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Pirates! Pt. 1

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 1 Empty Yesterday at 7:56 am

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon decided to take on a quest. This was a quest that he didn’t see coming, but since he was now in Hargeon he figured he would handle it. He was supposed to help out the Pirates this time around. It seemed like they wanted to tackle a huge ship that had a lot of good stuff on it. They wanted someone who could handle any odd obstacle that might come their way.

They figured that it was guarded well and that someone might be strong there. That was why they were waiting on a secret cove for someone to take their request and help them out. Drakkon and Hai had decided to be the ones to help these guys out. He knew they might backstab him, but that was the fun of all of this. He had made his way to his destination, only finding this job request in a spot where underworld people would be located.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 1 Empty Yesterday at 8:00 am

Go D. Drakkon

When he arrived at the cove, he was met with hostility. It was to be expected as they had guns pointed at him. He had a smirk on his face as he looked at all of them.

“No need to worry. I’ve come here to help you guys. I have this as proof to show you that I’m not lying.” He said to them as he pulled out the job request.

One of them would approach him as the others kept their gun pointed at Drakkon. He checked it out and after a few seconds confirmed it was the sign that they had put up.

“So, you think you could help us out?” He asked Drakkon.

Drakkon smiled at him as he was more than happy to help as long as he got paid.

“Yes, I know I can as long as I get paid you got nothing to worry about. So, let’s get this show on the road, and let’s get this haul.” He said to him.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 1 Empty Yesterday at 8:03 am

Go D. Drakkon
The man nodded as he could see and hear the confidence resonating from that man. He knew it was a bluff. He turned his back on Drakkon as the two of them had gotten on the ship. Once they were both on board, the pirates had placed their guns into their hostlers and had set sail to their destination. They had made good time, and they were glad Drakkon was not late with his arrival. They moved through the sea as the man who approached Drakkon spoke to him.

“Why is he so quiet?” He asked him curious to hear about Hai.

Drakkon looked at Hai and then at the captain.

“He’s always like that. A man with few words, and my son. He’s going to be a big reason why we succeed today.” He said to him.

Hai nodded as the man looked at him and then looked away. They were planning on using Drakkon for their own goals and discarding these two at the end.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 1 Empty Yesterday at 8:08 am

Go D. Drakkon
“ You can do whatever you want until we arrive at our destination. Just stay on deck.” He told Drakkon.

Drakkon nodded as he was fine with that. He had looked around and had made his way to the starboard of the ship. His eyes looked at the vast sea as he felt a bit of sickness. He didn’t like this feeling, but he was able to keep it from getting out of hand. He waited and soon enough there would be a ship that would make an appearance not too far off in the distance.

The son of chaos wondered how these guys knew about this ship, but figured that they had gained great information for a price. One of the pirates had called out notifying their target was in sight. It was then a second mast would open up as they picked up more speed than before. He held on tightly as they were reaching their destination.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 1 Empty Yesterday at 8:15 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon prepared himself as he figured they were killing everybody on the other ship. It would leave no witness, which was a good thing for them. He put the bandana on his head and he looked at Hai Gone. He put both his hands on the hilt of his Katanas. It was then that Hai would roar throughout the ship and the sea as the Dragon started merging with Drakkon. It was then he had gained a new form, one with wings, talons, horns, scales, and even a tail. It was then he pulled his blades from them sheath as it was time for him to go kill some stuff.

The pirates still needed to get close to the ship, but Drakkon soared through the air and toward the ship. The other ship was notified of the incoming ship, but they were shocked to see something moving toward them at such speed.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 1 Empty Yesterday at 8:20 am

Go D. Drakkon
They didn’t have time to reach the sudden appearance of Drakkon. He looked at them with a smile on his face their eyes widened when they saw his form. When the man that he appeared in front of, tried to do something Drakkon reacted. He would cut the man’s arm off with Enma, and then soon his head as he screamed before it happened.

It was then others would bring out their guns. He moved over to a few of them cutting them down without hesitation. The others who were able to shoot at him would miss. Drakkon’s ability to sense danger coming, and seeing where projectiles would land was a benefactor to him. He dodged them with ease and cut through these men by swinging his right arm.

It would stretch out like a bladed whip cutting them down with extraordinary strength. The men with guns would perish screaming from the pain that was dealt.


#7Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 1 Empty Yesterday at 8:25 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon snapped his arm back as he looked over to the next group of men that had appeared. These guys looked like Magic users, and he figured he could play with them. He would sheathe his blade and he would put his hands facing each other as a red magic circle would appear. It was then that a hell fire would appear in his hand as it was becoming an orb. He would then pull on it making an arrow and aimed at them as if he was holding a bow. It was then he would release the arrow as it flew toward them with insane speed. When it hit one of them it exploded and it took them all out as well.

The agony and screaming from the crew could be heard on the pirate ship as they saw a huge explosion occurred on the ship. It was then the explosion would disperse and he looked around to see if he missed any more crew members.


#8Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 1 Empty Yesterday at 8:31 am

Go D. Drakkon
“I think we’re done here, Father. I don’t smell…” They stopped talking as someone appeared behind him and tried to cut him down.

It was then a smirk on his face appeared. This was a person who was hired to protect the cargo. He didn’t smell him and only knew he was coming due to him attacking him.

He dodged the attack, pulled both blades out, and tried to cut the man. He had dodged it and he understood why the crew had a problem dealing with him. It was then he shot out multiple poison spells, but Drakkon stomped on the ground to reveal his dragon wing defense spell to protect him from the attack. When the attack was over he flew straight to the man with a smile on his face.

“Too bad you aren’t that strong.” They said as they cut the man down with Enma followed by a Dimensional Slash.


#9Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! Pt. 1 Empty Yesterday at 8:43 am

Go D. Drakkon
The man had been cut in half due to Drakkon’s combo and he fell to the ground without doing much. The Dragon Slayer saw the fight was over and he placed his katanas away. It was then he noticed the pirate ship had finally arrived and Pirated had gotten on board. It was then they all saw the work Drakkon had done and had started looting the place. The captain had a smile on his face as he was impressed with Drakkon’s work.

“Holy shit, you’re no joke. You took them out before we could arrive. I guess you meant it when you said that guy was vital to this operation.” He said to Drakkon.

“Yes, together we are a formidable force, one that even gave Kaito a run for his money. Even if it was in the arena, he would have been killed if he continued fighting against us.” They said to the captain as he was waiting to get paid.

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