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Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball]

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Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Sat Oct 05, 2024 1:11 pm

Vex had heard that Hargeon had an indoor swimming pool that was heated and had hot tubs off to the the side for those that just wanted to relax from the cold that was outside, she and Carla were going to go and have fun there for the day to help to get away from the cold that was outside, plus being indoors as well for a bit her companion was in her human form and in a cute tank top and swim shorts. Vex was in a one piece that was in a red and purple mixed design. Vex and Carla pick pool chairs next to each other and they placed their towels and took off their non-slip foot wear and then placed them under their chairs, then Vex gets closer to the water as she looked around as she tied her hair back and up then she sat on the side of the pool dipping her feet.

Carla just gets in to get it over fast if the water was cold which it wasn't it was a heated pool so the water was warm and Vex popped herself into the water and she looked at Carla would looked like she was getting back to use to swimming, Vex was having any trouble as she was use to swimming as she did it sometimes in her down time to help her keep in shape as she was not much of a gym working out type. Vex had seen some men were watching her and Carla, she figured they were not enemies probably just attention starved men that were planning to approach her and Carla. She was still going to keep an eye out as often men aren't so easy to shed with a simple no and she was in her element in the water and she will not be scared to use that against an idiot that will not take no for an answer from her.

#2Yuuki Hashimoto 

Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Sun Oct 06, 2024 12:35 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki and Yumi had just left a clothing store in Hargeon, where he had just let Yumi pick out a bathing suit that would fit her since she was the size of a child she had to pick from the kids section, most of which were one piece bathing suits which made since as they were designed for children. Yumi sat in her usual spot on Yuuki's left shoulder as they meandered down the street towards the indoor pool area, with Yumi buzzing excitedly on his shoulder as this would be the first time since her head injury that she would be able to go swimming although Yuuki would likely have to supervise until she got the hang of things.

As they approached the indoor swimming pool area Yuuki wondered if Yumi was fully paying attention when one of the female employee's at the clothing store showed her how to put the swimming suit on while Yuuki had waited outside the dressing room. Yuuki hoped she had paid attention as it was not like Yuuki could go into the women's changing area  with out avoiding some scandalous situation "Yumi, are you sure you paid attention to the lady who showed you how to put that on?" Yuuki asked questioningly as he grasped the door handle of the place they were about to go swimming "Jeez, I am not that big of an airhead." she said sarcastically in response to Yuuki's questioning as she hopped off his shoulder clutching her bathing suit in her diminutive hands as she glided towards the women's locker room and disappeared behind the curtain as Yuuki went to go to the men locker room to get changed himself.

Yuuki quickly got changed storing his stuff in the magical locker that only reacted to his thumb print for making his way out to the pool area to wait on Yumi to finish getting changed he gazed around the pool area, it did not appear too crowded there were a group of suspicious looking dudes on one end eyeing what appeared to be either a female elf of some variety and a humanoid of some sort which he assumed to be the female elf's friend. Yumi exited the female locker room a few minutes later appearing to have successfully put the suit on right with nothing being exposed so Yuuki supposed that was a win of some sort and a scandal avoided.

Yuuki climbed into the middle part of the pool between the two groups, figuring those guys on the other end were less likely to start something if he were between them and their goal. Yuuki helped Yumi into the pool and had her grab a finger on each of his hands with her tiny hands as he instructed her to kick as he slowly walked backwards, the water in this part of the pool barely mid thigh, as he was the largest male in the pool currently standing quite a bit over six foot tall and some mixture of lanky and slim fit.

Post Word Count: 507


Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 9:09 am

The group of guys were ignoring the new guy that had come in with what looked like his child. They were too focused on Vex and Carla, so they were planning to cannon ball into the pool and try to splash Vex and her friend, they didn't care if the guy and his "daughter" were to get splashed as well and so they made their moves and ran at the pool and taking their cannonball formation and jumping into the water letting off giant waves and splashes from doing so. Vex had simply moved her hand and the water stopped before hitting her as she had used the water as a shield from the other water that was coming her way from the splashes and Carla had gotten behind Vex so she was also safe from the waves of water.

Vex let the water drop back into the pool and she looked at the guys. "Nice try, but you might want to watch who you miss with as you might not like when someone comes after you for your "Jokes" or find them as funny as you do." Vex seemed to give off a dark menacing aura as she spoke those words to them even though she was smiling and just looked like a sweet woman that was just talking to probably to others looking at her. The guys looked like they had gone pale and swam away but Vex figured they were just going to keep at it probably as people like to keep messing around till they find out and get something for their nonsense. Other people had now begun to do cannonballs as well and Vex guessed this little relaxing in the heated pool get away was now a game of dodge the splashes and she hoped the little woman that was with the big man was okay.

She went over to the other two people that had joined in the pool just before those guys had started jumping in the pool and causing those splashes. "Is she okay? Those waves looked pretty big and it looks like you were attempting to teach her to swim." She was worried that what looked like a child learning to swim might have gotten water in their face before they really know how to swim and she remembered her first time getting water in her face while she was learning to swim and it inducing a panic response from her that made her struggle to regain her wit and keep learning after it. She wasn't thinking that this man's small person would be as weak as that she was just talking from her own past experience with learning to swim and something akin to it happening to her. Carla had stayed back a bit as she was not sure of the guy or if Lady Vex was trying to anything and she would just get in the way of her if she were to get closer.
(500) (827)

#4Yuuki Hashimoto 

Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 3:51 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki watched the group of guys carefully as they fucked around with each other before stopping to discuss something before getting out of the pool to harass the two women on the other side of the pool. Yuuki shook his head as it was not his problem, and besides the two women over there looked like they could handle themselves well enough versus a few trouble makers, that was until the entire group did cannonballs into the pool at the same time causing giant waves and splashing. The first wave hit Yumi before Yuuki could lift her up out of the water swamping her, when Yuuki managed to hoist her out of the water she was coughing like she had swallowed water down the wrong tube.

Yuuki was furious as he sat Yumi on the edge of the pool to make sure she was in-fact ok and didn't need medical attention, Yuuki's ears twitched as he heard one of the women on the other side of the pool rebuke the men, stating that others might not be so kind, and she was right about that at least as Yuuki told Yumi to stay put. As he started to make his way over to the group of men the red haired woman, who Yuuki clearly could tell was a half elf now approached him and asked if Yumi was ok "She's fine just swallowed a bit of water wrong, would you mind watching her for me for a second." Yuuki asked as he made his way over to one of the men.

Yuuki's anger coupled with the fact he did not care for immature brats who thought it was ok to pester people, let alone woman in their spare time did not bode well for the first man he grabbed. Yuuki grabbed who he apparently thought to be the leader of the group by the back of the head by his hair and dragged him over to the edge of the pool "Time to teach that pretty face of yours a lesson." he said venomously as he proceeded to bash the mans face forcefully against the edge of the pool wall, breaking his nose and jaw, and knocking out nearly all of the mans teeth before tossing the now limp unconscious body back over to his friends.

Yuuki made his way back over to the red haired elf "Sorry you had to see all of that, and thank you for watching her." he said warmly as he had taken all his anger out on that dipshit "I'm Yuuki, and this is Yumi my pixie companion." he said gesturing to the small humanoid sitting on the wall still.

Post Word Count: 446
Thread Word Count:953


Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:41 am

The wood elf woman looked up at the man as he asked her to watch after the small woman while he was going to do what she thought have a little talk with the men about how they could have hurt someone. She nodded as she was not worried about watching over the small one while the man went and had a talk with them. Once he was gone Vex moved her hand and cast a small spell and it got the water out of the small woman's lungs so she could breath easier and then smiled a sweet smile at her as she seemed nice, and like the man she was with cared about her a lot and that was something she was happy to see rather it was his daughter or some thing else she was not sure and she had not wanted to ask as it was really none of her business.

She then saw what the man was doing and she was a bit taken aback at the brutality of the whole thing as she was not sure that was the answer for what had happened but she stayed with the small girl till the man came back and said his apologies and his introduction about himself and his companion. "I am Vex and that white haired girl right there is my exceed companion Carla." She pointed to the girl with white hair, with her cat ears and tail showing more now than it was before.

"Now if you will excuse me. It looks like I have some mending to do." She swam over and pulled herself out of the water and walked over to the group of guys that were now scared and hovering over their badly beaten friend that was missing teeth and blooded and she knelt down and looked over the mans face and had the others of the group back up and she casted a couple spells and started healing the man from the injuries he had just gotten from the man that seemed to lack restraint. The beat man once he started to regain his senses looked at the wood elf terrified that she was going to hurt him more. She just shook her head at him and he relaxed. Once she had finished healing the man he and his buddies left the pool in a hurry and she sighed then returned to the water and back to her companion to just relax in the pool like she had planned.

The lifeguards of the pool were eyeing Yuuki now as they were thinking of kicking him out of the pool area but they were holding off cause the other woman had healed the man that had been hurt and that group had been causing issues.
(468) (1,295)

#6Yuuki Hashimoto 

Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:59 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki had picked Yumi up and put her on his left shoulder which was her usual position, figuring teaching Yumi to swim would be better suited for a private pool after witnessing one group of idiots harass people in the pool, although Yuuki was sure that group likely would not ever fuck with random people again as he had thoroughly fucked that one dude up to the point that he very likely wouldn't be getting any female attention for the rest of his life. Yuuki had snapped and gotten way out of line he knew this and likely did so anyone else that was watching, but those guys for sure had it coming and should be thankful only one of them got a thrashing.

Yuuki listened as the Redhead elf introduced herself to him as Vex, and that the white haired girl was her exceed companion Carla "Well it's a pleasure to meet you and thank you once again for watching Yumi here while I dealt with that." he said warmly as Yuuki followed to where her hand pointed at the neko. Yuuki was about to say something else but Vex spoke first stating she had to effectively go clean up his mess as he watched her swim off and climb out of the pool and approach the group of now very nervous men and from what Yuuki could tell she seemed to heal most if not all of his injuries 'What a shame, pretty boy deserved some sort of repercussions for his actions.'Yuuki thought to himself as he watched the once injured man jump up and run off scared with his friends which elicited a chuckle only for Yuuki to shout "DONT LET THE DOOR HIT YA ON THE WAY OUT!" before looking to Yumi who seemed to giggle at Yuuki's antics.

Yuuki wondered if he had angered the Young elven woman by using excessive force on that guy. Yuuki was considering going over to profusely apologize when he felt the eyes of the life guards on him as if he was under deep scrutiny for dealing with some trouble makers no one else had the stones to deal with 'If you had done your job in the first place and kicked the trouble makers out before it got to that point it never would have happened.' Yuuki thought to himself as he made his way over to the elven woman and her neko companion, once he got to with in three or so feet of Vex he spoke "Ehhhh.... Sorry about that, I kind of lost my cool when they did that... Yumi is very important to me and when people act like fools that could harm other people it irritates me, even more so when it harms those I care deeply about." Yuuki said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head "I'm sorry I created more hassle for you, any chance you'd be willing to forgive me?" Yuuki asked in a curious and genuine manner.

Post Word Count:500
Thread Word count:1,453


Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 10:05 am

She heard the man yell out about not letting a door hit them on the way out and she wondered if this man was an adult or a child with a comment like that. She didn't really care to find out which way that coined flipped or how it would land she was just here to relax and to enjoy the pool nothing more than that. She just did what she could cause that was a bad scene she saw there and that poor idiot that got beat was going to be horribly messed up if she hadn't helped him an healed the damage. She was sure that man wasn't going to go close to a pool for while and she was sure he was going to avoid the man that beat him so recklessly like that for awhile. She when heard and felt the water close to her starting to move as the man that had mindlessly beat the man come close to her. She wondered what he wanted with her now, was he going to tell her off for healing the other man?

She turned and looked at him as he spoke and she heard his words and narrowed her eyes a bit at him as he went on about what he did and so on. She had already heard him tell her that he was sorry she had to see what he did. She just raised a hand and then spoke. "I don't know you well enough to forgive you for something you did. Second I just did what I felt was right for me to do. Third I get the feeling to want to fight back for people you care about." She was finished speaking to the man as she didn't know him and she didn't want to be associated to him for what she had seen him do, Carla was staying back from the other man after what she had seen as well.
(330) (1,625)

#8Yuuki Hashimoto 

Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 10:59 am

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki could tell before she spoke by just how her eyes narrowed that she didn't care for his presence not that Yuuki cared as he would likely never see this individual again and from how she spoke after he apologized yet again Yuuki could tell she likely didn't wanna even be near the man. Yuuki didn't really didn't like the fact that she had healed that dude he got what he deserved and should have had to live with the scar of what his actions got him. Yuuki just shrugged at the woman's words and turned to walk away and while walking away he rubbed the back of his head flipping her the bird as he went to the other side of the pool.

Yuuki really didn't like people who continued to help people who harmed or harassed them, "Yumi, that women is the definition of a bitch." he said quietly so only the two could hear "Please never imitate that behavior." he said softly again with slight irritation in his voice as Yumi turned to grin smugly at the elf on the other side of the pool wondering if that woman would allow someone to harm her just to turn around and help them. "Okay!" Yumi exclaimed loudly as she turned to look back at Yuuki's face as Yuuki started to climb out of the pool "I think its time we left this boring place and the killjoys on the other end of the pool." he said with a smirk up to Yumi as he helped to the ground.

Yuuki and Yumi made there way to their respective locker rooms to dry off and change clothes. Yuuki was glad to be out of the pool as he really didn't care for the water, but it was something Yumi wanted to do so Yuuki was willing to endure something he disliked so the little pixie could experience swimming for the first time. Although this first experience for her didn't exactly end in disaster it wasn't exactly a fruitful experience either, except maybe for the group of guys who hopefully learned not to fuck with random people as consequences may vary depending on the individual.

Yuuki finished getting dressed and packing away his things in the bag he had brought before slinging it over his shoulder and heading outside of his locker room to wait on Yumi, hoping she would be out quickly since changing into clothes she was used to wearing would should be a cinch for her but she was prone to being easily distracted, though her hair had gotten wet while Yuuki's had not and he knew what it was like to have wet hair and how long it took to get it to a suitable dryness especially with it being cold outside.

Roughly ten minutes later Yumi exited from her locker room to lazily fly up to Yuuki's left shoulder claiming her usual perch as Yuuki made his way over to the exit, before pushing the door open and leaving the building and that experience behind. Yuuki strolled down the familiar street they had come up to arrive at the indoor swimming facility wondering what it might have been like if a certain leggy woman had been accompanying him and if he would have enjoyed the pool more, those were questions he didn't have answers too but just the thought of more time with said individual causing a smile to grace his face.

Post Word Count: 576
Thread Word Count: 2,029


Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 3:07 pm

Vex had to admit she was surprised by the mans behavior while he was here, she gets where his head was but she doesn't think what the man did was the right answer. She knows that some people have actual issues and she wondered if that man was okay or if maybe he needed some help of some sort as he had really gone to far. Vex as a healer and a leader couldn't see herself just doing something like that but she also knows with her past she was not a shining mirror of purity herself. She has done things that she rather not remember but her goddess will forgive her for those times as she was doing as she thought was right but she learned from those times and sees that she was rash but she wasn't cruel. What she saw was very cruel and reckless and that makes her worried for the small companion that man has with him, but she hopes that the poor thing will grow and have some sense to not act like that.

She looked to Carla and she ruffled her friends hair. "Don't let it get you down Carla. He just sees the world differently than you and I, lets not judge him as he seems to have things he needs to work out." Vex pulled her self up out of the water and she saw the staff cleaning up the blood and pieces that were left where the man had done what he did and she had to wonder why he needed to be so extreme and do that much damage for a small thing like a splash, was he that easy to anger and was he that loose of a cannon that he would just harm anyone like they weren't living people like himself and his own companion. She wondered if the man hadn't heard the saying an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, she guessed the man better hope that karma doesn't catch up to him or he might see what she can really do.

Carla joined vex at the side of the pool and as they needed to get going soon as Vex was going to be working with her girlfriend in a sand building and ice sculpting thing, and she knows that Vex wouldn't want to be late for it.
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