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Trespassing [Toga]

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Trespassing [Toga] Empty Today at 12:34 am


The island was quiet tonight. Amaforth Academy, nestled on its remote island off the coast of Caelum, had long been abandoned by the students and faculty alike. Her face hidden beneath a dark scarf, Zariya was no longer just the vampire from a once-renowned family, but a shadow against the moonlit walls. The scarf did more than conceal her identity; it muffled the weight of her breath as she slid between corners, her footsteps lighter than whispers. The aura of her reputation growing in the Eastern Region of Fiore as the ruler of the underground, so she remained cautious.

The Queenpin wasn’t foolish enough to underestimate the power that could be lying dormant here, on an island crawling with mages of all creeds. Amaforth may be a sanctuary for many, but for Zariya, it was a threat that pulsed with unmeasured potential. Her eyes glowed faintly as they scanned the vast stone buildings. She wasn’t here for an education, nor did she seek knowledge. The Desiertan's purpose was far more personal.

Somewhere within the walls of this institution, her sister hid. The younger vampire had become increasingly difficult to track, slipping through Zariya’s grasp like smoke through her fingers. Zariya had spent too much time and effort gathering fragments of rumors, pieces of gossip that hinted her sister had sought refuge in this isolated academy.

The stakes were high. The vampire had to tread carefully; one wrong step and a single warded hallway could become her undoing. If anyone here had caught wind of her, it could complicate things far too much. Zariya’s fingers lightly grazed the edge of a massive, arched window as she crouched beneath it. The main office stood ahead in the central courtyard. It was a towering building compared to the others. It was older, grander, perhaps even ancient. A place where records would be kept.

If her sister had enrolled under an alias or quietly slipped into the student body, the names would be hidden in there somewhere.

She could feel it.

With a few quick, calculated strides, Zariya slipped through the shadows like a breath of wind. The Requiem had expected resistance at the door to the main office, her instincts primed for a magical barrier or an enchanted lock. But to her surprise, all it took was a firm twist of the knob. The lock clicked with an almost mocking ease. Zariya's lips curled in mild amusement, but she wasted no time contemplating the oversight. She slid inside the building with a fluid grace, the door creaking slightly behind her as it remained free from it's lock in her eagerness.

The hallway stretched ahead of her, dimly lit and eerily quiet. The faint echo of footsteps, whether from the janitor down the corridor or the snores of a dozing guard, seemed distant and harmless. It was all too easy. A small part of her almost wished for more of a challenge, something to make this more than a simple trespass. The first office she came across was nondescript. There were no identifying signs, no names etched on the door, but it didn’t matter. The vampire slipped inside, her sharp eyes scanning the room for any indication of records or files.

The musty scent of old paper hit her immediately, and she wasted no time rifling through the file cabinets that lined the far wall. The sound of papers rustling under her fingers was the only thing that broke the silence.

Trespassing [Toga] 86545

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