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Spies Like Us (Drakkon)

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Spies Like Us (Drakkon) Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 6:32 am

Carmina had been given a job to look like a tourist and to take down numbers and patrol routes of the guards on the island and to make sure not to get herself caught which was probably easier said than done for her as she would probably stand out in her normal clothes so she changed how she appeared using her magic and a spell she had seen so she can not just be picked out of the crowd so easily but she also knew that she needed to be careful as she could say or do something that might come back on her and cause her to end up having to take a drastic measure or two to keep herself a float which was probably not abnormal and she got to the job walking within the crowd as she went as she watched the guards and was taking note of the number of them in her sharp mind.

#2Go D. Drakkon 

Spies Like Us (Drakkon) Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 6:54 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had taken this job once again when he heard things had changed. He had decided to go with Carmina. The young copy mage was still wet behind the ears, but he planned to give her spells that would allow her to become a power mage. It seemed like she had already gotten there, and he had told Hai to wait with the client for the time being. When he got to her it seemed like she was looking at the guards and making sure that she was able to spot them all. He had seen sixteen of them, but how many did she see?

“So, how many guards are you able to spot Carmina?” He asked her curious to see what she would say.

He looked at the way they moved and he wondered what this man had planned for this island. Drakkon was sure he wanted to witness it, so he was helping out again.



Spies Like Us (Drakkon) Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:49 am

When the man asked her how many she saw she got a bit closer to him and she spoke. "There are three groups of four each with a person in a plains clothes, one set heading north west with a slight deviation, group is heading east and their plain clothed is a woman, the last set is heading south and have a spread pattern to their formation." She was not sure how in depth she had to be with him on this but she gave as much detail that she could give as she was sure that the woman comment as this place was really full of woman but one would seem off if you really looked but that was just her own opinion on that. She stuck to the crowd and moved and she could see a few extra guards that were trying to stay out of view down the paths that were heading away from the center of the city and that was probably a protection in cause someone steals gets into the crowd and takes one of the roads and the command word is yelled and the one in that path off of the center knows to be alert to an incoming person.

Rather that was the right or wrong answer wasn't up to her to pick as there was no point in dwelling on it as this was just about the facts and the things that were going on and not stopping through she is sure that there is a group of guards that are a bit off time and she makes note of this group of guards as well but she was unable to tell if they were real or just a decoy group that was to scare people and make trouble makers to think twice about their actions against the people of the city they would still probably have to tell the man about this but she was sure that they were fake and their weapons toys or dull for how the one was playing with a knife in his pocket like he wasn't to have a real weapon but was carrying a weapon in case there was trouble so he could use it to defend himself.
(375) (534)

#4Go D. Drakkon 

Spies Like Us (Drakkon) Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:06 am

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon had heard her words and he had a smile on his face. She noticed three of the four groups there. She was right though they were in groups of four. It seemed like she didn’t look up, which was fine.

“Yes, good eye, but you missed one group. There is a group of four that is on the roof right now. They are sneaking around the rooftop making sure that nobody can see them.” He said as he could see them without a problem.

They were barely showing themselves, but with his eye, he spotted them. He spotted Keanu, but they would lose him quickly even though he tried to follow them. The two of them would move around to gather more information on these guards, and when they were ready they headed to their client. When they got there, they would relay all this to Herman before getting rewarded and being asked to take on another job.

159|316 50% Word Count Reduction

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