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Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:45 pm

Elise would show up in the main city of Illingrad to observe what all and all was the going on and happenings of the place. While see if this place served any form of other interest to her in the future, She assumed the answer to that was no. But it was at least interesting to walk around in.

It was a nice break from the many thoughts of the world around her. But Illingrad at night seemed almost vastly different then during the day. It almost seemed. More depressing at night, Like a lingering sense of peace was there. But the cold steel walls of buildings and the thicker darker night around them made it almost uncomfortable.

Elise however was far more different, Always out during the night use to the dark and seemingly perfect comfortable in it's seemingly to her, trivial matters and worries, Elise seemed to smoke a cigarette casually looking around.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 7:43 pm

Carmina had come to this country to see what the place held in store or kept hidden from the world as she was not use to being here as this place frankly gave her the creeps as there was something that was very off putting about this place but she didn't have the words to describe it to put it to words as she kind of didn't feel like this place was a very good place and that was something that she would have to either get use to for now or make her way away from this place. Her companion was following from a safe distance in case she might end up in need of help but he was how she had gotten to this place in the first place.

Carmina saw someone walking around the city as well this late at night and she walked up to the woman and spoke. "Are you new here too or are you someone that lives here?" Carmina watched the woman with wonder on what she might say or do as Carmina was not looking for a fight of any kind or any trouble just trying to see what there was to see at night here as she had came in late and was probably going to have to camp out for the night as it looked like every where was closed for the night as far as she could tell.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 2:31 pm

It was interesting how you meet strangers in the night and you end up meeting some one who speaks in Fiorian, But Elise for once was not in a horrible mood and wanted to answer in Fiore compared to answering in minstrel."A, Visitor on business."Elise answered with her slightly accented fiorian, her minstrel accent was some what lessen but she had not really tried to get rid it."I just only work and out during the night."Elise figured she would explain that while she was casually smoking away and walking.

She seemed to almost sound like she was thinking about a few things. At least she did not mind Carmina being here.But Elise's smoking habit was going to be most likely be very apparent as one she had in her mouth while Carmina had just greeted her, Was gone so she flicked it on the ground and pulled out another one and lit it up and casually smoked another one.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 3:36 pm

Carmina tapped her finger on her chin. "So you are a night owl? And you also smoke. What do you do for work?" Carmina guessed that she should ask as the other woman said something about working at night and that made her wonder about what the woman does that she would be doing it at night. Carmina was a woman of swapping values sometimes as she needed to learn to adapt or she might end up getting beaten up or worse left for dead somewhere that others can't find or help her and she needed to learn to use her powers and soon so she can make the most of the fights and hard work that she puts in. Carmina make sure to stay up wind of the woman so the smoke doesn't fly into her face as she didn't smoke nor did she want to start smoking now so she wanted to make sure that it stayed out of her face and her not breath it in if she could help it in any form.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Fri Sep 20, 2024 6:59 pm

It seemed Elise was starting to seemed to be a subject of a story.So she would merely take her time answering."Other worldly being hunter....so demons, angels, monsters,gods...Anything that wants to control a persons' free will."Elise mentioned casually smoking away while Carmina seemed to be making sure the smoke was getting away from her face.

"Depending on who you ask, some call me a pain in the butt to deal with too."She chuckled because she felt it was a bit more funny to her then anyone else. but alas she still needed to wait to see what all would happen here. Elise over all assumed it was harmless and just a normal series of questions to get to know a person.

While rather plain, it was always expected one could not forever avoid it, Even if it was possible. Being out at night got rid of most people.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Sat Sep 21, 2024 8:30 am

Carmina looked at the woman and she wondered if that meant that she had a strong magic so she figured she might as well ask and see what this woman would say to that. "Does that mean you have an extra strong magic that you use to do such a thing?" Carmina needed to make sure that she copied as may elements and spells as she could so she would gain a library of spells that she could use to save herself and others but she has been having trouble crossing that line so far and that is what is making her seem like she is useless and stuck so far behind. Carmina needs to learn more about this woman.

"Why would they call you a pain in the butt? You don't seem bad to me." Carmina wished to learn more and see what that info might give her and if she might be able to save some trouble later if she needed an ally in a fight though she knows that she needed to learn more and do more than she did so far to make the most of her gift or was it a curse on her?


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 5:19 pm

They would get back to the subject of magic eventually, just other things would be over all apparently first about Elise, While she was nice so far she did have to mention."Most life experiences has shown me, My behaviour just generally makes people feel that way..between the swearing and punching people in the jaw."Elise chuckled about it.

But suppose they would get back on the subject of her magic."Well...my magic changed differently of late."Was time to talk about Zeus after all he was a depressed voice in her head tempting her to sleep around with both men and women, even in some manner Zeus would be tempted by any and almost all pretty ladies."By that, I managed to rustle myself Zeus' god soul...He's a little cranky right now."Elise laughed about it because she was making Zeus some what suffer, in return so would he.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Mon Sep 23, 2024 8:58 am

"What do you mean? You rustled a god soul?" She had no idea what that even means as that was not something that should be a thing as she only knows of souls like that, that are gifts to people as a part of their powers. She wondered what this woman was talking about and if she was serious or if the woman was over stating her powers here as there was probably not a lot that she could do against her as she would probably not be able to put up much of a fight if the other woman's magic is that strong.

"Some people will judge you without knowing you. I know how that feels but I also know that I need to not keep dragging myself and others down." Carmina spoke a bit softly there as she was not sure that she had any right to talk like she is even close to this woman's level.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 7:03 pm

Suppose then meant Elise had to explain what exactly a god soul was. If anything she over all did not mind explaining it. It was fairly simple."God Soul is my current magic, It could easily change in the future base off of my needs."She explained to start with. As she did not really think about much else aside from was talking about.

In this case Elise's god soul was Zeus."When you own a god soul, you gain the powers that good is known for."Elise then casually clapped her hand together and currents of thunder lighting surged between her fingers."In my case, I gained the god soul of...Zeus the Ruler of Olympus."She did not need to flex her entire amount of powers.

It seemed it was simple enough."Just make sure you be careful,if you ever choose the god soul route...Some give you draw backs."Elise said as a warning. But she figured she would stop at this time to see what she would say about learning what she had so far.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 9:20 am

"My magic is not something so easily gotten rid of, it is somewhat of a curse I was born with I guess would be the right way to word it." Carmina looked away from the other woman as she was a bit ashamed of her magic as she wasn't able to really use it and if she did it would probably just lead to resentment from other people plus she didn't know this woman that well so she might need to guard that she has that power as it could be used against her if she wasn't careful and that was something that she wanted to avoid if she could.

He companion came flying down to land near the two women as he sensed that Carmina was not feeling fully comfortable and he wanted to make sure that the woman wouldn't be alone while feeling like that though he had no idea of what this other woman was and that his appearance might make her a bit on the offense cause he hadn't announced himself when he landed.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:57 am

Elise had to ponder in some manner if this woman when akin it to a curse, was if she wanted it removed or not. So she would just out right ask."If you view it as a curse...have you consider getting it removed?"Elise asked casually just to seem to make it as part of the conversation over all.

After all Elise might be seem like she an oddity, In some manner she would at times suggest to help when she could."If it is impacting you that much...Tho i have not found any magic that horrible in a while."Elise almost wanted to piece together what it was and remove it herself.

But unless it was actually needed or not."But Suppose did not really consider draw backs until dealing with Zeus..."But Elise was just making idle pondering just for the sake of since it seemed to be an interesting conversation to Elise.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 6:51 am

She looked at the other woman and she spoke. "Well I don't think I can remove it like that... But I can show you what it does if you want to. Cast a spell and point it that way." Carmina pointed toward angle that lead to the sky so no one would get hurt or any buildings at risk and the woman then went to watching the other woman to see her spell so that she could do her thing here if the woman were to actually cast a spell out and do something though the woman didn't seem like she would like being given an order like that and Carmina realized she had not wanted to come across like that. The big dragon like creature was surprised that the other woman hadn't even reacted in the least bit at him landing making him wonder if she had known he was dying around this whole time or if maybe she was just not worried about him as he didn't give off an aura of danger.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 12:37 pm

Elise over all just figured and went would mention."So your a form of mimic mage?" Elise mention. While she actually did her normal means of litting up her cigarettes. Since she was going to start a new one. She would snap fingers and tip of her right index finger was a small fire that just remained there that was not hurting Elise."In that case, something simple....nothing flashy like Zeus could allow me to do with his power."Elise then seemingly just flicked her index finger and it was gone.

"Unless you really want to throw a lighting spear, but you would need to hold a weapon for that."Elise was actually explaining details of spells. But she always had options for her if really needed. But Elise was not looking to make it too much of a lesson on what Zeus could allow her to do.

"Zeus gives me many tricks and powers, Just sometimes it is better not so much in a city that is sleeping."At least there was offers and some small things shown, but part of Elise figured she was not going to be too interested in a mere fire trick.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:09 pm

The woman looked at Elise with a shocked look and wide eyes as the woman seemed to have already knew about her magic, that was very uncommon and she guessed that was not a fluke and this woman was someone that was very well traveled and knows when and how to strike. "My magic is different that just plain mimicry... I can take the spell and change aspects of it and mixing other spells into it, elements, effects. My magic is extremely rare and hard to come by or so the slavers that tried to kidnap me told me..." She was told she could be sold for the prices ranging from a small kingdom to part of a country worth of jewels depending on the level of person that appeared for the bidding as she would be the greatest mage alive.

There was also talk of attempting to force her to be married and maybe being able to give the children some other rare and forgotten magic with the right man. She didn't want to be used in either way just to save her village and her family that was it and she needed to make it count as she didn't have a lot of time but she still needed to get the spells and powers to do it.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:39 pm

Elise would let out a bit of a chuckle. Only since her guess was entirely a guess, She just kind of pieced together on how things from what words was spoken to her and she came out with this."I look into a lot of things related to other worldly beings and powers, from Gods to Demon. Sometimes these powers intersect with what powers we can use ourselves."Elise mentioned, She was more then just a random minstrel woman shortening her life span by smoking various things that were not healthy for her.

"So it was entirely just guess work.
"But Elise was not going to do much with that info after all Carmina was not a threat to Elise or seemingly most people around her, It seemed entirely pointless to worry about it.

Elise was more worried about Carmina be free."While it is a shame people want to kidnap you, But I would not assumed it would have been just for your magic."Elise mentioned because Elise knew a lot of things, It was easy to learn how people work at times."If it is not magic, It is how you look, Or you have money...My life being a Nun before all of this...also taught me what people are guilty of."But Elise would merely pat her on the shoulder give there was a matter and reason for it.

"Never give up your fight to be free."
It was a simple and most likely plain statement that she was most likely already doing but maybe it was just Elise being herself. But figured she would just leave it at that. Elise's odd sense of compassion for people was always existing, just behind a grumpy hunter who was jaded from the world around her, as well as what she had witnessed.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 3:01 pm

Carmina was still unsure how she should take that but it seemed that this woman knew far more than she looked like she should know and if they knew that then maybe she knew other things but Carmina was not going to push her luck in asking those things. "I see, so it was probably a mix of my looks and my magic is what you are trying to say?" She wondered if that was what she was hinting at there and if that was something that she should be thinking about as she was not sure that she was really that good looking with all things considered. She didn't really show off her body or do anything that should really attract men. She was just a normal looking woman and she had a special magic that she couldn't even fully use and that was something that she couldn't do anything about for right now, she wondered if there was a starting point that she should be working on to get to where she wanted to get to but she had no one to really teach her.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 4:02 pm

It was a good question to ask Elise in some manner was realizing she was going in depth on a what if situation that was pieced together by Elise just merely looking at this was presented before her."In these little piece together of what if's, Yes."Elise said over all, it seemed like a harmless mention of these things.

Even if it was just a harmless conversation of how she observe these things. Even then Elise could be wrong and even could admit it."But this is also general observations of people over all, so many things could be very different."Elise mentioned because it was different, After all these two where just talking about random stuff in the night.

"These are all things, We that are happen stance information on things they at this time don't really, Much like how a lot of the time, You human most human and human like beings are visual creatures, sometimes drawing attention is easy."
Elise also mentioned that because it does sometimes show in other people's behaviours that it is just things she knew and watched.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 5:10 am

The woman looked at her and she wondered if this woman had practice with such things. "From how you talk you seem to be use to be only judged by your looks and nothing else from the start. Do all men treat you like that or something?" Carmina wondered if she was actually treated like that but she was not sure if that was a question that she really should have asked someone else as there could have been many reasons why she might have thought and spoke like that or maybe she had been attempted to be taken as a slave by some weirdo that just saw her beauty and nothing else.

"I still have a lot to learn but I am not getting anywhere it feels like." She was not sure if there was a reason she felt so trapped by her power or if there was even a way that she could come out of this issue with power or if she was fully just stuck being useless and scared of her own shadow in most times as she didn't have any real power or ways to fight against the people that were after her and would probably end up catching up to her.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:29 pm

It seemed Elise was now the one having this turned on her. But alas at least Elise was not shy she was just merely being herself about it. Blunt and honest."Correct, But not by men."Elise would start off with that. She figured it would not bore her entirely to explain it all.

But before she explained, she merely looked at Carmina. Thinking to give some kind of simple mention about the problem at hand."Have you focused on the wall that is stopping you, piece it together and take each section away in small parts, to best the wall that stops you now."Elise figured that might be the best way to say try to mention it.

But Elise would get back to what life was like."Silly me spacing topics oddly. But when it comes to your observations, It was never from men, It was expectations beat into me from my mother, Suppose it is a problem I am working on."She did not go into detail but it was just how her life was for her youth. Which might explain how she seemed to selectively start forming things at this time, But she admits it was a problem.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Sat Oct 05, 2024 6:03 am

Carmina tilted her head a little at hearing it was not mean that had been the ones that did that to her, Carmina wondered who was on one on her case then cause women seemed to usually be the more protective type but it seemed for this woman that they were the bane of her life then? Carmina waited and listened to the woman and she thought about the wall thing. Carmina is not sure if there is a wall or something else that is stopping her but she knows that she needed to be careful as she needed to get better with her magic and learn to actually use it and not disappoint those around her and what they stand for.

Carmina then heard the woman say it was her mother that was the issue that did it to her so Carmina spoke up. "Sounds like your mother wasn't a nice woman, do you have someone to support you like a boyfriend or husband? Not that I think you really need that but in case you did find yourself slipping and needed some extra solid ground to stand on?" She knows that she might be over stepping asking the woman if she had someone to help support her if she were to start losing her ground, Carmina doesn't have that and she wondered if this woman was the same way or if she had someone that she liked and would be there for her if she needed him or her to be there for her.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 7:03 am

Interesting turn of events, This was turning on Elise a bit more. But not that she was over all worried about it. It was just how she. But suppose maybe this was just the world trying to show Elise that maybe people might give her a new view on life."Well yes...I was suppose to be the head of the house, the perfectly beautiful daughter, The one who can be the perfect wife with out flaws."Yet here she was. Even more flaws and scars to anything that she was raised to find respectable. But no one was beating her or yelling at her that she couldn't deal with herself.

But at least she did not think she entirely needed it to stand on, but she would let out a bit of a sigh."I've had people interested in me...But suppose ,While you and I are strangers. I personally rejected them for the most part. Because I am don't exactly feel...worthy."Elise mentioned, To think as she thought and expressed so many smart things she feel showed like she was almost the exact opposite she was some what who was showing really.

But Elise was trying not to make this entirely about herself."Some one is still trying...I suppose i don't blame him."Elise was some what thinking about the efforts and time Emil had put in to spend time with her. While Elise had just still felt she was not a worthy partner. It was something he picked up from the start and still continued to try."But I still mostly second guess a few things."Elise was not trying to sound too self conscious.

so she patted Carmina on the shoulder for a moment."But suppose...this is just a me struggle."She was trying to not seem so pitiful.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 9:41 am

Carmina looked at the woman as she spoke about how she was raised to be the perfect wife without flaws. Carmina wondered if that was what her life was to be like if she had been able to stay in her village. "I don't think there is any person that is without flaws if I am honest." Carmina spoke that truthfully out to the woman as she didn't see how anyone could be without flaw.

Carmina listened to the woman's next part about how she had turned down people because she felt she lacked self worth and didn't see her self good enough for them and Carmina rubbed her chin and started thinking about it then heard a guy was still trying to get with her and she guessed she should ask. "What is he like? and do you also like him?" She wondered if this woman hadn't fully given up on the last guy and that is why she was bringing him up at this moment she wondered if this woman might not like the man back.

When the woman patted her on the shoulder she gently patted on the woman's hand. "I think you like me maybe cut yourself too short. I have potential and you seem to already know how to use yours. You didn't kill me on sight or attack me so you must not be a bad person even if you are trying to act like one."


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:52 am

She was entirely correct, no person is with out their flaws, It was something Elise knew and kept in mind all of the time. Even then she focused on her own more then anyone else."That we all are, yet I was suppose to be the one with out them."Elise laughed about it. In some manner maybe it was yet again another blessing that this kind of info was not being handed to some kind of monster who wanted to rid her because she hunted monster and various other creatures.

But alas they where just humans, Free and left to their own problems and devices."Well...Emil is a good hearted and well meaning man, Once you look past his stubborn bull headed way of being. He has honest intentions and seems too stubborn to quit at times...some what remarkable considering how i am."Elise seemed to speak mostly positive about him even if she almost seemed to focus on a lot of stuff, Almost like it was her who was struggling more then anyone else.

But when it mentioned the final about how to use the tools in your hands."Well humans...or well humanoid beings, are never my enemy unless they make me them. My enemy are the being so corrupt people's free will...daemons,demons, angels,gods....I have no reason to hurt anyone side from that."Elise admitted, It was because people were not her enemy it was why she seemed always so collected.

"I might not be a bad person...But I am still fairly blunt, rude and rough to deal with."Elise left it at that to see what would happen, what would be said.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 1:47 pm

Carmina giggled a little as she heard the woman speak of the man it was clear at least to Carmina that she liked him rather she would admit that is a different story and she was not going to push on that farther as she had no need to as she got her answer even if the other woman hadn't said it out loud. She heard the list of things that the woman said and she rubbed her chin. "I would think, werewolves, Vampires, Liches would be on that list as well as dragons and those partial of dragons." She guessed the woman had said humanoid so maybe those ones were counted in the ones she doesn't hunt or even want to fight. She looked at the woman as she talked more about it and she smiled.

"I think maybe you should probably tell him how you feel about him. I know I shouldn't be talking as I am single." She was just giving probably unwanted advice to a woman that is probably far better traveled than herself but she needs to make sure that the man knows how she feels if she really does like him and doesn't want to lose him but Carmina wondered if maybe the hunter woman was scared of being committed to someone that was around her or knew her. Carmina couldn't be fully sure as this woman seemed to try to make herself unattractive to people on purpose but she needed to maybe get over that fear a bit and see this man isn't looking to hurt her. Well she says that but if she is talking about the Emil she has heard about them she might be in for one hell of a brick wall to try and over come to make it to the other side.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 12:17 pm

It seems Carmina did get her line of work and how she went about it. "From my days as a nun, I have been hunting then, I also keep notes of all the things i hunt and track."Elise continuing for the most part to just focus on work, until really she needed to think and talk about other things.

After all much like other people had pointed out."And let me guess, not even worry about how your single because you have other things to do?"Elise said that because she kind of worked that way. It was a bit of an understanding of how people worked. It was just an Elise feeling she could be wrong, It was an Elise cover she had used before. But alas she was not saying anything to come off judging or compliment her appearance maybe just because it was not time yet.

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