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Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink]

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Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Sat 12 Oct 2024 - 20:59

Luna had been excited for days when she heard they could ice skate here as she hadn't ice skated since they had that big party for aunty Lumikki. Emil was making sure that she didn't trip in her rush to get ready and onto the ice and Fang looked nervous about this and Emil makes sure that he knows that he should stay close to Emil so he can make sure that Fang doesn't fall and get hurt. Indiana was ready and had his own skates that he brought with him and Emil got the children and himself skates and he looked around and gets them to a open bench so he can help them with their skates so the didn't have any issues with them. Once Luna had her skates on she pretty much just hurried to the ice to go and skate and Emil laughed softly as he was glad to see that she was excited. He got Fang and himself ready so they as well can go out onto the ice and join Luna who looked like she was made to be on the ice.

#2Salem E. 

Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Sun 13 Oct 2024 - 4:06

Salem E.

Frosch waved at Salem to hurry up. The fae was reluctant but still found himself moving along. He was not excited to be spending time on the ice. He actually could not skate. The water fae could swim, surf, and do pretty much any aquatic sport to the level of a professional sportsman. However, he could not ice skate. His domain was not water. When water became ice he lost a massive amount of control over it. It was the equivalence of a normal person trying to swim with ten pound sand bags.

In his pink frog suite with matching skates. Frosch got on the ice and started to glide around he looked as natural and graceful as could be. Salem took a step on the ice and promptly slipped. His head falling back and making a loud banging sound as it hit the ground. The sound carried through the ice rink and gaining some attention as others flinched from the noise.



Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Sun 13 Oct 2024 - 4:17

Luna saw Salem take his fall and she hurried over to him in her cute little powder blue puffy jacket and she got down and was looking him over a little and looking worried about him. Soon Emil got over to the man and fang was holding onto Emil's leg to stay up right. "You okay Salem?" Emil put a hand out to the fae man to help him up if Salem would take his hand up that is. Luna made sure to get out of the way so that when her father helped Salem up she wasn't going to be in the way. Indiana looked at the people that were just gawking at the man that had fallen none of them even seemed to really react or go to get help in case the man was hurt as the sound of the man hitting the ice with his head sounded like a bowling ball hitting the lane from someone throwing it hard and at an angle.
(169) (357)

#4Salem E. 

Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Sun 13 Oct 2024 - 5:16

Salem E.

The pain that was going through the fae’s body was pretty immense. If Salem was a doctor he would be aware of the fact that he got a concussion from that fall. Since he was not he simply accepted Emil’s hand and got up quickly. His vision would get blurry as he would try to lean and gain some support. He would be unaware of the drops of blood that came from his head. It was a small gash in the back. Nothing big but for those with sharper senses it was easy to notice.

“Thanks. That was embarrassing and painful.” Salem would get out through clenched teeth as he wobbled. His legs are less steady than a newborn foal in an open meadow. He was trying to use his hand to cast a healing spell but it was honestly kind of hard for him to focus. “I think I am going to need to sit down for a moment and then come back out.” He said that because he was sure that something was wrong. He’s been in the meatsack of a body long enough to understand when it is not working properly.



Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Sun 13 Oct 2024 - 5:39

Figuring the man had been hurt pretty badly when he said that he needed to sit down Emil lifted the man in his arms and then walked off the ice with him and set him down on the bench and waves over some staff to help to get the bleeding stopped and to help him. Fang looked at Salem and he could tell the man was hurt and could smell the man's blood and he noticed it smelled weird to him not like normal human blood that he had smelled before and he wondered what the man was. The staff was looking at his wound and putting pressure on it to try and slow the bleeding that the man was doing.

Luna came over to her father and then Emil asked the man a question. "Are you okay Salem do you need anything I can get you?" Indiana was with the other man's exceed on the ice and he wondered if this small guy was worried or not.
(170) (527)

#6Salem E. 

Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Sun 13 Oct 2024 - 19:20

Salem E.

Salem was sure that he was dying. It was not the injury from his head that was making him believe so. It was the fact that he was having heart palpitations. His heart was beating too fast. Salem was not an expert on the human body but he knew that they gave up if the heart stopped. Salem could not figure why his human body was reaching the expiration date. If he was going to die as a human. He guessed he should enjoy his last moments. He snuggled a bit into Emil. His body was feeling a bit warm.

He was surprised when he was released and other people started to see about him. Salem was not sure what happened but his heart had calmed back. He did not pay attention to the extra people trying to see about him. “I am good. Sorry about that embarrassing moment.” Salem waved his hand and wrapped his head in his water magic. The swelling going down in a moment. “I think I am fine for the most part. My heart was a bit messed up but I am feeling a lot better. Don’t let me stop us from having fun on the ice.”



Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Sun 13 Oct 2024 - 19:49

Emil kneeled in front of the man and looked up at Salem in the face. "Take your time and really make sure that you are okay and take the time as to not rush yourself." He looked over to Luna and then tapped Fang to go out with his older sister and have fun as he was going to stay here with Salem as the man had been hurt and Emil didn't want the man to get up too soon and then go back to the ice and have another accident and get hurt all over again. Emil didn't want that for his friend even if the man was saying that he was sure that he was fine and that was something that might be true Emil did not want to risk his friend over doing it. "Do you need a drink or maybe a snack you had lost some blood and you look a bit paler." Emil was probably just over worrying but he wanted to be sure.
(173) (700)

#8Salem E. 

Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 0:34

Salem E.

The heat that started to rush up to his face made him feel a bit nervous. Salem could not help but wonder if he was having a heart problem again. He even stopped healing himself for a second. Something about Emil being in his face gave him an appreciation for the man. He was handsome in the wild beauty sort of way. Like the type that made him attracted to Alaric. Salem managed to calm down as he finally figured out what his human body was doing.

Salem went back to healing his body as Emil gave out instructions. When he heard Emil talk to him. “I am fine daddy. I am good. I just need to clean up a bit.” Salem gave him a smile to show he was fine. “I would not mind if you would feel like supporting me on the ice.” The fae spoke as if he was a shy schoolgirl a bit of red staining his golden cheeks.



Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 1:29

Emil heard the man say daddy and he laughed a little at that comment he knows that Salem is a grown man and he guessed he was acting out of turn by trying to be like that toward the man and when the man made the request to be supported he nodded agreeing that he would indeed help the man to skate and he would help the man up and get them to the ice so they could head out onto the ice and help the other man to be able to skate or at least hoped that the man will be able to skate a bit as Emil was not fully convinced that the other man was not concussed by he was not going to push his luck with the man as they were friends but he knows that he can be a bit much and cause issues. "If you feel back or anything let me know so I can get you off the ice and to a seat I will keep helping you skate just make sure to have fun." Emil smiled at the man and hoped the man will be okay.
(196) (896)

#10Salem E. 

Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 5:40

Salem E.

“I already healed the head damage so you don’t have to worry much. I am just slightly nervous that I'll fall again. My domain is water. When it is ice and no longer water I lose a lot of my might.” Salem was making some small talk to explain himself. He was making sure to not crush on such a specimen of a man.

An interesting announcement came on the air. They announced the start of a figure skating match in another part of the ring. Salem had an odd thought as he spoke. “It seems everywhere we go this time. There seems to be a competition going on.” Salem was speaking with a tinge of exasperation. Was it coincidence or was it all pre-planned. This was one of the things Salem would have thought about longer if he actually cared. He did not, so he no longer wishes to pay it more attention. He wanted to see who out of the group would enter the competition if possible. Salem was so competitive that he was curious.



Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 6:18

Emil kept going with the man and he looked to the area that the skating thing was going to wake place and then he sees Luna and Fang heading for them and Emil wonders why they are coming in hot like they were and it was Luna asking if she can watch them for the figure skating and Emil agrees that she go watch and to take Fang with her and then looked at Salem. "Does ice really make you that weak?" He wondered really if that is what it is like to have water powers that you gain a weakness to ice and things like that so you get weak when on ice and lose motor controls.

Emil stayed with the man and skated with him trying his best to make sure that the man wasn't going to fall or get hurt again even if the man swore he was healed he was still going to take extra care so not to let it happen again.
(169) (1,065)

#12Salem E. 

Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 11:57

Salem E.

Salem laughed at the question but gave a serious answer. “It is not a weakness per say. Just not something I am used to. In Desierto snow is more of an urban legend. It gets cold and frosty but the water never freezes. So it is more of me not being used to it, or ever ice skating till today.” Truth be told after the first debacle Salem was slowly improving. He was no longer outright falling and was starting not to lean on Emil as much, which was bad for his pure and innocent heart anyway. His legs were shaking like that of a leaf in a cyclone. That was the only indicator that Salem was simply bad at it.

Getting more and more acclimated Salem wanted to go and see the figure skating match. It was best to ask the man that was looking after him. Just in case Emil wanted to go as well and was being held back as a babysitter. “Want to go and watch the competition with the others as well?”



Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 13:32

He looked at the man as he asked him if he also wanted to go and watch the figure skating thing. Emil shrugged and then spoke "I am fine to go watch it if you want, maybe you can pick up some pointers as well from watching them." Emil laughed a bit from teasing the other man. He would skate with the fae man as they headed toward that way and once there he helped get Luna where she could see what was going to happen and he wondered if Luna liked or wanted to try figure skating some time but he would feel weird letting his little girl do such a thing cause he finds these and pageants thinks as exploiting children but he knows if she were to ask him he would fold and let her do that find of thing. Luna was excited watching the ladies and gents warming up and getting loose and Fang is looking at them as well.
(166) (1,231)

#14Salem E. 

Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 13:44

Salem E.

Skating over to the others was not too bad. It showed the gradual improvement that Salem was having. When he got to the others he noticed some people were missing. He waited for Emil to finish making sure his daughter could see. Salem felt an acute wave of affection when he saw Emil work in daddy mode. The care that he had for his spawns were noticeable.

Before he could actually bring up the fact that Frosch looked like he was missing, the show had started. The crowd got a bit more silent and Salem felt it rude to interrupt with a whisper. The first contestant that was introduced made him raise an eyebrow, as well as answering his questions about his missing companions. The first person to show off was none other than Frosch. His buddy got on the ice with his jewel adorned frog costume. He started slow then really got into it. Salem was shocked to say the least. He did not know Frosch could do all that. The exceed exceeded his expectations, again.



Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 14:04

Emil was surprised to see the man's exceed in there and now he wondered where Indiana was at and he wondered if he got dragged into this with the other exceed but no Indiana came around and stood next to Fang and supporting him as he was still worried that Fang was going to fall even though now that Fang was focused on something else he wasn't as shaky on his skates so he would be fine as long as someone doesn't remind him he is on ice and skates. Emil looked back to the show and he saw that Luna was excited and enjoying what she was seeing as she was definitely gonna go through a skater phase he can already see it happening as she got big eyed at the tricks and dances of the people that were skating. He knows she will probably have her mothers grace on her feet and she is already getting her beauty she was already growing up to fast Emil sheds a single tear at this realizing that his babies are growing so fast.
(182) (1,413)

#16Salem E. 

Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 14:29

Salem E.

Frosch did a triple salchow followed up by a bunch of other fancy moves. Frosch had a grace Salem definitely could not believe he had. It was simply watching poetry in motion that made him admire the talent his buddy had secretly possessed all this time. If one word was used to describe it, the word would be graceful. Two words used to describe it was graceful and fun. Frosch was sporting a smile the entire performance. As the Fae of fun and games it was something that Salem would have noticed in his sleep. The performance ended on a high note and the crowd cheered.

Salem turned to Emil and was going to express his joy from the performance. He managed to see the tear that slid down the man’s face. His facial expression froze and he felt awkward. He turned back towards the ring and pretended he did not see it. Salem was unsure as to why the tear was there, just that it was none of his business. The next performance hit the rink, a Litch named Jerry Spinefield.



Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 16:09

Emil looked at his daughter who was very happy to see this, he was happy as long as she was and he wondered if there was anything he can actually do to make her stay happy he always thought if he could find her a new mother that would care about her and Fang that maybe she would be happier and she wouldn't try to act like she is the replacement mom and having to try and cheer him up. Emil needed to figure it out but he feels like someone important to him had disappeared but he couldn't remember them. Luna cheered for the exceed that was doing the tricks and showing off, she wanted to be able to do things like that but she wanted to make sure that she can still be around for her father if she needed her. She knows her daddy is not as happy and strong as he seemed but she also doesn't know how to help him to be happy.
(168) (1,581)

#18Salem E. 

Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 16:45

Salem E.

This performance was interesting. Salem believed Frosch did so much better. If it was his own bias or a matter of subjective opinion would be found out later. It was interesting to see a lich being the one to do the performance. He had no personal bias against those who use the dark magics, except the demons. The fact that a lich could be out in the open and performing in a figure skating competition was a spectacle itself. Salem just assumed without muscles some things in the routine were both harder and easier than others.

The performance ended with a smaller amount of applause. It was obvious that Frosch was superior in his skating prowess. It made Salem feel a smug sense of satisfaction. Thinking of the little devil and the little devil would appear. “Did Frosch do well?” The exceed would ask as he gracefully skated back to the group one leg at a time. Making the fact that some of them were struggling even more apparent when contrasted with Frosch’s grace.



Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 17:04

Luna reached toward the exceed to shake it's hand as she was very very impressed by the fact that the exceed was able to do what it did that made this all the more worth to her as she was excited and she wanted to learn to do the cool tricks and things. She wanted to be able to do it and maybe be able to make her daddy happy and help him smile but she needed to get better and see where she can get to before she does anything else besides that. She looked up at Emil and Emil looked down at her with a smile and she wanted to ask him but she was too scared to ask him right now maybe later when they ere not so busy and have things going on at home and maybe she could think up a good way to ask him or find a way to do it without him knowing and then show him.
(165) (1,746)

#20Salem E. 

Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 18:44

Salem E.

“You did very well!” Salem made sure to give his buddy some accolades. The only other person that looked like they appreciated the show as much was Luna. Salem could see the excitement in the glint in her eyes. Salem believed that Frosch could gain some serious competition in future events. The little lass already looked like she was blooming as a mage. She had a strong affinity for frost at such a young age. Things like that were usually not seen.

Fang looked like he was having a hard time. Salem felt semi bad but thought it was cute. His focus was back on the competition. It was fun to look at the various people coming out and giving their best to the people participating. In the end it was about twenty skaters. Salem even used his magic to help reduce the fatigue of the people. It was making it easier for everyone to stand without an issue.



Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 21:19

Emil was sure that if it was what Luna wanted it would be okay to see her grow to be more outward like that but he needed to make sure that he didn't waste to much time away or he would really miss his children growing up and being lost in it all she needed to allowed to grow but Emil also needed to make sure that he wasn't away from too long from them or he would probably end up how his father did, being pretty absent in their lives and that was not something that he wanted to be he wanted to see them grow and learn and take their time. Emil looked at Salem who was clearly taking care of people and Emil wondered if this man had family and other people he cared about besides the exceed and the on again and off again boyfriend that he thinks he was told was a werewolf.
(158) (1,904)

#22Salem E. 

Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Yesterday at 0:18

Salem E.

Seeing the rest of the performances was not as interesting. To say he saw the best in Frosch was an understatement. At most another skater had displayed about four fifths of the talent that the exceed did. The rest of them were boring at best, there were even some amateur skaters that did not know what they were doing. Since it was ending Salem decided to chat with the rest of the group.

“Do you all want to get back on the ice and skate around? We have some time to kill before they hand out prizes.” The tone was inquisitive. He did not care a great amount but he was bored and did not want to be around the competition much longer. He also did not want to pressure the others to leave. Salem was already getting better at moving on the ice. So it was not like he needed to lean and depend on Emil anymore.



Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Yesterday at 1:09

Luna nodded and then took her brothers hand so they could go out onto the ice and have more fun as she was enjoying it but she could tell that her brother was not having such a good time as he looked scared but she was not going to let him fall and get hurt so she was going to go and help him pick up speed and feel the wind and hope that maybe she could help him to feel better and relax as he seemed very stiff and that was making it worse. Emil helped the man to start to get going again as the man had clearly lost focus of the event there and was clearly ready to move on. Emil knows it was about time to go so he whistled to call Lina and Fang cause it was time to go and get dinner and wind down. "Want to come get dinner with us Salem?"
(161) (2,065) (Exit)

#24Salem E. 

Slipping Sliding Hopefully Ending in Gliding [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Yesterday at 7:00

Salem E.

The event went well. Frosch had actually placed first when it came to the event. He got a gold figurine and some jewels. It was a cool win and it was enjoyed overall. Salem gave Frosch some personal rewards. A bit of candy and an assortment of snacks that went well with some of the drinks the exceed often wanted. It was a peach type deal with a sweet taste that Salem also enjoyed. It was one of the rare and hard to find beverages.

“Sure. We can go out to eat. I have a preference for seafood.” Salem was excited as he got off the rink with everyone else. They all talked about various foods they wanted to eat. They reached an agreement as they finally made it out of the door. Salem smiled in the bright sunlight. Happy about the newfound family that he was going to try as hard as he could to get to know.


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