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Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia]

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Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 5:39 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Sofia @Helena | CASUAL

Lumikki wasn't joking when she said she'd bring the winter to Hargeon... And with a summer this sizzling, she actually welcomed the cool, after all, the two of them had pooled their magic power together to help stabilize the ice so as to never melt even under this sweltering heat, and in the end, it brought a much welcome measure of solace from the sun shining overhead... That didn't mean Alisa could go without the sun lotion of course... With the reflective shine from the ice beneath her feet, Alisa was effectively twice as exposed, and as such she made sure to thoroughly cover her exposed skin with a glossy layer of lotion, and opted for a stylish white one piece rather than her favorite bikini:

"My~... I must say, this might be the most unique Summer festival I've seen~", but as she walked towards the beach, she couldn't help but marvel at her surroundings...

Not even in January did Hargeon ever turn into such a gorgeous winter wonderland, every inch of street covered with smooth, crystalline ice, the beach itself covered by a thin film of snow that soon melted once picked from the frozen over terrain... And yet this transformation had been done so masterfully that even she could walk around clad in nothing but a glamorous white one piece, flaunting that full figured frame, with a flowing, sheer white sarong draping down from around her full hips. Alisa had only recently bought this swimsuit, and had been waiting for the right occasion to wear it... And what better time to do so than meeting up with her beloved wife and their new lover? While she imagined Sofia and Helena already knew each other well, they'd never actually spent time together all three of them just as they were about to do now:

"Hmmm... Now where might they have gone...?", and as she climbed the stairs down from the pier onto the beach, the Crystal mage looked left, then right, adjusting the hibiscus adorning her hair as she got ready to go looking for her dates, or if they hadn't arrived yet, just set her towel down and wait patiently for them.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 5:02 am

Today was a new day, A day Helena should figure out was special eventually, But in the the sum of all what she thought would happen. Did not really think it was much of a problem. But a new festival has started Helena figured it was good she came along, when she some what had considered staying in and looking into a few other things she wanted to look into. But alas she still needed to learn to relax being a busy lass most of her life, She just figured she would enjoy what was going to become of her now.

And here she was, in a oddly fitting wintery summer mixture of an event, if anything the wonders of magic made many pretty things. So she was told she was going to be making snow angels. But seems the sand also added in here. Was a bit confusing for Helena to add into the mix of this.

So there she was, Standing basking in the days new slightly cold summer event. But as she was walking around to find some faces she knew, Helena was actually walking normally at this point. Any marks from her previous fight from the being known as Ubel where not gone, Her skin was no long bruised or red. But the normal white complexion was now there.

Helena was going most likely enjoy this event, It was cold enough she felt like she could be some one in iceberg could be at home during the warmer days, While the summer allowed Helena to feel like she didn't needed to be as bundled up.

Thus the icebergian was walking around with shoes, black short shorts and a black sleeve less shirt on, But she seemed to be walking around in thought of many things.

But the sun was lovely, Helena seemed happy and she seemed like she was recovering decently, Even if the call back to work was still tempting Helena had a feeling she needed a bit longer before she continued on to whatever work she felt like she to complete, She was too use to working all her life until current day.



Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 2:24 pm


WORDS: ### | Easy Breezy

“Well, well, well… Look at this fine example of art~” Perhaps the one thing which Sofia Serena liked most about having a wife who was inclined toward artistic expression aside from the obvious being the focus which her fellow femme put into her endeavours, while she knew all too well how naughty it was to exploit such moments for her own wicked gain there was something nice about having the chance to ambush her enchanting ebony empress, and so despite the way in which it might seem to wear upon the effort of her beautiful bride the brunette couldn’t help but pounce upon her partner and purr in her ear as she did so.
“So well crafted, as if by the gods~?” Wrapping her arms around that awing example of Amazonia and letting those deft and devious digits wander a bit as she did so, the fingers of the fox seemed to wash around the stomach of her magnificent muse and pull her hips into her, before cheekily resting upon the perfect peaks she possessed as she mischievously gave them a squeeze despite who might have been looking at them, and all the while seemed to relish the relaxation which their setting provided.

“Sculpture is pretty good too babe~?” Ever cheeky however and leaving no illusions that she was far more interested in artist over art, while there was nothing wrong with what Alisa was making and the words which she shared were quite genuine the valerican vixen couldn’t help but to indulge the want which she had for her woman for a moment, feeling as if it had been far too long since she had the chance to properly show just how much she appreciated both her fellow femme and the form she possessed. Not that it had in truth, one suspected, but then even a moment apart could feel like an eternity sometimes, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:35 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Sofia @Helena | CASUAL

Alisa was the first one there hm? As she sat foot on the frosty, snow covered beach, the sculptress kept her sandals on as she trudged through the soft, welcoming snow, looking left and right for her wife and their girlfriend, her smile brightening when her gaze fell on the former

"Oh, hello there Helena~... Didn't keep you waiting long I hope?", as she approached, Alisa instinctively brushed her long, silky black hair behind her shoulder as she washed her wine red gaze over her lover's full figured frame.

Partly in admiration of the apparel she'd chosen for herself, but to see how her recovery was coming along. Not that she could hide it that well while wearing a swimsuit, but she knew Helena always did her damndest to hide the extent of her injuries, and so those close to her always had to be mindful.

Alisa walked up to Helena, greeting her with a kiss, only to feel her spine tingling as she felt that familiar honeyed tone calling out to her, a hint of redness drawing on her cheeks as she but her luscious bottom lip at the recognition of her beloved's voice:

"Fufufu~... You're a sight for sore eyes my love... Whatever kept you... Ah~...!", Alisa barely even had time to turn around as she felt her beloved leaning into her, those wandering hands sliding up her front and cupping her chest until Alisa's eyes flared, and she found a hand hooking behind Sofia's neck, the sensation making her skin tingle as she turned her head around and claimed those lips for a luscious little smooch, "My~... With a greeting like that... Almost looks like you haven't seen me in months babe~...?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 3:53 am

It was a decent turn of events, one Helena did eventually figure was going to come. But alas she was a middle person just merely enjoy attention while she got it, Countering herself luck she did not stir up trouble."Not entirely, Just checking over to see, If I am recovering well enough as always." There was some what signs Helena was slowly trying to work again. Various papers of things she had done before were some what lingering around in her room.

But she at least did not sound bored, She was merely herself and ready to enjoy what all was to come. While seemingly not showing much worry over all at the time."I had been, some what hiding away to read a few books and napping a bit longer then I should."she would laugh about it for a moment while the group seemingly gathered.

With everyone seemingly gathered and comfortable."Suppose, This is the more important woman at this time?"Helena said this while looking at Sofia. After all this would be the first time she would meet her, in more of an official way. Most likely Helena was spotted some where in passing before and she did not notice.

Alas it was not really the point anyway. Helena would merely just be her self, She was not scared or nervous. With her delight smile she would at least. The touch from Alisa was not ignore so far a kiss upon Alisa's cheek. She would eventually walk over to Sofia herself offer her arms out."By that I mean you Sofia, I am Helena. Even if you heard my name already. I prefer my own formal greeting."She was offering Sofia at least if she wanted it a hug, Anything else afterwards she did not know or guess could happen.

Then after waiting for whatever results would have happen, It was time to focus on what was going on at hand."Suppose we are here to have a casual fun with a few things huh?"Alisa had already started working on something, Helena hasn't.

But she would going to be a bit silly this time, she would make a decent snow pile, turn her back to it and just let herself all into it, This was about snow angels? so she would be eventually making one while laying in this pile she made herself.



Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 7:18 am


WORDS: 410 | Easy Breezy

“Minutes feel like months when you’re not by my side, babe~?” The princess of the Pegasi greeting the words and the plump pout of her partner with a gentle purr, the question of the coquette whom she had seized was something which Sofia responded to in a matter of confirmation for the longing which she felt when she didn’t have her dark delight nearby, and even though in the strictest observation of time passing it hadn’t been all that long that didn’t’ mean that she didn’t miss her. Which was a fact she was happy to show with the sizzling manner in which she suckled the lips of her lover as she smooched her.

“O-Oh, Helena…?” Suddenly feeling a rare sense of sheepishness however when she realised that she just might have intruded upon a moment which Alisa had been sharing with the white haired woman whom she now brought into focus, Miss Serena had been so consumed with stealing a moment with her minx that she can’t even considered just who she might have been toying with, and now the girl with the green gaze felt a note of guilt for that, but that wasn’t all.

A pair of such decadent pleasures like she and her mate not averse to taking others into their bed when the moment and mood struck them and in fact at times relishing the experience and how it seemed to draw pleasure for both of them, despite this and the time now that she knew that her black haired bride had been besotted by this buxom beauty the brunette had to confess that she hadn’t really gotten to know this woman on a personal level, and so now felt both a note of awkwardness and a sense of regret for that fact really.

“Quick, now’s your chance to strike, we can take her down together~!” Not that she wasn’t well equipped to think on her feet and perhaps being best known for that quality really, ultimately Sofia opted to extend an olive branch to her fellow enthusiast of the White Empress by gently and playfully catching the wrists of the woman she had married and tugging them behind the back of their enchanting empress mischievously, before encouraging their fellow femme to take full advantage of the opportunity which she had provided for her. I mean, she was just joking around, but with any luck the gesture might just show she bore this woman little in the way of ill will, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 4:10 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Sofia @Helena | CASUAL

"Oh don't sell yourself short Helena... You're not getting off that easily~", Alisa winked at her as she quickly deflected her attention to Sofia's arrival, but no...

Considering she and Sofia hadn't had time to get properly acquainted, Alisa figured her beloved would have her eye on the white haired beauty a lot more than Helena might expect. Her hand lingered on the white haired healer's shoulder even as Sofia's touch left her biting her lip, and Alisa peeled away only to give her and her wife space for the two to share proper introductions. She felt a smidge guilty to have hogged Helena all to herself this whole time, but the stars were simply not aligned for the two to share their long awaited meeting. Guess they'd have to make up for lost time:

"Mmmm, sounds about right~...? Guess you'd better not leave my side~"[/b][/color], she purred as she hooked her hand behind her lover's neck, indulging in those luscious lips, a short but sweet kiss, even though she and Helena had their own intimacy, she and Sofia had yet to reach that stage.

Today, she'd been content to take the back seat and let her wife and lover catch up, to let Sofia make up for the head start Alisa had gotten with Helena... But alas, it seemed her luscious lover had other ideas. Alisa ran a hand down her hair, nodding in assent at her fellow Icebergian's words, only for her words to fall short halfway through:

"Yes, I suppose, we're expected to be making some manner of Snow... Wha..?", For all of Alisa's power, Sofia had long exceeded her in raw physical strength, a fact that she had no shortage of opportunities to remind her, such when she grabbed her wrists and held them back, making her eyes flare with surprise, "Sofia...? W-What in the world are you up to?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 1:34 pm

Helena tried to be some what entertaining."Sell myself short? I am not as tall as my sister you know?"Helena seemed to joke about how her sister is much smaller then her, But her confidence levels was not entirely gone. While sore and in a rough state when found Helena did not seem to lack any confidence."If anything, this wonderful weather and being with both of you is more then enough for me to not worry about much else."Helena laughed about it, If anything she was not hiding much about how she was feeling.

Helena would look at them both while she was doing what she was doing."No?...just me, Do I really need to try and be the light of the party?"Helena joked about. These two seemed rather tame then what Helena figured she would expect but suppose Helena was also a bit different. But she would be making a snow angel while she was laying there.

Then she would get up, from making a snow angle, Take them both and pulled them both into one another. Merely then giving both Sofia and Alisa the kisses upon the cheeks of their faces Helena felt they both deserved."Your both lovely."Helena figured she would continued and best continue being just how she was normally about these things. Not reflect any worry of being so shy and some what worried about being a problem when she was not to start with. She was here for both of them, not just one. She felt it would work out.



Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Fri Sep 20, 2024 1:31 pm


WORDS: 400 | Easy Breezy

“Teeheehee, I thought I’d show my kouhai how cute you look when you’re all helpless~? It’s my responsibility as her senior, no~?” The leggy lass loving no moment more than when she proved herself a wildcard, all that Sofia could do was smirk as the usually so poised and prestigious pegasi seemed to show a moment of alarm as she showed that those slender limbs were packing all too much power in them as she restrained the raven lightly, though frankly without the kind of strength that she knew that her lover would fail to escape from if she really wanted to.
“Look at how she blushes when she panics~? Makes you just wana eat her up, hm~?” All the while feeling a sense of fun in showing the latest addition to their happy little family that there were plenty of faces to her beautiful bride and the one where she was just that little bit embarrassed one of her favourites, the fair fox seemed to snicker before easing her grasp to allow her alluring amazon to reassert herself, and laid a smoochy upon her cheek as a reward for being a good sport in her little game as she did so.

“You’re one to talk, your surname isn’t ‘Of Troy’, is it~? Talk about a woman who could launch a thousand ships~” The brunette left blinking a bit though when the blanched belle seemed to lean in and offer a kiss not only to her wife but her as well, even one so bold and full of impishness as Miss Serena was momentarily overwhelmed by the image of her mate’s mistress as she leaned into her and laid something soft upon her, though recovered quickly from that spine tingling fluster to return the compliment as she quickly found herself thinking of a legend from her mother’s homeland given the name the woman bore.
“Our Alisa really does have the best taste, doesn’t she~?” All the while seeming to admire the eye of their eminent empress and not just for the marvellous magenta colour it carried, while this was hardly the first time that she had been properly introduced to one with whom she shared her wonder of a wife the emerald eyed enchantress had to think that she had rather outdone herself with this example, and might just have felt a note of envy toward not one but both for that…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 9:00 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Sofia @Helena | CASUAL

"Fufu~... Likewise... Though if you told me we'd be playing in snow right at the peak of summer, I might have said we should go easy on the drinking?", Alisa snickered, thinking back to their night together in the hot springs as she rose a hand over her mouth and chuckled.

Alas, they were supposed to be making snow angels... But Helena had only barely gotten started when Sofia's devilish deed tempted her to get back up once more, as the sculptress merely narrowed her eyes at her:

"Oh, Sofia, Sofia~...", Alisa growled, looking over her shoulder with a smoulder in her eyes contrasting with the redness on her cheeks, a clear reminder that she'd give back everything she got, with interest, "When I get my hands on you, my love~... Somebody's going to get eaten up tonight alright~..."

But then again, that would really do nothing more than add fuel to the fire, would it not? Alisa knew her beloved too well, after all. Something made all the more evident by the fact that the sculptress happily played along, giving Helena ample opportunity to join in on the mischief... So when the healer walked up them, Alisa simply smiled at that tender little smooch, returning it in kind as she finally slipped one arm free from Sofia's grasp to drape it around Helena's waist, while the other took hold of her wife's hand with a gentle smooch... It made her heart flutter to see how well she and Helena clicked, not that she had any doubts in the contrary, but it was always reassuring to see it with her own eyes:

"Heavens, what a smooth talker you turned out to be, Helena~... You're defenitely... Just as charming~?", Alisa simply purred as she leaned in, her chest squishing softly against the Icebergian beauty's side as she'd find herself sandwiched between the married couple, "I guess it goes both ways, don't you think...?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 11:10 am

This was a nice and interesting situation to be in Helena seemed to actually not be scared or nervous about it at all."I mean here I was, expecting summer fun in the warm hot weather, not the snow mixed in."Helena laughed about bringing up and even mentioning."If it had been no snow, Less public, it might have turned out how my first meeting with Alisa went."Helena was slightly teasing Alisa with things Sofia had not witnessed.

But Helena would wait to see if Alisa was going to mention or even talk about what her first meeting with Helena was like. She laughs about it even now."Eat her up, Leave her blushing...All so fun."Helena then laughed almost like it was entirely a villainous scheme in some sorts, When in reality she was not entirely that evil.

As for who had the best taste in women."Suppose the real winner is Sofia in the selection of lovers, She is the one with the ring after all correct?"she would continue her attempts a flattery."Both of you are the wonderful winners for one another."Helena merely just here and always said she was just here. She yet again just still viewed her self just there.


Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 4:44 pm


WORDS: 500 | Easy Breezy

“Whoa, she says that but, I bet she didn’t have much intention of things going differently even before my crafty scheme~?” The pulse of the princess of the Pegasi seeming to quicken a little when her beloved bride swore a rather specific sense of retribution upon her, Miss Serena contemplated the idea of informing her wife of the peril involved in threatening her with a good time but when Helena seized upon the sentiment swiftly, the girl with the green gaze tipped her head and affirmed the idea that things would be headed in that direction regardless.
“Haha, I know I sure do~!” Amusement seeming to abound for her next when once more did Alisa seem to say something which the slender siren was only too happy to jump upon, the valerican vixen cackled and pumped her arms aloft when the conversation turned to ‘going both ways’, and proudly crowed of her adaptability when it came to certain more risqué applications of such a term.

“Ahahaha, actually, I was just the one lucky enough for her to wear mine~? Remember babe? That ball, on new years~?” The bragging of the brunette only continuing when the blanched belle commented upon the ring which she had upon her finger, though Sofia lifted the item in question and toyed with it gently she was quick to point out that it was in fact their eminent empress who had been gifted the ring initially, and our leggy lead couldn’t help but poke at the memory of a balcony and a question asked because of the invitation.
“You know, I’ve always wondered if I was your first, to propose, of course? I might have gotten that all elusive yes, but I’d be surprised if I was the first soul to offer you a happily ever after~?” That not all however and now that they had some time and children past the day in question the emerald eyed enchantress seeking to settle an issue which had tickled her imagination a few times, with the esteem and image which her lover possessed the mischievous mermaid had often found herself wondering if she had found herself party to other proposals, and scoffed at the idea that she had been the first even if she had seemed the most inviting one she got.

“Though, with that charm and chest, I could see us sharing a ring with you too Helena, right babe~?” All the same not wanting to make too much of a “three’s a crowd” kind of feeling betwixt their triad with such reminiscence and hinting that she just might be happy to share the role of bride to her black beauty for a truly worthy candidate, in truth it was nice for the fair fox to see her wonder of a woman getting along so well with one who seemed easily up to her measure both figuratively and otherwise, and so she teased the idea of expanding their union in due course. Once they got to know one another a little more intimately perhaps~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:47 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Sofia @Helena | CASUAL

"We have Lumikki to thank for that~... Granted, I helped her make snow that doesn't melt in the Summer heat. But you have to admit, this is a nice change of pace, is it not?", Alisa's hand fell on her hip as she tilted her head, feeling a smidge of pride for her share of the preparations, though she and Lumi had this idea while drunk out of their minds in Hosenka, the seed of the idea took root, and now here they were... But Helena brought up a first meeting that still had Alisa nibbling her bottom lip, "Ohhh, remember when I told you we went skinny dipping in the swimming pool? That was our first meeting, shame you weren't here for that babe... Though... Nothing stops us from doing that again~?"

Funny how Alisa's first meeting with Helena and Sofia both involved swimming pools. That was perhaps a bit of a trend with her now that she thought about it, but she did love to go for a swim... No wonger she married a Demigoddess of the Sea~?

"Mmmm, I do~... All the Guild leaders obsessed with meeting the King and other Nobles, and we...", that shameful moment of realization hit her as she brought her hand up to her cheek, and yet she couldn't help but blush and smile, "Just looked for an excuse to slip away? Heavens, I'd make a terrible politician..."

There might have been others... But Alisa never spared much thought to proposals from admirers who didn't actually know her, and any relationships between were few and far between:

"Welll... You're the first one I actually remember?", she replied, tilting her head, a puzzled look in her eyes as she scratched her temple

And yet Alisa couldn't help but snicker at Sofia's choice of words... Charm and chest huh~? The sculptress all but looked down at herself as a clear reminder that her wife had a type, and nodded in agreement at the openness Sofia showed her. Having a relationship with a couple wasn't easy, but so far Helena had yet to be intimidated by it, and Alisa would never left her feel left out:

"Fufu~... Very much so, Helena, but~... So you better not talk about us like you're not a part of this~?", she replied, reaching out and holding her tall, white haired lover's hand, pulling her there... Clearly not pleased with the Icebergian beauty leaving herself out, pulling her close until she could play a slow, loving little smooch on her lips, then peeling away to let her luscious lover have her turn, her hand falling on Helena's hip while the other lingered on Sofia, "Mmmmm~... Although... I'm under the vague impression we're supposed to be making snow angels here~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 3:50 am

Helena almost seemed just over all listening casually. For Fiorian matters were not important to her at this time, Since over all she was not full into the sphere of Fiorian kingdom and its many things that went on with it. "I mean...I really should have waited until my sister was not around, but i really did need to cool at that time."Helena at least was not trying seem like an insensitive woman with reality of her sister witnessing her antics.

As for her not being a part of it Helena still seemed to mention it in her normal way."Oh? I am a part of this? While just merely being adding myself into a marriage out of my own need for some kind of personal affection after many adventures and inn stays alone."Helena laughed about her situation as for it was just how her life was, She was up until what happen with the being known as Ubel, On the road travelling often and for many months at a time she really just did not stay in area.

But Helena merely just used the change to continue being as she was."We are suppose to be making snow angels, Yet here we are talking about how pretty i am and other slightly interesting things while standing here."Helena said that walking back to the snow, figuring she would continue being a bit of a fun, But she did not throw herself into the snow quiet yet. But took some of the snow and playfully just splash it like some would do with water and swimming."Come on now, don't leave me being the only one doing this."Helena figure out she would spark some kind of fun.

But also she would lead into asking a question."But since you are both understand the guild more, I have to ask you both a question. How do I get a chance to talk to Mimi? Every time I see to try to greet her...she almost looks like I am trying to scare her."Helena was seemingly asking if she almost thinking she was doing something wrong.


Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 11:19 am


WORDS: 600 | TOTAL: 2220 | Easy Breezy

“Wait… You had a woman this hot naked in a pool and you didn’t invite me?! You’re SO MEEEAAAN!!!! You know skinny dipping is my favourite~!” The princess of the pegasi pouting and puffing her cheeks when the apparent method through which these two had wooed one another was revealed to her, Sofia couldn’t help but protest when not only did she learn that this gorgeously endowed Greek goddess looking pair had been totally exposed but also in the medium to which she had been so associated, and so with the playful petulance of a child did the leggy lass seem to sulk over her loss. Though largely more for irony than anything else.

“Thank goodness, I’d never have married someone with a mind for politics~” The girl with the green gaze grinning next when her lady lover further expanded upon the memories of their engagement and then breathing a sigh of relief at the remark which her raven made regarding her absence of skill in matters of diplomacy, Miss Serena had come to this land and the arms of her amazon to avoid matters of state, and so relished the fact that Alisa prioritised personal relationships over ambassadorial appearances.
“That’s up to you, darling~? Impress on the exam portion, and we might find an opening or two worth filling, right babe~?” Only warming to their new addition all the more and certainly not hating the idea of making room for one with the looks and apparently amusing attitude which Helena possessed as well, the bubbly brunette was well aware that some might not be able to handle the method of the infamous ménage but ultimately decided that if this buxom belle was game then she would give her a chance, and frankly was excited to now that she had gotten to meet her. In fact, she almost felt envious of her wife for getting there first, in fact.

“Snow Angels? Isn’t that just…?” All the same found frowning when said beautiful bride suggested that they get back on task and feeling a little bit confused by the statement really, given what she knew of the term Sofia demonstrated keenly and quickly by flopping onto her back in a patch of the frosty stuff and spread her arms and legs a few times to leave an impression, though given what she was wearing regretted that fact a tad. Summer dressed and snow were not a great combo, were they~?

“Ahahahaa! Great idea! That’s a MUCH better use of the resource!” As such the aquatic angel only feeling a greater sense of amusement when it seemed that the heavenly Helana proved as entertaining herself as she was enchanting, the flick that the fair femme did with those powdery particulates only seemed to push the Pegasi toward an ever more playful spirit, and in a moment she had seemed to wheel about from being flat upon her back and then into more of a crouching position with a broad grin upon her face.
“Let’s see if the white empress lives up to her name~!” Meanwhile the mischievous minx using the chance to gather up a clump of chilliness and shape it into a ball with her hands, after a beat she pitched the blizzardy ball through the air with her aim targeted upon the side of Alisa’s head, not hard enough to hurt her but rather make her shriek of course, and then was left to bob her brows as she bade their trio to join in something that seemed far more fun to her than shaping ice. The art of the old fashioned snowball fight…!

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 4:16 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Sofia @Helena | CASUAL

"In that case... Once we get out of here.", it had been very much a spur of the moment thing, with little opportunity to call on her lover to join them. By the time she'd come back, Helena had already left. Still, Alisa couldn't help but giggle, enthralled by her lover's adorable pout, even with the guilty lopsided smile on her face, before smooching that pouty cheek, "How about we go skinny dipping again~? Let you make up for lost time~"

Alisa nodded at her lover's words, adding her own two cents as she turned her attention to white haired beauty, who dismissed her ulterior motives in seeking their companionship. Alisa brought her finger to her lips, quizzical as her motives sounded less ulterior and rather the very reason why one might seek intimacy with another:

"Fufu~... Why you make it almost sound like its a bad thing, Helena? Need for affection, intimacy, companionship... Is that not why so many people seek a little romance in their lives~?", the sculptress couldn't help but chuckle, hand sliding down to the flare of her hip as she arched her brow at her...

For a woman as confident as Helena, sometimes she just needed a little reassurance herself? Though she could understand if her confidence had seen better days, after having lost a significant portion of her power thanks to that mysterious assailant. Her mention of Mimi, however, got Alisa's attention... Far from the first time they talked about her, but if Helena was asking this... It meant she'd already tried and failed. Alisa rose a hand over her mouth with a chuckle:

"Oh, I recommend you approach her while she's painting? She gets really immersed in her work, and won't be as easily intimidated."

Thinking it might be high time to join the proper contest they'd come here to do, Alisa turned around and let herself fall on her back into the softness of the cushy snow underneath them, kicking up faint white puffs all around her as the cool snow welcomed her descent... She'd expected it to be colder... But the strange mixture of summer and winter kept the snow just cold enough to make you melt into the freshness and the relief it brought from the sun's rays shining overhead:

"Yes, that's about all it is really... Why I almost think we might need some other way to entertain ourselves?", she was about to comment on Helena's wonderful idea, turning around on her front... With this much snow, they could almost swim in it... But instead, she was greeted by another sudden, unexpected collision that caught her completely off guard as a snowball whapped against the side of her head until she yelped, "Wha...! Oh, now you've done it babe~...!!"

Her face full of snow, Alisa's astonished look was soon replaced by a competitive growl as she soon rolled back onto her feet, scooping up a handful of snow, deftly rolling it into a ball and lobbing it at her wife just hard enough to make her reel and whimper from the impact... And yet Alisa's aim seemed to be off... Just as Sofia might start wondering whether the White Empress might have missed, she'd be surprised by a sudden turn as the curveball lobbed right against the side of her head


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 4:06 pm

It seemed some one was ready to see more and Helena did not need to try to do too much. It was not that she was trying hard to sell anyone on it. "Oh? at least she reacted better then my sister, Far different then the embarrassment."Helena laughed about it, only because she felt unfair to her sister about doing that."But it was much better because of how hot Fiorian summers are compared to life in iceberg."Helena mentioned while they were talking about it. But suppose Helena just had a habit of being comfortable with herself enough that she might just strip down because it was just how she was.

But she would simply say."Well...Sofia, I suppose this isn't a bad time to mention, I do sleep naked most of the time. I suppose if you really like what your see right now, When I am around for such event times if fitting you can what you might want too."Helena teased Sofia slightly.

But there was always other things."What is this? this is snow, your we're suppose to be having fun in the snow. Side from introductions to your beautiful wife and how to talk to a scared painter."Helena laughed about it. But no one was safe as Helena casually walk back and gathered snow."See. Snow balls. not as cold as icebergian snow times."She laugh about it more.



Long overdue [PDCS - Snow Angels/Helena/Sofia] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 5:40 pm


WORDS: 390 | WORDS: 2610 | Easy Breezy

“Whoa, good idea babe! You know just the sort of things to say to see me smile, hm~?” The mention of skinny dipping something which made her slender sultriness smirk to no small degree, the brunette wasted little time before she was found biting into her bottom lip at the suggestion and looking between these two gorgeous goddesses as she pictures where that might take them, knowing all the while that it was going to be a good one.
“See why I married her~? The wicked brain of our operation, this one~” Flashing the fairest femme in their trio of temptations a wink as she did so, the girl with the green gaze giggled and flicks her hair as she boasted of the brilliance which her bride was capable of, and all the while felt her excitement growing at the very prospect of such a decadent event to come.

“Y-You…? M-Man, might have to have a sleepover tonight, huh babe~?” No such innuendo or promise seeming to quite compare with how forward their potential third seemed but a moment later however, though Sofia was typically bold even she found herself stunned by the admission of how the white haired wonder would sleep, and as such she found her emerald eyes drifting downward to imagine just what promise the suggestion might hold. Though ultimate she knew it was something she would prefer to see sooner rather than later, that was for sure.

“Guh!” For the moment however seeming to have the heat of her interest suddenly cooled as the ravishing raven launched a snowball with just enough force to make her wobble just that little bit, Miss Serena shivered as she felt the frosty particles fall over her and into her dress in a fashion not lacking for discomfort and perhaps a note of tenting, and after shaking some off seemed to dash toward their newest recruit with all the speed that would carry her.
“We’ve awoken the beast, Helena! Quick, protect meeee!” Scampering the distance that separated them and giggling all the way, the princess of the pegasi ducked behind Helena and shrieked with joy at their turn toward mischief, spelling out the danger she faced from the dark delight and her only too good aim, and all the while hoping that the buxom belle was enjoying things as much as she was…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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