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Whispers of the Faithful 6

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Whispers of the Faithful 6 Empty Yesterday at 9:52 pm


The sun had long left since she existed the church. Now the moon sat in its place high in the sky, its crescent appearance just as beautiful as any other. Though it was obscured by the rolling clouds. Despite the cover of the white curtain however, a halo lingered around her. Emphasizing her enteral glow.

The soft pale light bathed the Demoness who wandered back to the Illumin church she left hours prior. Her silent steps giving nothing of her away, and the empty streets helped her maintain the effect. Allowing her to wander the roads in peace without being disturbed.

Lumikki was walking from the residential area. It was far more deserted than the markets probably were at the moment. Though it was a Thursday night, the bars could very well still be open. Retaining patrons deep into the nightly hours of three in the morning. So Lumikki thought it best to avoid that entirely and in her brisk walk, she would be at her location soon enough.


Whispers of the Faithful 6 Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Whispers of the Faithful 6 Empty Yesterday at 9:54 pm


Lumikki was quite careful, still new in her role akin to an assassin but not so naive. Yet she could not shake this icky, repulsive feeling. Like ever since she left the church, she has been watched. Thought she was not quite sure how the managed it, and now all she could mull over was how she failed to figure out how.

Did I mess up?… This echoed constantly throughout her thoughts. It brought her dread with every step. For a powerful Demon, at least she thought she was, she was beginning to feeling utterly weak. As if facing a beast much lager than herself. This would not be so far off, however. The tight knit group would weave something foul around her were she not so careful.

And now, only being just a few blocks away from the church in question, Lumikki begins to let the night hug her skin. Coating her flesh like sheer cloth, a veil atop her cool brown skin. It helped her fade into the darkness, out for the last bit potential prying eyes.

─── ─── ─── ─── ───∘°❉°∘ ─── ─── ─── ─── ───

Whispers of the Faithful 6 Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Whispers of the Faithful 6 Empty Yesterday at 9:55 pm


Approaching the large and eerie church, from an Angeles she was not yet used to as a bird from the skies, it looked oddly alive. With flickers of light tell the Demoness that there were still some within, wandering inside. She paced around the grounds, the find tended garden posing the smallest of hinderance. While the spell of fresh roses was strong in the air. Yet as sweet as the scent was, there was something sickly about it. Like it was a barrier of sort, and as she trudged along the back, she would cut into a garden of rosemary. It’s sharp and pungent smell overwhelming her senses.

Lumikk unfurled one of her dark raven wings, keeping it small so as not to pose a problem in her passing. And flapped it about to push around the air. As she did, her wandered back up. Looking for open windows for easy entry. Sure enough there was one and she hovered up on two wings before squeezing through.

A sharp pain ran through her the moment she entered however. Like a searing sensation blazing just beneath her flesh, or maybe her blood being instantly replaced with fire. Lumikk crumbled to the ground with hands clenched. Heaving onto the for and gasping for breath. The pain so fresh and intense, it forced her to recoil. Curling upon the ground as she wished and hoped it passed through. Yet with every second, it did not relent for a moment, instead constantly doubling in ferocity and out doing it Approaching the large and eerie church, from an Angeles she was not yet used to as a bird from the skies, it looked oddly alive. With flickers of light tell the Demoness that there were still some within, wandering inside. She paced around the grounds, the find tended garden posing the smallest of hinderance. While the spell of fresh roses was strong in the air. Yet as sweet as the scent was, there was something sickly about it. Like it was a barrier of sort, and as she trudged along the back, she would cut into a garden of rosemary. It’s sharp and pungent smell overwhelming her senses.

Lumikk unfurled one of her dark raven wings, keeping it small so as not to pose a problem in her passing. And flapped it about to push around the air. As she did, her wandered back up. Looking for open windows for easy entry. Sure enough there was one and she hovered up on two wings before squeezing through.

A sharp pain ran through her the moment she entered however. Like a searing sensation blazing just beneath her flesh, or maybe her blood being instantly replaced with fire. Lumikk crumbled to the ground with hands clenched. Heaving onto the for and gasping for breath. The pain so fresh and intense, it forced her to recoil. Curling upon the ground as she wished and hoped it passed through. Yet with every second, it did not relent for a moment, instead constantly doubling in ferocity and out doing it

Whispers of the Faithful 6 Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Whispers of the Faithful 6 Empty Yesterday at 9:56 pm


Seizing on the floor, a faint sound of approaching steps echoes in the hallway. Each sound bouncing along the walls and filling her with further dread. The Demoness used her little bit of strength remaining to maintain her veil, while willing the shadows to hoist her back through the window. But they would not heed her just yet, her whimper of a command was not enough to move them. So through tears and pain, Lumikki continued her silent plea.

”Is that…..a bird caught in my cage? The dark dipped canary should have known better than sparing a prying eye on things that shouldn’t see the light. Lumikki could not see him, not yet as she was cringing in pain. But even she could manage a feeling a being watched. One she only served to unnerve her further.

Her gasp no longer silent, she urged her powers to adhere her command even more than before. Dark tendrils now coiling around her, just below her veil. Cooling her skin to the touch and trying to ease the pain as they hoisted the mage slowly into the air.

Whispers of the Faithful 6 Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Whispers of the Faithful 6 Empty Yesterday at 9:57 pm


”Oooooh no, you shouldn’t leave! You just got here lil bird and I have some….questions…” Lumikki could hear his hastened steps but it did nothing but compel her to work harder. Striving more than before, Lumikki was slowly regaining her movement through all the pain.

Admittedly, it was no simple feat. The harsh pangs of the sharp pulsing sensations very well crippled her, but it would be her prior battles with her Seraphim Guild Master that reminded her what true pain was. At least enough to help her tuck such things aside for the moment and call on to her full power.

Just a few steps away now, the man was sure he had caught his intruder. Lumikki was almost sure of it herself, if not for her efforts subtly paying off. So when he was only a few meters away, she managaed to rise from the floor and dart toward the window

Whispers of the Faithful 6 Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Whispers of the Faithful 6 Empty Yesterday at 9:59 pm


”Well isn’t the surprising!” Exclaimed the man as he lunged forward. He was sure he had her with his well placed spell. Yet the Demoness was proving to be more stubborn than he ever reckoned, not like he would offer her any praises all the same. ”—Oh, no, no, no, no. You have a lot to answer for little miss. What earned us those retched eyes of yours, huh? What made the Abyss think they had any power on our soil! Our church! Our walls!”

Lumikki at this point was halfway through the window. Her leg perched on the banister and ready to bring the motion the could prop the rest of her out, but she was seized by the weird man that grabbed her by the wrist and forced to stop. Should he have pulled her, Lumikki truly would not be sure that she could get away. So to assure her changes, she acted faster.

Willing her magic through her skin, her frost bit into his flesh forcing him to rip away in the very moment. He would have to comply, else be willing to lose a few fingers, as Lumikki held nothing back. His skin was now fairly frozen, any quick moves could cost him his hand now. And in a defensive gestured, he would tuck it carefully under his other arm and warm it as best as he can. All while muttering curses that Lumikki could not quite understand.

Not like she was listening anymore however, as her silent wings was taking her far from this helscape. With nothing but jitters and a tasteless story to share with Ryker in the morrow.
276_1200 +40%wcr due to ring and companion.

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Curtain Call
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Whispers of the Faithful 6 Nerili11

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