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Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ]

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Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 8:02 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
The cool night air of Hosenka City crackled with a strange energy, as if the city itself was watching, waiting. The neon lights reflected off the wet cobblestone streets, bathing the place in a familiar errie glow, flickering from crimson to gold. It was the kind of night where anything could happen, and Zariya Onfroy, no longer content to work in the shadows, was about to make something happen.

She walked through the colorful streets of Hosenka, her presence cloaked, yet undeniably powerful. The scent of incense wafted through the air from the many bathhouses and shrines that lined the streets. The vibrant atmosphere of the city, renowned for its beauty and mystery, was a sharp contrast to the darkness lurking within the Crimson Quarter, the underbelly of Hosenka where corruption thrived. Zariya had known these streets well the Akudama Syndicate guild was at its peak. Now, her sights were set higher—Dahlia City. However, before that, she had a task at hand.

Word had reached her through one of the remaining Akudama. The Crimson Angels, a cartel she’d once worked alongside, were having issues with a rival faction known as the Cuervo Cartel. They were small and weak compared to the Angels, but they were persistent and had been a thorn in the Angels' side for far too long. Alejandro, leader of the Crimson Angels, was a man the vampire respected, even if he had his own ideas of power and control. Their relationship had always been one of mutual respect, and the time had come to rekindle that flame. She would reestablish an alliance, one that would benefit both of them in the days to come.

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] 86545

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:04 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
The Cuervo Cartel, insignificant as they were, still operated with an annoying amount of efficiency. They had a tight operation, trafficking goods and people across Hosenka's hidden paths, and they’d been making small moves into Dahlia. That couldn’t be allowed. Not if Zariya was to take over Dahlia as planned.

The information she had gathered about the Cuervo Cartel’s movements wasn’t hard to come by; their routes were sloppily guarded, their shipments clumsily timed. They were ripe for the taking. Zariya had always preferred precision. Sloppiness irritated her, and tonight, the Cuervo Cartel would learn the price of carelessness.

It didn’t take long to locate their warehouse. It was buried deep in the industrial zone, behind rows of shipping containers and cargo trucks. Zariya stood in the shadows, her keen vampiric senses allowing her to see the blood coursing through those inside. Fifteen, no, seventeen men. Armed, likely expecting trouble but not from someone like her. This was going to be a message, and Zariya never failed to deliver.

As the Desiertan stepped forward, her presence seemed to ripple outwards like a tidal wave. The guards posted at the entrance barely had time to register her approach before she moved. Her nails, sleek and black, ripped through the first guard’s throat in a clean motion, revealing the back of his throat and allowing the blood to pour out. The second guard barely made a sound before her hand gripped his face, slamming him against the wall with a sickening crack. Blood sprayed across the pavement as she dragged his limp body into the shadows.

Inside, the warehouse was dimly lit, the air was heavy with the scent of oil and smoke. The Cuervo Cartel members were scattered, talking, laughing, completely unaware of the carnage that had just begun outside. Zariya could hear the muffled shuffling of their boots, the clinking of their weapons, and the low hum of idle conversation. She smirked to herself, knowing it would be their last.

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] 86545

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:11 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Zariya moved through the warehouse like a ghost, her steps were as silent as death. The first man she came across had no idea she was even there until it was too late. Her hand pierced his chest from behind, a quick, brutal strike that left him gasping for air as blood filled his lungs. She pushed his body to the floor and kept moving, her eyes gleaming with a cold, predatory light.

Two more were standing by a stack of crates, laughing over some stupid ass joke. Zariya dispatched them with swift efficiency, slashing across the throat of one while embedding her fist deep into the other’s gut. Their bodies crumpled to the floor, blood pooling around them. The sounds of violence began to draw attention. The vampire could hear the others starting to realize something was wrong, their movements grew frantic and panicked. Good. She wanted them afraid. Fear made people reckless. It made them sloppy. And she thrived in it.

Three men came running down a narrow hallway with their guns raised, but they didn’t stand a chance. Zariya was on them before they could react, moving faster than their eyes could follow. She tore through them like paper, her bare hands armed with nails that tore through flesh like claws made of ebony steel. The first man’s head rolled across the floor, his blood splattering the walls in a violent arc. The second and third barely had time to scream before she silenced them forever.

By the time she reached the heart of the warehouse, the remaining men were already running, trying to flee. But there was no escape. Zariya was relentless. She broke them down one by one. Blood stained the floor, splattering across the walls in a gruesome display of violence. It was over in minutes, the entire Cuervo Cartel guarding force lying in a bloody heap at her feet.

But there was still one more thing to do.

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] 86545

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 10:01 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
In the office at the back of the warehouse, Zariya found the leader of the Cuervo Cartel, a man who had foolishly believed he could rival the Crimson Angels and stick his head in Akudama business. He stood trembling, a pathetic figure behind his desk, his hands shaking as he reached for a gun. Zariya shook her head in disgust.

"Really?" she asked, her voice calm and cold. "You think that’s going to help you?"

He fired a shot, but The Desiertan moved before the bullet could even leave the chamber. She was on him in an instant, her hand gripping his throat, lifting him off the ground with ease. The crime lord's gun clattered to the floor as he struggled, gasping for air.

"You should’ve known better," Zariya said softly, her eyes glowing with a predatory gleam. "This was never going to end well for you."

With a swift, brutal motion, she twisted his neck, snapping it with a sickening crack. His body fell limp in her hand and she dropped him to the floor without a second thought. Trash. That's what he was. She wiped the blood on the cloth draping the table before looking down at the lifeless corpse. A cold, satisfied expression fell upon her. Her job was done...almost. But now came the real work.

The Crimson Angels didn’t just want the cartel eliminated; they wanted to dismantle its operations from the inside out. That meant finding out who the Cuervo Cartel had been working with. Information on their partners, suppliers, and buyers was key if Zariya sought to seal a deal with Alejandro. Moving swiftly through the office, she began rifling through drawers and cabinets, tossing papers aside, searching for anything useful. She wasn’t expecting much, because quite frankly, cartels rarely kept detailed records lying around. But sometimes, fools like the Cuervo leader got too comfortable.

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] 86545

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 10:12 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Zariya paused when her eyes landed on something unusual. An old, weathered safe tucked away in the corner of the room, partially hidden behind a file cabinet. A smile tugged at her lips. People always kept their most valuable secrets locked away, and the Queenpin was always inclined to reveal them. Stepping over the body, she moved toward the safe. It was heavy-duty, reinforced steel, but that didn’t matter. Zariya crouched down, her strength peeling back the door like it was made of paper. She wasn't as strong as she used to be but she was strong enough.

Inside the vault, there was something unexpected: two small tubes filled with shimmering red crystals. They glowed faintly in the dim light like embers clinging to life in the ashes of a dying flame. Zariya picked up one of the tubes, holding it up to the light. It was mesmerizing, but something about it felt… off. She brought it closer to her face and sniffed. Immediately, her senses kicked into overdrive. Her vampiric abilities allowed her to detect things others couldn’t, scents, compounds, even magic sometimes. And this? It was powerful.

“A drug,” she muttered to herself. But not just any drug. This was something more potent, more dangerous. The scent alone was enough to make her instincts flare, warning her of its strength. She pocketed both tubes without hesitation. Whatever this was, it had value either as leverage...or as a weapon. Standing up, the Vampire gave the room one final glance, her eyes narrowing.

Whoever the Cuervo Cartel had been working with clearly wasn’t afraid to deal in dangerous substances. Alas, she would find out who that was soon enough. With the tubes safely in her possession, Zariya stepped over the bodies once more, her boots splashing through pools of blood as she made her way out of the warehouse.

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] 86545

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 10:25 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
The meeting with Alejandro was set for midnight, in a quiet, hidden part of the Crimson Quarter. Zariya knew the place well; it was one of Alejandro’s favorite spots, a private lounge hidden away behind layers of protection. As she walked through the city, carrying the head of the Cuervo Cartel leader in a blood-soaked bag, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

This was just the beginning. Dahlia City would be hers soon enough.

When she arrived at the lounge, the guards at the entrance recognized her instantly. Their eyes widened slightly, surprised to see her after so long, but they stepped aside without a word. That reaction had already grown old, but she couldn't say she didn't enjoy the look on their faces. It was like children facing consequences they weren’t prepared for. Zariya walked through the dimly lit hallways, quietly. The scent of the lounge was familiar, one that reminded her of the days when she and Alejandro had ruled Hosenka’s underworld together. Alcohol and cigars.

She found him in a private room at the back, seated on a plush chair, a glass of whiskey in hand. Alejandro was a large man, imposing even when relaxed, with dark, calculating eyes that missed nothing. He looked up as she entered, and for a moment, shock registered on his face."Zariya," he said, his voice low and rough. "Out of the shadows, I see. Didn’t think I’d be seeing you again."

Zariya smirked, dropping the blood-soaked bag on the table in front of him. "You and everyone else. But let’s skip the pleasantries. I’ve come to talk business."

Alejandro raised an eyebrow, his gaze shifting to the bag. He reached out, untying the cord, and opened it. The head of his rival tumbled out, rolling across the table with a grotesque thud like a boulder crashing down a mountainside. The lord's eyes narrowed, a mix of emotions flashing across his face. Shock, annoyance, maybe even something darker. It was hard to tell.

"You killed Michael fucking Kardashian," he said, his tone accusatory.

"I know," Zariya replied, her voice frostbitten as her eyes never moved away from the man before her. "And you’re welcome, by the way. That problem is now solved."

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] 86545

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 10:44 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Alejandro’s eyes flashed with anger. "You overstepped. That was mine to handle."

Zariya leaned forward, her gaze piercing like a wolf sizing up its prey, calculating the moment to strike. "I know the code, Alejandro. But this wasn’t about stepping on your toes. I’ve got plans, and I need your help to make them happen. You can take credit for taking down that pathetic excuse for a cartel if you want. I’ve even got the logistics on their routes and partnerships. All I ask in return is that the Angels and Akudama go back to doing business as as usual here in Hosenka, you help me take over Dahlia City, and I’ll make sure the Crimson Angels have a place in what’s coming next."

Alejandro stared at her, his mind clearly racing. "That's a lot to ask for..." Zariya knew he was torn. On one hand, he didn’t like the idea of someone else handling his business. On the other, she had just handed him a golden opportunity to take control of his rival’s operations without lifting a finger. After a long moment, he sighed and leaned back in his chair, swirling the whiskey in his glass as he weighed the options. Zariya remained still, her expression unreadable, though inside she was already confident of the outcome. Alejandro was many things, but he was not a fool. He knew the tides of power were shifting, and aligning with her would be more beneficial than standing against her. He was no stranger to her power.

"You always had a way of making complicated things sound simple," Alejandro said at last, a wry smile pulling at the corners of his lips. He lifted the glass to his mouth, taking a slow sip before setting it down on the table. His gaze flickered back to the severed head, then to Zariya, as if he were finally making peace with the reality of what had just been done. "Alright. I’ll take credit for this. The Cuervo Cartel was a joke, anyway. But you’re asking for more than just a favor here, Zariya. Taking over Dahlia City is no small thing. You’ll have more than just petty rivals to deal with."

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] 86545

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 11:01 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.

Zariya leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs as she regarded Alejandro. "I’m aware of the risks. But you and I both know that Dahlia is ripe for the taking. The factions there are fractured, desperate. All they need is someone with vision to pull them together. You help me do that, and we’ll both profit."

Alejandro’s lips curled into a grin, though there was something predatory in the way he looked at her, as if he'd been turned on by a challenge of sorts. "And what’s stopping me from taking Dahlia for myself? You may be strong, Zariya, but don’t think I haven’t thought about expanding my reach. Not mention your Akudama are struggling to hold on."

Zariya chuckled softly, the sound low and dangerous. "You know what I’m capable of, Alejandro. We’ve worked together before, and you remember what happened to those who crossed me. And with all due respect, you couldn't handle Dahlia. The Crimson Angels are good at what they do here, but Dahlia is a totally different beast. You need someone like me, and we both know that."

Alejandro’s grin faded, replaced by a thoughtful expression as he swirled the whiskey in his glass again, watching the amber liquid catch the dim light. "Never disregard the underdog, Zariya," he smirked again, his words unravelling melodically. "Careful, Alejandro. We were just about to cut a deal." she not-so-playfully warned. After a long moment, The leader of the Angels nodded, setting the glass down with a finality that indicated his decision.

"Alright," he said. "I’ll back your play in Dahlia. But don’t mistake this for charity. I want my cut, and I want the Crimson Angels to have a foothold in your new empire. I’ll be watching, Zariya. If you slip up, don’t think I won’t be ready to take what’s mine."

Zariya’s smile returned, sharp and confident. "I wouldn’t expect anything less. But you won’t have to worry about me slipping. Dahlia is as good as ours."

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] 86545

Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 11:15 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Alejandro extended his hand across the table, and Zariya took it, their handshake firm and final. With her other, she slid the papers of the Cuervo's routes to his side of the table. The deal was sealed.

As Zariya left the lounge and stepped back out into the cool night air, the weight of her task settled fully onto her shoulders, but she welcomed it. The Cuervo Cartel was the a step toward something much bigger. With Alejandro’s support, she was one step closer to making everything she had returned for a reality. For herself, for her brother, and even for Erebus.

Her thoughts drifted to what lay ahead. New enemies, new alliances, and the endless dance of power that ruled the underworld. The Cuervo Cartel had been weak, pathetic, but Dahlia was home to more dangerous foes. She’d need more than brute strength to conquer it; she’d need cunning, strategy, and a few more deals like the one she’d just made. So, it was a good thing Zariya was no stranger to playing the long game.

As she walked through the city, her boots clicking softly against the cobblestone streets, she finally relaxed, looking around her as the tension in her shoulders vanished. Hosenka had always been a place of color and vibrancy, a city where life thrived in all its chaotic forms. But beneath the surface, it was as corrupt and dark as any other. The thought brought a smile to her lips.

Zariya was no longer a shadow lurking in the corners of the underworld. She was a force to be reckoned with, and soon enough, the entire world would know her name.

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Reforging Blood Ties [Underground Associates | NQ] 86545

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