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A Joyous Celebration [CE - High Spirits]

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A Joyous Celebration [CE - High Spirits] Empty Today at 11:42 am


The city of Izakaya is truly a sight for sore eyes. As he walked the shiny pavement, dozens of cherry blossom leaves fluttered around Tsutomu—gently brushing against his face and body before falling to the ground. He had never seen a tree like this before; it was far more beautiful and full of life than the trees he was accustomed to seeing back home. "So pretty!" Tsutomu stated as he used his hand to stroke the bark of the tree.


The young man had just arrived at Izakaya and was still quite a distance from his destination, the Flower Kingdom known as Fiore. Though he knew he wasn't in the right state to go tonight, the thought of his sick mother back home made him want to move quickly. He followed the passageway he had fallen into till it ended at the city square. "Woah—"

"Is that a dragon?!"


A group of dancers blitzed by, manipulating a long, flexible, massive puppet of a dragon. It seemed they were using fire magic to make it breathe fire and wind magic to help it move through the air. "That was insane!!" he shouted. Tsutomu looked around him and saw groups of people drinking and dancing. And his nose was drawn to the aromas emanating from other stores. "Okay," he said, his face showing signs of hunger, "a day won't hurt."


A Joyous Celebration [CE - High Spirits] Empty Today at 5:05 pm



Rhea moved through the bustling streets of Izakaya with effortless grace, the air thick with the scents of street food and sweet wines, while soft laughter and music filled the night. The dress she wore, a sleek black and gold ensemble, clung to her like a second skin, more reminiscent of the fashion in Fiore than the traditional Joyan attire surrounding her. She felt powerful tonight, her magic pulsing steadily beneath the surface, her health fully restored and her mind sharper than ever. For the first time in what seemed like years, she had clarity—a plan, a purpose, and the strength to carry it out.

Sipping from her glass of wine, her eyes landed on a boy standing just a few feet ahead, no older than sixteen. He was staring, wide-eyed, at the dancers and the massive dragon puppet that twisted and roared through the air, its form illuminated by bursts of fire magic. His awe was warming, and Rhea couldn’t help but smile softly at the innocence in his expression.

She stepped beside him, her presence subtle but commanding, her voice gentle as she slightly lowered her glass to speak to him. "It’s something, isn’t it?" she began, her Stellan accent rolling off her tongue in smooth waves. Her Fiorian had become much better since her study of The Tome of Forgotten memories. "The way they make it come alive with just a few sparks of magic. Joyans have always had a way with art. They know how to turn a simple celebration into something... unforgettable."

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