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A Drink to Forget, A Drink to Remember

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#1Brone Heavyaxe 

A Drink to Forget, A Drink to Remember Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 10:04 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone Heavyaxe felt lighter, though he didn't favor the feeling. He had left his armor and weapons at the hotel he and his niece were staying at. The feeling of having weight on him was natural and provided him, not just a sense of protection, but a sense of strength. But he knew he needed to focus on relaxing; separating work from relaxation.

"Be less of a rock, and be more of sand" Benimaru floated down from above the dwarf, nearly startling him.

"Ye jumping at people for no reason?" Brone sighed so intensely, a bit of steam blew from his nostrils.

"If you weren't so tense, you wouldn't be so jumpy" the oni chuckled as he levitated just out of the dwarf's reach. The two of them were standing about by the footbridge that extended over the canal that ran through the city. Nearby is a Joyan style bar, but Lumikki hasn't arrived yet, so Brone has yet entered or had his first drink, "I like the outfit" Beni pestered the dwarf, who was trying to ignore him as he stared pass the bridge, looking for his niece. Brone wore a yellow kimono with designs of mountains all about, as for Benimaru, his kimono was black with red clouds, "Lumi is running late?"

"Don't know what she's up to" Brone tapped his feet impatiently, his sandals slapping against the ground as he waited for his niece who did not tell him what she was going to do.


A Drink to Forget, A Drink to Remember Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 4:49 pm


Lumikki through the aid of her servant Erica, had spent the evening getting ready for her outing with her Uncle. It was a shared plan made between the two. Something that was brewing for sometime now, but hopefully not as long as the drink they planned to indulge in that night. And if by some chance Benimaru decided to join them, the more the merrier as they enjoyed and celebrated life.

”Fufu, I know you’re excited my Lady, but you should of given your hair more time to dry. If not for your tolerance of cold, I can’t say I’d condone it. But tell me, what has you in such hurry? You spell time with your Uncle all the time.” Erica, a tall woman with long black hair tied back in a braid and ponytail, was now braiding dampened locks of Lumikki’s pale white hair. Trying to fix the bulk of her hair into somewhat of a loose bun so that it could air out through the night and dry. The Demoness already had her makeup tended to, her lips now a shade of dark blue and her eyes were masterfully lined by a steady hand with the finesse for sharp detail. Erica was good at her work, and what more, skilled at putting a kimono. Just prior to all of this, she had helped Lumikki put her favorite one on.

”Aye, we do but not quite like this. Not anymore. The two of us grown busy with work and responsibilities to the Dawn, what more I don’t very well think me Uncle knows how to relax at-tall. It’s vexing to see the man keep going as if he really made of metal and steam—but least we can enjoy a heavy drink tonight.” Lumikki was admiring herself in the mirror, pleased with Erica’s work like she always was. The woman just had a knack for caring about the little details in a way Lumi herself couldn’t muster.


When all was said and done, Lumikki got up and readied herself to leave. Sure that her wings would take her swiftly to the place they had agreed even if she was running a tad bit late. But her assumption proved right when it took only ten minutes to make it over, six of which were the only amount Brone had to wait past the time they agreed.

”Well arriving of course…” With silent wings the Demoness landed just behind the pair. Her voice was just above a whisper, enough for them to hear but not overly announce her arrival. Her face was oblivious at first but quickly turned into a smirk upon their reaction. One she thorough enjoyed before moving on. ”Time for the drink, aye? And nice to finally see some semblance of ye Beni, I was beginning to think ye didn’t ya didn’t love me anymore.” Like a child Lumi pouted her frustrations, hoping that the Oni would feel a little guilt for his conduct; but the Demoness could not press on the punishment any longer, there were plans to make good on.

Lumikki showed up in a deep blue and black kimono that flourished in feathers at many places. Intricate details were done in white thread that accentuated the bird like theme and white fur was wrapped just around the collar. It was truly a suiting dress if one could guess for the raven Demon to adorn that night and it would be one of her most favored pieces to wear.

”Aye, lets get ta going. They’re holding a table for us just in the back garden of the place and I think it’ll prove to be rather lovely.” Lumikki lead the way, the place being hardly a three minute walk away. The hostos greeted them as one would assume and the raven would give her all the details of their reservation so that they may be escorted to their seats. To which the trio got a lovely spot just by the koi pound and between two beds of colorful flowers. All of which one would normally find in Joya flourishing at this time. The moon shone above them fairly brightly, her pale light washing over them and merging with the candle light of their table. She was nearly full but not quite, but it never made her less lovely; and the clouds would see to it that they didn’t disturb her elegances either. The sky now was rather clear.

Lumikki ordered herself bottles of their sweetest sake, one meant to be cold, the other hot. She wanted to try the experience but she held none of the patience to wait and do so. Still, she was content all the same.

A Drink to Forget, A Drink to Remember Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#3Brone Heavyaxe 

A Drink to Forget, A Drink to Remember Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 8:45 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
They looked off towards the bridge, but it didn't dawn on them to look to the sky until they heard her voice right behind her. They spun around to see the demoness touching ground. "Gotta have that fancy entrance huh?" Brone said as he walked up to her with his arms crossed. He had saw her wings for but a moment before they seem to furl to become the kimono, or he might have been imagining it.

"You know I do love you, Lumi-chan, I've just been busy with certain things is all" Beni said as he finally floated down to have his own feet touch the floor as he looked down at the small doll-like demoness, the oni smiled at her, admiring how adorable and beautiful she looked, "My, you always have a way with appearances" he said as he gestured to her outfit.

As Lumikki led them towards their destination, Brone shot a look to Benimaru, wondering why was the oni countering his dialogue with his own niece, Beni simply shrugged and gave a small smile. The three of them would find themselves at a table, possibly the best spot with how close they were to the koi fish and the beds of water.

"Fancy indeed" the oni said, without Brone noticing, he had changed to his human form but kept the black and red kimono that matched his true skin complexion.

"Do we get to eat the fish?" the dwarf asked. Beni gave him look which answered his question for him.

Beni would raise his hand, waving down one of the waitress, to which he gave her a smile before he asked, "Sake for me, an ale for the dwarf, and whatever the young madam would like" he would flash a warm smile to Lumikki as he leaned comfortably onto his hand as he propped his elbow onto the table.

"Why ye ordering for me?" Brone grunted. Beni gestured an apology and allowed Brone to order for himself, "I would like an ale".


A Drink to Forget, A Drink to Remember Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 7:07 am



Lumikki of Iceberg


"Embrace the Abyss, and let the shadows carry you."


Lumikki chuckled at their display, their chemistry was unknown to her since Benimaru took back his primary form. They always had a tendency to bicker, but it would erupt so playfully and entertaining now, their liveliness only building up more and more with every exchange.

Lumikki was sure to twirl for Beni, who was gracious enough to not only notice her appearance but comment on it so keenly. And it would be with a cheeky smile that she’d face him again, the starry night alive in her eyes as much as the skies above. Her features were human from the start, but the pale while of her hair almost seemed aglow as is she was an ethereal beauty to stumble the stone paths with them. Her feathers and wings affixed to her outfit in ways most who don’t shape shift could never understand.

Amid the Joyan backdrop, the Demoness was picturesque. The sentiment wouldn’t change after she took her seat at the table. The glow of the candle fought with the bathing white light of the moon to make her shine even more within the night. And as the trio bickered their orders, Lumikki’s gaze was upon the koi swimming lazily in the pond. Their long languid pauses contrasting their bursts of sharp movement and playful dances. Her cat eyes finding them amusing.

”Feels like ages since I’ve passed time with ye both, aye. Just ‘cause we live as long as we do, don’t mean we shouldn’t make find company…..But…I’m really happy….I was looking forward to this for some time yea.” Finally her gaze snapped back to them in one jarring and hyper gesture. Her eyes settling on Benimaru among the two. ”Tell me of yer adventure and exploits. Ye’ve been walking around for sometime now. How’s freedom treatin’ ya?” The waitress was walking back to the table as Lumikki was beginning her inquire. Her graceful movements kept the tray of drinks balanced on her shoulder until she was just beside the party. With one fluid motion, she then shifted the tray, slightly rotating it as she brought to down to the table, and she placed each cup of drink before their intended costumer. With a curt bow and another fluid gesture, she was off to handle the next table to arrive. Leaving the three to take a sip from their glasses and savor the poisons of another culture.



"In darkness, I find my true strength."

A Drink to Forget, A Drink to Remember Nerili11

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#5Brone Heavyaxe 

A Drink to Forget, A Drink to Remember Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 8:02 pm

Brone Heavyaxe

Brone Heavyaxe

The lighting in the area was beautiful, people were sitting by candle light, mostly silhouettes where their faces or just hands were barely visible from the lighting, but those who were sitting away from the awning were more clearer to see due to the moonlight. Benimaru leaned back in his chair, balancing it on the back two legs, teetering it so slightly, playing with the thrill that if he went too far back, he would fall into the pond with the koi fish.

"I suppose it's been some time since we spent time together, other than training" Brone crossed his arms as he thought about how often all three of them were together at the same time. From what Gnicholas had informed him, Lumikki's lifespan should be other worldly, far greater than Benimaru and Brone, though the dwarf's own lifespan had increased now that he ascended to become a dhain dwarf. Even though his niece will live for millennia upon millennia, her concept of time still seem to be that of a human, but the dwarf had to remember that Lumikki has not been a demon more than a decade as of yet, this is still the start of her journey.

Benimaru looked over to Lumikki, his smile nearly faded as he thought about the answer to her question, he indeed had been able to walk again, free from his restraints, and he had been taking advantage of that, "The freedom has been enjoyable, though I will admit I have been losing track of time because of that, I feel as if I've missed out on a lot of things".

"Ye have, ye been in that shield and sword for like centuries, lad" Brone abruptly said as the waitress brought their drinks. The dwarf thanked her before taking his first swig.

Benimaru just glared at the dwarf, but focused on continuing to answer Lumikki's question, "I visited the house of a family where I was treated fairly, where I spent most of my time hanging on the wall of the living room... though it's changed, now it's a casino, I suppose it might have been longer than I thought" Beni forced a laugh as he thought back to when the family's daughter had said hello to him as her morning ritual whenever she would arrive in the living room. The oni then picked up his drink and sipped from it.


A Drink to Forget, A Drink to Remember Empty Fri Oct 04, 2024 8:15 am


Lumikki of Iceberg

"In a calm and chilly breeze the petals dance."


”Ye’ve been there long enough,” Lumi mused, her glass was pressed just at her lips in eager anticipation. ”Give me the names and I could scout their whereabouts or their descendants within a month or so. I’m being serious by the way…I could see this is important to ye.” With a sly grin and a cheeky wink, Lumikki threw back the sake. Letting the sweetness of the drink coat her tongue for a small moment before devouring it eagerly. With a sigh and a lick of her lips, she slump back onto the table. Loftily pouring herself another cup.

”Oy, speaking of Brone. We’ve got family to be looking into as well. I know we’ve been busy, but we’ve put off the task long enough. Course I could hunt ‘em down meself, I don’t need ye there to do it with me. But here’s the thing mate, I want ye there. Something so impactful, and well, I want me Uncle around. So none of yer blasted protect the North nonsense. I think it’s time for me right hand man to find himself a right hand man to hold forte whenever we’re gone. Ye’ve trained them aye, so who would ye venture are worth that title.” Her eyes kept low as she went on, carefully paying attention to her pour. It wasn’t until her mention of finding another he could trust to help him with the work that her gaze panned back to him.

”Ya know…for a time I figured I’d garner that spot at yer side to hold the weight and responsibilities. Ya know, in a way only us Dwarves know best. And though I’ve kinda fulfilled that desire of mine, it ain’t as I ‘ken it’d be. But really, I refuse to have it any other way. If I could prove meself here, I could prove meself for the Hrútr, and if I’m making me mistakes, sorry to say, it’ll be with the Dawn.” With a short chuckle, Lumikki leaned back. Her head veering up to the open sky. ”Oy, but I don’t wanna waste this lovely time on sad talk or the utterance of duty. Glad we got this over with early. Now let us talk fights, blunders, and chaotic desires.”

It was then that Lumikki snapped forward, her excitement apparent. ”Speaking of Beni, yer deathly lacking in telling me things of note. Look lad, I could trade ye me life story if that’s what it’ll take, but let yer sis in on the chaos of yers.”

"A garden of frostflowers."

A Drink to Forget, A Drink to Remember Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#7Brone Heavyaxe 

A Drink to Forget, A Drink to Remember Empty Thu Oct 17, 2024 9:00 pm

Brone Heavyaxe

Brone Heavyaxe

Benimaru was about to take another sip of his drink but stopped upon Lumikki's request. At first he had assumed she was joking, but taking the moment to remember who the Ice Demoness is, he understood she was serious and would intend on following through with her promise. He would smile and was about to raise his hand to gesture and gently decline her offer, but he knew her too well already; she would probably press him, and with a sudden mood shift, probably freeze over the table and probably the pond behind them, "The Takahashi family, they were bridge builders west of Joya" he said to throw out the name, hoping Lumikki wouldn't be serious enough to actually go through with her plan. He hadn't said the name in a while, so hearing it come from his own mouth seemed weird.

Brone rubbed the back his head, slightly embarrassed, then tried to fake a chuckle, but when he realized it wasn't good enough, he brought the mug up to his lips to take a swig, "Ah, yer right, yer right, we do need te find our kin" he sighed as he brought the mug down upon the table again, "But a right hand? I don't know anyone who would be fit fer that, unless ye got one in mind" he asked Lumikki. At one point, when his niece was still new to the guild, he had thought about having her as his righthand, but she ended blooming to become something more grand, far exceeding his expectations and causing his pride to swell, "Aye, we don't need te talk about business or work" he said taking in another swig.

As for Beni, when Lumikki prompted him to talk about his own story, the oni brought a black hand to his face before blurting out a chuckle. He was taken by surprise; he was expected to be the first to provide story of his own life, though he was expecting the demoness to become curious at some point, he didn't expect it to be so sudden, "Well then..." he leaned back in his chair again and looked up to the starry night, the sound of a koto being played had filled the air for the customers, adding to the relaxing atmosphere, "Before I was enlisted in the oni army, before the war on Joya, I tormenting mortal humans, mainly those who no one missed like the criminals, so I was never able to draw attention to myself" Benimaru smiled as he thought back to his simplier days, when his only worry was criminals trying to fight back at him.

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