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Two Chibi's and a Giant-[CE – High Spirits]-Lumi

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#1Yuuki Hashimoto 

Two Chibi's and a Giant-[CE – High Spirits]-Lumi Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 12:53 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki lazily made his way down the crowded streets of Izakaya, it had been sometime since he had been here specifically the last time he could remember setting foot in Izakaya he was only sixteen years of age. Yumi buzzed excitedly on his shoulder as this was a new place to her, therefore making it a new experience as well. Stalls and small shops lined the crowded streets each one selling different odds and ends and some selling food, as Yuuki passed one of these Yumi pulled on Yuuki's left ear "Wait!" she exclaimed grabbing Yuuki's attention "I want that hairpin." She said pointing to a Sakura blossom hair pin laying on the table of this particular stall "Are you sure?" Yuuki asked curiously as this was the first time she had asked for anything material.

Yumi nodded in an excited manner as Yuuki went to haggle with the shop owner over price. They went back and forth for a few seconds before eventually agreeing to a price, Yuuki paid the stall owner who in turn handed Yuuki the hair pin, which he handed to Yumi who excitedly put it in her hair as Yuuki slowly made his way down the busy street taking in the sights, sounds, and smells as he made his way to his destination which was a little pub he remembered a little ways down this street.

Yuuki noticed a shop off to his left that was renting out kimono and Yukata causing a small grin to grace his face as he eyed Yumi "Ohhhh, Yumi." he said mischievously "I think were gonna get you a make over." he said playfully as he entered the shop "Nooo.... I dont wanna." she protested clearly feeling like her present attire was good enough "Oh come on you will look pretty in a kimono." he said in a warm teasing manner causing the small pixie to blush. Yuuki approached one of the many workers inside the store to see about getting Yumi Fitted for a kimono.

As Yuuki approached one of the nearby shop members he was promptly greeted and asked if they could be of any assistance, to which Yuuki nodded explaining that he would like to get Yumi fitted for a Kimono. The employee nodded and stated that would not be a problem, however that would require Yumi getting of his shoulder so they could measure and fit her "Yumi, If you wanna wear a cute Kimono you're gonna have to hop down." he said in a teasing manner as if payback for all the teasing Sophie had done because of her behavior. Yumi huffed but complied as she flew down from his shoulder to stand in front of the store employee who took some measurements, before ushering Yumi off to one of the fitting booths.

Yuuki perused the shop while Yumi was getting fitted, granted he didn't need any new clothes at the moment it never truly hurt to window shop at ones leisure to maybe get ideas for future purchases. After some time the story employee returned, but Yuuki did not see Yumi immediately as she was shyly hiding behind the employee. Yumi did not immediately come out from hiding until Yuuki teased her "Now where did the really cute pixie run off to?" Yuuki said aloud obviously putting on an act which worked because out from behind the employee stepped Yumi dressed in a bright pink Kimono with flower pattering gracing the surface. " Look at you, being all adorable and stuff." Yuuki said in playful manner as the blushing fair flew up to sit on her customary shoulder.

Yuuki thanked the employee, before turning and exiting the establishment, as he made his way down the street towards the pub with Yumi tugged lightly on his ear for embarrassing he, Yuuki smirked at this but he really did mean it when he said she looked adorable. Yuuki reached the door to the pub named 'The Drunken Samurai' Yuuki entered the establishment and found a seat at the bar where he waited for the bartender to approach.

Post Word Count:681


Two Chibi's and a Giant-[CE – High Spirits]-Lumi Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 6:34 pm


Lumikki of Iceberg

"Beware of the trickery"

Lumikki sat atop one of the highest roofs, her black kimono loosening as she sat back and enjoyed a third dango snack. She was pulling the last ball off the stick with her teeth while gazing at the clouds. Relishing in the lull of the late afternoon. The music from the festival below kept her entertained as her mind wandered all about. And her flock clung nearby, though with their gaze to the ground in hopes for a small meal if they ever got lucky.

Hulda laid on her lap, nuzzling Lumi’s thighs to reclaim her comfort. Soft purrs left her lips as she lazed about, waiting for when Lumikki plucked the strings of her harp again. The Demoness did it from time to time, mirroring the music below by playing it all from ear. Her talon-like nails pulling at the strings with the least amount of effort, making it easy to prop on the side and play one handed.

”It’s the warrior that joined you.” Lonu uttered matter-a-factly, he was not invested in their appearance but entertained nonetheless. ”The lad who slept you mean.” Gunvald interjected, he was enjoying the respite like the others, but didn’t mind instigating all the same. ”He held out long enough. Those two…uh…those two seemed pretty formidable.” Trygve chimed in as well though he forgot the duo’s name. Not like it mattered now, they too were long gone.

Lumikki took a moment to react while the shadows beneath her hoisted her back up to a straight posture. ”Hmmm…” Lumikki mumbled, as her eyes adjusted enough to see him. Hulda, not pleased by the intrusion, shook herself in place and looked down herself. ”They fight?” Hulda asked, but her focus was more on the being atop his shoulder. Lumi too was curious for the small girl, having never seen one in her size before. ”Ye could say that,” the Demoness caressed her companions head before standing back up. Doing so revealed the small wings that wrapped around her waist just before the orange obi. ”But I wonder if he’s any fun outside the ring…or does he always wrap up too soon…” And with a few silent steps forward, she’d drop down.

In a swift and soft drop, Lumi soundlessly hit the ground. Hulda stayed above for the moment with the ravens as she was not quite in the mood to be surrounded by humans. Though her eyes would never leave the entrance all the same, nor would theirs as they observed all below.

As Lumikki entered the The Drunken Samurai, she brought a cold breeze with her. Almost like a fine mist that dispersed just as quick. And in a sly motion, she’d take the seat beside the man and friend. Leaning onto the counter as she got the bartenders attention with a hand raised.

With Lumikki’s more striking appearance, she got his attention first. Pale hair pulled back in a bun that was a mix of Icebergain braids and loose strands. Orange and red flower pins were tucked into the locks to hold it all in place. Her hands looked stained with ink, from nails to forearms. As if they were like the talons of ravens. And her twilight eyes, one blue, one yellow, locked onto the man veering over to ask her what drink. ”Anata no mottomo amai sake,” she’d reply before finally dropping down into her seat. Her eyes or focus not yet extending to the man beside her as she watched over the bartender handling her request instead.

”Ye won’t get a drink if ya just sit there.” As her eyes finally panned to him, her nails lightly tapping onto the wood, she’d meet him with a cheeky smile. ”Unless of course, it was yer desire to be overlooked?” The bartender returned with a bottle and glass, placing it just before her. Lumikki pulled them in, and as she did, she’d chill the sake further. Before pouring herself the first glass and throwing it back.

"When fire burns cold."

Two Chibi's and a Giant-[CE – High Spirits]-Lumi Nerili11

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