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Do Vampires bleed their own blood? (NQ S-Rank)

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Do Vampires bleed their own blood? (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:43 am


Kaito returned once again to the haunted looking forest and he wondered what the problem was this time as he had been hired again to help with a werewolf problem that was happening and he wondered if the vampires were once again starting problems or if maybe one of the villagers had gotten brave and started a war with them or not. Kaito had Revy by his side and she was in her human form and was holding his new off hand weapon that was a glove with a retractable sword blade like attachment and that was something that Kaito liked about it as it was a fist type weapon with the added benefit of a sword that could be brought out. Kaito could smell werewolves around the area so he knew he was not of in his assuming that something was a miss. Kaito then heard the whining of a child werewolf.


Do Vampires bleed their own blood? (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:43 am


Kaito went that way as either it was bait for him or the werewolves and either way it had to be dealt with before he went any farther as the werewolf might need help. As he went he could sense danger was closer to him but it seemed they were not moving in on him and that was fine with him as there was a lot of space here once they hit the clearing and that was were he say a decently sized group of vampires with the children of a pack of werewolves, screaming demands of the werewolves to attack the city or they would take their children off to never be seen again and they were seeming to mean it as the werewolves were forced to hold back from trying to attack the vampires at this moment as it was in a way a bit of a stalemate for the two sides.


Do Vampires bleed their own blood? (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:43 am


The vampires then saw Kaito and Revy and they demanded that the werewolves go and fight Kaito and Revy. The werewolves with little choice turned toward Kaito as they were going to have to attack and go for his neck. Kaito looked to Revy and gave her the sign that she was not to kill only harm them as Kaito knows that if his child or wife was being held captive he would also do things that were not in the realm of sane though Kaito has more that he can do than what he was seeing being able at the werewolves side. Kaito moved forward so he was in front of Revy and he would cover her as Kaito needed to get into range to get the children from the vampires grasp but from where he was that wasn't possible without risking a vampire also being sent to safety with them.


Do Vampires bleed their own blood? (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:43 am


Kaito only used his sword to strike away attacks and to block ones that were trying to go past him and hit his companion that was with him. He had faith in Revy but he knew in a numbers game she was not going to be able to hold out as he can as he was stronger and more use to battle that she was as he had clashed with gods, mecha monsters, another him, there were many things that Kaito had faced in his years as a mage and he wasn't going let that hold him back as he needed to make sure that these werewolves were freed from their bondage to the vampires in this hostage situation. Revy moved with grace and used the weapon and she can tell why Kaito seemed to like this new weapon as it felt light on the arm and it wasn't overly bulky like other weapons like it.


Do Vampires bleed their own blood? (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:43 am


Revy when confronted called the blade out from the side and it would clash well with their claws, she did miss the shield but this weapon made her feel lighter and be able to move and react better to attacks that were being thrown her way and the werewolves were surprised that these two people didn't turn and run from them when the could have as they are blood thirsty looking monsters and that kind of scared them that these two could fact them without even a slight bit of fear of them in their eyes. One went from a jump onto Kaito with two other attackers jumping at him at the same time for a pack tactic attack and Kaito just phased the beasts and let them all hit into the others as they couldn't hit him and Kaito used this bit of an opening to get closer to the vampires.


Do Vampires bleed their own blood? (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:44 am


Kaito swung his sword and the werewolf children disappeared from the vampires clawed hands and they looked around scared of losing their leverage over the werewolves but the werewolves were too busy fighting to even notice that their children had been freed from the vampires and Kaito kept fighting his way to the vampires while the werewolf children were safe in his dimension in the dark side of it in the grass. He has no idea how they will react to that but he knows that they were safer there than out here on an active battle field that their family and friends were fighting on that might get them kidnapped all over again and Kaito wasn't looking to let that happen.  So he keeps fighting and holding off the werewolves as he kept on his way to the vampires at the root of it. They needed to be delt with and that was only something he god do.


Do Vampires bleed their own blood? (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:44 am


Kaito shifted himself through the dimension as he teleported forward and into a fight with a vampire, a female vampire tried to charm him but he was not that easy to trick and he took a swing at her and she turned to bats flying back away from Kaito then Kaito smirked as the vampire woman turned back to her form and she wondered why that man had that look on his face and then a blade went through her from behind as when he teleported he had grabbed Revy in a port and had himself appear in front of her while Revy was behind her as he knows the tricks of the elder vampires that were starting to appear more as if someone had disturbed a resting place. Kaito had no idea about it but he had heard of a vampire attack in the west so maybe some of them came to the east to look for crypts.


Do Vampires bleed their own blood? (NQ S-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:44 am


The woman pulled her self loose of the blade that was through her body and she then saw all the werewolves that had come toward them and were fighting with the other vampires and her seeing that she failed in her plan was moving to get herself out of here to live another day but that was when a huge and very pissed off werewolf attacked her from behind as that was one of the fathers to the pups and he was not happy some vampire had come onto his turf and harmed his family and friends like this. Kaito stayed out of the way as it was the alphas and pack leaders fight not his fight. He went to help the werewolves that were fighting the other lesser vampires that had been flanked and he wondered if this was the right end but it had to be as he helped the werewolves win and kill off the vampires. Kaito then let the children out of his dimension and the werewolves were over joyed and thanked him then went to return to their den in the forest.
(187) (1,272) (exit) (50% Wc) (20%ring,10%guild, 30% Relic.)

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