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Steal the Artifact (Carmina)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Steal the Artifact (Carmina) Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 8:19 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had taken another quest for him and Carmina. This quest wasn’t hard for them to take on as it was Mr. Herman’s request again. He figured this man wanted more jewels, but he remembered this was one of the last types of jobs he had done for this man last time.

He figured he would take care of it again and hopefully be given a better job to take care of later down the line. He left Hai with Herman as this job was enough for just him and Carmina to take care of. They were Halawai Town and their client had told them what kind of artifact they were supposed to be looking for and even the house they were supposed to go to. He was well informed with everything and he looked at Carmina.

“Do you want to be a lookout and distraction or do you want to go into the house and steal the artifact he wants us to look for?” He asked Carmina wondering what she would say.



Steal the Artifact (Carmina) Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 10:57 am

Carmina looked at the man as he asked her that question and then she looked at herself and she figured that she would probably make a better look out and a distraction if anything. "I think I am more built to be the look out and the one that distracts people, with my looks and powers I think I can keep them busy for a bit to buy you time." She was sur that he magic to mimic and change her magic and the spells would make it worth more to her as a distraction that might get her to keep their focus or maybe say that an island spirit had spoken to her and told her that now she can wield all the elements and make this a think that can't be denied as she can show it off as she had in fact seen all the elements of magic but using them was the harder part of the task but she was sure that she can do it if she wanted to do it as she was a bright woman and that means that she will need to just wing it.

#3Go D. Drakkon 

Steal the Artifact (Carmina) Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:56 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was waiting for an answer from her, and he would get one. It seemed like she wanted to be the one to do the distraction while he would steal what needed to be taken. He heard her reasoning behind it, and he was fine with it. She had explained why she would be the lookout and that was more than enough for him to agree.

“Alright, then I will be the one to steal the artifact. I guess the code word could be ‘copy me.’ That will let me know that someone is heading to or into the house.” He said to her as that was something they had in common so it made sense.

Drakkon kept moving through the streets of the town and soon enough they would make their way to their destination. When they got there, Drakkon had moved away from Carmina as he looked around the place. He was making sure that he found a way in without being noticed.



Steal the Artifact (Carmina) Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 4:37 am

Carmina heard what the other man said and she spoke. "Got it, though I am not sure when that would be something to easily drop into a sentence but I will do my best." She took her place and she stood at a place that she could see but not just picked up for what she was doing as being out of place. She knows well that she is a very beautiful woman to some people and a ex-nun also enforced that idea into her that she needed to understand she is not just her magic as well as not just pretty. Carmina wasn't seeing anyone that seemed to even be interested in coming this way or being of any trouble to her so she was just keeping her eyes peeled and looking for if any issues would pop up but she had seen none so far and that was how she liked it, smooth and little excitement so this can get done and they can get paid.
(170) (365)

#5Go D. Drakkon 

Steal the Artifact (Carmina) Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 7:07 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon figured that she would figure something out. He kept moving through the area and he soon found an entrance. This place was well away from the public eye, and he entered. Still, he wasn’t sure that he could get out of there again. He was looking around the place, and there were a lot of things there. Still, it didn’t stop him from handling the job. He knew what he was looking for. He had also known how it looked. He moved around the house looking for this golden flute.

“Where would he put such a thing?” He asked himself.

It was something he wanted people to see, but he wanted to make sure that it was secure. He figured it would be in the living room. When he got there, he saw that there was a case where the flute would be in, but it wasn’t in there. He looked around as if the guy must hide it when he stepped out just in case a break-in happened while he was gone.



Steal the Artifact (Carmina) Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 9:55 am

Carmina watched as things here seeming to just be normal and nothing was happening and not even sounds as she watched over the place, she kind of wished she had Rey here to watch from above but she knows that would have probably drawn attention to them instead of sending it away from them and she would need to figure that out later and how she could get these things done. She looked around the area and wondered where they were going to go after they got out of this place. She could see a few people that were in the distance still but they weren't coming this way so she was not worrying about them. She kept her eyes open though cause she didn't think it would be this easy and the fact that it was made her a bit un easy.

She wondered if this might not be a trap for people trying to steal from them but there was no way to know if someone would steal right? Or were they ratted out and this was a set up as the saying goes never trust a thief as a thief will leave you holding the bag and never come back for you.
(205) (570)

#7Go D. Drakkon 

Steal the Artifact (Carmina) Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 10:34 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked around the wall area as he was trying to find something that he could be like a hidden wall or something. It had to be close, and he was sure that whoever owned this wasn’t taking it with them. It was then he had found what he was looking for. It was on the wall but on his foot. He felt the creak on it and knew that it was weaker than the rest of the house. He would take a knife and he stabbed it into the crack. It was then he had gotten it open and noticed the artifact was there. He would grab it and make sure there wasn’t any tracking device on it.

He was about to leave, but he heard someone approaching the house. He looked around as he knew this would happen. Still, he had an ace up his sleeve. He took his Yamato out, and he cut a rift in the air, and walked through it. He then would appear across the street from Carmina. He looked at her with a smirk on his face as he nudged her to follow him, so they could go back and get paid for this simple task.

203|715 50% WCR



Steal the Artifact (Carmina) Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 11:56 am

Carmina had kept her eyes open but nothing was happening and she wondered if there was a reason that nothing was happening and then she hear something and she saw that there was a man coming from a way that wasn't a path and he was way to close to the place and she wondered how she can alert him before the man got there and she started to talk to the man and ask him if there was something that way that he came from and the man seemed to just look at her and smirk as if he knew he had caught her up to something and he went to ignore her and head for the home to see if there was someone inside and he wasn't going to stop just because of a beautiful woman had crossed his path he had to get in and catch the one in there doing it then confront her.

He entered the home and nothing seemed a miss with the place as he looked around guessing maybe that he was just being paranoid about there being a woman that wasn't of the island that was near his home and he was not going to go back out and face her as he had just acted rather rude to her when she was clearly just a woman that was enjoying the island and asked him a touristy question to which he ended up snubbing her like she was some kind of trouble maker.

Carmina was a bit panicked till Drakkon seemed to just appear near her and she went with him as she was not going to stick around and end up getting caught by the man that had just been rude to her as she knows that if she was caught with Drakkon she was probably going to end up in trouble so it was just easier to leave now and just go get paid than to keep playing the dumb card as she knows that staying is just her pushing her luck.
(342) (912) (10% word count reduction from being a mentoree)

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