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Party Boat!!!!!! [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Party Boat!!!!!! [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:34 am

Go D. Drakkon
The thing he had done a few minutes ago was fun. It was a different experience for him and one that he was excited about. He liked doing new things even though he didn’t do well on it. It was the same thing when he was climbing the mountain and cooking. He lost that competition as well, which he was fine with.

Drakkon had lost the competition of sculpting and to his surprise, it was Toga that had won. It was interesting, yet fun to see one of them had on. Still, this was over and now they were moving around the place trying to figure out what else they could do.

“Nice job in winning who would have thought you had such a talent Toga? I thought I did a pretty good job, but it seemed like they didn’t appreciate me sculpting a woman.” He shrugged and laughed a bit as it sucked it didn’t go well for him.

He had figured that Toga wouldn’t want to hang out with more than he had to, but he might have been wrong. They were together right now, but how long would the pair accompany each other? As he walked around the ports, he noticed a big ship not too far from them. There was a sign saying a boat party for those who want to enjoy themselves. He looked over to Toga wondering if he was cool with partying. It was honestly the one thing that Drakkon loved to do more than anything.

The thing his type of partying was different than others though.

“Do you want to go and enjoy ourselves with free food, drinks, and conversation?” He asked curious to hear what he had to say.

He wouldn’t want to, then Drakkon would go alone as this was something he felt was needed for him.



Party Boat!!!!!! [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Yesterday at 7:19 am

Excitement thrummed through the beach air as Tōga, beaming broadly, navigated the uneven sands clutching his newly won trophy. The gleam of golden paint on the modest plastic metal added a touch of glory to the evening's achievements. The dragon slayer, having clinched victory in the sand sculpting contest by a mere whisker, carried his oversized prize with a mix of pride and a touch of irony. The contest had been a delightful diversion, channeling his competitive spirit into something whimsical and fun, culminating in this satisfyingly tangible reward.

"Drakkon-san!" Tōga called out jubilantly, his voice carrying over the sounds of the beach as he made his way carefully across the sand, mindful of the various pitfalls that the beachfront could hide. The trophy was comically large, almost unwieldy, but Tōga managed it with a dancer's grace, each step measured and careful to avoid any missteps that could send him tumbling.

"I do love free drinks and food!" he proclaimed, the trophy bobbing in front of him as if nodding in agreement. His locks of pink hair bounced with each affirmation, a vivid banner against the evening sky. Despite his unfamiliarity with the current events of Hargeon, Tōga felt reassured by Drakkon's presence and his apparent insight into the city's pulse. It was a comfort to know he was in good company, someone who could guide them through the festivities with ease. "I wonder what they’ll be serving? Perhaps sake, or even some fine wine? It sounds like it might be quite the fancy event!" Tōga mused aloud, his imagination alight with visions of elegant soirees and lavish banquets. The thought of what culinary and drink delights might await them added an extra spring to his steps.

His mind, ever curious and expectant, played through countless scenarios of what the evening could hold. It wasn't just about the food and drink; it was the experience, the atmosphere, and the potential new stories that would unfold from tonight's adventure.

wc: 353

#3Go D. Drakkon 

Party Boat!!!!!! [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Yesterday at 10:12 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard his reply and he smiled at him. he was glad he was okay with getting this free stuff. He had questioned what they were going to be serving there. He thought about it and he was sure that they would be giving out both.

“We should have both. Hosenka is not that far from here, so I’m sure they will indeed have sake. Let’s go on board then.” He said to Toga.

It was then that he would lead them on the walkboard that would lead them to the deck of the ship. Once there, they would see a huge space on the deck. It was decorated around the entire area, with tables big enough to hold drinks, appetizers, and the like. There were other areas with a stand to get specific drinks. It was handled by four people to take care of the traffic. There were other areas similar to that for food as well. The middle was filled with people dancing, and others chatting around the place.

He looked over to the drinks and he walked over to the one that anybody could take. When he did that he looked over to Toga and he smiled after he chugged the glass of alcohol.

“We can go to that stand right there. It seems like they are taking requests for alcohol. You can see if they have Sake there. Do you dance Toga? I know not many people go out of their way to learn how to dance.” He said this as he was already moving to the area where they were serving drinks to those who approached them.

Drakkon moved around and looked at the eye candy that was on the deck. It seemed like there were a lot of them that were by themselves or with their girlfriends. There were many of them with their significant other, so that was good. He would eye them down and then look into their eyes with a smile on his face as he turned away to his destination.


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