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SOK, Storm Weaver | Pg. 6

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SOK, Storm Weaver | Pg. 6  Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 1:41 am


  • Name: Tsunami de la Reina (The Queen's Tsunami)
    Rank: S+
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Spirit of Kukulkan, Storm Weaver
    Type: Offensive | Debuff
    Element: Water
    Range: 25 meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: To command the storms is to master every breath of the sky. One must bend the very water droplets and wield the raw plasma that births lightning, becoming a living conduit. A voice of the tempest itself. At the pinnacle of the Storm Weaver’s power, even the oceans bow to their whispers, the seas bending to their will with but a word.

    The spell is initiated with an arm lifted to the heavens, summoning a glowing magic seal that materializes above the caster's hand. In an instant, the seal widens, unleashing a torrent of water 4x4 meters in size that hurtles toward its target at spell speed. Upon impact, the wave erupts violently, expanding to a massive 16-meter diameter, drowning the area in a vast pool of water. All caught within its reach are affected by an S-rank debuff to their speed, while the user pays additional mana based on the amount of people debuffed.


SOK, Storm Weaver | Pg. 6  Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 8:05 am


@Rhea -- your spell is approved for training!

SOK, Storm Weaver | Pg. 6  GPIjkMz

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