What’s the big idea woman!?” he yelped, squirming as Luna hugged him against her chest. “I’m not a cat! I’m an Exceed! Let me go, you crazy lady!”

Rhea burst into laughter, unable to help herself at the sight of Lector flailing about in Luna’s grasp. “Careful, Luna,” she teased, shaking her head. “Lector’s got a bit of an attitude. Don’t let his size fool you, he’s feisty.”

#5Luna Nightshade 

Sparkling Waters, Spooky Stories and Smores, Oh My! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] w/ Rhea Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 2:20 pm


Dreamers always win~

The woman's name was Rhea Alvarez, she introduced herself in partial Stellan with a rather thick accent. The reason Luna recognized the language was because she had once passed through Stella in her travels leading to Fiore. It was a beautiful place and many people who lived there had darker skin like Rhea.

Rhea seemed to appreciate Luna complimenting her cooking skills. Being in such a good mood, Rhea complimented Luna, mentioning how her looks and style fit with her guild's aesthetic, winking at the fae. This made Luna blush a bit, flushing her cheeks rosy pink. It was rare someone would compliment her sincerely so she felt a bit embarrassed.

Tag: @Rhea

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