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[Void Caverns - Wings of the void - Fen, Salem, Zeno]

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[Void Caverns - Wings of the void - Fen, Salem, Zeno] Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 10:17 pm

The flow of mana has been shifting the balance of the forest greatly as of late, affecting all the residents, and leaving the young and elderly sickly. Elven and fae scouts were sent out to look for what had been causing the disturbances but could not find any satisfying results. They would only discover more drained mana deposits and roots of the great tree that was once full of life, now all shriveled up or eaten. With the mana being sapped dry from the great tree at an alarming rate, the elders feared this was a sign of the end of the deep green unless they could find the source of the problem. In a desperate attempt to find a solution, all the scouts were sent out to search every corner of the forest and report back anything unusual. One fae decided to take it upon herself to leave the forest entirely and head toward the nearest town to seek help from the guilds.

The next  day –

Zeno had awoken early as he normally does, he left the guild hall to visit the neighboring forest to stretch his legs and soak in the morning's grace. Just then a messenger hawk screeched from above before swooping down and perching itself on Zeno’s shoulders. A small sheet of paper with a four-leaf clover crest was attached to the bird's leg. It was an emergency message from the elders of Deep Green about how suspicious incidents were plaguing them and how unstable the mana flow was. “Looks like I got assigned a mission to check on the state of the deep green…fun. Go tell the others at the guild” Zeno whispers to the hawk before lifting his arm and letting the hawk fly off. With the livelihood of the forest in jeopardy, he rushed off to see what the problem was. He reached the forest around nightfall and was met with a shock wave that knocked him off balance mid-flight. After regaining his composure, he landed on the floor and fixed his hair. “Was that some sort of attack? I'm getting a reaaally bad feeling about this…sigh” Zeno sighs and shrugs his shoulders before walking into the bleak-looking entrance.

The once lush green earthly glow that filled the deep green was a thing of the past. The soil was dried up, and plants and flowers were all withered. The forest was indeed dying. Swift noises of multiple things brushing through the leaves of the trees overhead alerted Zeno, but before he could react and see what it was, they darted deeper into the darkness. What followed next was another shock wave. With it came a loud warping sound coming from what seemed like underneath his feet. The ground beneath Zeno suddenly started to rumble before splitting and sinking into itself, bringing down the surrounding trees and a large portion of the land, causing him to fall into the chasm. He pointed his fingers upward, summoning a magic circle in front of him, green vines burst forth from the seal entangling Zeno’s arms, flinging him out of the chasm onto the sturdy part of the land.“So–so much excitement and the night just started” he uttered after taking a deep breath and shaking his head while lying on the dirt.

WC 527

#2Salem E. 

[Void Caverns - Wings of the void - Fen, Salem, Zeno] Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 9:03 pm

Salem E.

Take a deep breath in. Breath deeply out. Take a deep breath in. Breath deeply out. That was the process that Salem was doing as he meditated. He was circulating the mana in the air. Getting a deeper understanding and working on the mana sensitivity that he lost. He needed to work hard. The downside of having a human body was how weird these things could be. It could react differently to things he was used to.

A small rumble was felt. It was another disturbance in the forest. Salem stood up feeling pissy. He had sent a notice to Paradise Dawn to gather more help. The aftershocks from the void were making too big of a mess for him to clean alone. He could have been sealing them faster but that was not something he felt like doing. A bigger rumble shook the ground. Salem sat on his staff side saddle. Like an ancient depiction of a witch he rode it into a different area of the forest.

The greenery that he passed made way to various colors. The forest looked like it was in the middle of fall. It was not a good sign when it was so late into the spring. His staff was vibrating and Salem was feeling more and more sure. He was coming upon another one of those void things. He could only hope that he would not come across more of those dang birds. The view gave way to blighted woods that gave way to a giant hole.

Salem stopped for a moment and thought to himself. He did not remember a giant hole just chilling in the forest. He was in the forest a lot. Salem would believe a giant hole would be something he would notice. Holes were just too fun to pass up. The things had multiple uses that always made them fun to use.

Upon getting closer Salem noticed someone else present. “Do you need some help?” Salem asked a dude that was just hanging around. His eyes took on his peculiar blue glow when he used some of his power. “Unless you are just hanging around Zeno.” At first Salem was asking to be polite. Unsure if he would have actually helped. When he used his ability to see through the river of fate and the world. He realized that this was a member of his guild. So he was actually going to help if it was needed.



[Void Caverns - Wings of the void - Fen, Salem, Zeno] Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:29 pm

The after effects of that tomb really were something that fen was still trying to get used to. Her body had changed, somewhat for the better; she felt healthier and a lot less irritable now. Something about not having your fate decided by another that was long gone made it somehow better. Her equipment no longer bore the resemblance of her homeland either; new jacket, new pants, hell even a nice form fitting leather center. She’d be in her room, going over the new weapon that she had acquired from it too. It was a massive bleeding blade that was taller than most men and then some. But it was light to her, easy to slash and stab, hell even thwack with it.

She was more or less minding her own business when the hawk arrived; the little message around its leg was picked out and she’d read it over. Furrowing her brows the werewolf realized that it was a call to action. She didn’t much care about the wellbeing of the land; especially one that wasn’t hers but with the feeling of that symbol on her tongue she’d let out a sigh. Standing up and heading out immediately; her sword sliding onto her back with a strap now going around the front of her chest as to not fall to the ground.

Deep green huh…

She’d mumble a bit as she padded along, slowly at first and she’d only speed up as she could see someone flying in the distance. Either they were the one that had sent the hawk or maybe they were another person checking out what was going on. Either way as she got closer she noted that much of the forest was in a sort of autumn vibe. Definitely not natural for spring. But in a world of magic; it was likely that something was wrong. She’d pick up her pace a bit, arriving a little bit after salem did. She’d fold her arms over her chest and cock her head to one side; eyeing the hole in the ground.

What's going on here?

Her accent was a thick and thick icebergian; not to mention she was straight to the point. Leaning somewhat to see if she could see anything down that hole and clearly was more interested in that than the two fellas in front of her. A hand slipping up to the hilt of her massive blade.

Think the hole’s the reason for the leaves being that color?

WC: 415


[Void Caverns - Wings of the void - Fen, Salem, Zeno] Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 3:24 pm

The deep breaths and a moment of rest helped Zeno’s nerves return to normal. He sat up slightly to look around, infusing his eyes with mana, causing them to shine a bright reddish-orange hue with glints of yellow around the pupils. With his fae eyes activated he checked to see if any friendly beings or monsters were hiding away in the dimly lit foliage, but nobody seemed to be hanging in the distance. The forest has never been this quiet nor empty before, and this hole forming beneath him only adds to the weirdness of it all.

The silence would soon be broken by the voice of somebody hanging overhead outside Zeno’s sight. Feelings of shock and uneasiness flowed through him from hearing his name being called from out of nowhere after having not seen anybody in his vicinity. Quickly scouting the air with his enhanced vision, he eventually spotted an aura hovering over him. He could not put a name to the face but could tell this being was a fae from its soul signature resembling that of other faes, standing up from off the floor to greet the suspicious man with a polite yet disingenuous smile.

“Yes, I am just hanging around waiting for the next sinkhole to carry me off to meet the divine fates below.” Zeno rolled his eyes at the man and responded to him with sarcasm. “I'm sure you are here for a similar reason as I, investigation, no?... Come down and let's tackle this mess before the deep goes deep underground.” Zeno said to the fae roguishly. As he walked over to the edge to peer down into the hole, another unexpected voice rang out from the other side of the hole, but this voice had a rough accent to it. Turning his gaze over to where the voice came from, he noticed it was another aura, but one he did not recognize. “Look Mr. Fae, it seems we have more company… The more, the merrier” He humorously retorted while pointing to the figure. Zeno grew more curious and cautious about the numerous people arriving suddenly. ‘Why so many people suddenly come out of nowhere to the deep green? Did they also get notified to come check this out? Or maybe they are related to it. For now, I will keep it cool’ He thought to himself while shifting his gaze on the newcomer.

Sprouting his wings, he flew over to the creature covered in fur that was speaking out. “Why hello there, I overheard you and your guess would be close to what I summarize. I encountered some nasty speedy buggers that flew deeper into the green and then shock waves pulsed forth, sinking the ground as you see. But how about we introduce ourselves before spelunking down this deep savory hole that potentially leads to our doom? No?” He turns his gaze to the hovering fae behind him as he makes this suggestion. Turning back to the creature in front of him, “You can call me Zeno, I am a member of Paradise Dawn” As Zeno introduces himself sincerely, he puts his hands together concentrating and gathering lots of mana, before opening his palms and dropping tons of tiny green glowing wisps in the shape of butterflies into the hole to light it up. By letting these wisps flutter deeper and deeper into the hole, sticking to the walls, they light up the way but reveal just how deep it goes. “This pit goes pretty deeeep” Zeno flies to the tree hanging over the creature and sits on the tree branch looking down at them.

WC 607

#5Salem E. 

[Void Caverns - Wings of the void - Fen, Salem, Zeno] Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 7:20 pm

Salem E.

Salem was mildly impressed. It was only mildly at best. The majority of people would simply ask why he just knew their name? Especially, when it was normally the first time they met and the person in question was not even famous. The fact that Zeno took it in stride was impressive. “Sure. I came for investigation in a sense. Well really I came to deal with this problem.” Salem pointed to the hole. The random person showing up was a bit to curb the enthusiasm. He gave bonus points for them noticing the hole. His eyes flickered as he used the world’s gaze on the newcomer as well.

She looked decent enough. Her fur had a shine to it that looked nice. Salem had slept or seduced enough werewolves and demi humans to call himself an expert on it. The world revealed that her name was Fen, but he chose not to say anything about it this time. It was interesting that the world's eyes revealed to him her guild logo from his visions. Like what Zeno just said she was also from Paradise Dawn. Just from looks he would hazard that he or Zeno would be more of the senior members. He landed on the ground with the others to be more polite instead of levitating.

“Well, pleased to meet the both of you. To answer your question. The hole is the reason that the leaves are turning and we will need to deal with it soon. You can consider this a request from a senior Paradise guild member to my juniors.” Salem returned the roguish smile to Zeno. His asking was more of a request since he was without his normal team. He could only hope that the duo would be strong enough to do what needed to be done. If not this job was going to be a lot harder. Salem would allow Fen to introduce herself from there.

Salem made a grimace. He pointed two fingers at the edge of the hole and moved them inwards towards it. A magic circle formed where he first pointed, it released a cascade of water that floated in the air. He tried to cover up as much of the hole as he could. The Fairy Godfather had heard the familiar buzz of the winged creatures. A fight was about to break out at any moment. He could only hope that the two of them knew how to fight or flee. He was mostly joking about earlier. He would not make it easy for them to die. The least they could do is fight.

WC:435 TWC: 845


[Void Caverns - Wings of the void - Fen, Salem, Zeno] Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 6:27 am

The two that were here were of fair disposition, she didn’t recognize either of them. With that her hand rested on the pomell of her sword. Ready to act in case their friendly venue was a farce. Lumikki had been straightforwardly more powerful than Fen was. She didn’t get the same sensation of an impossible gap from the two here but maybe they were more careful about flaunting their strength. Her striking purple eyes flicked from the hole in the ground up to the one flying above her. Magic really was something here in fiore wasn’t it?

Haven’t run into anything like that. Felt like something was watchin me the whole time though. Yeah. Sounds fair.

Zeno from paradise dawn, the guild that Lumikki had inducted her into. The two of them were both from it but the other hadn’t introduced themselves yet. She figured that they probably would in due time. She’d lean to look down the hole; her brows scrunching together for a moment.

Fen Von Wolfenstein. Recently joined Paradise dawn. If you want to call me Fen go for it.

She’d bite the inside of her cheek and glance at the other; how did he know that he was their senior before even introducing herself? Or was there something else at play here? A thumb played around the guard of her sword and she’d push it out of it’s sheathe slightly; checking the edge against her thumb before nodding her head.

What about you Senior Paradise Dawn member? Got a name?

Her aggressiveness had a heavy underlying curiosity to it. She had never heard of lumikki before coming to fiore and had never heard of Zeno either. She’d dip her head slightly in an acknowledgement of the both of them. Manners. She knew lumikki would likely be cross if she wasn’t at least courteous to other paradise dawn members.

Its… Good to meet you both. Only other member I’ve met is Our Guild Master: Lumikki.

She got closer to the edge, seeing the wisps she’d ponder if she could maybe jump down just fine. Or maybe she could hang on the edge and let her claws do the digging into the side. She felt the sing song voice of her blade against her hand and mulled that she could also use that to slow her fall. There was a simple whisper of leaping down into the darkness, her body was strong. It’d be fine…

I can’t use magic, so flyin’ is a no go for me. I’m tougher than your average werewolf too.

If it wasn’t blisteringly obvious from fen being around a single story building in height and built like someone that had spent most of their life training for battle… which most certainly was the case. Annoyance flicked on her features for a moment and she’d curse under her breath.

Should have at least picked up somethin’ from one of the local mages… odins beard…

[WC: 490, Total: 905]


[Void Caverns - Wings of the void - Fen, Salem, Zeno] Empty Mon Sep 16, 2024 3:02 pm

“Nice to meet you Fen. It seems I was not the only one to be recruited by lady Lumi herself.” Zeno paused for a moment to think about how small the world is. The small interactions between the three calmed down his mood a bit from before, mellowing him out. He glanced at the man calling himself their Senior, then at Fen with a genuine soft smile. Thinking to himself that these two were strangers, but what mattered more right now was working together to get to the bottom of this crisis and saving the deep before it becomes a wasteland.

Boasting a positive outward demeanor, Zeno sprung forth into the air, flapping his wings and slowly descended into the pit. “How wonderful of a coincidence to meet not one but two guild mates on this venture. With all of us having a common goal, we should finish this quickly” Looking over to see Fen and their large body ready to scale down the pit’s walls, he shook his head.

“I'll me ya down there, Mr. Senior, Fen. I am going to be sure to clear the way”

Zeno stated as he descended faster down the hole, reaching the bottom. The wisp he had thrown down lit up the area but only a small amount. Lots of debris from the broken tree trunks and branches were scattered all over the ground. Zeno raised his hand over his head as he took steps forward, gathering all the wisps into his palm, forming a large ball of fire and hurled it at the wooden remains, burning it all to a crisp.
The gentle flames that were burning the wood lit up the base of the pit, revealing more of the cavern.“Ya might want to come see this quickly!” Zeno shouted as he walked through the murky veil that seemed to be the entrance. To what had befallen his eyes was a wonder unlike anything he had seen in Fiore thus far.

From deeper within, a large dome-shaped room with dark blue hexagonal patterns all over the walls could be seen. Tons of flying creatures can be seen flying around, circling a giant orange glowing crystallized figure resting at the center of the room, illuminating every corner. It was as if another world was beneath deep green. Some roots from the trees can be seen protruding through the ceiling, dirt gradually falling down. It looked like at any moment another massive collapse could occur. Before taking any actions, Zeno waited for the others to catch up to him.

WC 428_1562

#8Salem E. 

[Void Caverns - Wings of the void - Fen, Salem, Zeno] Empty Sat Sep 21, 2024 10:28 am

Salem E.

At first Salem was not paying attention. The familiar buzzing sound that was growing louder and the shaking of his hand. It was all too familiar. Salem understood bits and pieces of what was happening as the two introduced each other. When it came to asking his name was when he turned to the conversation at hand.

“Salem. Just call me Salem.”

Salem was not too enthusiastic about jumping into another dungeon. The last one he did almost made him sick from the amount of blasting he had to do. It did help him work on his healing and wide area of effect stuff. It was just such a pain to deal with. The flying birds were vindictive and really wanted to sink their beaks into him. Salem just hoped he did not have to deal with them again.

Being the last one to drop into the dungeon, Salem would have said he did it with grace. The fact is that he did not. He was not used to trying to fall without a spell in place. Since he was keeping up the shield at the hole he did not waste more mana. Thinking he could fall with style. The style he fell with looked like he would normally need to see a doctor for it. He ended up using a little bit more mana to heal himself, along with anyone else that would need it from there landing.

“Yep. These things.” Those were the first words to leave his mouth when he saw them again. The fast flying birds that zipped around the room. It made him annoyed to see them. Salem had the urge to just flood the entire space. Then he remembered the other two probably could not breath underwater. “These things are pretty dangerous. They fly insanely fast and they call for help. If we want to remove them I think we will have to get rid of their source again. They don’t hit hard which is a plus. Soon as any of us start casting a spell they will start. Not my first time dealing with them. If you want on my mark I can start casting. You guys can take care of the rest. Unless you are stronger than me they will primarily focus on me first.”

Salem was speaking from experience. He had gotten some fact but some things were misconstrued. He had no idea that they were focusing on mana sources not overall abilities. Which is why they wanted to rip him to shreds the most.

If the two agreed and did not have much else to add. He would get into position. When he thought everyone was ready. He cast a full body defense spell on the other two. Then added a bubble spell of his own. It was enough to get hundreds of gazes looking at him. The sound in the room grew as the fight for the place started.

WC:490        TWC: 1,335


[Void Caverns - Wings of the void - Fen, Salem, Zeno] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:02 am

Nice to meet you too. Seems that way, just means someone else saw your potential and brought you in.

That or someone thought that they were skilled, talented or that they had some other instance of note. The guilds were small compared to the masses of people and while there were many easily forgotten guilds paradise dawn wasn’t one of them. The chances of her meeting two others on a outing like this wasn’t something that she was expecting though. Her ears flicked a few times and she’d glance at Zeno as he flew forward over the hole. Both of them would have an easy time about this… maybe she should figure something out for herself and she’d spit to one side in annoyance.

Yeah. Don’t know how the other guilds would react to one or multiple members of another showin up. See you down there.

Fen drew out her sword, a massive weapon that had an aching thirst for blood. She could feel it’s voice pounding in her head. Wanting to fight; maybe fighting these two? Her ache for battle wasn’t something that could be understated and she’d huff. Not right now; nothing right now. She looked a little bothered and she’d listen to Salem as he introduced himself. ‘Just salem’, he wasn’t one for titles like half of the whelps running around claiming names in the the north.

It wasn’t long before she had leaped down, the impact crater of her landing leaving a large plume of dust and smoke. Fen didn’t seem phased by the fall as she walked out of the crater she left in the earth. Dusting off one of her pauldrons in annoyance.

Makes it easy dealin with them if you already know what they’re about. Don’t have magic so don’t worry about that from me. Can hit pretty hard instead. Sounds good to me Salem.

Fen spun her sword around in a somewhat lazy motion. Feeling that bubble around her body the werewolf looked down at her free hand a look of surprise spreading on her features before she glanced at Salem. He didn’t give her the same overwhelming strength that lumikki had given but he was strong in his own right.

They’ll probably go for you then or try to pick off whoever they think is weakest. Beasties like this are always about thinning the herd aren’t they?

Fen would ready her blade, looking at the strange flying bird things; never seeing one before didn’t mean that she didn’t know the danger she was in. She treated every threat the same; giving them the same horrible sensation of danger and the same rush that came with the start of battle. Oh she wanted to bite into their void filled flesh so bad but had to refrain. Her sword would drink deep of the first to come anywhere near her.

[WC: 477, Total: 1,382]

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