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Shutting down the problem. (A-Rank NQ)

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Shutting down the problem. (A-Rank NQ) Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:10 am


Kaito got a mission that came across the guild desk a shop keeper needed help again and since the guild hall was pretty much empty he figured that he would take the task and go and defend the shop even if it would probably be, a bit below him to do he guessed this would be a good time to be able to test out one of his new swords as he was warned the other was dangerous to use in a close area to people and he rather not let that happen at least if he can help it. He made his way to the the shop that had sent the request that looked at Kaito like he had seen some kind of ghost as Kaito walked into the shop. He sees the shopkeeper seem to stand taller and stiffen up on seeing Kaito. Kaito really didn't pay it any mind as he knows that some people thing he is a monster.


Shutting down the problem. (A-Rank NQ) Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:10 am


The shop keeper started by asking Kaito for why he was here and if there was something that he could help him with and Kaito held up the shops request and the shopkeeper seemed to relax at seeing it knowing that he got Kaito for this protection mission of his shop, though he wondered if this was something else or a plan by the mage to find the man's hidden secrets. Kaito just started to look around the shop as he was not sure what was really here to steal by a group but he also guessed that he lacked an eye for the worth of items as well as he was not a merchant hero. He was checking to see if there were any magical listening devices in the shop so that the group would know that he was here and standing guard though if they did that meant they were going to come heavily armed.


Shutting down the problem. (A-Rank NQ) Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:10 am


Kaito didn't find anything and Revy had finally arrived in her human form and Kaito gave her his glove weapon so she could use it while he used one of his new swords and he looked at the shopkeeper that gave him the key to the door as Kaito could just put the share key back in the shop so it was safe and the shop keeper wouldn't have to worry and Kaito made himself and Revy invisible and they waited sitting off to the side of the shop and watched the shop to make sure they didn't come early to the shop and cause issues with it. They hadn't seen anyone come toward it that was causing an issue but they had seen a few of the shops shady dealings that were going on but that wasn't what they were here for. Revy looked at the stay as it got darker and she was moving to get into the place she needed to be.


Shutting down the problem. (A-Rank NQ) Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:11 am


Kaito took his place next to Revy as he could see her with his mana vision and he waited but the two didn't have to wait long as they are not seeming to be taking their time as a gang of men come walking their way and Kaito and Revy uncloak from their invisibility and they look the guys in the face but Kaito had turned to his female form and smiled at them as they probably wouldn't take two women seriously as they didn't seem the type to think much of those that aren't crazy strong like them. that is when Kaia moved her arm and her new two handed sword the Kubikiribōchō which looked heavy and she faked that it was heavy and made it look like she was using two hands. She was only actually holding it in one but they couldn't tell that, and she was going to make the most of that.


Shutting down the problem. (A-Rank NQ) Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:11 am


The men laughed as they warned them that they weren't going to take it easy on them and that they should just run off as this was someone else's business and it was a waste to hurt beautiful women. Kaia kept herself readied and they laughed and went toward her and swung their weapons at the woman with the big sword and as their weapons clashed with her's the damage was healing on her sword and she was happy to see that she hadn't been lied to by the person that had sold her the sword saying it was one any person should have and it looked to live up to it's hype and made her wonder if she should try her other sword and see if that would also be as strong as they had said it was. The gang looked scared as Kaia had forgotten that she was making it look like she was swinging it with two hands and had started swinging it with one hand like it weighted nothing.


Shutting down the problem. (A-Rank NQ) Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:11 am


The gang members that were clashing with Revy were also seeing that she wasn't some helpless woman either and that was something they were unsure about till they were getting beaten back and that was something they needed to dos omething about then they called in a giant of a man to try and fight them and he didn't seem to care if they were women or not and tried to slam them and Kaia simply stopped the man's hand that was meant to slam down on her and Revy and the big hand pulled his hand back in what was clearly fear of the woman that stopped his attack. Kaito hurried and cut off the other men before they could get away and restrained them and she let Revy fight the big guy that was panicked and making mistakes in his fear and not actually coming close to hitting Revy, who used an opening and turned back to her exceed form and ran up his arm and knocked him out and Kaito restrained him as well and then looked at Revy and she went and got the knights who came and took the men away and thanked her. Kaia collected the reward and returned the key.
(207) (1,022) (Exit) (50% Wc) (20%ring,10%guild, 30% Relic.)

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