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Battling off The Invaders (A-Rank NQ)

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Battling off The Invaders (A-Rank NQ) Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:54 am


Kaito looked at the next quest paper that crossed his desk and in bold writing it said that a shop was going to be attacked and Kaito would need to react and take on the mission as he was this towns helper as he was a member of Fairy Tail a guild that was in this very town that serves to protect it and help to keep the peace if it can be helped and take on the issue that had come up and deal with a rogue street gang that was looking to disrupt the peace of the city and Kaito couldn't let that happen as he was going to make Judith proud of him. He started to make his way into town from the Fairy Tail guild hall where he had be give the mission to help with this quest and that was something that he needed to make sure that he did.


Battling off The Invaders (A-Rank NQ) Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:54 am


Completion of this mission was paramount to his image as a good mage of his guild that he had been taken into by the woman that he served under as his guild master Judith. He wanted to make sure that he didn't disappoint her and that was something that was a must to him. The shops he wandered past all seemed to paint a vibrant picture of the city and it's bustling busy streets as visitors from far and wide came to see and show for goods that they would need in their daily lives to help them pass either boredom hunger or help them to defend their homes from those that would look to break in and cause problems for them and their kin. Kaito knows that Fairy Tail stands as a bastion against those that look to cause harm or to attack the town and residents that lean on them to protect them.


Battling off The Invaders (A-Rank NQ) Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:54 am


Kaito was one of those mighty defenders that were there to stand steadfast against the troubles that might come to harm their city. Kaito finally arrived at the shop that had requested him to defend it his companion Revy standing at his side ready to help her partner to defend this fine shop from the ruffians that would come to forsake this place and plunder of it's goods and jewels. Kaito had his sword on his hip a sign that he was indeed taking this quest seriously and he handed his grand assistant Revy a gauntlet that housed a blade that she could extend and help her to fight anyone that would run afoul of her and her master, she did not possess what one might think was a warriors build which she made up for with the heart that she would put into it, to show that her masters faith in her to back him up was not misplaced.


Battling off The Invaders (A-Rank NQ) Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:54 am


Kaito walked up to the shop keeper and he smiled with his handsome face that could put anyone into a lulled and relaxed state Kaito was after all a hero in this town and he was one of the strongest mages that the world currently held and had to offer so his presence was one that would be felt and would calm the shop keeps nerves. Kaito would gladly announced to the woman that he would take her quest as she was in need and a hero will always help those in need and he will fight till his last second to make sure that her shop remains unharmed by those that sought to go for her shop and cause problems for her. Kaito was not one that would back down, he activated his mana vision and looked around the shop. His vision revealed that they had set a back door into her shop that they could open.


Battling off The Invaders (A-Rank NQ) Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:55 am


Kaito being the knowledgably man that he was picked up the item that would serve as their back door into the shop and moved it outside of the shop as the night was beginning to fall quickly onto the town and it meant that Kaito and Revy would need to finish setting up the trap so they could make sure that the gang that threatened her would appear outside and in the street so they could be deal with there with out risking the woman's shop to be collaterally damaged by the fight. Kaito had placed the item down and soon after the item would glow and taking the form of a door it would open and people funneled out of the door they looked rough and tough but Kaito hadn't blinked an eye or even shown a single ounce of fear toward them. Kaito took a stance for the incoming battle that he and his companion would take on.


Battling off The Invaders (A-Rank NQ) Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:55 am


They drew their weapons, as such Kaito and Revy also drew their weapons Revy making the blade of the gauntlet come out from the side of the gauntlet which would cause it to run up along her arm and out past the tips of her fingers. The gang of ruffians would run at them and attack at the duo that had stood steadfast and unmoving. the duo would clash with the would be robbers matching them blow for blow. The ringing of weapons meeting would ring out down the streets of the town. Kaito had a thought cross his mind about the noise from the clashing allowing others to hear and to maybe the holy rune knights would come to them soon. Kaito didn't allow himself to linger on the thoughts about the knights coming to round up the gang members as they would be done by then or so he hoped.


Battling off The Invaders (A-Rank NQ) Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:55 am


Revy held her own like a true warrior woman not allowing herself to even lose a step from their strikes on her. The gang was slowly but surely being routed by this duo that was defending the shop like it was the last building on a planet coated in darkness, a light house in the dark world. Kaito and Revy would move as one against a big warrior clad in what looked like plate mail, Revy used her speed and flexibility to dodge the attacks that may have been aimed at her from this large warrior. Kaito moved in while Revy had the man's attention and took aim firing off a beam of pure dimensional mana that sent the man to his knees defeated after seeing their champion fall the others surrendered to the duo and were restrained and as the Fairy Tail mage had assumed the Knights came running and collected the group and Kaito was paid his earnings from the request that he had taken.
(167) (1,107/1000) (Exit) (50% Wc) (20%ring,10%guild, 30% Relic.)

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