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West to South

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West to South  Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 11:09 am

Zerutod Saito
The port of Astera buzzed with life, the salty breeze carrying the laughter of children and the shouts of merchants hawking their wares. Zerutod stood at the edge of the dock, his pale lavender eyes scanning the crowd, though he saw nothing. His silver hair whipped around his face as he adjusted the collar of his long black trench coat. “Excuse me, sir,” he said, his voice soft yet steady, “could you point me toward the ship to Hargeon?”
The man grunted, barely glancing at him. “Just follow the noise, blind man.”
Zerutod chuckled lightly, feigning clumsiness as he bumped into a crate. “Ah, my apologies! I’m just a bit lost in thought.” He moved forward, his electroreception guiding him through the chaos.
As he boarded the ship, the crew eyed him with a mix of curiosity and disdain. “What’s a blind man doing on a ship?” one sneered.
“Just seeking knowledge and adventure!” Zerutod replied, his tone cheerful. “You know, the sea has many stories to tell.”
The ship rocked gently as they set sail, the horizon stretching endlessly before them. But as the sun dipped low, shadows crept in, and the atmosphere shifted. A group of rough-looking men gathered at the bow, their laughter harsh and mocking.
“Look at the blind fool,” one of them jeered. “What’s he gonna do, read the stars?”
Zerutod’s smile faded. “You know, it’s not the sight that matters, but the vision.”
The leader stepped closer, fists clenched. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
In an instant, Zerutod’s demeanor shifted. “It means you’re too blinded by your own arrogance to see the truth.”
With a swift motion, he drew his katana, the blade glinting ominously in the fading light. The crew gasped, the tension thickening like fog.
“Stand down, or I’ll show you what a blind man can do.”
The leader lunged, but Zerutod was faster. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a wave of time magic, freezing the man mid-stride. “You cling to your past, but it’s time to move forward.”
The other men hesitated, fear creeping into their eyes. Zerutod’s voice was calm, yet deadly. “Choose wisely.”
As the ship sailed into the night, the men retreated, leaving Zerutod standing tall, the weight of his other side lingering in the air. He sheathed his katana, a small smile returning to his lips. “Now, where were we? Ah yes, the stories of the sea.”
The crew, now wary yet intrigued, gathered around him, eager to hear what the blind man had to say. And as the stars twinkled above, Zerutod began to weave tales of adventure, his laughter mingling with the sound of the waves, a reminder that even in darkness, there is light.

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