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#1Go D. Drakkon 

New Change Same Difference Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 1:19 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been given the leadership to Dragon order as things had turned out differently for Ryuko. It seemed like the woman had gained new powers, but it had led her to become weaker for the time being. When that happened, he was given to spells that he could use for his future problems, whatever that might be. These gifts were something he would put good use of, but he had to master them.

The Dragon Slayer was outside of the castle ready to continue his training. He wished he had these spells when he fought Darkfang, but shit happens.

He was ready to do this, but the spell he was going to try and master was different than anything he had ever tried before. Drakkon had closed his eyes trying to visualize how Ryuko would tackle this spell. How would someone summon something from another realm? He wasn’t sure, but he would try. He focused his mana into his hand trying to get things started. Hai was around as he knew this was going to be different moving forward in battles.

It was then Drakkon had felt enough mana that would be capable of summoning. It was then he would put his hand in front of him and instead of a mana circle a pool of darkness around form on the ground. This was interesting to him, and he looked at it wondering what was going to happen next. He continued, focusing on his abilities to control his mana. Still, while he did that, something would come out. He could see an arm come out of it, covered in black, and then another arm coming out of the darkness. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he kept going. He wasn’t sure what was supposed to actually come out of it.

It was then a disfigured monstrosity would appear in front of Drakkon. It would roar throughout the keep as it looked at Drakkon. It was then it had rushed toward the Dragon Slayer. He saw this, and it was then he knew he summoned the wrong thing. when it got real close to him, he had dispersed the spell. The hand was close but disappeared as it reached Drakkon’s face. He sighed with relief as that was a close one. He had to be careful as that thing could have just stood there and he would have had to fight it.

403|1000 Training The Witch of Caelum


New Change Same Difference Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:20 pm

It was back at another things again, Maple seemingly had her life starting to shape different as things went on with her. That now she was starting to become interested in learning things, Alas Maple was here again while she had recently agreed about learning and wanting to take up the idea.

Suppose it was a harmless thing even if Maple was prepared to embrace: Pain and hours of work and failure over things she did not know nor had tried before. The casual nature mage was going to eventually adapt for survival. It was something to be expected.

But just what kind of resolve and mage it would make Maple was not something she was going to guess, almost like she did not really want to guess. Maybe it was healing maybe it was something different. But suppose first Maple was going to do what she always did, Watch.

Watch Drakkon yet again do his training, in his continual cycle of things that seemed to over all only serve himself and what Ryuko wanted to do. Eventually she knew and hope to move on from witness to some what decent enough in some manner to be noted for her skills. Not just how she looked and her beauty. Maybe a mix of all things.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

New Change Same Difference Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:50 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had noticed that Maple was around. Her scent was unique, but that was everyone to him. It seemed like she was thinking and observing his training.

“What do you want to try and do with your magic abilities Maple?” He asked her curious to hear her words.

His eyes focused on the training for now as he wondered what had gone wrong. This should have been easy for him, but it wasn’t. It seemed like she didn’t accept Drakkon just yet the Witch of Caelum was not excited about a new person being able to summon him. He was relaxing making sure that everything had gone right this time. It was then he had closed his eyes, but this time it would stay shut.

His eyes did open, but he was not at the keep, no, Drakkon was in a different place. It was darkness, there was a house not too far, and when he tried to walk something stopped him. he wasn’t sure what it was, but it seemed like he was not in Earthland.

“Why are you trying to summon me? You aren’t the Dragon I formed a contract with. So, how do you have the ability to interact with my being?” She asked him curious to hear what he had to say.

Drakkon looked around trying to find the person speaking, and it was then his nose twitched. He had found the person she was behind him this entire time. His head moved to look at her, but he could barely see her.

“The person you’re talking about is Ryuko. She is the person you probably swore loyalty to. I just merely took the spell she had to summon you and now I’m trying to make it my own. Do you mind serving two people? I think it would benefit you and it would be something different if I do say so myself.” He said as he wondered what she would say.

The Witch was quiet, she wasn’t sure how it would work out. If they had both summoned her at the same time, how would she appear twice?

“How do you propose this will work young man?” She asked him curious to hear him.

“The name is Drakkon and well, you’re a witch so I figured you could do some ritual thing and split yourself into two if something like that ever happens. I am stronger than Ryuko is, but it's because of her and several others who have similar powers to me that I can get stronger. You are a part of that, and I wish you could help me become stronger.” He said to her.

The witch had a smile on her face, she could easily activate a ritual that would allow her to split into two if she was ever summoned by both Ryuko and this Drakkon. She can sense the power of chaos pouring out of him, an interesting specimen. A Demi-God and Dragon pact for her was interesting and she figured she could become stronger still.

“Alright, we can initiate our pact, cut your hand and pour it into this.” She said to him.

Drakkon took his Yamato and he cut his hand and did what he was told, releasing the blood into the cup she had. It was then she would drink it without hesitation and the two of them started glowing.

“Now with this you should be able to summon me without a problem. Do keep me entertained though and show me what you can do in your realm. I will help you with anything you need in your realm.” She said as he opened his eyes, looking around to see that he had returned.

He smiled at Maple as he was right, and then he stretched his arm out, a pool of darkness would be on the ground and she would rise up from it.

Witch of Caleum:

1003|1000 The Twitch of Caelum Trained


New Change Same Difference Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 10:23 am

Suppose these parts would happen eventually conversations about power and magic learning. Maple did seem mentally prepared, but she did not think on it on is what she wanted to do, She just knew she wanted to learn magic."I have not entirely thought that out."Maple mentioned because she realized how bad she was at pondering over these things. She was just wanting to help but she did not do much side from that.Maple did realize she was just bad at this, But she was going off of nothing and just wanting to do something.

But she would continue watching as she normally did. There was an interesting woman he summoned, Mind you she did not expect him to be able to summon. But alas that showed how much Maple knew of magic she just made simple things like clothing,tent and various plants. The moving through trees was even part of magic. But it was a Ryuko summon. A thing Maple did not know about her future wife's magic. It almost seemed to keep her interest at this time. But alas maybe the benefit that maple was here too would be a good thing.

Would a Ryuko summon share the same ideals and wants as Ryuko did? it was an interesting question in her mind. But suppose this was also interesting to witness because summoning magic was one she did not see up until this point. But alas she also realized she had not really tried to answer and speak on what magic she wanted to learn.

"Oh...that is really interesting.
"Maple was actually distracted by this because it was Ryuko's magic and she just seemed to not mind observing what all just went on, At least it was not hard to have Maple come back to focus.

#5Go D. Drakkon 

New Change Same Difference Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 2:12 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked at Maple and saw that she was intrigued by what she had seen. He nodded as he was glad to have surprised her. Still, now he was going to have to work on the next summoning. This was another champion, one that would and could also be used by the original. He was going to need this Witch to help with it.

“Alright, going to do the same thing again. I have an understanding of how to summon now that I did it with you.” He said as he looked at the Wtich.

She had a smile on her face, slightly blushing at his choice of words.

“Whenever you are ready, you can start it. I will join you wherever you go, my liege.” She said this to him.

He would gather himself as he was thinking about the spell, and soon enough he was ready to start. He would repeat what he did when he got into the realm of the Witch of Caelum. His eyes closed, soon taking over as his mind had transferred to a different realm. His eyes opened as he was now at a castle. Specifically, he was at an outside training facility. It was there that he could see someone really huge and covered in armor.

His eyes widened as he could feel the strength coming from him and he looked to see that she was also with him. She knew it, he was able to tap into this realm of heroes and such. She looked over to her second master and decided to speak.

“The man you see there is Iskandar a man from my realm. He’s strong, and I don’t think you will be able to convince through words Drakkon.” She advised him as she waited to see what he had to say.

“Interesting, I can fight without a problem. That isn’t a problem. I wished Hai had come with us.” He said to her.

“He can, you and him share the same heart, so you can bring him here whenever you please.” She said to him.

Drakkon heard her and he walked over to Iskandar first. The General noticed the presence of someone strong approaching him. He turned to look over and see Drakkon.

“You hear about training the young one? I have never seen you here before, but I see you brought the mighty Witch from Caelum with you. Are you here to train?” He asked him waiting for an answer.

Drakkon had a smirk on his face as he figured he would give him an honest answer.

“I am here to form a contract with you. I know you are bound to someone else, but with her, she can make it work.” He said to Iskandar.

He laughed as he stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Drakkon fully. He sized him up and he looked at her.

“If you truly want to make a contract with me, then fight me. Prove to me you’re worthy of me fighting by your side.” He said this to Drakkon as he got into a fighting stance.

Drakkon was fine with this, and he would roar as if he were Hai. The Dragon that was always around him would merge with him and the two of them were now one. He had unsheathed his Enma and his Yamato. His eyes stared at the man.

“Yeah we can fight each other and if I win then you will form your contract with me.” He said to Iskandar.

The man was surprised to hear his confidence and knew he didn’t say it just because. He would push first to see what the young man could do. He would swing his hands as they were covered in gauntlets as he tried to hit Drakkon.

The son of chaos felt the danger coming toward him, but he also noticed how fast this big move was. He dodged the attack pivoting his foot, and then swung his Yamato. He would connect the attack as he would harm him, but the blade was stuck. Iskandar looked at him with a huge smile on his face, and he would slam his fist on top of Drakkon’s head.

His eyes widened from the Impact as he fell to the ground. His hand let go of Yamato as it was stuck on Iskandar. He noticed this and he pulled the weapon out of him and sent it back to Drakkon. The Dragon Slayer shook his head, and he got up from the ground. He picked up his Yamato as he didn’t expect that from this guy. His smile different from before Drakkon looked like he was ready to kill Iskandar.

Enma’s Will had shouted out from the blade as it had damaged Iskandar making the general kneel on the ground. When he tried to get back up Drakkon launched a lightning bolt from above filled with arcane energy. This made him flat on his stomach, and Drakkon moved toward him. He noticed this was getting out of hand, but he also had to commend Drakkon for being this strong.

“Enough, you’ve proven you are more than capable of having me fight by your side.” He said to Drakkon.

Drakkon stopped his movements hearing his words and he relaxed and calmed himself. He sheathed his blades and Iskandar got up and he could tell he would have interesting battles in the future. They would form the contract, and the Witch would perform the ritual to split Iskandar into two beings whenever he had been summoned by the two of them at the same time. Drakkon opened his eyes as he was back in his realm now.

This was all surreal for him, but now it was time to summon Iskandar now as he prepared himself. He had used his mana and poured it out of his hand. A pool of darkness would appear in front of him, and it would bring forth Iskandar who had come out of the pool of darkness. He looked around to see how the realm around him looked.


1016|1000 Iskandar Trained

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