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Steal the Relic (With Drakkon.)

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Steal the Relic (With Drakkon.) Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 12:59 pm

Herman had once again hired her and Drakkon to take on the task of getting their hands on something that doesn't belong to him and Carmina got all the info like where the item was. She figured that it should be as easy as it was before to still this item but she knows that often times those that aren't prepared for trouble are the ones that walk into head long and end up in trouble with no real way out of it. She looked to Drakkon and spoke to him. "Seems we need to do some more robbing this time a relic so it might be worth more to him so lets try not to get into a fight." She gently pulled her hair back as she walked out of the office of the man that hired them and she wondered if she could even blend in to get to the place as she was so pretty that she pulled attention.

She had her mind set on getting to the place and getting the stuff that they were being sent to get as she was flipping through her mind of the spells that she has seen and that she needed to master and she knows that there were a lot of them and she needed to act on them and find the ones that she needed to learn sooner rather than later so that she had them to help in missions like this and she needed to find an invisibility spell so she could blend in but she was not seeing any as her eye flipped through the people she knew spatial memories and she needed to find one and then she saw one by the dragon slayer that Drakkon had fought against and she turned invisible like she had bled in between dimensions and she kept walking so she could get to the hut.

#2Go D. Drakkon 

Steal the Relic (With Drakkon.) Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 10:54 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had heard Herman wanted him to do more jobs. It seemed like this man had something plan and it had to do with messing with the islander’s morale. He was happy with that, and he couldn’t wait to see what would happen next in this place. The Devourer had his sights set on the damn relic they were going to take now.

While they were walking, he looked over at Carmina as she spoke about the relic. That wouldn’t be hard to do. It was like another job they had done earlier in the week. They were going to have to do it again.

“I will try my best. Nothing beats a good beating.” He laughed a bit when he said this as they were heading toward their destination.

“So, are we going to do what we did last time Carmina? You want to be the lookout and I be the one to get it?” He asked curious to hear what she had to say.



Steal the Relic (With Drakkon.) Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 4:53 am

The woman looked to him when he said that about the nothing beats a good beating and she wonders if this man only knows how to fight and that is it as this point. "Fine I guess if it comes to it we fight and see where we get with that I guess." She was not fully happy to hear that he wanted to cause trouble and get into a fight instead of a quick in and out grab of the item but she can't complain as she had gotten herself into this and not she was reaping what she had sown of her actions so she was going to ready herself but she was going to need a weapon soon if this was going to keep going down this road so she could fight and defend herself if there came issues and needed to take on some challenge that came her way.

She heard the man asking her if she was going to be the look out again or if she was going to be going inside and she shrugged. "I am fine doing either, if you rather be the eyes and maybe muscle for this one and watch out fine with me, if you want to be the cunning and sneaky thief that gets in and out with the item that is also fine. You are my guild master so what you say goes." She wondered if there was even a good way to say what she said but she had already said it so she couldn't take it back now and she would just have to live with the choice that the man makes for her rather he sends her in or she stays out and keeps her eyes piled for trouble she was just going to go with the flow.
(308) (626)

#4Go D. Drakkon 

Steal the Relic (With Drakkon.) Empty Yesterday at 6:41 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon laughed hearing that she was fine with that. It was good to hear this coming from her and he couldn’t wait to see what would happen. When he had given her a choice to choose, it seemed like Carmina had told him it was whatever he decided to do. He rubbed the back of his head as he didn’t like that. He didn’t care what was going to happen, but it seemed like it was his choice now.

“If you don’t want to fight, then I should be the one to steal the relic within the shrine. I have been to the shrine before, so I can enter it and leave it without a problem. I don’t even think you need to be on the lookout we can both go in and out.” He said to her wondering what she would say to him.

The path to the shrines was getting close, but their decision wasn’t final just yet.



Steal the Relic (With Drakkon.) Empty Yesterday at 8:51 am

She looked at him as he said they can just go in together and out together. She laughed a bit as it seemed that he was right and she was trying too hard. "Okay then I guess we go together if you want to be seen with me and not some hotter woman." She was teasing him doubting that the man would even breath any kind of actual reply to such a baseless thing and she wondered what all women have even been around Drakkon that she has seen and she guessed she didn't know if this man had a family or someone he cared about as he seemed to live rough and tough and she wondered what was really ticking behind the mans eyes and heart if it was something good with a misguide hint of evil or if he was just plan evil and that was where it was going with this tail.

either way she didn't have time for this as she needed to go with him and get the thing they were here for and she was going to do her best not to bring down the team and that was just her thing as she knows that she is just some kind of dead weight that was not fully doing all that she can do to make it forward but she guessed that she needed to work harder and make the most of it that she can as she was not one to let herself drag like this but she was taking some huge steps here so she was a bit worried about it if she was honest. Carmina walked forward to go with the man not sure how the man wanted to walk with her side by side or him leading or her on his arm.
(304) (930)

#6Go D. Drakkon 

Steal the Relic (With Drakkon.) Empty Yesterday at 10:18 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard her words and he chuckled a bit looking at Carmina. She didn’t know him if she had said that, but that was okay.

“I don’t think there is anybody hotter than you on this island. So, being around you is enough.” He said as he had a smirk on his face.

He looked around where they were and when he felt that they were on the clear, he would proceed with what he would do next. He had taken his Yamato out and he had cut the air, creating a rift for them to go through. When they entered the other spot, they would end up in a dead end within the shrine that not a lot of people would go to. There, he started walking to the only path ahead of them and he would check and nobody was guarding this place. They moved around without knowing as they were looking for the relic Herman wanted them to get.

His eyes scanned through the area as he was looking for the guardian relic right now. Once they found it, they could take it and be on their way out of there.



Steal the Relic (With Drakkon.) Empty Yesterday at 1:18 pm

She blushed a bit at hearing the man say that about her even though she probably knows he doesn't mean what he is saying to her there she was going to do her best and once the way was clear she was staying right behind him as she was doing all that she can to make sure that she wasn't seen or heard using spells to soften their steps and get them moving. She wasn't sure if she was really made for this life of bad guy hood but this was something she needed to do this guy is the only one that put his hand out to her to help her and offered to train her, she had no choice put to do this and get what she could out of it and leave later if that was how she really felt in the end but till think she was going to keep taking his help.

Carmina looked around the shrine areas and she was amazed by the way it looks and feels here and she wondered how cursed they are going to end up from this little job of stealing this thing but she was not going to let it stop her as they got closer and taking it but she heard something some one was coming up on them and from what she could tell they were smaller than a man. "We have company."
(239) (1,169)

#8Go D. Drakkon 

Steal the Relic (With Drakkon.) Empty Yesterday at 1:25 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had gotten the relic and then he heard her words, it seemed like they had been spotted. That was not good, and he laughed a bit as he saw the kid was trying to call for help.

“Alright we can leave now.” He said this to Carmina as he was jogging.

He wasn’t going to leave her behind, but this was going to be interesting. He looked behind him and he could see that they were now being followed by four men and the kid himself. He would shake his head as if this was going to be interesting. He looked at her as he was making sure she wouldn’t get caught but was far enough to instruct her in the direction of where to go.

He made his way into an alleyway and he would see the dead end waiting for him. It was then he had a smile as he was waiting for them to show up, and beat them before heading to Herman.


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