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Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball]

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Rumbling of The Splashing Waves. (Yuuki)[PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Today at 1:11 pm

Vex had heard that Hargeon had an indoor swimming pool that was heated and had hot tubs off to the the side for those that just wanted to relax from the cold that was outside, she and Carla were going to go and have fun there for the day to help to get away from the cold that was outside, plus being indoors as well for a bit her companion was in her human form and in a cute tank top and swim shorts. Vex was in a one piece that was in a red and purple mixed design. Vex and Carla pick pool chairs next to each other and they placed their towels and took off their non-slip foot wear and then placed them under their chairs, then Vex gets closer to the water as she looked around as she tied her hair back and up then she sat on the side of the pool dipping her feet.

Carla just gets in to get it over fast if the water was cold which it wasn't it was a heated pool so the water was warm and Vex popped herself into the water and she looked at Carla would looked like she was getting back to use to swimming, Vex was having any trouble as she was use to swimming as she did it sometimes in her down time to help her keep in shape as she was not much of a gym working out type. Vex had seen some men were watching her and Carla, she figured they were not enemies probably just attention starved men that were planning to approach her and Carla. She was still going to keep an eye out as often men aren't so easy to shed with a simple no and she was in her element in the water and she will not be scared to use that against an idiot that will not take no for an answer from her.

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