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Deinosuchus Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 7:59 pm



Name: Deinosuchus

Age: March 4th, X764

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Ethnicity, Father: Desierto

Ethnicity, Mother: Desierto

Class: Sentinel

Race: Demi-Human

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Dragon Order

Tattoo: Spanning the entirety of his trapezius.

Face: Rak Wraithraiser - Tower of God


Height: 205 cm

Weight: 120 kg

Hair: N/A

Eyes: Red

Overall: Deinosuchus is a very large alligator-like humanoid with brown-grey skin. He has a head similar to that of an alligator, except for the spikes on the back. He is quite muscular and quite tall, taller than any human thanks to his demi-human nature. As a alligator-like humanoid he has sharp teeth and claws on his hands that are good for catching and eating small prey. In effect, he is a bipedal alligator.


Personality: Deinosuchus, known as "Deino the Wild," is a complex individual who navigates the world with a curious, almost detached approach to morality. Good and bad hold little sway over him when he is captivated by something. His sense of ethics is more like a calculated balance—he values life and fairness but can easily dissociate his personal feelings from them. To him, the world is a proving ground where only the strongest have the right to thrive, while the weaker are merely tools to be used.

Though his initial demeanor may be approachable, beneath that lies a cunning predator who takes joy in pushing his limits, particularly when facing someone stronger. He is fascinated by strength and often tests how much he can take in a fight, using these moments as opportunities to challenge those he deems superior.

Deinosuchus forms alliances based on utility, betraying or discarding them without hesitation unless they are personal allies or friends—those he strangely remains loyal to. His warped sense of fairness allows him to respect those who can best him, but his competitive drive ensures that he will one day seek to overcome them.

  • Food: Deino is a big boy, he likes to eat and due to his Demi-Human nature can eat things raw or cooked without issue. He mainly likes to eat insects, fish, amphibians, invertebrates, birds, reptiles and mammals, but his favorite is reptiles; such as turtles and snakes.
  • Chocolate: Deino loves chocolate, boarding on addition and will accept larges amounts of chocolate in exchange for jobs completed over money.

  • Cold: As a reptilian demi-human, he dislikes the cold.
  • Stagnation: He dislikes being stagnate. He needs to be active, working, training or fighting.

  • Mountainous:Deino wishes to become big and powerful. He is the smallest adult of his tribe, but is also the only one capable of magic, with the rest being adventures, if anything. He's motivated to use his magic to become an impenetrable mountain.

  • Failure: He fears never becoming powerful enough to reach his goals and is why he is the way he is.
  • Being stranded: Probably his biggest fear is being trapped and stranded because it could mean no fights or food.


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Constitution: 5

Endurance: 5

Intelligence: 10


Magic Name: First Generation Dragon Slayer Magic: Earth

Magic Element: Earth.

Magic Description: Dragon Slayers are a unique type of people who utilize a form of Lost Magic, Dragon Slayer Magic. Each Dragon Slayer has their own form of Magic, just like each Dragon is a master of their own element. In addition, they also have the ability to consume the element which they utilize, just as long as it is not created from their own Magic. Dragon Slayers are known to possess keener senses than those of normal humans such as smell, as well as distinctive characteristics and features such as slitted pupils and noticeably sharper teeth.


History: Deinosuchus was born in the harsh, arid deserts of Desierto, a region that once housed a thriving empire, now reduced to ruins. He belonged to a tribe of bipedal, alligator-like demi-humans known for their remarkable survival skills, fierce nature, and rapid maturation. By the age of 8, Deinosuchus was considered an adult, though his small stature set him apart from his kin. Remarkably, he possessed the unique ability to wield magic, a gift never before seen in his tribe.

Growing up, Deinosuchus learned the ways of his people: hunting, defending their modest outpost, and searching for resources in a land where survival was a constant struggle. His tribe, like many others in Desierto, constantly moved through the sands in search of sustenance, avoiding the turmoil and politics of the larger cities that still held sway in the region. For the most part, Deinosuchus lived a life of isolation, disconnected from the greater world beyond the desert.

One fateful day, while exploring the ruins of an ancient city buried beneath the sand, Deinosuchus encountered a powerful earth dragon. The dragon, surprised by Deinosuchus' ability to use magic, found him intriguing.

The dragon, intrigued by Deinosuchus, decided to train him. The dragon's teachings, though harsh, shaped Deinosuchus' magic, allowing him to harness the power of the earth and rock around him. Deino's natural determination and boldness impressed the dragon, who saw a kindred spirit in him - a resilient creature, born in the harshest conditions, and destined for greatness, or so that is the hope.

Now, as a newly skilled wizard, Deinosuchus is venturing into a much larger world beyond the Desierto desert, ready to face any challenges that come his way. Despite his small stature compared to his kin, his ambition and thirst for power drive him to explore what lies beyond the sands, while still embodying the lessons and ruthlessness he learned in the desert.

Weirdly enough it was the guild Dragon Order that found and recruited him, though he absolute hates their location.

Discord: ZenithSage

Reference: Yuurei


Deinosuchus Empty Today at 5:51 am

This character is approved for roleplay.

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