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Lights & Sounds [CE - High Spirits | Akane]

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Lights & Sounds [CE - High Spirits | Akane] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:04 pm



The Sylvan Fay

Joya had always been towards the top of her list for countries to visit, even more so after spending so much time in Hosenka. As beautiful as the town was, it was only a fraction of what she knew to be present in Joya itself, and Izakaya was a prime example of that. Cabaret Crescent-- as fun as it was-- paled in comparison. The culture was so lively. She had to wonder if it was often like this, or was it simply because of the Convocation? In any case, it was worthwhile to experience the event in its fullest, though the elf found it somewhat difficult to do so when she hardly knew the country. The language barrier in particular was... troublesome, to say the least. There were far more moments than she cared to admit when she couldn't read a sign and ended up stumbling upon a building or room she most definitely did not mean to stumble upon.

Many of the locals at least were kind enough to struggle through the language with her. They were quite patient when she tried to use her broken Joyan, though ultimately her attempts rarely yielded anything of substance. She eventually found it best to try and follow the flow of the crowd. It involved a lot of people-watching, seeing who looked to be a natural at these sorts of things and who was more of a tourist such as her. It resulted in finding a few hidden gems, like a delicious taiyaki stand typical of Joya and another that served Sinese tánghúlu of a quality that impressed even Yuan.

Cuisine aside, as entertaining as the festival seemed to be-- with all the lights and crowds-- Atani had her limits. For just a moment, she needed to step aside. She found a quiet spot against a wall. Quiet relative to the rest of the venue that is. Just up ahead she could see bits and pieces of a fire dance between the gaps of a dense crowd. A stick of half-eaten tánghúlu in one hand, she held open a Joyan guidebook in another.

"Alright, shouldn't be too hard..." she muttered to herself as she tried to match the Fiorian phrases from within to the Joyan script she saw everywhere else. Rhaich, she really should have studied some more beforehand. She didn't know why she thought her knowledge of Sinese would help-- er, Yuan's knowledge rather, but still.

She decided to walk along the edges of the crowds, mostly only looking at her book and occasionally glancing back up to see if she had any better understanding of the writing system. This proved perhaps to be rather unwise, for at one moment Atani found herself nearly running into someone else. She had caught herself before she could actually run into them, but she still had the gut reaction to apologize.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" she said with a slight bow.

@ Akane

Lights & Sounds [CE - High Spirits | Akane] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Lights & Sounds [CE - High Spirits | Akane] Empty Yesterday at 1:56 pm


Never trust blindly or you'll be in a world of hurt

Akane's Outfit

A place Akane had never thought she would return to and yet here she was, in Joya, her homeland. The only reason she dared to come back here was because she'd been requested to do a job in Kodama Forest but since she arrived too early, she figured she would check out the local festival in Izakaya. It was a place far away enough from Yaezu Port that she was certain no one would recognize her. Besides, it had been years since that tragedy, well, a few. Either way, Akane was here so she might as well try to let off some steam and have a taste of home while at it.

The streets were bustling with crowds of people happily enjoying the festivities. Food and game stalls lined the street on either side, and paper lanterns were strung up above to softly illuminate the area. Akane saw a lot of women and children sporting yukatas and even some kimonos which the hunter assumed were the rich folk curious about commoner events. Akane couldn't help but roll her eyes and scoff. After all, those rich fat cats were stuffing their faces and lining their pockets when Akane and her mother were suffering in Yaezu Port.

Akane decided not to let it get to her any further, the angrier she got the more likely her obscura could take hold. Instead, she went to get some Takoyaki and Yakisoba as well as a cup of amanozake. As she waded through the crowd to find a quiet place to eat, someone almost ran smack into her but stopped just beforehand. Akane looked to see it was a blonde girl in a light blue Yukata. She had elongated ears which meant she was probably an elf or something.

The elven girl politely apologized for almost bumping into Akane. Akane would just brush past without a word or throw hands but she could tell this girl was sincere and felt it was only courteous to respond, "S'alright, you didn't actually bump into me so there's no real need to apologize for it."After reassuring the young woman, Akane walked past continuing on her way to find somewhere quieter. The festival was getting a bit too noisy for the daemon's liking.

Words: 375

Lights & Sounds [CE - High Spirits | Akane] Akane_12

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