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Nahla Sutekh

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Nahla Sutekh Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 8:15 pm



Name: Nahla Sutekh

Age: 08/22/x778

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Ethnicity, Father: Egyptian God Set,  Desiertian

Ethnicity, Mother: Desiertian

Class: Sorceror

Race: Demi-God

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Fairy Tail

Tattoo: Nape of neck in a violet color

Face: Nitocris from fate series


Height: 5'6

Weight:  112 lbs

Hair: Violet

Eyes: Amethyst

Overall: Nahla is a young and beautiful woman from Desierto with features that clearly show her origins. She has a tall and lean frame, with a slim waist and long limbs. While her body type is slender, Nahla does have feminine curves, especially noticeable around her hips and chest. Her rich brown skin, with its reddish undertones, is smooth and free of blemishes, as her upbringing ensured any issues were taken care of. She has long, violet hair that reaches well past her waist like a cape, causing her to neatly tie it at the ends so she doesn't walk on it, but still allowing its length to show. Her bangs are cut evenly across her forehead, giving her a neat and structured look. Her eyes are a vivid amethyst color, almond-shaped, with thick eyelashes framing them.

On her face, she has two red lines, one on each cheek, birthmarks from her divine father, as well as red coloring along her eyelids, which makes it seem like eye makeup. But no, it's Set, marking her with a unique trait since birth, in his colors. Another thing she seemed to have gotten from her father are long appendages atop her head that look like rabbit ears or something of the sort while the outside of them are purple like her hair, inside which shows is golden.

As far as clothing goes, Nahla has, for most of her life, been dressed in the finest silks and jewelry, wearing very light clothing suitable for the desert. Now that she's traveling outside her country, she has studied what the locals wear and adds her own spin to it. Her wardrobe changes daily, and she's never seen wearing the same thing twice if she can help it, usually donating clothing she refuses to wear a second time.

Extra: N/A


Personality: Nahla is fiercely proud of her country, almost to the point where she comes off as a bit standoffish or "uppity," when she speaks on it, but that's not her intention. She holds herself to a higher standard because of the way she was raised and because she genuinely believes that her devotion to her country and her gods demands that kind of attention. She's very in tune with her religion, her faith is almost everything to her. Nahla doesn’t just respect the gods, she lives for them, and her daily prayers and rituals are non-negotiable.

Now Nahla is not one to let outsiders or people who don’t share her values sway her. She's kind and loving, but you have to earn that side of her, especially if you’re not from her country. She’s not one to give second chances easily, and she doesn’t do bleeding-heart gestures for just anyone. Her love for her home runs deep, and anyone who disrespects her, her beliefs, or her culture will find that she is quick to correct the disrespect first with words as a warning, and then with violence as a reaction if it happens again.

At the same time, once someone has proven themselves, they’ll see her kinder, more giving side. Nahla can be incredibly generous and warm with the right people. But underneath it all, she's always disciplined, everything from her faith to her daily life is organized and strict. Nothing gets in the way of her rituals, and that discipline carries over into everything she does. She’s a person of structure, and it shows in every aspect of her life.

  • Her Father Set
  • The Desiertian Pantheon
  • Spicy and Flavorful Foods
  • Traveling
  • Cats


  • The Cold
  • Disrespect towards her or anything to do with her home
  • Liars who can't lie
  • The Curse on Desierto
  •  The Cult of Apopis

  • Life the Curse on Desierto: Desierto use to be a lush green place until a cruse was put on it turning it into the desert it is today. Nahla seeks to end that curse.

  • Wipe out the Cult of Apopis:A destructive bunch of low lives who don't respect the gods and bring about wanton destruction in the name of something who deserves no praise or recognition.

  • Falling out of favor with her father: Her birth, her life, and all she has ever known and strived for is to gain the approval of her father.

  • Never reaching her goals : Her goals and motivations only help to server her country and people. To fall short of these things will mean she gave nothing to them and will die without having served a purpose.


Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Constitution: 5

Endurance: 5

Intelligence: 10


Magic Name: Bane Magic

Magic Element: Darkness

Magic Enhancement: N/A

Magic Description:  Bane Magic is a magic that focuses on causing misery and despair while inflicting damage at the same time. The magic affects the mind of the target when they are harmed and causes them to lose focus on their ability to cast magic.  


History: Nahla was born under the full moon during a very rare storm. Her mother, a humble priestess of the Desiertian pantheon, was chosen by the god Set to bear his child. Set, known as a powerful and unpredictable deity, took over the body of a man from a much higher caste, though the identity of this man was never revealed to Nahla. The union resulted in a Demi-god, whose divine blood was clear from the moment she was born. Her mother, upon delivering a demi-god, was elevated to the status of a “divine” consort, revered for her connection to Set and the birth of her child.

Nahla's early life was one of privilege. She grew up in the lap of luxury, though not granted royal status she was given privileges that reflected that status, and was given the finest that Desierto had to offer. Her every need was attended to by handmaidens, and she was raised in an environment filled with the finest scholars, religious leaders, and warriors. Though she lived a life of privilege, her upbringing was disciplined, especially when it came to matters of faith. Nahla's mother made sure she understood her divine lineage and constantly reminded her of the importance of honoring the gods. Her days were spent in prayer and religious ritual, but she was also allowed to enjoy the benefits of royalty. She attended important functions, mingling with Desierto’s elite, and received an education that far exceeded that of ordinary citizens.

Despite this life of luxury, Nahla had a burning curiosity about the world beyond her homeland. By the time she turned eighteen, her yearning to explore and understand more of the world became undeniable. She presented a request to her royal caretakers, pleading for permission to travel beyond the borders of Desierto. Her argument was framed in a way that aligned with Desierto’s interests, she claimed she wanted to learn about other countries to assess potential alliances for the kingdom and to find a way to break the curse on the land. Her guardians, after much debate, allowed her to leave on the condition that she return at least twice a month and be accompanied by close aides who also served as her protectors.

Her journey eventually led her to the land of Fiore, where she found herself drawn to the Fairy Tail guild. The guild, with its strong sense of camaraderie and community, fascinated Nahla. The concept of “Nakama,” the close bond between guildmates, was something entirely foreign to her. Coming from a background where alliances were often based on politics, power, and divine influence, the notion of forming such deep personal bonds was a mystery she was determined to unravel. For now, Nahla spends her days in Fiore, interacting with the guild members and learning what it truly means to be part of something as close-knit as Fairy Tail, until the future presents her with another calling.

Discord: Saint Neptune

Reference: N/A

Restart Link: Restart Here Plz. (keeping tarot)


Nahla Sutekh Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 10:28 am

This character is approved for roleplay.

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