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I. Legend of the Blood Chalice [SQ]

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I. Legend of the Blood Chalice [SQ] Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 11:34 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
The wind howled through the snow-covered peaks of the Marchen Mountains, a brutal sign of the unrelenting cold that dominated the alpine landscape. The mountains had a way of making any visitor feel insignificant, their sheer cliffs rising like the jagged teeth of some ancient, frozen beast. Snow cascaded down in blizzards that threatened to bury anything in their path, and only the most stubborn, the most resilient, could survive here.

Zariya was one of those few.

She moved with an unhurried grace, her Black cloak standing out within the pure white of the snow. Her face covering did it's due diligence, stopping the flurries of snow from completely blinding her as she marched. Her footsteps crunched softly beneath her, and if her footsteps could ever make a sound, it would be quickly devoured by the howling wind.

The entrance to Viktor’s fortress was visible now, a stone structure carved directly into the mountainside, almost indistinguishable from the natural rock. The only sign of life was the flickering torches that lined the pathway, creating erratic shadows against the icy walls. As she approached, Zariya’s expression remained neutral, her cold golden eyes scanning the fortress with mild interest. It was not the first time she had made this journey to Viktor’s lair but there was something different about this visit.


That was the thought that swirled through her mind as she ascended the steps leading to Viktor’s stronghold. The Blood Chalice. She had heard of it many times before, but only recently had the whispers among her Akudama grown louder. One of her men who a capable vampire by all accounts, had attempted to retrieve the chalice, only to vanish without a trace. The others assumed he was dead, another victim claimed by the perilous search. Zariya, however was not one to assume. If the chalice existed--if the ancient blood of the Childer, the first vampires, truly resided within--it was worth more than a thousand risks.

I. Legend of the Blood Chalice [SQ] 86545

I. Legend of the Blood Chalice [SQ] Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 11:49 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
The doors to the castle creaked open with a heavy groan, and two of Viktor’s guards appeared, ushering her inside. Zariya barely spared them a glance as she stepped into the warmth of the fortress, the scent of burning wood and old leather lingering. The interior of the castle was a daunting mix of gothic grandeur and intentional efficiency, which was more than fitting of Viktor’s character as one of the oldest Vampires in the region. Despite his preference for formality, Viktor was still a crime lord and his empire was built on hired assassination and black market investments. He had an entire hitman operation. His men and women trained outside, their movements precise and deadly, their commitment unwavering. Zariya could hear the rhythmic clang of blades and the faint murmurs of orders being given, though the sounds were distant, almost dreamlike within the thick stone walls.

“The Queenpin herself.” came a deep, familiar voice. Viktor’s silhouette appeared at the top of a grand staircase, his figure tall and commanding despite the centuries that had etched themselves into his being. He descended slowly, each step deliberate, his gaze fixed on Zariya with a mixture of respect and curiosity.

“Viktor,” she replied blandly, inclining her head ever so slightly. Though they both hailed from the same world, their paths had been remarkably different. Zariya, the youngest of the Onfroy lineage, a family steeped in power and legacy, had carved her way to the top through sheer will. Viktor, on the other hand, had been there long before her, an ancient vampire with humble beginnings who had built his empire from within the shadows for as long as he could remember.

“Always a pleasure to have you here,” Viktor said with a small smile, his eyes betraying a glint of amusement as they trailed over her golden attire. “You bring warmth to these cold halls.” Was he teasing?

“I’m sure the fire does most of that work,” Zariya responded, her tone dry, but there was a flicker of humor in her otherwise impassive face.

I. Legend of the Blood Chalice [SQ] 86545

I. Legend of the Blood Chalice [SQ] Empty Yesterday at 12:02 am

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Viktor chuckled, a low resonant sound. “True. But come, let us talk over something more suitable than the weather.”

The elder gestured for the Queenpin to follow him, and they made their way down a long corridor lined with tapestries depicting scenes of war and conquest. The soft glow of candlelight illuminated the passage, shadows danced in unison across the stone walls. Zariya’s eyes briefly glazed over the artwork, though she found little interest in it. She wasn't exactly the artsy type. Plus, Her thoughts remained on the Blood Chalice and the power it promised.

The dining hall was huge, with a long wooden table stretching across the room. A fire roared in the hearth at the far end, and a row of fine wine and goblets had already been laid out for their conversation. Viktor’s taste in decor was as ancient as he was--heavy, dark wood, high ceilings, and a sense of history in every corner. He gestured for Zariya to take a seat, and she did so, her movements fluid and graceful, like a predator waiting for the right time to strike. She had this way about her, as if she was always prepared for a fight, even when it made no sense for one to happen.

"So. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Viktor poured her a glass of deep red wine before taking his own seat. “I hear the Akudama have been restless as of late,” he remarked, his voice calm but probing. Viktor was never one to miss an opportunity to gauge the state of affairs.

Zariya took a slow sip of the wine, savoring the rich, bitter flavor before responding. “Word spreads fast, huh? They’re restless because they’ve been chasing after fairy tales.”

Viktor raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Well, you are Dahlia's Queenpin, and you are also the only one who's managed to unite the Eastern region's Underground and black market. Everyone's watching you." he reminded her. “And what Fairy tales?”

Zariya’s gaze met his, her eyes sharp. “The Blood Chalice.”

A silence fell over the room, heavy and expectant. Viktor leaned back in his chair, his fingers drumming lightly on the armrest. “Ah, yes. The Chalice of Everlasting Night.”

“You’ve heard of these myths,” Zariya said, though it was more of a statement than a question. Of course, Viktor had heard of it. His connections ran deeper than most, and he had a finger on the pulse of nearly every underworld operation in the region. But more than that, he was an elder. There was likely not a vampire legend he didn't know about.

I. Legend of the Blood Chalice [SQ] 86545

I. Legend of the Blood Chalice [SQ] Empty Yesterday at 12:14 am

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
“I have,” Viktor admitted, his tone thoughtful. “Though I must say, it’s rare to hear someone of your age speak of it with such seriousness.”

Zariya’s expression remained neutral. “One of my men went after it. He didn’t come back.”

“Many don’t,” Viktor said, swirling his wine glass as he spoke. “The chalice has a reputation for swallowing those who seek it. Either they’re killed by the traps guarding it, or they’re intercepted by competitors long before they reach the castle.”

“And yet you believe it’s real,” Zariya remarked, her tone measured. The Desiertan wasn’t surprised by Viktor’s belief; he was, after all, nearly two centuries old. He had seen enough to know that legends often held a grain of truth.

Viktor smiled faintly, setting his glass down. “Of course, I believe it. The blood of the Originals is not just a myth. There are records, whispers, from before the time of even the second childer. Ancient bloodlines, the first vampires… their power is not something to be dismissed so easily.”

Zariya leaned forward slightly, her interest piqued. “Tell me what you know.”

Viktor studied her for a moment, as if weighing whether to divulge what he knew. But Zariya was not just any visitor. "As you wish." She was the Queenpin, and more importantly, she was a valuable ally.

“The Chalice of Everlasting Night--the Blood Chalice,” Viktor began, his voice low, “Is said to be an artifact from the time of the second Childer, the first vampires born of the the nine childer from which the fifteen Vampire clans, or houses, hail. It holds the blood of one of the childer, but which one is long forgotten. Those who drink from it, if they survive, are said to gain power equal to the Childer themselves--strength, speed, abilities far beyond what any vampire can imagine.”

Zariya’s gaze darkened, her mind racing. If this was true, if the chalice existed and she could find it, the power it would grant her would be unmatched.

“Where is it?” she asked, her voice steady but laced with determination.

Viktor chuckled softly. “You ask as if I have it tucked away in one of my vaults.”

“I wouldn’t put it past you,” the Vampiress replied, though there was a flicker of amusement in her eyes.

I. Legend of the Blood Chalice [SQ] 86545

I. Legend of the Blood Chalice [SQ] Empty Yesterday at 12:21 am

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Viktor leaned forward, his expression growing more serious. “It is said to be hidden in an abandoned castle deep in the land of Desierto. A fortress that has been lost in the tomes of time, protected by ancient magic and traps. Many have gone in search of it, and none have returned.”

Zariya sat back in her chair, her fingers tapping lightly against the goblet. Desierto. A place the queenpin knew well. She had gone there every summer since she was a child, and was well accustomed to its scorching heat, though its vast deserts and treacherous terrain made it difficult to navigate. But, if the chalice really was there, if the blood of the Originals truly resided within, she would have to find it before any other.

“So what's stopping you from going after it yourself?” she asked, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Viktor smiled, but it was a smile laced with weariness. “I have no need for more power. I am content with what I have built. I am rich, fairly strong, unbothered. But you…” His gaze sharpened, locking onto hers. “You are still hungry. I see it in your eyes.”

Zariya said nothing, but Viktor was right. The hunger for power, for legacy, had always burned within her. It was what drove her, what separated her from the rest. She was not content to rule from the shadows, nor to be a mere queenpin of an underground empire. She wanted more. By the time the night had stretched into the early hours of the morning, Zariya’s mind was set. Viktor had shared all he knew about the chalice, its location, its dangers, and its allure. And though the journey would be perilous, Zariya had already made up her mind.

She would claim the Blood Chalice of Everlasting Night, no matter the cost. And when she did, the power of the Originals would be hers.

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I. Legend of the Blood Chalice [SQ] 86545

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